299 Loess' Plan (2/5)

Chapter 299 Loess' Plan (25)

The next morning, outside the dense forest.

Looking at the lush and lush forest, Huang Tu narrowed his eyes slightly, and behind him stood about a hundred ninjas, all of whom were masters of earth dungeon. And behind these hundreds of people, there are neat rows of ninjas. This is all the troops brought by Huangtu this time.

At a rough glance, there are two to three hundred people.

In front of him, in this vast dense forest, is the only remaining force of Hidden Sand Village. Except for the necessary and most basic defense of the village, all the available combat power of Hidden Sand Village is here.

Find out where they are, and in this terrain, it's over, all this!

Huangtu said in his heart.

"Don't hold back, as long as we wipe out all these troops in Shayin Village, we can focus on facing the enemy ahead, Konoha!" Huangtu said loudly.


The neat response echoed in the wilderness in front of the dense forest.

"Then... let's begin!"

Huangtu almost roared, and then his hands began to form seals, and at the same time, hundreds of earth escape masters behind him also began to form seals.

The same seal, the same technique, released at the same time!


Almost in a uniform movement, hundreds of people completed the seal at the same time, and pressed them on the ground in unison. Even the slight sound of pressing the ground, when hundreds of people acted at the same time, turned into a loud sound.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

Almost when everyone pressed their hands on the ground, there was a creepy and huge cracking sound in the dense forest.

Then... the ground began to tremble!


Suddenly, the giant tree on the edge of the dense forest began to fall, and dust and smoke rose all over the place. With the sound of plant roots cracking and breaking, the giant tree slowly fell in a circle, forming a huge circular lodging zone.

And as the trees fell, 90% of the land in this dense forest began to rise slowly inside the circular lodging zone, like a circular dense forest continent slowly rising from the soil generally.

Pieces of dust, like clouds and fog, almost covering the sky and the sun, evaporated from the gap between the raised circular dense forest continent and the ground.

Large and small pieces of gravel fell from the edge of the rising circular continent, like a heavy rain of earth and stone, slapping on the fallen giant trees on the ground, crackling.

A drop of sweat slipped from Huang Tu's face.


He frowned, such a large-scale earth escape technique, even if hundreds of people used it at the same time, the chakra would be a bit choking.

However, now that the arrow is on the string, it has to be launched. The rising continent is definitely the last strength of Hidden Sand Village. As long as this technique is successful, Hidden Sand Village will have no power to fight again, and they will have no worries.

Can deal with that Konoha Village that has never been defeated before! There is also the fertile land of the Land of Fire, and the location that occupies the main traffic route!

"Everyone, together!" Huangtu almost yelled.

And when this loud roar fell, behind the hundreds of Earth Dungeon masters, those Yanyin ninjas formed seals almost at the same time, except for about a dozen Yanyin ninjas who could not do Earth Dungeon.


With uniform movements, everyone pressed their hands on the trembling ground after forming seals.

And in the next second, the ground trembled more violently, and the rising continent stopped abruptly.


A terrifying cracking sound came from the mainland during this pause.

This circular continent, amidst the steaming dust and smoke, suddenly split from it, broke into two halves, and slanted inward.

The sound of rumbling earth tilting rippled outward.

Everyone in Yanyin, including Huangtu, all looked solemn and focused at this moment, and pressed down with force almost subconsciously.

Earth escape, the art of mountains and soils!


At this moment, the ground trembled more violently, the stones almost jumped off the ground, and the split continent suddenly accelerated and tilted inward, and in just a few seconds, it closed with a bang and merged in one place.

Dust mixed with sawdust exploded up, like an explosion, and sprayed out from the ground and the closed continent, forming a huge dust column, rushing straight to the sky!

Immediately, the sound of trees breaking and crushing, the huge and terrifying sound of continents closing, the sound of earth and rocks breaking and flying, and the sound of tree roots breaking all came one after another in an instant, turning into a huge and shocking cry!

After the dust and smoke cleared, the sound stopped, and the ground was quiet, a small stone rolled out from the scattered dust, and hit Huangtu's hand drippingly.


