"Well... Now that you've come here, it's unlikely that you haven't noticed my existence anymore."

As Qianye's gaze settled, at the point of view, the chaotic and hazy mist slowly condensed, gradually turning into a human figure, and as the human form condensed, Qianye's ears heard said such a sentence.

Although the figure was about five meters away in front of him, the voice was in his ears.

"What if I say I'm just bluffing?"

In this regard, upon hearing this voice, the corner of Chiba's mouth twitched slightly, and he said.

In the words, although it sounds a little unpleasant, but it is mixed with a sense of relaxation, giving people a feeling of letting out a long breath.

To be honest, he didn't expect that he would be able to meet the real master so smoothly.

Especially after the world itself restricted his magical power just now, he was actually quite uncertain in his heart. The actions of the world itself, in a sense, could be considered to be preventing him from meeting the real master.

And that's right, although the misty figure in front of him doesn't have a clear face and body lines, judging from the outline, it is the figure of Chiba at this time. It was the Chiba of the past, or in other words, a certain form of the Chiba of the past. He is also the master of all this.

The originator of all outsiders in this world.

"You win by bluffing."

To this, the Foggy Doll's answer was quite straightforward, without even a slight emotional change in his tone, as if he didn't care what Qianye said, or in other words, what Qianye said was also within his expectation.

It seems that emotion is not part of his life function.

"Win or not, after all, everything is under your control."

Hearing this, Qianye sighed slightly, and said so.

But upon hearing this sentence, the misty puppet did not speak, but just looked at Qianye quietly, as if it had ignored Qianye's words, as if it hadn't heard it, or because The lack of substantive meaning of this sentence is directly ignored.

"Heh... I was like this in the past. In this life, I was hated by others at the beginning, so I understand."

Regarding this, Qianye couldn't help but complain.

Is this me when I have no feelings?

However, although he was complaining, Qianye had no intention of complaining in his heart.

On the contrary, Qianye at this time has already carefully looked at this misty figure, even if it has no face, only an outline, but Qianye can still see a lot of things.

As far as Chiba knows now, the misty figure in front of him should be the carrier of his past memory and consciousness, similar to the past self of the spiritual body that he saw in the spiritual space at that time, except that the past self of the spiritual body only It’s just instilling the memory of my past self. In fact, in terms of personality, it’s just a mental body derived from memory. Although the past self has no emotions, the personality derived from memory is quite close to that’s all, but However, the fog figure in front of him has inherited everything from his past self.

In addition to having no entity, personality, memory, consciousness, etc. are all the original self in the past. It can almost be considered that the misty figure in front of me is the one who crashed into this world at the beginning, and was destroyed because the core of the universe was destroyed. The soul's past self.

Chiba, who has no emotion and possesses this terrifying ability to negotiate like a devil's whisper, can survive as an ordinary person in that terrifying nightmare reincarnation, in that real nightmare world surrounded by superhumans .

It can also be said to be the strongest Chiba in the true sense of the word.

But at this moment, Qianye deeply felt a kind of helplessness, the helplessness of facing this emotionless past self.

It's also quite a disgusting kind of helplessness.

Even so, he still looked forward to having a direct dialogue with his past self.

"Oh... Forget it, it's useless to tell you this. How about it? Are you satisfied with the current situation?"

In the end, Qianye compromised, and after sighing, said so.

Obviously, some cynicism to the past self in front of him is not very effective. To the past self who has no feelings, this kind of cynicism is just nonsense, and it is impossible to have any effect at all.

"To be honest, it's a bit beyond my expectation that you can do so well. Several times, I thought the plan would go bankrupt because of your impulsiveness and indecision."

In this regard, the mist figure said so.


Hearing this, the corner of Chiba's mouth twitched slightly, with a feeling of being unable to hang on his face.

"Oh, sorry, no, please accept that I don't seem to have much sincerity in my apology. I feel sorry in my heart. At least saying that you are impulsive and indecisive is not your shortcoming. After all, this is a feeling. Symbols, feelings are double-edged."

And in the next second, the fog figure seemed to think of something, and spoke again.

Obviously, this clumsy sentence contains his "sincere" apology. Logically speaking, the current self standing in front of him is actually one of the goals he wants to achieve.

As a person who has no feelings, he must allow his current impulsiveness and indecision. Because he has feelings, he will be impulsive, and because he has feelings, he will worry about gains and losses and be indecisive. Although, impulsiveness, worry about gains and losses, and indecision are all against him. My plan is a negative thing, but after having feelings, some things are uncontrollable, and sometimes it is not what I want now.

Logically speaking, he couldn't say that, and he wasn't qualified to say that.

Even saying that, feels like a slap in the face.

"Uh... I think it's better for you not to apologize. After you apologize, I feel even more uncomfortable."

However, it is obvious that his "sincere" apology did not achieve the desired effect, and even not only failed to achieve the desired effect, but also had the opposite effect. At this moment, the corners of Chiba's mouth almost twitched .

This apology is more lethal than the direct criticism just now.

"Please believe me, I really don't think it's a big deal. You should be so impulsive and indecisive, because you have emotions. Such mistakes should be made, and even those mistakes made make you more perfect."

Regarding this, the mist figure paused for a moment, as if thinking about it, and then spoke cautiously.

