Chapter 281 Prepare to sneak in

After receiving Chiba's affirmative reply, Yumiko breathed a sigh of relief, and left soon after.

Chiba sent Yumiko away, returned to the door, and closed the door of the ward.

It turns out...Xue Nai almost died when she was a child. I don't know what the disease is. I will ask Xue Nai later. Although there has been no disease for two years, the possibility of recurrence is basically non-existent. But still, it's good to make sure.

Thinking about it, Chiba moved and walked to the side of the food box. Although Yumiko left, the food box and food remained intact.

But at this time, Qianye looked at the food box, but came up with an idea.

I'm afraid, this is not sent by Xue Nai. It must have been sent by Miko on her own initiative. Is this... a bribe for me to agree to persuade Xue Nai? bait?

Thinking about it, Chiba couldn't help flashing a picture in his mind. If he didn't agree to Yumiko, Yumiko would be very angry and take these away.

Thinking of this, Chiba couldn't help but smile.

However, it seems that Yumiko really cares about Xue Nai, and Xue Nai also really likes this...servant who takes care of her? Uh... probably not a servant, but an existence like a sister. The details that Yumiko knew must have been told by Xue Nai.

Otherwise, what happened after Morino passed out and what happened after he woke up, and Yumiko was not present, so he must not know. And since she was able to relay the story to Chiba, it must have been told to her by someone related. After thinking about it, for a member of the Hyuga clan who seldom goes out, there is only Yukina who is also a member of the Hyuga clan. As it happens, Xue Nai is one of the parties involved.

As for when Xue Nai told Yumiko, Chiba couldn't figure it out, but they got along day and night, even if Xue Nai was to be sent to the confinement room, Yumiko still had a chance to get in touch with Yumiko.

And then, the smile at the corner of Chiba's mouth slowly froze.

So, now the key is how to meet Xue Nai. The confinement room is a facility that prevents outsiders from contacting the confinement. Yumiko even said that being locked up in a confinement room is one of the most severe punishments in the Hinata family's family law.

And this kind of punishment is basically set for minor Hyuga clansmen.

But no matter whether it is for minor Hyuga clansman or adult clansman, since it is one of the most severe punishments, it must be quite terrible compared to other punishments. Otherwise, how can we achieve the desired effect of punishment, let people know their mistakes and correct them, or keep the rules in mind and strictly abide by them.

All in all, this punishment will never make people feel better.

Of course, it will not allow people to easily come into contact with the detainees. After all, confinement is to let the detainees be alone and reflect on their mistakes.

I'm afraid there will be guards, and I don't seem to have any legitimate reason to see Xue Nai.

Now that Xue Nai is in confinement, it is naturally impossible to ask for a meeting with Xue Nai openly. And he said that he was trying to persuade Xue Nai... It seems that he would not be allowed.

After all, confinement is one of the most severe punishments. If someone persuades them to let them in, it cannot be said to be the most severe punishment. And now Shinsuke Hinata should be angry... no no no.

Then, you can only sneak in sneakily.

If you sneak in, there must be guards on duty outside the confinement room, that's for sure. When I was in confinement last time, there were people on duty outside, and there were even many secret sentries.

Chiba recalled the time when he was locked up.

No, before that, let's consider how to sneak into the Hinata family mansion...

Chiba lowered his head and looked at the scroll Yumiko gave him in his hand, on which the location of the confinement room was drawn, and there was also a rough map of the Hyuga family mansion, so that Chiba would not get lost.

Obviously, Yumiko also thought it was impossible to go in head-on, otherwise she wouldn't have found this scroll for me.

If you can go in head-on, Chiba will be taken directly to the confinement room, so there is no need for this map.


At this time, Qianye's voice sounded again, and the aroma of the food in the food box began to infiltrate his nose uncontrollably.


Subconsciously, Chiba swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Now, fill your belly!

Anyway, it is impossible to leave the hospital during this time period.

Thinking about it, Chiba moved both hands together, and grabbed the largest and most tempting Ise sea shrimp in the food box.

After that, it was a meal wolfed down.

But at this time, outside the door, Guizi looked away, and slowly put the bento box in his hand behind his back, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

Eh--? Is it the young lady of the Hinata family? Speaking of which, Miss Xue Nai was on the same team as him before. I remember that they are all disciples of Lord Kushina.

This kid... except for Hongyan, no one cares about him.

Thinking of this, Guizi turned his hands behind his back, held the bento box behind his back, raised his head slightly, and walked back step by step.

I also wanted to give him a surprise, but it seems that he doesn't need it anymore.

Soon, Qianye ate all the food in the food box, wiped his greasy mouth, and burped in satisfaction.

Then, decide to act after the night rounds of the hospital. The longer this matter is delayed, the worse it will be.

Anyway, I don't need a drip today.

Chiba took a look at his right hand, the drip needle hole on it had been removed before Yumiko Hyuga came.

His body has almost recovered, and he can also eat, so naturally he doesn't need drips.

It's just... Do you really want to persuade Xue Nai to give up the mission? Indeed, in this way she is under the protection of Konoha, unless Konoha falls, nothing will happen.

But... is this really good for her?

Qianye frowned, then shook her head, throwing the thought away.

I don’t think about that now, I have to study this scroll carefully. Although it is a simple map, I have to keep it in mind. Otherwise, if people get lost after sneaking in, it would be really funny.

Thinking of this, Qianye was about to reach into his arms and take out the scroll, but when he was about to reach into his arms, he paused slightly.

Uh... let's wash your hands first...

Qianye twitched the corner of his mouth, stood up silently, tidied up the food box, and walked to the cleaning place.

In short, the research is done, let's take a nap.

Chiba thought while walking.

But when Chiba finished cleaning and walked back to her ward, she suddenly thought of something.

Strange, it's already past twelve o'clock, why hasn't Hongyan come back yet?

Thinking of this, Qianye couldn't help but walked to the window and opened the curtains. It was still snowing heavily outside, and there were very few pedestrians on the road, almost none.

Of course, there was no sign of Hirohiko either.

That kid, what are you doing running away...

Chiba frowned, if Hyuga Yumiko didn't come, then he would have nothing to eat, even the unpalatable patient meal.


its not right? Meals for sick patients are mandatory by the hospital. Why hasn't Guizi been brought over since the meal is over?


Feeling a little weird today.

Thinking about it, Qianye glanced at the pendulum again, and confirmed that it was already past twelve o'clock at noon, and past meal time.

Are Hirohiko and Keiko not here?

It's unscientific, as a nurse, Guizi, it's impossible not to come...

What's going on?

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