Chapter 2748 Choose

"This is...two methods?"

Gently dragging the two balls of light that floated into his hands, and carefully reading the various information transmitted into his mind, Qianye slowly raised his head, the words in his mind consisted of The chains that symbolized the rules slowly glowed with various colors in the eyes, and the eyes trembled and moved slightly as if they were reading, and a faintly alienated voice sounded from the mouth.

"Choose one."

And at this time, because of the loss of the brilliance of the light ball, the past Chiba, whose figure faded into a misty figure, said.

There seemed to be an extra distant feeling in the tone, which made people suddenly feel a misty feeling, as if although the figure of mist was in front of his eyes, he was actually already far away.

"What’s wrong with you?"

In response to this, Chiba, whose eyes were filled with various numbers, runes, and characters and formed chain-like patterns, slightly extended his gaze, looked at his past self, and frowned slightly.

Is it an illusion?

How do you feel that the me in the past is getting farther and farther away from me?

He is clearly right in front of his eyes, but his existence is getting farther and farther away... Or, is it getting thinner and thinner?

At this time, with the introduction of a series of information in the light sphere, Chiba's field of vision or perception in this gap is constantly expanding, and even the touch of the skin is also slightly numb. , Gradually be able to feel the vacuum state around. At this time, he looked at his past self. Although there was such an influence as the misty figure in front of him, in his perception, the fog figure in front of him began to look a little illusory.

There is a feeling that people seem to be here, but in fact they have gone away.

"I have already given you what should be given to you. After all, I am something that should not exist, and should also perish."

To this, the mist figure responded.

But this time, the ethereal feeling of response was more obvious, and it seemed that there was a trace of response. Rather than saying that the voice came from the front, it was better to say that it sounded directly from the ear.


And hearing this sentence, Qianye was taken aback, and subconsciously murmured.


Then, at that moment, the moment the words came out of his mouth, his eyes suddenly widened and he opened his mouth.

"Make your choice! Before you go back, make your choice."

And at this time, the ethereal voice seemed to have an echo sounded again, but this sentence was already the last sentence of Qianye who had become the past. When this sentence sounded, the misty figure was in Qianye's sight It slowly dissipated, and the perception that belonged to the past also disappeared in his perception as the mist dissipated.

"I have no regrets."

And just as the misty figure and the perception of the past self disappeared, such a word without any emotional fluctuations sounded in Qianye's ear.

"No I really have to choose?"

Facing the sudden disappearance of her past self, Qianye took a slight breath, but couldn't help but murmured again.

The last sentence of the past self obviously meant to let him make a choice, and his last sentence of no regrets also means that he has nothing else to say.

It means that what Qianye has to do now is actually one thing, which is to make a choice and control the core of the world.

Moreover, it is not a choice to control the world core or not, but which method to use to control the world core, whether to control the world core or not, is already a necessary option.

"Really...he has been using these two core fragments of the nightmare reincarnation universe to maintain the existence of his personality, and after these two fragments are in my hands, his existence will also disappear."

But thinking of this, Qianye felt a little sad in his heart. Although it was said that he had only this one real conversation with his past self, after all, it was him, after all, he had received so many memories from him. At this moment, seeing him suddenly Disappeared, still a little uncomfortable.

There is also some blockage in my heart.

It may be that Qianye was thrown into this world as a blank soul at the beginning. After various experiences, a new personality was formed. Although some of these are also inherited from the past self, the past self was very thorough back then, with a little personality. There are no remnants. Now, although his personality and the personality of the past world are the same person, they are two different individuals after all.

Although I don't know what my past self thought about me, and I don't know if he has the emotion to recognize the current Qianye's emotions towards him, but the current Qianye knows that he unconsciously puts the past I regard myself as a relative, friend, and partner who knows everything. What's more, the reason why he was able to survive the rejection of the world in the early stage and surpass the fate of outsiders is all the plan of his past self when he allocated power to transform himself. It's all the plan of the past.

Moreover, at this time, when everything ends, the past self still chose a broad road for himself.

Maybe it's a bit strange to say that, but at this time, Qianye really felt extremely regretful and regretful about the sudden disappearance of her past self, and also felt a little bit reluctant.

Even, there is a feeling of "can't give me these two pieces later".


Then, thinking of this, Qianye suddenly sighed.

In the end, maybe I was calculated by my past self. He calculated my feelings, or he who got feelings would definitely be indecisive and sentimental, so he chose to simply disappear.

With a sigh, such an awkward thought flashed through his mind.

"It seems that I can understand the reason why my past self was able to survive that nightmare reincarnation with a mortal body."

Then, Chiba sighed sincerely.

To be honest, although he has that part of the memory, he still can't understand how his past self was reincarnated in that nightmare, especially the part of Superman's nightmare reincarnation, but now, he seems to understand a little bit.

In the past, after losing his feelings, he gained absolute control of the human heart, so his words are like the whispers of the devil. In his logic without emotional constraints, he has truly achieved perfect control of the human heart, and his The words, the so-called devil's whispers, were nothing more than the terrible impression his words gave off.

No matter whether you are superhuman or not, as long as you are human, you will have weaknesses in your heart. As long as you have desires and desires, you will inevitably have weaknesses. This is the weakness of human nature, and it is also the weakness that all human beings have.

And the past self just grasped this weakness, no, it should be said that the past self can always grasp this weakness of different people, and perfectly utilize this weakness.

