Chapter 2745 purpose

dead universe...

Nightmare Reincarnation is a universe of death.

Moreover, it is still artificial death...

Staring fixedly at the misty figure in front of him, that is, his past self, Qianye seemed to want to see some jokes from his vague image.

At the same time, such a series of disbeliefs flashed through his mind.

Yes, unbelievable.

Or rather, can't believe it.

Can't believe it in the true sense.

He has a very clear and comprehensive understanding of the nightmare reincarnation universe, whether it is from memory or after being reincarnated into this world.

He is very clear about the concept of the nightmare reincarnation universe.

At least, from the various rules of randomly manipulating the world in the core fragments of the Nightmare Reincarnation Universe in his hands, it can be seen how terrifying the Nightmare Reincarnation Universe, or a universe, is.

It can almost be said that all actions of the core fragments of the Nightmare Reincarnation universe in this world are dimensionality reduction blows.

The dimension of the Nightmare Reincarnation Universe is at least four or five levels higher than this world. Moreover, the overall picture of the Naruto World is only the size of a planet, and the Nightmare Reincarnation Universe is a universe. describe. Even if not in terms of quality, but in terms of quantity alone, the Nightmare Reincarnation Universe is not comparable to this world at all.

If you have to compare, if you have to describe it, then it is the gap between fireflies and the sun, between ants and the earth.

Even though Qianye possesses the core fragments of the Nightmare Reincarnation universe, and even has a relatively deep memory and understanding of the Nightmare Reincarnation universe, he still cannot imagine how terrifying an existence that can destroy the core of a universe is.

Because, for him, the Nightmare Reincarnation Universe is a boundless existence that exceeds his imagination by several dimensions.

Moreover, as he became more familiar with the core fragments of the Nightmare Reincarnation Universe, he couldn't even imagine what level of existence this Nightmare Reincarnation Universe was.

Even, he didn't think about it anymore, and he didn't delve into the nightmare universe. In his dimension, it was impossible to figure out what kind of existence the nightmare universe existed, even if its core was in his palm.

As for this Hokage World alone, he has to do all the tricks. In the end, he can only get a good result by negotiating with this Hokage World. Now, there is a direct existence that can surpass this Hokage World. How many dimensions, the universe that he couldn't even imagine was killed, no, killing is nothing, just like the captain, after finding the core of the universe, he smashed the core with one punch, see It is not very unusual to look up, even creatures in the universe can do it, maybe it is not unreachable and unbelievable.

But implanting new rules into the core of the universe? Let the universe become a nightmare cycle, and finally let the universe be killed by its own creation?

Even, the problem of outsiders may be the means of this existence.

This cannot be explained by simply destroying the universe, but by manipulating the rules of the universe at will, which cannot even be described by the highest level of immortals and gods in his cognition.

Is such an existence possible?

If so, what are they?

Originally, didn't his superiority of those outsiders seem ridiculous?

In the face of this kind of existence, they are not even considered as dust.

Even, the Naruto world he was in was just a speck of dust.

This is the real subversion of his common sense.

In this Naruto world, the will of the world, the spokesperson of the world, and even the world itself, because of the relationship between the Naruto manga and the influence of various time-travel novels in the previous life, everything can be said to be within his common sense. Inside, time travel should be like this.

However, such an existence, an existence that he could not even imagine, an existence that even held the universe in his palm like a toy, how could he believe it?

How can he believe it?

Even, at this moment, he just wanted to go deeper, and his heart was terrified, as if instinctively, his subconscious was preventing him from believing and thinking.

And at this moment, the bits and pieces about the nightmare reincarnation universe, and the existence that the past self said, inevitably made his mind's image of the world and the universe suddenly expand a lot.

Although he desperately didn't want to admit it, desperately didn't want to go on, but after all, because of these things, his concept of the universe, the world, etc., became broader.

At this time, he, unconsciously, stood taller.

At least, it is already the vision of the past that understands the present.

"There is no need to doubt. When I first learned about this matter, I couldn't believe it. However, through multiple verifications, especially the information contained in the core fragments of the nightmare reincarnation universe, I have no choice but to believe it. In addition to our cognition, there is an existence beyond the universe, who can manipulate the universe arbitrarily, even us wandering outsiders, are all his handwriting, it is difficult to accept, but you just need to believe me."

And at this time, the misty puppet seemed to see through Qianye, saying so.

However, his words did not receive a response. With such an explosion of information, even Qianye knew that he believed in the past.

"Wait a moment!"

However, Qianye finally came to his senses, and after being silent for a while, he suddenly raised his head.

"You said that outsiders are also his handwriting? Is that so?"

After raising his head, this sentence blurted out.


In this regard, the mist puppet said quite rigorously.

Indeed, because of the relationship between the Nightmare Reincarnation Universe, he can conclude that, strictly speaking, they are outsiders no matter in this world or in the Nightmare Reincarnation Universe. Peace, although it also hides a lot of darkness and hatred, but relatively speaking, it is much more peaceful, and there is a guarantee of strength such as the power of transcendence. Compared with the nightmare of reincarnation, it is simply heaven.

In the reincarnation of nightmares, they are actually outsiders, but compared to this world, they are hundreds of times more shabby and cruel.

Since there are outsiders in the Nightmare Reincarnation Universe, and this world also has outsiders, both the Nightmare Reincarnation Universe and this world are actually abnormal, and even have the shadow of this unknown existence in them.

It is almost self-evident, then, what the outsider has to do with the being that can manipulate the universe.

Therefore, he deduced that the outsider was also written by this person.

"You let me slow down..."