There was a sound of stones hitting flesh.

The hundreds of people in Yanyin only felt a darkness in front of them, and looked up.

A huge goose-egg-shaped mountain covered the sun in front of them and stood in front of them. Dust and smoke surrounded the upper part of the mountain and was slowly dissipating.

In the mountain wall, there seemed to be entangled plant roots exposed, and the earth and rocks on it shook off, crackling and rolling down, and fell into the seemingly bottomless gully under the cliff. .


He breathed out slowly from Huangtu's mouth, at this moment he was already profusely sweating.

It worked!

The entire dense forest was lifted up and closed, even if Hai Laozang had grown wings, he couldn't escape!


At the same time, he shouted.

Almost instantly, all Iwagakure ninjas, including himself, left their hands off the ground.

And when it left the ground, there was a "click" on the mountain body of the Edan Mountain in front of it, and a crack opened, and then two, three, four... countless cracks covered the mountain.


There was a loud rumbling sound, and in just a few seconds, the mountain that blocked the sun collapsed, and the earth and rocks rolled down and shattered, completely filling the gully around the upper body.

"Crack clap clap!"

At this time, the sawdust gushing into the sky fell down and hit the ruins of earth and rocks, crackling like a heavy rain.

Under the skill of hundreds of people, 90% of the circular area of ​​this vast dense forest has been turned into a piece of ruins mixed with broken leaves and sawdust. There is only a circle of fallen trees around, except for a few giant trees that are still intact with a layer of dust.

Absolutely, no one can survive in this area!

Hundreds of people were panting and tired, but on the faces of these Yanyin ninjas, they were all happy.

They won!

All the vital forces in Hidden Sand Village were wiped out!

They won, and only paid the price of thirty people!

Even Huang Tu was panting, with a smile on his face, and in the next second, the smile on his face froze.

The dust and smoke from the earth and rock ruins in front of them completely dissipated, and the scene opposite the earth and rock ruins.

An army of ninjas.

A ninja troop with sand hidden forehead protection on his forehead, and right in front of this troop, stood a rather old ninja, with a smile on his mouth, talking loudly.

Judging from the shape of the mouth, it should be:

"Now that the opponent has just used such a large-scale technique, they are already exhausted. Let's go and win this war!"

Got it! Totally fell for it!

The reason for advancing is to show us! Senior Ebino, does he know my intentions?

Huang Tu's eyes widened slightly, looking at the Sha Yin troops rushing towards them.

At this time, the smiles on the faces of the Yanyin ninjas behind him also slowly solidified, and all of them opened their eyes wide.

Aiming to win a blow, there is no doubt that they have all begun to waver!

"Don't panic! Although the number of opponents is quite large, there are a large number of ordinary Chunin and Genin. Even if you lose some physical strength, there is nothing to be afraid of!"

At this moment, Huang Tu grabbed Kunai and shouted sharply.

"Regardless of numbers or strength, we are stronger than them. Since plan A has failed, then plan B will be implemented, and we will fight to the death in this flat place without traps!"

And this stern shout made all the ninjas in Yanyin firm up.

Yes, what follows is a decisive battle without fancy, nothing to be wary of or be afraid of! Defeat them! Defeat that "Sand Sea Laozo"! Just like Konoha does!

Before he knew it, all Yan Yin had already captured the kunnan tools.


With a sound of drinking, the loess rushed out.


The Yanyin ninjas also roared, and followed their leader, rushing to kill them.

"call out!"

"call out!"

The two troops approached rapidly, and in an instant they were within the throwing distance of the kunai shuriken. The two kunai collided almost at the same time, and the pieces of paper at the end burst into flames.


In the center of the battlefield, two balls of fire and smoke exploded.

Afterwards, more Kunai, more Detonating Talismans came like rain.

"Boom boom boom..."

Numerous flames and smoke exploded, accompanied by the shrieks of ninjas.

The decisive battle begins!

And at a river far away in this area, Qianye looked up at the gloomy sky where it was raining, and frowned.

What happened to the shock just now?

Did it come from the battlefield?

Chiba has entered the Land of Rain!

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