Chapter 2730 The Curtain of the Unveiled World

"I can answer this question for you, but, I want to know, just now... no, it should be said by the will of fate. It should mean that this world is inevitably being destroyed, right?"

Facing the words of the Immortal of the Six Paths, Chiba looked a little dignified and said.

"That's right, this world is already heading for destruction."

In this regard, the Sage of the Six Paths nodded affirmatively. This time, he was quite frank, and there seemed to be no deep-seated cares.

"If I'm not mistaken, fate is the collapse of the established future, and the oblique replacement of the child of destiny, which represents the destruction of the world, right?"

Hearing this, Qianye thought for a while, then spoke again.


To this, the Sage of the Six Paths answered quite simply.

He could see that Qianye, the outsider in front of him, should have sensed the meaning of what World Will said just now, or in other words, the key words that were inadvertently uttered in World Will's radical words just now, and became more cautious.

And, begin to understand what he wants to understand.

It seems that this outsider Qianye seems to feel that his previous judgment, the judgment about the destruction of the world, should be because he feels that there is something wrong with his own cognition.

It shows that the current dialogue is likely to affect the judgment of this outsider Chiba, and in the current situation, they want to complete this negotiation and reach a consensus under their own advantages.

Moreover, in the current situation, both the will of the world and the Immortals of the Six Paths know that it is impossible to reverse the general trend of fate, at least relying on their indirect intervention, it is impossible to reverse the general trend of fate. The person who is advancing has long been the outsider in front of him, not the natives of their world.

It can be said that their world is doomed to destruction, but it is not that there is no way to prevent the destruction.

It's just that this method is on the outsider Qianye in front of him. He is now the leader of destiny, the child of destiny, and he is also capable of doing it, at least, he is the most likely to be able to do it.

And this is why the will of the world wants to prevent outsiders from maturing. The future led by outsiders, creatures that have no attribution to the world itself, may be a disaster for the natives of this world.

Not even the dead have peace.

But now, the Immortals of the Six Paths and the will of the world are actually somewhat fortunate. Although the Child of Destiny in front of him is an outsider, he is Chiba.

This should be said to be the best news when everything is irreversible.

There is no other reason, this Qianye, the outsider Qianye, the most special outsider, and the reason why they call him the most special outsider is not because he is the only outsider who has grown to a full body, nor is it because of his How wise he is, it's not even because he's won.

Rather, because he is the most humane of the outsiders.

Moreover, it is also the outsider who is most deeply involved in this world.

Even, they have the means to contain this outsider, and it is precisely because of this that the will of the world and the sage of the Six Paths will want to use his hands to destroy Uchiha Nobuhiko, because, compared to Uchiha Nobuhiko, their hands The old Kushina is more able to contain this outsider Chiba.

Moreover, since Nobuhiko Uchiha obtained the supreme power, no, it should be said that there have been some things that are not right in the last few lives. In this life, after obtaining the supreme power, there is already a sense of getting out of control It's inside, especially when he calculated his friends in this life before, opened the kaleidoscope Sharingan, and then felt a sense of deliberate delay in finding outsiders,

At that time, the will of the world had already noticed that Nobuhiko Uchiha could no longer stay.

Of course, the Sage of the Six Paths also understands this matter, but, compared with the will of the world, he sees more the inevitability of Nobuhiko Uchiha's escape from control. Although he agrees to use Chiba's hand to remove Nobuhiko Uchiha, but for Uchiha Nobuhiko, he also sighed mostly.

The will of the world, after all, is the will derived from the world itself. Everything is seen from the highest dimension. Although it is far-sighted and full of wisdom, it is not omnipotent, but it is almost the same. After all, standing tall and seeing far, many things are far away. The imagination of the sages of the Six Paths, but this is a high-level view and a far-sighted view. After all, the will of the world is too far away from the people of this world.

