Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2725 return


With the sound of light footsteps, on the black water-like ground, light-colored waves slowly rose, slowly rippling away, extending infinitely, like a layer of circular light It spread out.

"Oh... is this the core of the world? Why is it so dark, I remember... there is no such dark place."

Afterwards, a voice full of leisure and even a bit of criticism rang out in this silent world.

Afterwards, a beam of light slowly lit up, illuminating everything within this radius, but it was a man wearing a chakra coat, his left eye was spinning around, his right eye was shining brightly, and the center of his brow was like a bright red full moon Generally speaking, it is a young man with reincarnation patterns as the base and Jiugou jade as the embellishment eyes, exuding an aura that fits inexplicably with this dark space.

Exactly, the main body Chiba.

"Oh... you're here."

And at this time, in front of Qianye, where the light of the chakra coat can barely shine, an old man wearing a gouyu wide-sleeved cannon that looks like a white flame is sitting on top of nine goyu slowly. Emerging, seeing Qianye, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said.

Exactly, Sage of the Six Paths.

"According to the agreement, I brought my heart here."

Upon hearing this sentence and seeing such a soft smile, Qianye also put away her judgmental tone, and spoke seriously.

The voice was low, but it had a rare softness.

Then, he slowly raised his right hand, and when he opened his clenched right hand, a bright pure white flame-like light burst out instantly. In an instant, everything between the two of them was illuminated brightly, and the heavy darkness was also illuminated. As if they were dispersed, a circle was formed around the two of them, as if the two of them were covered in a hood composed of a light curtain.

But at this moment, in Qianye's right hand, there is beating a heart that looks like a pure white flame.

"When did you find out that my heart is inside Uchiha Nobuhiko's body?"

Regarding this, the Sage of the Six Paths who seemed to be connected to the darkness didn't even look at the heart, but just looked at Qianye and asked.

"It hasn't been long since you told me that your heart has disappeared. I realized that your heart is actually in Uchiha Nobuhiko's body. At first, I thought it was this world that could create transcendent power, but Later, I understood that the world can only create power within the rules, or in accordance with the rules, and if you want to create a supernormal that can be reincarnated infinitely, then you must start with the rule of reincarnation. Using the rules of the world, Chakra can continue through reincarnation, and Chakra originally contains human spiritual power, and the spiritual level is basically the sum of things like memory and will. Since it is spiritual power, then Chakra can also have memory and will, and as long as the quality of the chakra is good enough, then it can be reincarnated with enough memory and will. Chakra that can carry enough memory and will, Asura and Even Indra can't do it, so the only ones who can do it are your mother Kaguya Otsuki and Sage of the Six Paths, and it just so happens that your heart is gone, so it's obvious that the world put your heart into it. Uchiha Nobuhiko's body allows him to have enough chakra strength to carry the memory and will of the previous life for reincarnation, so that he can be reborn infinitely, and because he has your chakra strength and nature, as long as he develops it, plus He will only become stronger and stronger with the knowledge he has accumulated from life to life, and it will not be a problem at all to deal with immature outsiders."

Regarding this, Chiba said very frankly.

By the way, even the questions that the Sage of the Six Paths will ask next have been answered.


As for Qianye's situation after answering all the following questions, the Sage of the Six Paths is still smiling, as if he doesn't know about Qianye's current state change, nor does he know the current situation, just like in the spiritual space back then. Just like when we first met Chiba, he nodded slightly.

"So, can I ask you a question?"

Regarding this, Qianye took a step forward slightly and said.

In the words, it is not unexpected to the reaction of the Sage of the Six Paths. To be honest, if the Immortal of the Six Paths didn't have this attitude, but was out of breath or something else, then he wouldn't be calm.

After all, he is also the spokesperson of the will of the world. The existence of God is also the existence that has mastered the original power of the world. In a sense, Qianye may not be as influential as the Sage of the Six Paths in front of him in terms of influence on this world.

If you panic because of a little bit of the current situation, this is the biggest problem, the biggest abnormality, and abnormality is a monster. If there is a monster at such a critical time, it is really a big monster.

Qianye thought to herself that there was no way to deal with the big monster that appeared at this time according to the original plan.


Hearing this, the Sage of the Six Paths smiled and nodded, as if you could ask anything.

"You are now the Sage of the Six Paths, the son of the world who sealed your mother and saved the world, or in other words, the son of the world who saved the world in a narrow sense. You are still infiltrated by the consciousness of the world and lost the consciousness shell of "Sage of the Six Paths" The god who represents the will of the world?"

Regarding this, Qianye was not polite, and asked directly.

Now that we have come here, any lies and schemes are basically quick words without any meaning.

For the Sage of the Six Paths, at this time, he is already a complete outsider, the destroyer who the world is really afraid of and has been trying to eliminate, and who is willing to take risks to create a supernormal world, and has mastered the closest or even the origin of the world. Power, in front of this kind of power, there is nothing that can be said to win by surprise. To eliminate the holder of this kind of power, it is almost impossible and unnecessary to use tricks.

Therefore, there is no need for him to be polite or hypocritical. In the face of each other's absolute strength, all they can do is to be honest with each other.

Otherwise, if two absolute forces really fight, then the result will not be a victory for one side, but two losers.

As far as Qianye is concerned, he does not want this world to be destroyed, although he does have the power to destroy this world, no, it should be said that this world will inevitably go to destruction without his hands.