That's why it was possible to make so many people who are cruel and have experienced countless blood and darkness, who can almost be called demons, bow their heads and obey their ears.

"I seem to be in a bit of a complicated mood now. According to this, am I also caught by the weakness of my past self, so I bow to him?"

And thinking of this, Qianye couldn't help looking at the light ball in his hand, and the corners of his mouth slowly turned bitter.

For a moment, he suddenly felt that the reluctance just now seemed a little illusory and helpless.

"No! It's not like it seems, it should be the weakness that was really caught..."

And after this idea came into being, Qianye subconsciously began to speculate and argue, and then, a moment later, when his eyes fell on the ball of light, he got the answer.

At this moment, the two choices he faced, especially the second choice, clearly showed that his past self had seen through him.

And these two light spheres, two choices, the light sphere in his left hand, the written rule is essentially a transformation rule, as long as this rule is implanted into the core of the world, that is, the light behind him that represents the world itself In the ball, all the existences in this world, including creatures, including mountains, rivers, trees and even the world itself, can be transformed into a kind of pure energy to form a world seed, and as long as he integrates this seed into his soul, You can use the pure power of the world inside to improve your body and soul at the dimensional level. And this kind of improvement is unimaginable to Qianye, but what is certain is that after fusing this seed, he will definitely be able to see the new core of the universe, and, regardless of whether he will have other special abilities, his own The strength of each punch probably has a world-class attack power, that is to say, this choice can make him become the world itself, transforming him from a creature into an existence comparable to the world, no longer an ant.

However, if this rule is chosen, then everything in this Naruto world will become a pure energy body, that is, it will become the nourishment of his body, which is equivalent to the loss of all souls.

And the light ball on the right hand, the rules written in it are a kind of grafting rules. If this rule is implanted into the core of the world, then this rule will generate an energy channel to connect with his soul. At that time, he will Through this energy channel, he can absorb the power of the world in this world, and the absorbed power of the world can be used as his means of attack, and can also temper his soul and body, although in the end it can also achieve the soul under the transformation rules. and the strength of the physical body, but it takes hundreds of millions of years, and only a part of the power can be absorbed each time. Compared with the seed that directly turns the world into the source of the power of the world under the transformation rules, this method can use The power of the world is very little, and it is necessary to avoid the rejection of the world itself. Apart from allowing him to gain the vision and perception of touching the new core of the universe and the world dimension, other improvements are quite limited. Especially in this gap, because he left the Naruto world, all the power he obtained from the Naruto world cannot be used. The power he can use in this space is only the power of the world that he has absorbed, and the power of transformation. After that, it is different to fully use the world power of this world. Compared with using the transformation rules, the power he can exert in this space is only the part of the world power he has absorbed.

In other words, with this grafting rule, he estimates that he can only use 1% of the world's power. That is to say, if he may compete for a new cosmic core in this space in the future, he can only use 1% of his strength. The sum total of the power of this world.

However, this grafting rule does not need to transform the creatures of this world, and everything in this Naruto world can be preserved.

In other words, everything he cherishes can exist well.

Moreover, whether it is the grafting rules or the transformation rules, this world becomes a kind of existence similar to a portable energy body. Needless to say, the transformation rules, the grafting rules can also create a spatial connection between him and the world, allowing him to He enters and exits this world across dimensions no matter when and where.

Even, people and things from this world can be brought out at will.

Undoubtedly, the second grafting rule option is the one that best suits his thinking now.

It is also obvious that the thinking of the past self should be inclined to use the transformation rules, and may even have only prepared an implantation rule for the transformation rules at the beginning, but after observing oneself, the past self should have discovered that the transformation rules Rules should not work, so there is a second grafting rule.

And this grafting rule can also be seen at a glance, compared to the transformation rule, it is an expedient measure.

But now, even if Qianye doesn't want to be involved in the world's disputes, she still has to choose one, no, it should be said that she will definitely choose the grafting rules.

After all, the most important thing now is to obtain the perception that can see and touch the new core of the universe. To control the new core of the universe, even if it is the past self, Chiba knows that it is impossible to be a mortal , but itself has a certain dimensional level, which is higher than or not lower than too many dimensional levels of this new universe core.

As for the past self, the main purpose of controlling the core of this world was actually to raise Chiba's own dimensional level.

Whether it's transformation or grafting, it's not something to force.

As for Qianye, following the rules of transformation means paying the price and embarking on a broad road arranged by himself in the past. After all, to be able to directly become the world itself is to go further on the basis of leading countless worlds in this universe. The lead, the probability of finally capturing the core of the universe is more than 99%.

Of course, the price he paid for this road was something he was unwilling to bear.

On the road of grafting rules, it is basically 1% of the power of the world at the beginning, and the equipment depends entirely on fighting. In the future, if you really want to start fighting, you just have a certain advantage.

The probability of finally capturing the core of the universe is not so absolute, but there should be a 50% chance.

Moreover, if the grafting rules are used, then Chiba will have to make a lot more preparations to seize the core of the universe.

"It's really... everything was calculated by me in the past."

But thinking of this, Qianye shook his head helplessly, and then without talking nonsense, he directly pushed the ball of light in his right hand into the ball of light.


Then, as if passing through layers of films, the small ball of light submerged into the big ball of light like milk and water.


And at this moment, Qianye's eyes widened suddenly, and between opening his mouth and letting out a low cry, bright starlight shot out from his eyes.

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