In the eyes of the Sage of the Six Paths, Nobuhiko Uchiha is such an unkind victim, and it is understandable that he would want to get out of control.

However, the Sage of the Six Paths still agreed to eliminate Uchiha Nobuhiko, and it was through the hands of the outsider Chiba. After all, they cannot directly interfere with this world. The outsider Chiba exists alone in the world, after all, the latter is better.

At least, the outsider Chiba still has the card of Uzumaki Kushina. Although it is impossible to completely let the outsider Chiba act according to his own ideas, at least there is still a glimmer of life for the outsider Chiba. After all, Nai is his obsession. With his character, he will definitely try his best to preserve Uzumaki Kushina, so that she will not perish with the world. In other words, as long as Uzumaki Kushina is in their hands and lives and dies with this world, then the outsider Chiba will not destroy the world.

And Uchiha Nobuhiko has no ties, if he wants to destroy the world, it will really bring the world to destruction. They have no bargaining chip to deal with Uchiha Nobuhiko, and if Uchiha Nobuhiko and the outsider Chiba stand side by side in the world , for this world, it is nothing more than speeding up into destruction.

The outsider Chiba wants to guard the world, and Uchiha Nobuhiko already regards the outsider Chiba as a thorn in his flesh, and he doesn't know the truth about the operation and destruction of this world like the outsider Chiba. Nobuhiko's hints have begun to be questioned frequently, and have even been rejected. Even Uchiha Nobuhiko has begun to use his individual consciousness to suppress the seemingly irresistible hints. Even if the will of the world wants to imply that for this world, The outsider Chiba is not even his enemy.

Fortunately, before he died, he couldn't resist the hint of the will of the world after all, so he temporarily used a plea to stabilize the outsider Chiba's mood, so as to prevent the outsider Chiba from happening at the end because of Uchiha Nobuhiko's stubbornness Unfavorable mood.

After all, although the two sides have great differences now, they still have the same path to take.

Whether it is the will of the world, or the Immortal of the Six Paths, or the outsider Chiba, they are all unwilling to destroy the world.

It's just that the will of the world and the Sage of the Six Paths have the considerations of the will of the world and the Sage of the Six Paths, and the outsider Chiba also has the consideration of the outsider Chiba.

Therefore, at this time, there is bound to be another tit-for-tat confrontation.

a game.

But now, the issue of the outsider Chiba is somewhat neutral, and may not be part of the game.

After all, whether it is the will of the world or Qianye, an outsider, there are certain discrepancies in each other's reports.

It's like the will of the world doesn't know where the limit of the higher-authority cosmic core fragment in the hands of the outsider Chiba is, except for exhausting its energy or power, is it really omnipotent? In this world In terms of authority, how high is its authority, how much can it do to this world, will it have any impact on it, that is, the self-consciousness of the world, and to what extent, will it be accepted? It will make the world a vassal of the core fragments of the universe, or even be directly transformed into the energy of the core fragments of the universe, or even become a sweatshop that continuously provides energy to the core fragments of the universe, and be enslaved.

And for this outsider Chiba, who owns the core fragment of the universe, does he really understand the meaning of the world, the meaning of the existence of the world, or, in other words, really understand why the world exists, and why he has to be with him? Destiny is the same, otherwise it will be the cause of destruction.

Now, the Will of the World and the Immortals of the Six Paths almost have a guess. Maybe, this outsider Chiba is about to ask this question.

"Then, why, if the fate is changed, the world will be destroyed. Even if the child of destiny changes, it just represents a new world, a world that does not follow the original future. But, I heard You mean, it seems that if you don’t follow the original plan now, the whole world will be completely destroyed, and there will be no new world, why is that?”

And at this time, Qianye said as if to confirm their guess.

The words just now, which were obviously words made under the will of the world, obviously revealed another meaning.

