Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2758 Unfinished

"it's over?"

"That's it?"

"Already backtracked?"

The white light that filled all senses faded, and after Qianye said "Okay", everyone looked at Qianye with strange expressions, and couldn't help but speak.

Even Hinata Snow Eagle, who has never spoken easily under such circumstances, risked being ridiculed by Chiba in the future, and said with a staring expression of "Are you kidding me?"


For this, Qianye seemed to be a little ashamed and lowered her head, as if she was blaming herself for not giving them the desired light and shadow effect.

However, sometimes, the avenue is as simple as it is, and some things that ordinary people dare not think about, things that will never be possible, are so simple when they are completed.

It's as simple as a flash of white light.

And just as simple as this white light flashed, his remaining nightmare reincarnation cosmic fragments have been exhausted, and at this moment, his right hand is already empty.

"I always feel so disappointed."

And upon hearing this sentence, and also noticing the emptiness on Chiba's right hand, Nao leaned forward and sat down slowly, speaking without any concealment.

Immediately, Chiba was even more embarrassed.

"So, outside now?"

Regarding this, Xue Nai suddenly thought of something and looked out the window.

"Well... the outside has returned to the state it was five days before the Chunin Exam, and because of the higher-dimensional operation of the core fragments of the Nightmare Reincarnation, the people who died because of the Chunin Exam also returned to the time when they were alive because of time travelling, Of course, I also used the core fragments of the nightmare reincarnation universe to erase their memories about you. As for those who did not die in battle, I used their state after the war in the ninja test, that is, the state in which I erased their memories, to let them come back. At this point in time, that is to say, everyone still doesn’t know your existence, or rather, they don’t know the existence of your ninjas.”

Hearing this, Chiba said so.

Regarding this point, it is still a bit complicated to explain. First of all, time retrogression is prone to paradoxes, especially Chiba first used Infinite Moon Reading to erase all the memories of everyone who survived the Chunin Exam, including himself. . Those who died in battle did not have their memories erased.

This also leads to two groups of people appearing in the time retrospective, one group is the survivors, who were brought back to the five days before the Zhongnin exam by Chiba directly with time retrospect, and these surviving people will automatically replace them. The self five days before the Chunin Exam, that is to say, the time goes back five days before the Chunin Exam. Those who were still alive after the previous Chunin Exam battle will lose their Chiba and their memories.

And this replacement also consumes the power of the core fragments of the nightmare reincarnation universe. Strictly speaking, it is Chiba who uses the power of the core fragments of the nightmare reincarnation universe to eliminate the time paradox.

Make a hypothesis, assuming that A was revived after the Chunin Exam and his memory was erased, then, if we go back to five days before the Chunin Exam, then there will be two A, one is the A five days before the Chunin Exam, and one It was the A who survived the Chunin Exam and was erased and brought back to the A five days before the Chunin Exam, and what Chiba did with the core fragments of the Nightmare Reincarnation Universe was to eliminate the two A's and bring back A directly replaced the A five days ago, turning the two A into the A whose memory had been erased. Of course, this memory-erased A is no different from the A five days before the Chunin Exam, except for the absence of Chiba's and the others' memories.

As for this replacement, Qianye actually doesn't know much about it. It's just the fusion of the nightmare reincarnation cosmic fragments and his soul. Although he doesn't know how it happened, he can do it.

This is also because the dimension of the core fragment of the nightmare reincarnation universe is too high for him. Although he can use its power, he cannot understand its principle of doing these things.

It can be said that merging the core fragments of the nightmare reincarnation universe is really a miracle.

In addition to these survivors, there is another group of people, that is, the people who died in battle without amnesiacs.

Because they have already died in battle, so the memory has not been deleted. Therefore, at the time point five days before the Chunin exam, these people still remember them. Therefore, Qianye also used the last bit of power of the core fragment of the universe in the nightmare reincarnation , Erase the memories of these people.

Fortunately, these people are a minority after all, and they are concentrated within the range of Muye Village. This last trace of strength did not cause any fish to slip through the net.

Otherwise, Qianye would have no choice but to let him disappear into this world.

And the reason for doing this is to modify the memories of most people during the infinite moon reading, and then trace them back to this world, and then use the core fragments of the universe to eliminate the time paradox, and then, The reason for erasing the memories of those who died after the war and saved their memories is also very simple. If you directly go back in time, although it will not cause a time paradox, it seems simple and uncomplicated, and it is impossible to make mistakes.

However, the power of the core fragments of Nightmare Reincarnation is no longer enough.

