Chapter 305 Defeated?

Oops! Too late to save!

Hai Laozang's pupils contracted slightly, and in his pupils, the scene of Qianye jumping up to avoid Huangtu's cracking earth and turning his palms, and Huangtu jumping up above Qianye in an instant, and punching him on the head was reflected. And Huangtu's big rock fist had already been smashed down, and in the next second, he would definitely hit it!

Loess has noticed it!

He punched this punch with the will to kill! No matter how powerful that Konoha ninja is, if this punch is real, it will definitely not please him, and even if this punch continues, I am afraid that this kid will have to explain here.

The most important thing is that this kid can't dodge this punch! Being in mid-air, with nowhere to borrow strength, he is sure to hit!

Huang Tu's timing is very good, not to mention whether this kid can dodge, the reaction is probably not enough!

At this moment, countless thoughts flashed through Hai Laozang's mind, and finally turned into despair.

There is absolutely no way for this Konoha ninja to escape, and once this Konoha ninja dies, our alliance with Konoha will probably come to naught.

Even, it is impossible for us to leave this place.

slow! I noticed it was too late! The loess took the lead!

The alliance between Konoha and us is the only thing we can rely on now. Compared with other countries, the best alliance partner is the country of fire surrounded by powerful enemies, which is Konoha Hidden Village!

Only Konoha Hidden Village needs us as an ally, and we need us to contain the Land of Earth, lest it fall into a situation where the Land of Earth and the Land of Thunder are under attack from both sides!

And for us, we can also use Konoha to contain the Kingdom of Earth. Our Kingdom of Wind is located in the west. If the Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Water want to attack us, we have to cross the Kingdom of Fire or the Kingdom of Earth. It is completely impossible. to attack.

Only Konoha, with Konoha's restraint, and our restraint of the Land of Earth, can we sit back and relax!

Hai Laozang gritted his teeth tightly, with resentment on his face, now Konoha is sending charcoal in the snow, but he is about to lose this opportunity!

At this moment, he could already imagine the scene where Chiba's brains were cracked by this punch, the rock hermits attacked aggressively, they died in battle, and even Shayin Village was attacked, killed and looted.

hateful! hateful! Damn it!

However, in the next second, his pupils widened suddenly, and the resentment on his face instantly turned into horror.


At this moment, there was a dull sound of rock hitting the flesh.

This is impossible!

Huangtu's eyes widened slightly. In his eyes, Chiba's teeth were clenched tightly, and his hands were crossed, firmly blocking Huangtu's blow.

Good weight!

Qianye felt the strong force coming from his hands, and only felt a pain in his hands. It felt as if the bones in his arms were about to split. At the same time, his body felt light, and he was about to be blown away by this huge force.


Just when he was about to be sent flying, Qianye suddenly grabbed Huangtu's rock fist.


Huang Tu's eyes widened even wider, his hands were heavy, and his figure seemed to be pulled a little bit.

However, a smile crossed the corner of Qianye's mouth, taking advantage of the momentum of being knocked into the air, he twisted his body to borrow strength, made a half-circle in the air, made a half-circle of the loess wheel, and pierced down fiercely!


This brat!

Huang Tu only felt the world spinning for a moment, and he let go of his hand, and then there was a sharp pain in his back, and his whole body had been pierced to the ground.

But at this moment, the corner of his eye flashed, but his face changed drastically.

I saw Qianye's sideways silhouette, after this stance, his body followed this half-twirl, and his whole body spun half a circle, and then, taking advantage of this turn, he slashed with his kick!


With the power of this circle of rotation, Qianye's right heel slashed fiercely on Huangtu's chest and abdomen!


A mouthful of blood coughed out from Huang Tu's mouth, and splashed in mid-air.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

Cracks and cracks crawled out from under Huang Tu's body, covering the ground below him. The next instant, these cracks burst open, and tiny pieces of soil sprayed out from the cracks.


There was a muffled sound, and in the gushing of fine broken soil, the cracks under Huang Tu's body suddenly sank and cracked, his whole body sank, blood spurted out from his mouth, and sprinkled little by little on the deep pit with him as the center. middle!

Strange power, rock collapse strike!

Immediately, the audience was silent, and the fine dust rustled down, which could be clearly heard.

Ebizo, the Iwagakure ninjas, and the Sandgakure ninjas all stared wide-eyed at the solemn young man who turned around and slashed his feet.

what just happened...

The ninjas of Yan Yin and Sand Yin, coincidentally passed such an idea, but unconsciously, they took another step back.

Ebizo, on the other hand, was tongue-tied.

At that moment, he was able to make a parrying reaction, even parrying Huang Tu's timing was absolutely perfect, and the inevitable blow was inevitable! Even, he made a winning blow against the loess!

Not only did he use the strength of the loess to adjust his body shape, but he also completed a two-stage attack...

This kid's gymnastics...

It's not inferior to my sister!

Still, it's the first time I've seen such a gymnastics comparable to my sister's! This child's combat power is terrifyingly strong!

And it belongs to the type that can arouse stronger power in a crisis!

The most difficult type to deal with is also the kind of existence that has the potential to reverse the situation on its own!

This kid's traits, potential... are immeasurable!

Hai Laozang has also experienced wars, even the pillar supporting Shayin Village. Needless to say, he has seen many amazing little ghosts. During World War II, seven or eight-year-olds like Chiba went to the battlefield It's nothing unusual.

Among them, there are also many powerful little ghosts, and there are many outstanding existences even among genius little ghosts.

And the traits that Qianye showed were exactly the same as those existences that were more outstanding than genius kid.

The broken soil hit Chiba's body, which was bouncing on his back, making a "slap" sound.

But Qianye, who stood up, didn't care about these, his eyes fell on Huang Tu who was lying on the ground.

At this time, Huang Tu, with his eyes turned white and blood bleeding from the corner of his mouth, seemed to have no fighting power anymore.

A trace of doubt floated on Chiba's face.

Don't be careless, Huangtu is also a great ninja in the original work, so easily let me succeed, I'm afraid... it's a kind of soil double!

If you can't let your guard down, where will he attack from?

Thinking about it, Chiba's body sank slightly, and subconsciously reached into the ninja tool bag behind her, grabbed a handful of kunai, turned her eyes, and was on guard.

But in Hai Laozang's eyes, Huangtu has already been defeated.

As for substitutes and the like, it is simply impossible.

The two attacks just now were too fast, unless you prepare a substitute and a substitute technique in advance, you will definitely not be able to dodge it.

And Huang Tu's attack was inevitable, no matter how he expected it to be blocked, it was impossible to prepare in advance.

Huangtu is really defeated!

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