Chapter 2734 Meet again


The dust drifted slowly on the ground under his feet. Under his sturdy figure, the gnarled muscles seemed to tremble a bit. As the golden strands of straight hair fluttered in the wind, the strong man walking out of the forest Han, his black pupils with white bases were filled with joy and conviction, and these two words came out of his mouth.

There was an indescribable joy in his tone.

"Brother, what's the matter?"

And at this time, a person slowly walked out from behind him, but he was somewhat similar to him, they were both strong and strong, but their hair was a little softer, and they just said that.

"Ai! Look, here, like the scenery we walked all the way, everyone is bound by this kind of tree, and according to what we saw along the way, only those of us who are dead can act. The world, already Great changes have taken place! The world of the living is now in a state where we can gallop around."

Hearing the sentence behind him, the strong man in front laughed and said so.


To this, the burly man who was somewhat similar to him behind him nodded slightly.

They were flying like lightning all the way, and thanks to this filthy reincarnated body, they didn't feel tired, and even their chakras were infinite. Otherwise, they would have to take a few breaths during this journey.

But now, they don't have to take a breath, and they don't have to worry about Chakra at all. It can be said that at this time, they, who have lost their restraints, sincerely begin to thank this filthy reincarnated body.

The original shame now seems to be able to give them indescribable benefits.

Moreover, the current situation, as his elder brother said, a huge change has taken place in the ninja world. Although I don't know what kind of change it is, what is certain is that the people who reincarnated them should have lost consciousness at this moment Otherwise, the personality restrictions implanted in their possessions would not be invalid like now, and the restrictions on their own strength would not be reduced to the lowest point like now.

It is also because of the weakening of this restriction that some other factors may have been added, such as the change in the ninja world itself, which activated them who were reincarnated from the dirt.

And judging from the analysis of what his elder brother, who is the one in front of him, saw along the way, the entire ninja world has now fallen into a huge jutsu, and all the living have been restrained, in a state of unconsciousness and at the mercy of others. state of slaughter.

In other words, the current Muye Village is in a state of being slaughtered!

"So, shall we begin?"

Then, after nodding his head, the burly man spoke again.

Since Muye Village is in a state of being slaughtered by others, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for them, and even for all the other four major ninja villages, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Although they were reincarnated by Uchiha Nobuhiko, the purpose was not to destroy Konoha, but now the existence of Uchiha Nobuhiko's reincarnation has lost control over them, and even Uchiha Nobuhiko may be among so many vine mummies, And there is no personality restraint, their consciousness is already in a certain state of freedom, then, since it is a state of freedom, then of course they have to act freely according to their own will.

Moreover, at this time, although they have experienced countless battles during their lifetime, they have long been tempered and matured, but when they thought they would be humiliated and became others' pawns, their personalities were trampled, and now they are suddenly free , not only don't have to endure humiliation, even, what their ancestors wanted to do for generations can be done easily now, even they can't help being excited at this moment.

But now, according to their plan, according to what their brother said, if it is true that everyone is in a state of restraint and loses the ability to resist, then everyone in Muye Village will be executed, so that they stand in front of them It seems that the mountains that will never be surpassed will disappear in this world from now on. Their Yunyin Village, when Yanyin, Wuyin, and Sandyin are all worse than before, will outshine others, and they can easily obtain the resources of Muye Village. Even after they execute everyone, they can take Konoha's resources to Yunyin Village, and then they don't have to worry about anyone anymore.

They will replace Muye Village, and Yunyin Village will be the center of the whole world.

No one can threaten Yunyin anymore, and everything Yunyin has will be protected.

Others can only become their vassals.

"It's not that easy."

At this moment, the long-haired, hedgehog-headed man shook his head lightly. He understood his brother's thoughts, but if it was really that simple, then it would seem a bit too sloppy.

"Not that easy?"

The burly man was slightly taken aback by this.

The current situation seems to be an absolute advantage for them. Even, looking at the rows of vine mummies near Muye Village, even if they are not all executed, as long as half of them are eliminated, even if these people are not executed, as long as Taking away the current resources in Konoha Village, especially the resources of ninjutsu and secret arts as much as possible, can establish enough advantages to make their own Yunyin Village strong enough to replace Konoha Village and become the center of the entire ninja world , the strongest in the entire ninja world.

"On the way, I listened to your narration, at least in the third ninja world war, that Taki Chiba was still alive, right? It even delayed you on the battlefield, allowing Iwagakushi to complete the siege with 20,000 people, In the end, indirectly, you died of exhaustion, didn't you?"

Regarding his younger brother's incomprehension, the long-haired, spiky-haired man looked ahead and took a deep breath, as if suppressing his excitement, and said so.


But when he heard Taki Chiba's three words, the burly man who could not restrain the excitement on his face turned serious at this time, and nodded.

His brother's words suddenly made him realize something, or in other words, it reminded him of that Konoha's patron saint. At this moment, although everything is going well, this Taki Chiba just knows how to deal with it. When they think everything is going well, let everything go wrong, or even fail.

After all, the two brothers galloped through the ninja world, and in the end, either indirectly or directly, they all died at the hands of this Taki Chiba.

"Then, who do you think is most likely to use such a large-scale technique?"

To this, the strong man with long hair and hedgehog head spoke again.

"Nobuhiko Uchiha, or... Taki Chiba."

Hearing this sentence, the burly man was startled at first, his face was a little stiff, and finally, as if he was a compromise after being unconvinced, he said.

His tone was full of unwillingness.

Obviously, he didn't want to admit it, but he had to admit it.