But at this time, after hearing this sentence, Qianye paused slightly, then raised her hand, signaling for herself to slow down, after all, the amount of information is too astonishing.

Originally, he thought that time travel was just an unknown coincidence, although after knowing so many outsiders and at least one outsider in every Hokage world, he vaguely sensed that something was wrong.

However, there is such an existence now, and these outsiders may all be written by this outsider, but he did not expect it, and he couldn't believe it, and he couldn't even think about the joints in it.

Hearing the meaning of the past self, whether it is his last life, that is, the life of the nightmare reincarnation, or this life, in this life in the Naruto world, it may be the result of the manipulation of the existence that can manipulate the universe. , for the existence that can manipulate the universe, he is just one of many outsiders, that is, one of the inconspicuous ones who travel through the universe. That existence may not have noticed him, but the problem does not lie in this inconspicuousness and inconspicuousness , but, this existence that can manipulate the universe, why did it create a nightmare universe, and why did it create so many traversers, and he survived in this world, under such circumstances, after knowing that there are so many After an unimaginable existence, Qianye will not naively think that he just needs to survive.

The current him, no, it should be said that since the first crossing, he has already fallen into a certain huge vortex.

Next, he couldn't help what he wanted to do.

But now, the past self planned so many purposes, probably related to this vortex.

"So, what did you find in the end?"

Afterwards, Qianye, who thought of this, took a deep breath, seemed to suppress the chaotic thoughts in his heart, and asked.

"What do you think of the universe we live in now?"

But this time, the misty puppet didn't answer Chiba's question directly, but asked rhetorically.

"The universe we live in?"

Qianye was slightly taken aback by this, and then his eyes lit up, as if he suddenly thought of something, and looked around.


The nightmare reincarnation universe has been broken, so we should not be in the nightmare reincarnation universe, that is to say, we are now in another universe.

This Hokage world, or so many Hokage worlds, should be the characteristics of this universe. Of course, it cannot be that there are only so many Hokage worlds in this universe. Maybe there are other types of worlds.

But there is no doubt that this is no longer a nightmare reincarnation universe.

But another universe.

But at this time, such a clear thought flashed through his mind.


However, just when this clear thought flashed by, Qianye suddenly looked at the mist figure in front of him, and blurted out: "You mean, this universe is also..."

"Yes, that's right. This universe is also an abnormal universe. After I investigated the Nightmare Reincarnation Universe, I set my sights on this universe. After consuming part of the power of the core fragments of the Nightmare Reincarnation Universe, I checked this Several anomalies in the universe, generally speaking, this universe is much smaller than the Nightmare Reincarnation Universe. Although it is also called the universe, it is one dimension lower than the Nightmare Reincarnation Universe at the dimensional level, otherwise it would be impossible Let me check the abnormality so easily."

In this regard, the mist puppet nodded immediately, and said: "After checking, I found that all the anomalies in this universe point to a big bang."

"The Big Bang, isn't this the formation of the universe?"

Chiba is quite familiar with the term Big Bang, and said immediately.

"Yes, generally speaking, the Big Bang, according to the knowledge we have received, is the creation of the universe, but what about the destruction of the universe? Except for new rules like the nightmare reincarnation universe, which replace the core rules and lead to Death mutated and turned into a zombie-like death universe. Are there others?"

Hearing this, the fog figure said so.

"There are other... you mean, this big bang is the... destruction of the universe?"

In this regard, Qianye was keenly aware of something.

It was obvious that Chiba had really reacted at this time, and was able to think completely calmly.

At the same time, the ability to think and react also returned to normal.

"That's right, the anomaly of this universe is that its core blew itself into countless fragments, and these cores evolved into countless worlds with countless worldviews. Although it is not known whether the self-destruction of this universe is related to It is related to the existence that can manipulate the universe, but what is certain is that this universe has self-destructed once.”

In this regard, the mist puppet said.

"Self-explosion... You mean, is this universe already dead?"

Hearing this, Qianye keenly understood something.

"No! Speaking of it, although this universe is one dimension lower than the Nightmare Reincarnation Universe, it is much smarter than the Nightmare Reincarnation Universe. Although it blew itself up and its core evolved into countless worlds, these cores are They are approaching all the time, merging and absorbing each other. It is estimated that after hundreds of millions of years, these cores will reorganize into a new cosmic core. Perhaps because of the inevitable self-explosion and overflow, the new cosmic core will be much smaller than the original one. However, this universe can re-evolve."

In this regard, the mist figure said.

"You mean, this is abandoning the car to protect the handsome man, deliberately blew himself up, and came to seek a chance of survival? Wait... yes! The perfectly evolved Hokage World, the world that is devouring the Hokage World, is not that it has evolved into perfection, but Yes, it was perfect from the beginning, and it wasn't that it was engulfing the surrounding world to expand itself, but that all the Hokage worlds here were approaching it, merging into its world core, in order to return to the original core of the universe. "

And at this moment, Qianye's mind flashed like a thunder, instantly connecting everything.

"Yes, that's it. It's not the perfect Hokage world that is devouring the surroundings, but the surroundings are merging into that Hokage world. Although there are countless outsiders in these countless worlds, in the fusion of worlds, each world, An outsider has little hindrance to this integration, so even if we survive in this world, what we will eventually face is destruction."

In this regard, the mist figure paused slightly, and said so.

"So, your purpose is..."

Hearing this, Chiba frowned and asked.

It really is wave after wave. Normally, Chiba would think carefully about screening, but now, he knows that he shouldn't think too much, just ask.

"I want... to get a new core of the universe."

Regarding this, the misty puppet said in a calm tone.

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