Chapter 2719 absorb

"Do you think this will kill you?"

Regarding Uchiha Nobuhiko's half-ridiculous words, Chiba showed a slightly mocking smile at the corner of his mouth, and calmly responded.

At this time, a red diamond-shaped imprint had already appeared on his forehead, and inside the diamond-shaped imprint, on both sides of the diamond-shaped glass-like seal filled with red chakra, the crystal-clear glass-like seal seemed to be It began to spread, and almost in an instant, two diamond-shaped glass-like seals were extended from the lower two sides of the diamond-shaped glass-like seal, tightly fitting the red chakra diamond-shaped glass-like seal that was originally only one. .


In this regard, Uchiha Nobuhiko sneered, noncommittal.

"You won't tell me so much, it's just to distract me so that you can absorb the chakras in me."

At the end, Nobuhiko Uchiha seemed to have thought of something suddenly, his eyes narrowed slightly.

But at this time, in his vision of reincarnation eyes, the space surrounded by black mist slowly emerged, that is, the prison of time. In different prison spaces, or in other words, in the prison cell, under the gray and unreal environment, there is the sound of trembling chains and chains from time to time.

Indistinctly, with the sound of chains jingling, the mist seemed to disperse a little bit, revealing the nine kneeling on the ground with their hands lifted by the chains, forming a figure of an upside-down figure, and the chains and their Where the hand touches, chakras of various colors are continuously being sucked out along the chain, flowing to the end of the chain.

"It cannot be denied."

Regarding this, Chiba was very frank, did not hide anything, and did not earn any face in front of Nobuhiko Uchiha.

Yes, I said so much just now, although part of it is the catharsis of my own emotions, but it is undeniable that there is indeed an element in it that attracts Uchiha Nobuhiko's attention.

After all, there is no guarantee that Nobuhiko Uchiha will have any hidden abilities. This guy has learned to show weakness in the past ten years, and with so many reincarnations, this is a complete world. Those contents, at most, can accurately grasp the context of fate. As for some powers that are not reflected in the original work, Qianye is not aware of them.

If it is not even, Nobuhiko Uchiha still has the power to suppress the bottom of the box. If it is about knowing fate, Nobuhiko Uchiha will give him a thousand horses and he will not be able to catch up with Chiba, but if it is about understanding the world, Chiba will have ten thousand horses. Can't catch up with Uchiha Nobuhiko.

Thanks to so much, Chiba doesn't want to capsize here.

Even, although it is unlikely, if Nobuhiko Uchiha has a killer weapon to get rid of his control, and even escape from his hands, then it will be more embarrassing now that he has revealed all his hole cards in advance.

He is still not sure what unforeseen situation will happen. Dao is one foot tall, and the devil is one foot high. Now he can be said to be truly above the top of the world's power system, but it doesn't mean that this world He is already powerless, but fate has no power to control him, his strength is like a rock in the long river of fate that cannot be impacted by the turbulent flow of fate, if he goes to the left, the long river of fate must divert to one side, and he goes to the right , the river of fate will also divert.

He can already control fate.

It's not the little pebble that was thrown into fate without even ripples.

However, this does not mean that he can do whatever he wants.

Because, destiny does not represent this world, destiny is just the trajectory of this world, the inherent trajectory, the direction of development, even if destiny changes, if the end point of destiny change is not the destruction of the world, then the world will still exist .

Of course, if fate changes, it will still have a great impact on the world, otherwise the world would not spend so much effort to prevent fate from changing.

Moreover, generally this kind of change ends up being detrimental to the world.

The relationship between the world and fate is ultimately dominated by the world, and fate has nothing to do with him, but it does not mean that the world has nothing to do with him. Although he has grown into a complete outsider, with eyes of reincarnation and eyes of reincarnation, the world still has If power can sanction him, or in other words, against the whole world, he may not be able to win with confidence.

After all, the power he obtained is also based on this world. Whether it is Tenseigan or Reincarnation Eye, they are all under the power system of this world, and this supreme power should not be controlled by ordinary people. What is mastered, even, most likely has no way to exist in a person.