That is, the present world is actually headed toward destruction, toward destruction, destruction on the physical level, not because of the change of Destiny's Child, the change of the established future, that is, the change of the protagonist, the change of the plot. And becoming a new world different from the previous world is direct destruction, nothing, and the world collapses.

This made Chiba puzzled.

It was also the reason why he stopped at this time and asked this question.

"Let me answer this question."

And at this time, the Immortal of the Six Paths sighed and said so.

However, Qianye didn't respond to this sentence, just looked at him, not to say that Qianye didn't want to say more, just wanted to hear the reason, but, the words of the Immortal of the Six Paths were obviously not for him to hear.

Rather, it is for the will of the world to hear.

"Where should I say it?"

And after a while, apparently with the permission of the will of the world, the Sage of the Six Paths thought for a while, and then said: "You outsiders, when you come to this world, do you think that there is only one Sage of the Six Paths like me? "


To this, Chiba replied quickly.

Is there more than one Sage of the Six Paths?

But in Qianye's heart, there was such a doubt.

Vaguely, he felt that the next words of the Sage of the Six Paths were going to change his perception of this world.

"You're right, there are more than one Sage of the Six Paths. But, none of them are in this world. In a world, there is a Sage of the Six Paths, and there is also the will of the world."

In this regard, the Sage of the Six Paths said straightforwardly.

"One world, one Sage of the Six Paths, one world will? You mean, there is more than one world like this, Naruto's world?"

Hearing this, Chiba's eyes slightly opened, this was indeed something he didn't know.

"Is that so... In your world, ours is called Naruto World."

In this regard, the Sage of the Six Paths seemed to have obtained some interesting information, so he said.

"Yes, there is more than one world like ours. At least, as far as we know, there are hundreds of them."

In the end, he returned to the topic.

"Thousands of... parallel worlds?"

Hearing this, Qianye frowned and murmured in a low voice.

"Let's put it this way, using the knowledge of you outsiders, it is a parallel world. We have forgotten how we were born. After all, it happened before we were born. What the will of the world and I know is, or in other words, From the memory of the birth of the world in the will of the world, what I know is that our world is just one of thousands of the same world view, the same world composition, and the same life. A given future.

I, the Sage of the Six Paths, will seal Kaguya Otsutsuki, spread Chakra, and open the ninja world. At the same time, after death, the disputes between the children will trigger endless wars in the whole world, and finally end in a descendant named Uzumaki Naruto, who opened up the world. The peaceful and prosperous age, from now on, the established future ends. "

"What about after it's over?"

And hearing this sentence, Qianye couldn't help but interrupted his words.

"have no idea."

In this regard, the Sage of the Six Paths shook his head. He only knew that there was such a line for the established future, and he didn't know what would happen after it ended.

"Maybe it will exist in peace and happiness, or it may be destroyed."

In the end, the Immortal of the Six Paths expressed his views on this matter.

"You...don't know either?"

But this time, Qianye was really surprised. It sounded a little inexplicable. He always thought that the will of the world must know something in order to maintain such an established future, but in the end he didn't know what the result would be. It may exist, it may be destroyed, so why is it so persistent in this established future route?

"It's just that, although we don't know what will be after the established future, we know that as long as the established future is destroyed, the world will be completely destroyed. So far, about dozens of worlds have been destroyed and disappeared. Even the world's The core is completely annihilated and does not exist. Moreover, when it is destroyed, it is all because of the outsiders, because the outsiders won the final victory and changed the established future. For example, the reason for the destruction of a nearby world is a reincarnation In the Hyuga clan, an outsider who followed Orochimaru and got the same reincarnated eye as your right eye."

To this, the Sage of the Six Paths spoke.

Dozens of worlds have been shattered?

No world reaches a given future?

There are also outsiders?

The nearest one... also got Tenseigan like me, and, is it following Orochimaru?

Without exception, all outsiders won the final victory?

What's the meaning?

What does this mean?

And hearing this sentence, Qianye was stunned on the spot.

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