Closing remarks and preview

It's over.

When I finished writing the last word, I felt a little lost, so that I didn't finish my testimonial until now.

First of all, I would like to thank the editors who took over Chiba's Xiuxiu, Xingye and now Juzi. And you, in front of the screen, whether it’s a computer screen or a mobile phone screen, or even those readers who have given up on books, thanks to you, Qianye will come to the present, reaching more than 7 million words.

deeply appreciated.

Without your support, every click, every collection, every recommendation ticket, monthly ticket, and every subscription of yours is the most important driving force for Chiba to go to where it is today.

Without you, there would be no Chiba today.

Secondly, this book, for four years and seven months, I never imagined that I would write it for such a long time. The number of words at the beginning was only about three million. Unexpectedly, I wrote a whole book. double the word count.

And here, Zero Shi still wants to say something to everyone, thank you.

Thank you for always accommodating my willfulness.

Compared with popular plots, Zero-Shi prefers to bring surprises and spiritual enjoyment to readers, and Zero-Shi will continue to polish his skills, keep his original intention, and bring you better works.

And for more than four years, I have been a little bit overdrawn at the beginning, and I need to take a good rest to get back to zero. For the new book, I should meet you in late July or early August.

Finally, a preview of the new book.

Little sweet text.

It should be impossible to send a knife.


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