"So, this matter is not so easy!"

But hearing this sentence, the strong man with long hair and hedgehog head sighed helplessly, and at the opening where the sigh came out, his eyes stretched forward, as if he saw something , the point of view fell.

"If you were still there at that time, I'm afraid I would have died on the battlefield of the Third Ninja World War!"

And at this time, before the burly man could speak, a familiar boy's voice suddenly sounded in front of him.

Looking up, the burly man opened his eyes slightly, his surprise was beyond words.

"Good boy! Rejuvenated!"

But at this time, his elder brother suddenly laughed, as if he had bumped into some old friend, and even almost stepped forward a few steps. It looked like he was about to open his arms to welcome him.

This kid...

However, unlike his brother's exaggerated reaction, the burly man didn't react at all, he just narrowed his eyes slightly, but in his heart he was not as cold as he appeared on the surface, but he was somewhat sighing.

But at this time, not far in front of them, there was already a young man standing, his appearance was exactly the same as in memory, as if time had not engraved any traces on his face.

Just like the boy who fought bloody battles with them back then.

Exactly, Taki Chiba.

In other words, the juvenile Chiba who is the avatar of the slug fairy art.

"I didn't expect that you two would be the first ones to come. However, I think it's true. In terms of speed, I'm afraid there is no such thing as a match for the two of you."

And at this time, looking at the two strong men in front of him who could almost be described as gigantic compared to his height, the young Qianye who was avatar of the slug fairy art seemed to have a feeling of reunion with old friends.

And these two strong men are exactly Yunyin's predecessor Bi who died directly or indirectly in front of him, and Yeyue Bi, one of the people who changed the trajectory of his life in the world of Naruto. And three generations of Raikage, Yeyue Ai.

These two people gave him an unforgettable battle.

Especially this Yeyuebi, after the battle for Kushina, he was busy changing his fate and didn't think much about it, but after the failure of the Nine-Tails Rebellion, he could often think of this old man, of course , when he was reincarnated from the filthy soil, it seemed that he was reincarnated from the filthy soil in his prime, but now he looks like a middle-aged man, in his prime, and even the three generations of Raikage are also young, and they are all in their prime.

And every time he thinks of this old man, he can't help sighing, this Yeyuebi should be the most difficult one among all the strong men he has fought.

It is also the only battle of faith.

Although Taki Chiba survived in the end, but in a strict sense, Yeyuebi was not defeated either.

Because, that battle was not just a physical battle, but a spiritual battle that bet on their respective beliefs, and the outcome of the battle cannot be judged by who lives and who dies.

In that battle, Yeyuebi carried out his will, and at the same time, Qianye also carried out his own will. In the end, after the collision of the two wills, no one succumbed spiritually, although in the end some people died and some Seriously injured, however, no one among them was the loser.

At this moment, the juvenile Qianye, who inherited the part of Qianye's memories and emotions of the slug magic clone, although expected that Yeyuebi might also be reincarnated by the dirt, but after actually seeing it, he was still a little excited.

He also looks like seeing the old man again.

"Hahaha! That's natural!"

To this, Ye Yuebi laughed out loud, and said proudly.

Although they are still opposing each other, and they are still going to fight against each other, but Yeyuebi is still very happy to see this kid again.

After all, in that battle, he truly recognized the boy in front of him, and that battle was also the most exciting battle among the countless battles he experienced in his entire life.

Even, being able to die in that battle in the end made him still feel a kind of honor after his death.

Even though the two have different positions, both of them are sincerely happy to meet at this moment.

"I didn't expect that in the end, I would have to face you kid."

The third Raikage also smiled at his brother's laughter. It has to be said that he was also quite happy at this time.

Even if he stood on the opposite side, even if he indirectly killed himself, in the mind of the third generation of Raikage, he also recognized the young man in front of him.

At least, Taki Chiba is the only one who can make himself fight so heartily and give himself so many stumbling blocks, and finally escape from him.

However, that battle was a bit incomplete after all.

At this moment, although he should hope not to meet this kid, but when he did meet, the third generation of Raikage is still quite excited.

How much, it is possible to make an end to the original battle.

However, it is a little regretful that now they are reincarnated bodies of dirt, and compared to Taki Chiba with a mortal body, they are a bit more rascal.

Such as infinite chakra, never tired physical strength, infinite recovery and so on.

This is somewhat invincible.

It's a pity.

"So, shall we talk about the past first, or start fighting directly?"

And at this time, looking at the two of them, the young Chiba who was the avatar of the slug fairy technique smiled slightly and said so.

At the same time, when he raised his head slightly, because of the contact of the eyes, the huge pupil power of the Samsara Eyes was also pressed into the consciousness of the three generations of Raikage and Ye Yuebi.

Made his smile less friendly.


"So, what you mean is that my request cannot be met."

And at this time, on the other side, in the center of the world, in the light-filled space, the main body Qianye slowly raised his head, looked at the Sage of the Six Paths in front, and the will of the world behind the Sage of the Six Paths, and said so.

Having said so much, regardless of whether it is true or not, what the Sages of the Six Paths and the will of the world want to convey is nothing more than that they must follow the line of fate.

And what he said just now did not follow the line of fate after all.

The implication can also be understood as no matter what conditions you put forward, foreign aggression will be swallowed anyway, and it will be a destruction after all. What is the difference between internal collapse and external devouring? can be avoided.

In other words, your proposal cannot be accepted.

"That's why I asked your solution."

In this regard, the Sage of the Six Paths did not flinch, but just said so.

The implication is that the choice is yours now, so don't ask too much.

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