Yes, it is because the core fragments of the reincarnation of the nightmare are not powerful enough to delete the memory of people all over the world after going back in time. Compared with erasing the memory of people all over the world, it has to be more difficult to eliminate a time paradox. Save power.

Of course, he can choose not to use the power of the infinite monthly reading to perform amnestics, but to use the infinite monthly reading again after time goes back, but, to be honest, two consecutive infinite monthly readings will consume quite a lot of chakra, In other words, the power of the world in him, and this will make it impossible for him to return to the universe where he gave birth.

Now, he is connected to the world, and even all his own chakras have been replaced by the power of the world. His breathing, his body, and his soul are all based on the power of the world. The dimension of the whole person is on the same level as this world, but the consumption of the power of the world is not unlimited. For a period of time, he can only use a certain amount of power of the world.

The construction of the space transmission between the universe and the universe consumes a considerable amount of world power. I am afraid that one percent of his world power will be exhausted, and these powers are exhausted. If you need to recover , it will take at least several months.

At this point in time, the Chunin Exam will start five days ago, and if they are still in this world, Chiba is not sure whether it will have any impact on the key node of the Chunin Exam, and if there is What irreversible effects, he doesn't have the core fragments of the universe to go back in time.

Therefore, what he can do is to use Infinite Monthly Reading to perform worldwide amnestics first, then go back in time to eliminate the time paradox, and then perform small-scale amnestics.

And the final result was naturally very successful without any surprises.

"So, that is to say, no one remembers us now?"

In this regard, Hirohiko couldn't help asking.

"Except for Teacher Jiushina, basically no one knows us anymore."

Hearing this, Chiba said so.


And hearing this sentence, except for Jiu Xinnai, everyone looked at me and I looked at you for a while, then looked at Qianye, and almost blurted out.

"Okay, let's go out and have a look!"

However, before they could say anything, Qianye immediately agreed, and said what they wanted to say by the way.

Just right, I want to see if it works.

But at this time, such a thought flashed through his mind.

In fact, when going back in time just now, he also made a small move, and he also wanted to know whether this small move was successful or not.


"Okay... so lively!"

"It's much bigger than before."

"The village is the best..."

About thirty minutes later, Chiba, Yukina, and Hyuga Yutaka appeared on the commercial street that became more prosperous because of the Zhongnin exam. Merchants roam the commercial street.

As for Hirohiko and Nao, they went to the Uchiha clan. After knowing that the Uchiha clan had been exterminated, the two planned to go back and have a look. Although the Uchiha clan did not treat them very well, but Among them, there are also people they can't let go of, such as Uchiha Mikoto, the patriarch's wife who secretly helped them, and behind this, according to Hirohiko and Nao's guess, behind the patriarch's wife's help, there should be a secret instruction from the patriarch Yes, that is to say, by the way, they should also visit Uchiha Fugaku.

After all, the Uchiha clan did not betray on the surface, and they were victims, victims of being exterminated by traitors in their families. Therefore, the village specially built their cemetery to commemorate the founding of Konoha and in the history of Konoha A family that left a page full of ink and color.

As for Jiu Xinnai, because the memory about her has not been deleted, it is not convenient to go out now.

Of course, Chiba didn't think that Kushina would be able to stay at home, so he also kept a set of disguised things. At this moment, she probably couldn't help but ran out.

"After the Nine-Tails Rebellion, the village underwent a new round of expansion and renovation. At that time, there was a wave of baby boom, and a lot of houses popped up, and it became what it is now."

As for Hirohiko and Xue Nai's emotions, Chiba explained in this way.

Then, the three of them stopped in their tracks.

"Just come here, don't worry, we will hide our identity."

And at this time, after nodding, Xue Nai turned around, looked at Chiba quietly with her disguised pitch-black eyes, and said so.

"Are you really going to Hyuga Mansion to see? They don't remember you anymore, and under heavy defenses, you may not be able to see Hyuga Hidetsu."

To this, Chiba sighed and said so.

"Well, Brother Rizu is the only family member left. Brother Xueying and I both want to take one last look."

Regarding this, Xue Nai smiled and said so.

"Okay, pay attention to your identities, and always remember that you are just traveling merchants and not Konoha."

Hearing this, Qianye took a slight breath and said so.


Regarding this, Xue Nai nodded heavily, and then, together with Hyuga Snow Eagle, went towards Hyuga Mansion.

"Oh... Forget it, I'll go and have a look too."

After watching the two leave, Qianye sighed slightly, and then walked towards a certain place.


About ten minutes later, Konoha Maruko shop.