Moreover, having reached his level of power, the whole world, even the world itself, is not a fatal threat to him. Thinking back, the guy who blasted the core of the nightmare reincarnation should be similar to his current situation.

Although he is in the world, he is already faintly detached from the world.

At least, in terms of strength, the world can no longer easily kill him.

Of course, because this is not easy to kill, then he has absolute influence on this world, maybe not as good as the spokesperson of a world, but it is not too bad, he is no longer the one who will not get up even if he is thrown into the turbulence. The existence of ripples, but the existence of turbulence that can be diverted at will, is also because he is such an existence, and the world will definitely not allow such a person to exist. He will definitely try to eliminate him, or reduce his influence on the world.

However, he didn't want to confront this world in the true sense, and create a situation where one side must be destroyed.

And since he didn't want the world to be destroyed, and he didn't want to destroy the world, there was only one choice for him, and that was to be honest and honest with each other.

There is nothing to hide.

Even, Qianye doesn't want to destroy the world, in a sense, he is saving this world that is bound to be destroyed.

The two sides still have a common language.

No matter how much the world wants to get rid of him, it can only choose to be honest and honest with each other at this time.

At this time, it is the helplessness of the weak to think about winning by surprise and accumulating chances of victory with lies and strategies.

"No, I am still the independent one. The current state of the three of us should be that I am the middleman of the will of the world."

To this, the Sage of the Six Paths answered quite simply.

"It seems that the will of the world is still very wise. After all, it has caused me so many obstacles. If it came to talk to me, I might not be able to resist. However, after all, you have helped me and created such a The spiritual space accommodates my soul body in the past. Although it is a transaction itself, it can be regarded as somewhat sympathetic, and it will not be turned directly. The will of the world is not a simple program. I am starting to be a little curious. The will of the world , Is it emotional or not, or in other words, is it a scheming and sophisticated person, or is it similar to that kind of indifferent and superior existence."

Hearing this, Chiba smiled and said so.

"This... As the existence of this world, I can't know it. From our point of view, we naturally have a good impression of it, just like children are to parents. We cannot objectively view the will of the world."

Regarding this, the Sage of the Six Paths spoke very objectively.

"So, you can represent the world now, right?"

Hearing this, Qianye put away his smile, and didn't get too entangled in this topic. After all, he wasn't really interested in whether the world's will had feelings or no feelings, whether it had feelings or no feelings, maybe , These were still very important to Chiba back then, but they are irrelevant to Chiba now.

Although his influence is not as good as the Sage of the Six Paths or the Will of the World in front of him, in terms of position, he is equivalent to the Will of the World or the Sage of the Six Paths.

Since it is an equal dialogue, then, to care about what is emotional and what is not emotional is almost a self-deprecation.

Now, it's not that he wants to cater to the will of the world, but the will of the world, and his thoughts must be considered.

"Yes, I can convey your meaning, and I will also convey its thoughts."

To this, the Sage of the Six Paths nodded.

"Then, I want to ask, the world... No, I will use you to refer to the two of you here. Do you want to take back this heart now?"

And hearing this nonsense, Qianye didn't talk nonsense, and said directly.

As he said that, he moved forward the beating heart made of pure white flames in his hand, and by the way, looked at the position of the heart on the pure white flame Gouyu clothes of Immortals of the Six Paths.

There, there is a hollow, where the heart was originally stored.

"Then I will also use me to refer to me and the will of the world. Here, I want to ask, is this heart the original heart that I lost back then? Is there no other additive?"

Regarding this, the Sage of the Six Paths still smiled and said in a questioning tone.

"of course not."

Hearing this, Qianye shook his head, his figure was slightly shorter, but he sat down in the air, and as he sat down, the nine shining jades that were originally behind him automatically placed on his body Down.

It looks exactly the same as the Sage of the Six Paths.

And, it seems that there is a feeling of having a long talk.

"I have made up all the chakra consumed in it. After all, Nobuhiko Uchiha has reincarnated so many lives, and this life has developed the supreme power of the reincarnation eye. Although the heart can recover naturally in each life, just like It’s the same as recovering Chakra normally, but this life seems to be a bit beyond my means, so it’s my free gift.”

Finally, he spoke again.

Seems to be very honest and too white.

"Really... that's really thankful, can I ask, how did you complete it?"

In this regard, the Immortal of the Six Paths paused slightly, as if he had listened to something, and seemed to have thought about it, and said so.

There was obviously some tit-for-tat in the tone.

"You also know that I have the core fragments of another world, the supreme power that can replenish the depleted power of this heart, and even some of the original power of the world. Naturally, I need to use the original power of another world."

Hearing this, Chiba answered very simply.

"The original power of another world? Your Excellency Qianye, are you joking? It is obviously the original power of another universe. I can't stand it."

In this regard, the Sage of the Six Paths smiled slightly, and said.

At this moment, where is the issue of the ownership of the heart being discussed, no, it should be said, where is the issue of returning the heart.

This heart, taken out so generously by the other side, and "kindly" made up for the loss inside, seems to be a good start for the next "common discourse", but this person can not hesitate to "kindly" Take it out and return it, but whether you accept it or not depends on whether he dares to accept it or not.

In this heart, there is not only the power of the world's origin that is complete.

But there is still a higher level of original power, which belongs to a universe, the original power of the universe made up of countless worlds.

Moreover, it is also the original power of another universe under the control of the completely outsider in front of him.

If this thing is placed on the chest, I am afraid that it is not the heart that is brought in, but the ancestors!

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