It's just that his transcendental power is perfectly compatible with all the powers of this world, that's why reincarnation eyes and reincarnation eyes can exist in a pair of eye sockets at the same time.

Moreover, it can be combined so perfectly, and with a small amount of world root power contained in the two, it can comprehensively improve his grasp of the power of this world.

Even, in a sense, what he uses in his gestures is not pure ninjutsu, sealing technique, enchantment technique or spell sealing technique, but is closer to the embodiment of the purest world power in this world.

That is to say, Uchiha Nobuhiko, who has the supreme power of reincarnation eye, can compete with him one or two, like others in the ninja world, basically no one can hurt him.

Unless, someone can really use physical means to chop off his head.

And even if his head is cut off, in his reincarnation left eye, there is still another ability that belongs to Uchiha Nobuhiko's Kaleidoscope Sharingan, Izanaki.

Yes, the left eye snatched from Uchiha Nobuhiko’s left eye socket still contains Izanaki. Although Izanaki is a forbidden technique, anyone who uses Sharingan It can be used, but it has become a kind of ability in Nobuhiko Uchiha. Like other gods, it belongs to the illusion in Kaleidoscope Sharingan. The ability is to be able to use Izanaki within a certain period of time. The reality that is unfavorable to oneself is converted into a dream, and the dream that is beneficial to oneself is converted into reality. Moreover, the time will be quite short, and the cooling time is only a few hours. Of course, within the cooling time, this eye is also There is no way to use it, and it is blind.

After evolving into the reincarnation eye, this cooling time has been reduced to one hour, and, with the support of the pupil power of the reincarnation eye, after using this, all the abilities of the left eye can be used within the one-hour cooling time.

Of course, as long as the chakra is enough.

In other words, even if he cut off his head, it would be useless.

This is also the reason why fate has no way to control him. The current Qianye can already be said to be an invincible existence.

And since he is already invincible, then, apart from being able to kill him directly with the power to kill him, there is no unpredictable factor that can change the fact of his existence. After all, Qianye wants to destroy the existence of Destiny, and Destiny The best method is to constantly use unpredictable factors to disrupt the plan of the saboteur, make it fall short, and get rid of the saboteur together to eliminate the danger.

It's as if the turning point of Obito's fate was brought forward, Nobuhiko Uchiha's intrusion during the Kyuubi Rebellion, and Hirohiko, Yukina, and Kushina's obstruction of Chiba were all means of fate.

And the means of fate are useless to this invincible existence now, because any unforeseen factors can't kill Chiba, can't get rid of this destroyer, and even unforeseen factors can't be eliminated The person who lost represents the powerful influence of the destroyer on fate.

Under such influence, if the destroyer insists on changing the fate, then the fate can only be changed.

Moreover, the fate has already undergone an irreversible change because of the simultaneous existence of Chiba and Uchiha Nobuhiko.

And fate has failed, but the world has not failed.

And compared to fate, Chiba can fight against fate and change fate, but the world is not.

The world is all the rules including destiny, and the unity of all matter, spirit and existence is everything.

And Chiba is also among all these.

He is not yet sure whether he can stand against the world,

Moreover, as far as he knew, there was at least one force in this world that could check and balance him.

However, this power is no longer Uchiha Nobuhiko.

So, be careful or be careful.

This step in front of him is also an extremely important step, and Qianye does not want to make mistakes.


At this time, Nobuhiko Uchiha snorted coldly again for Chiba's words, but he didn't say anything after that, just quietly looked at Chiba's hand on his shoulder, looked at that Absorbing Chakra.

At the same time, Qianye didn't speak any more. The red diamond-shaped imprint on the center of the eyebrows gradually began to flood with other colors, such as sand-like gold, alien flame-like blue, clear azure blue, and lava-like. The golden red, the misty white, the lush green, the soft and firm dark red, and the bright red in the first diamond-shaped seal, gradually, the diamond-shaped seal on Chiba's forehead changed from the bright red at the beginning. With the color as the center, it is slowly divided into small diamond-shaped squares of nine colors.