"Guan Ye Wu! You brat! What kind of meatball is this! You are told to inherit the family business. You insist on becoming a ninja. Now that you are not a ninja, and you don't want to learn the craft well, how can you tell me to hand over the shop to you with confidence? you!"

Just as Qianye stopped in her tracks, she heard a loud roar from inside the meatball shop, and then, with a "wow", the door was slammed open, and a boy with a full head rushed out, with a panicked expression on his face. In a panic, he bumped into Qianye's arms.

"Yes! Sorry!"

However, before Qianye could say anything, the young man suddenly took half a step back, and only had time to take a look at Qianye, before he dodged and ran behind Qianye.

"Brat! Where are you going!"

At this time, the owner of the Konoha Maruko shop also rushed out of the door, looked around, did not find his own son who had already mixed into the crowd, stomped his feet angrily, and pinched the shuriken-shaped flour ball in his hand After several paragraphs, he entered the house angrily.

it seems...


But looking at this situation, Qianye's mouth showed a gratified smile.

"Hmph! I'm the best!"

"Didn't you say that you shouldn't be a ninja? If you want to inherit the family business, I thought you would settle down and learn the craft."

"Smelly old man, he is too rigid, now who will buy the simple meatballs, we will make Konoha's characteristic meatballs, and then make a brand, the third generation of Hokage is so great, peace will continue forever, when the time comes, the rich will be the uncle , whoever wants to be a ninja, I want to be a rich man!"

"All right……"

"At that time, Aso and Nanmu, you all have to help me. Let's travel together, find good materials, and make delicious food. We have the foundation to be ninjas, and we have a guarantee when we go out."


But at this time, behind Qianye, there were three furtive voices.

After waiting for Chiba to look around, he saw three teenagers squatting furtively in the corner in the shadow of a certain corner, the one in the middle was talking high-spiritedly, while the two around him looked helplessly, but, In the end they all nodded.

Exactly, Kanno Satoru, Aso Sasuke, and Kusunoki Katsura.

The three idiots who have been pressing on Qianye's heart that he has not saved.

It was also the little trick he did just now, using a little power of the world and a little bit of the power of the nightmare reincarnation and the core of the nightmare universe to resurrect them, and modified the memories of all of them before they were alive, making them become ninjas who retired from their jobs and made a living elsewhere. Three idiots of the road.


It should not be said that the three idiots are now.

Judging from the conversation just now, apart from being ninjas, the three of them are not really stupid.

"Huh? That person is looking at you!"


"The person you hit seems to be a businessman."

"What does the person I hit see me doing?"

"Uh...yes, why are you looking at us?"

"Wait, you said you are a businessman? I'll go and have a look!"

Then, after a series of conversations, the boy in the middle stood up, sneaked forward, and stood in front of Qianye.

"What's wrong?"

However, after standing still in front of Qianye, the young man in the middle, that is, Guan Yewu, suddenly tilted his head, and a kind of idiot expression familiar to Qianye, "I can't handle it", quietly emerged. Almost subconsciously, Chiba asked.

There was already some trembling in the words.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered the fear of being dominated by three idiots.

"We... haven't we met somewhere? I always feel that you are so familiar?"

However, what came this time was not an idiot's remarks, but a sincere question.

"I don't think so."

To this, Qianye smiled, and said, "I'm just waiting for your apology."

"Oh... I'm sorry then."

Hearing this, Guan Yewu blinked his eyes, nodded slightly in bewilderment, and then apologized politely, thinking about what this person was waiting for their apology, turned around and walked back slowly The original hiding corner.


However, the next second, he stood still suddenly, as if he had realized something, looked in Qianye's direction, and opened his mouth to ask something.

However, before opening his mouth, he became hoarse.

Because, over there, there is no longer that strange and familiar traveling merchant.

"What's wrong?"

At this time, Sasuke Aso and Masaru Kusunoki saw Guan Yewu's strange reaction, came forward and asked.

"Do you feel that the person I bumped into is a little familiar? It always feels very kind."

Regarding this, Guan Yewu didn't move his eyes, but asked rhetorically.

"Are you familiar?"

"It seems... very kind?"

Afterwards, following Guan Yewu's gaze, the two replied in a daze.

As if, the more I think about it, the more I feel that this is the case.

Ever since, the three of them stood there, watching, and after a long, long time, they felt bored. Finally, under the leadership of Guan Yewu, they went to fiddle with some commercial secrets.

"Ah! I wanted to ask him the tricks of being a businessman, why did I apologize?"

But at this time, Guan Ye Wu finally realized.

He's not here to apologize!

It's because that person is a businessman who is going to spy on business secrets!

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