Chapter 297 Let's Go!

Ninja problem.

Junliang pills... no problem.

Medicine problem.

At the gate of Konoha, Chiba reconfirmed the supplies and equipment on her body.

Kushina has now been closely protected by the third generation of Hokage. After the poisoning incident, Hirohiko, as a seed, has been performing some wartime tasks that are fully manageable. He may be injured, but his life will not be in danger.

And Xue Nai... was also confined at home, and the guards of the Hyuga Clan were already standard in wartime, and no one could hide it from the white eyes.

Thinking of Xue Nai, Chiba's face darkened a bit, but she quickly adjusted.

Anyway, Kushina, Hirohiko, and Yukina are all in a safe state now, and they have no worries at all.

Don't hesitate, and don't be careless!

Performing missions alone is, after all, the privilege of an S-level ninja. My strength is at best a johnin level. Although there are plans for this support mission,... the ninja troop of the Land of Land, even if it is an elite jounin, If you are alone, you are nothing but cannon fodder!

However, Jonin-level strength and completing things that can only be done by S-level ninjas will be able to get the attention of the third generation of Hokage. At that time, I will be able to join in the crucial battle of Kanna Kunqiao.

This is also the first established fact that must be broken.

The Battle of Kanna Kun Bridge was carried out by Namikaze Minato, Uchiha Obito, Hatake Kakashi, and Nohara Rin, but here, I do not have my name Taki Chiba!

Only by joining in can it be possible to break the fate of Kakashi and Obito. If Obito does not become a masked man, there will be no Kyuubi attack.

Kushina, Namikaze Minato... many people can survive.

This task must not fail, not only must it not fail, but it must be completed beautifully!

Thinking about it, Chiba's eyes narrowed, she took a breath, and then flew out, heading towards the border between the Kingdom of Birds and the Kingdom of Rain.


Naruto Office.

The Third Hokage frowned tightly, and there was no one in the office at this time, only him.

"Cough cough cough!"

Suddenly, he coughed violently.

Are you really old?

After coughing for a while, Sandai Hokage stopped coughing.

Although Chiba defeated Ye Yuebi and Chiyo, she completed several missions brilliantly. However, asking him to carry out the task alone is not a bit too thoughtless.

Thinking about it, Sandai Hokage's mind not only recalled Chiba's gaze at that time, that kind of firmness and determination, as if he had the consciousness to risk his life.

Talent, perseverance, consciousness, this child is perfect and impeccable. Now, it is impossible to connect him with an eight-year-old child.

He is now an excellent ninja!

Sandai Hokage leaned back on the chair, silently picked up the pipe beside him, and took a light puff.

I finally understand what I was feeling when Hashirama-sensei and Togama-sensei said those words to me on the Hokage Rock Statue Cliff.

Sometimes, I really can't help but want to say this to Chiba.


At this time, across countless terrains and distances, there is a temporary ninja base at the border of the country of birds and the country of rain.

The candles in the room were flickering, reflecting his rather bitter face, as well as the unknowingly, a lot of wrinkles on his face.

Old, I really am old!

Hai Laozang looked at the map of the battle situation under the candlelight. A few days ago, under his plan, 70% of the elites of Shayin Village raided Muyeyin Village with the poison newly developed by his sister. Being killed by the opponent by surprise, all the elites were lost.

It's so irrational! Too careless!

Hai Laozang frowned, but he looked a little older.

Konoha saw through the Kikyo Mountain fighter's countermeasures, and I didn't think about it beforehand, which led to the last frontier troops rushing in, and finally fell into Konoha's trap.

Muye Village has a terrifying and unprecedented staff officer!

The opportunity to attack Mount Kikyo for the second time was undoubtedly the news that "the elite troops of Sand Hidden counterattacked and paralyzed Konoha's troops" in Kikyo Castle.

At that time, when the intention was seen through and led to failure, with shock and eagerness, coupled with the intelligence of Kikyo Castle that he investigated, he made a mistake.

Blinded by this news, Sha Yin Village was finally dragged into the abyss of eternal doom.

However, apart from remorse, he also had to admire Konoha's adviser. The layout of the Kikyo city is so ingenious that it completely fooled him.

At that time, when he heard the news, he was also puzzled. But after investigating, it was found that Kikyo City looked nothing unusual on the surface, as if the news was false.

But it was just like this that made him suspect that the news seemed to be true.

After all, the opponent has a staff officer who can see through his intentions. The city of Kikyo is in a mess, and the defense is full of loopholes, which makes him feel that there is a fraud in it. On the contrary, it was this normal arrangement that seemed to have no loopholes that made him suspect that there might really be a problem in Kikyo City.

At this time, the more normal it is, the more abnormal it will be.

After all, if something happens in Kikyo City, he will arrange it as if everything is normal and there are no loopholes.

And the normal layout of Kikyo City should make him feel that the news is fake and give up the idea of ​​attacking. After all, although the elite troops are all wiped out, their sand-hidden border troops are also elite and still have the power to fight against Konoha. To put it bluntly, Kikyo City is not safe yet, and if the army is really paralyzed, they have to act as if they are not paralyzed. Otherwise, wouldn’t they be telling the other party, "I can't do it"?

After thinking about it for a while, he continued to let people investigate, but found that there were many inconspicuous loopholes in some places in the city of Kikyo. Some of these loopholes are defensive, and some are anti-penetration. They are not critical, but they are relatively important.

It was precisely these not-so-critical places, but rather important ones, that made him feel that there was a real problem with Kikyo City.

If it is a loophole in a key place, he will probably feel that the other party lured him to attack. Regardless of whether there is anything wrong with Jigeng City, these key places will be strictly guarded anyway, otherwise the defense of Jigeng City will be useless. It's like telling the other party "Come and hit me". And a staff officer who can see his intentions, how could he do such a stupid thing, the only possibility is that this staff officer used the Kikyo City as a bait, there must be an ambush.

If it is an unimportant place, then he will not attack. There are defenses in key places and non-critical but important places. The defense of Kikyo City is quite perfect, and his side is facing a new defeat, so it is indeed not suitable for a strong attack.

Only when there are loopholes in these non-critical but important places, will he think that the key places in Kikyo City have been guarded, but there are inevitably loopholes in some non-critical places. What is the reason?

Obviously, something really happened in Kikyo City, which made it difficult for the staff officer to make a living without rice, and had to sacrifice these relatively unimportant places!

In the end, based on these circumstances, he gave the order to attack and fell into the trap completely.

It was completely led by the nose!

Then, Kikyo City was defeated, almost all the elite troops were lost, and some promising seedlings were all captured by Konoha.

At this moment, Yan Yin suddenly launched another attack, and the situation was extremely bad.


A heavy smashing sound resounded in the tactical room.

hateful! hateful! hateful!

Why did this kind of thing happen to us Sand Yin, Kazekage disappeared, and the powerful enemy Konoha on the border has such a terrible staff member!

Now it's the Land of Earth Rock Hidden again!

"Lord Ebizo, Iwagakure has launched an attack!"

At this time, a sand hermit ninja hurried in, opening his mouth in a panic.

"Follow the plan!"

Hai Laozang's eyes flashed sharply.

Regardless of the disparity between the enemy and us, for the sake of the village, we must fight until the last moment!

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