And the sealed space in Chiba's forehead, the original bright red diamond-shaped sealed space, has been connected by eight identical diamond-shaped sealed spaces around it, forming a larger diamond-shaped sealed space, and these nine diamond-shaped sealed spaces , each of which is composed of nearly eighty-one small diamond-shaped sealed spaces, and each diamond-shaped sealed space, that is, every eighty-one small diamond-shaped sealed spaces, stores a kind of chakra, adding up to exactly nine kinds.

And as the nine kinds of chakra in the sealed space overflowed, the hand on Nobuhiko Uchiha's shoulder slowly dropped.

"Just absorbing half of the Chakra from the Nine Tailed Beasts, isn't it going to become the Ten Tailed Jinchuriki?"

Seeing Chiba's hand put down, Uchiha Nobuhiko turned his head, looked at Chiba, and said.

"And why didn't you choose to become Jinchuriki of the Ten Tails? I'm not a fool."

Regarding this, Qianye smiled lightly and said.

Become Jinchuriki of the Ten Tails?

Qianye is not so stupid, he took the initiative to give the world a chance to kill himself, after becoming Jinchuriki, although he can gain huge power, even with his ability, he can directly control the tail beast and even the ten tails perfectly.

However, anyone with Renzhuli who was pulled away from the walking-tailed beast would surely die.

Even if his vitality is tenacious, it is just to live a little longer.

He is already invincible in this world. Although he can't fight against the whole world, if he doesn't want to die, even if the world takes action, it may not be able to kill him.

But now that he has become Renzhuli, he has an extra weakness out of thin air, a lethal weakness, isn't that stupid?

What's more, in this time prison, this Uchiha Nobuhiko has already gathered all the tail beasts in the past ten years. I am afraid that half of the nine tails are in the soul of his Minato teacher. This Uchiha Nobuhiko has long since In the hands of the god of death, he snatched the soul of Minato teacher and imprisoned him in the time prison.

And in the past ten years, Nobuhiko Uchiha did not choose the psychic heretic golem to become the Jinzhuriki of the ten tails. I am afraid the reason is the same, and he does not want to have another weakness.

They are all beings who rebel against fate, and can even be said to be rebellious against the world. Naturally, it is impossible for them to think about becoming Renzhuli and give themselves an extra death option for no reason.

Although the Ten-Tails' Jinchuriki is powerful, it's still not worth it.

This Uchiha Nobuhiko just regards these imprisoned Jinchuriki as tools for long-term extraction of Tailed Beast Chakra.

In this way, you can get the power of the tailed beast, and further complement your form that is infinitely close to the supreme power of this world.

Also, it can eliminate the weakness of Renzhuli.

Kill two birds with one stone.

And now, Chiba has sealed the chakra of the nine tailed beasts into the yin seal that has been expanded countless times, and can be used at any time. Besides, after Nobuhiko Uchiha's death, this time prison is his.

He can also draw the power of the nine-tailed beasts at any time, and the soul of Minato is also stored in the time prison. When everything is over, it is saved to kill the majesty of the god of death. At that time, only need to release the soul of Minato, and then carry out A series of resurrection methods will do.

Of course, Minato can only suffer a little now.

"If... I beg you, will you let this world die."

In this regard, Uchiha Nobuhiko's eyes seem to have turned countless emotions, such as unwillingness, worry, resentment, unyielding, shame... In the end, all emotions finally merged into a kind of helpless pleading and a humble opening.

"It seems that I was wrong. The will of the world did not choose the wrong person. In order to protect the world, you are able to humbly beg an outsider who is regarded as an enemy..."

Hearing this, Qianye was stunned for a while, then lowered her eyes and said with a sigh.


Then, in the next second, with the sound of flesh breaking, Qianye suddenly raised his eyes, his eyes were already filled with cold murderous aura, blood was gushing out, and his mouth was also icy cold.

"But, I refuse!"

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