Said in a slightly slow, extremely serious tone.


Hearing this, Qianye was completely silent.

Really, I really feel right now.

I should be disgusted!

How did those strong demons in the nightmare of reincarnation be persuaded by this guy to do all kinds of things that hurt others and themselves? Is it just based on such words?

Could it be that the whispering of the devil really isn't a superpower?

And in his heart, there was a feeling of collapse, and he even began to wonder if those superhuman powerhouses who had been fooled into nightmares in his memory had their brains kicked by donkeys.

"Well...if you don't believe me, I..."

In this regard, the fog figure seemed to realize that his words had not had a positive effect, and paused again, as if he felt that he could not express what he meant, but the next words, he learned from the pain, and he must be able to express it well The appearance of his own meaning, so he said.

"Don't... us, let's talk business!"

Hearing this, Qianye quickly raised her hand to stop his words, and said so.


I see!

That's the way it is!

But at this moment, Qianye remembered something and felt ashamed in her heart.

The past self at this moment reminded Chiba of the self who was not very sociable back then. At that time, she didn't even know how to speak to Hirohiko and Xue Nai.

And the past self now is exactly the same as the self at that time, but because there is no emotion, compared with the self at that time, the past self is more straightforward and does not know that sometimes it should be silent.

"All right."

Regarding this, the misty puppet thought about it again, and seemed to weigh whether it would be more cost-effective to let the current self understand what he meant at this time, or it would be more cost-effective to talk about the business, and then nodded.

At this time, of course, it is better to get down to business.

"Uh... Once you interrupted me, I didn't even know when to start talking about it."

Hearing this, Qianye didn't know what to say when she saw her past self nodding so simply.

"You asked me if I was satisfied. In the final analysis, I am still satisfied. Since you can come here, it means that you have completed my plan."

In this regard, the mist figure said so.

In the final analysis... I am still satisfied.

As for the words of his past self, the corner of Chiba's mouth twitched slightly again.

"Then, let me ask first, I should not be in danger now."

However, this time, he didn't complain, and he didn't even linger on this for a long time. After glancing at the world behind him, he asked.

"It's okay. Now that you've arrived here, the world is no longer a threat to you."

In this regard, the mist figure said affirmatively.

Obviously, he understands what he is worried about now.

"Really? Then, my power..."

Hearing this, Qianye frowned slightly and said.

If there is no danger, then how did his power disappear.

He shouldn't doubt what his past self said with certainty.

However, perhaps because of the unaccustomed loss of power, Qianye at this time is a little suspicious.

At least, although it looks very calm, it is inevitable that there is a sense of insecurity deep in the heart.

"Even the most original power of the world will disappear as a matter of course after leaving the world."

In this regard, the mist puppet opened its mouth like this. But it interrupted Chiba's words.

Obviously, it is to see the uneasiness in my heart now.

"After leaving the world, it will naturally disappear..."

Upon hearing this sentence, Qianye frowned slightly, and began to think carefully.

"What do you mean, the power of the Naruto world can't be taken away? And this place is already outside the world?"

Then, he raised his head and said so.

"Yes, this is the gap between the world and the world. If you can explain it in a way that you can understand, if you compare the world and the world to two planets, then this is the vacuum zone between the planets. Maybe your current In cognition, that ball of light is the core of the world, something inside the world, the innermost and core thing, if compared to a planet, it is the core of the earth, here is the core of the earth, the center of the planet. However, this place is already outside the planet, that is, outside the world, and that ball of light is not only the core embodiment of the world, but also the external manifestation of the entire world."

In this regard, the mist figure explained in this way.

It is both the core embodiment and the external embodiment of the whole world...

Hearing this, Qianye was stunned on the spot. Even though he was in such an environment, after hearing this sentence, he still couldn't imagine what it would be like to be both the center and the appearance.

According to his logical thinking ability and way, it is completely incomprehensible and imaginable.

"Don't think about it. With your current situation, it is impossible for you to understand. You just need to know that when you are in the world, you have the most original power of the world. When you leave the world, you are in this crack, this vacuum Zone, you are still the same ordinary person back then. Your current power disappears, not because the world itself restricts or cuts you off, or some power withdraws, but because you are unarmed and without any power in this space."

Looking at the way he was thinking now, the fog figure raised his hand, but stopped Chiba from thinking, and said so.

"All right."

Regarding this, Qianye sighed, and said as if accepting fate.

"Since you don't worry about this issue anymore, and you are satisfied with your current state, then you can tell me now, what is going on? The news I know now is that I want to come here to see you, However, I don’t know the whole thing, including some details about my travel to this Naruto world, and your ultimate purpose, I don’t know, now, can you answer my questions?”

Finally, Qianye took a deep breath and asked seriously.

"Don't worry, let you come to see me, I just want to explain to you, after all, you will be Qianye in the future."

In this regard, the mist figure said so.

"Just let me think about where to start."

After all, the fog figure paused again, and after thinking for a while, it raised its hand, pointed behind Qianye, and said, "Let's start from there?"


this chain?

But upon hearing this sentence, Qianye frowned subconsciously in the direction her past self was pointing at.

At this moment, the direction of the past self is one of the chains connected to the chaos on the side of the light sphere.

One, notched chain!

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