Chapter 2717 Overnight

(This chapter is actually Chapter 2715, the title has been updated incorrectly, but the content is correct)

"Hyuga the blood of the Otsutsuki Hagoromo family on the moon? Are you sure what you said is correct? The moon and this land have areas that absolutely no living things can pass through, and besides, no one can fly so high Compared with you who know everything, I may not know much, but I still know some basic common sense."

Regarding Taki Chiba's inexplicable words that sound high but are actually low, the corners of Uchiha Nobuhiko's eyes twitched, almost unable to restrain his calm posture.

Just kidding, no matter how you think about it, it is impossible for Hyuga Yukina to come to this land!

The moon, that is, Otsutsuki Kaguya's body, is originally a space hanging alone outside the earth. As far as he knows, this space does not have any air. In that space, there is no way to breathe, not only no way Breathing, the temperature in that space is even colder than the coldest ice. People in that space will turn into solid ice in a second, and no one can survive in that space.

Not only is it impossible to survive, it is even impossible to travel through.

This is a place that even a supreme power like Samsara Eye can't reach.

And just now, this Taki Chiba also said that he needs the eyes of the Hyuga clan, the blood of Moon Otsutsuki.

In other words, although the Hyuga Clan on the ground and the Lunar Otsuki Clan are both descendants of Otsutsuki Hagoromo, they are just like Indra and Asura inheriting the Immortal Eye and Immortal Body, what the Hyuga Clan inherited , should also be different.

For example, the Hyuga family inherited more eyes and had more pure pupil power, otherwise, they would not need their eyes instead of body blood, and the Lunar Otsutsuki family should have inherited more similar to the fairy body. Otsuki Yuromo's physical strength, so the blood of Otsuki's clan is needed to awaken Otsuki Yuromo's Tenseigan.

It's like the power of Indra and Asura must be combined to awaken the eyes of reincarnation.

And now there is such a space that can't be reached by the eyes of reincarnation. If Hyuga Yukina has the pure blood of Moon Otsutsuki, then how did she come to this land and how did she travel through that space.

Judging from the current situation that Taki Chiba is able to control space with non-celestial means, this Tenseigan should have space capabilities. Then, it makes sense for Otsutsuki Hagoromo to move to the moon, that is, Tenseikan can Directly transfer a certain amount of people to the moon.

However, I am afraid that only Tenseigan can do this. He who has the supreme power of Samsarayan knows very well that apart from the space between the moon and the earth, the huge distance figure is also a natural moat, without any time and space. Ninjutsu or ability can span such a huge distance, and the transfer ability of space-time ninjutsu and ability is linked to Chakra. No one has such a huge chakra to consume such a huge distance, even Even if he has accumulated so many lives, he can't.

Therefore, it can only be Tenseigan, it can only be that Tenseigan has the ability to travel through time and space, and can use a small amount of chakra for fixed-point transfer. As a power of the same level as the Supreme Power, Nobuhiko Uchiha thinks that Tenseigan has such an ability quite possible.

However, Otsutsuki Hagoromo with Tenseigan can do it, but Hyuga Yukina who only has supercilious eyes can't.

That is to say, assuming Hyuga Yukina is the blood of Lunar Otsutsuki, then she must live on the moon, and Otsuki Yuromo can rely on Tenseigan to go to the moon, so how did Hyuga Yukina come to the earth from the moon?

However, Nobuhiko Uchiha said this now, not because he doesn't believe that Hyuga Yukina is a moonman, but because he doesn't believe that a moonman can come to this land without Tenseigan.

After all, now we know that there is still a moonman, and this moonman is of the same origin as the legendary Sage of the Six Paths, and even has a reincarnation eye of the same level as the reincarnation eye, and if he also has the means to reach the earth If so, then he has to pay attention to it.

Even now, he may not have a next life.

As for Hyuga Yukina's Otsutsuki bloodline, Uchiha Nobuhiko generally believed it, or in other words, there was no reason to doubt it, and the reason was that he was very interested in Hyuga Yukina at the beginning, and he even knew about Hyuga Yukina's bloodline. The family once did some experiments with this Hyuga Yukina's blood, and for a while, a group of Hyuga clansmen that seemed to be mutated appeared in the dark of the ninja world. It is a terrifying improvement.

And according to his experience of being reincarnated into the Hyuga Clan, the pupil power of these mutated individuals has increased by at least two or three times, and some individuals have even reached ten times. However, the survival time of these individuals is quite short, at least exposed When he was in his line of sight, it took almost a short time, the time for a battle lore, to disappear.

It was also the individual who discovered this mutation, so he began to investigate, and finally found Hinata Yukina, but at that time, Hinata Shinsuke was very tightly protected. Due to the situation at the time and various things, he finally did not respond. Hinata Yuki Nai started.

However, what is certain is that Hyuga Yukina's blood does have the ability to enhance the pupil power of the Hyuga clan.

Combined with Taki Chiba's words now, it is very likely that the Otsutsuki bloodline in Hyuga Yukina's body strengthened the pupil power of the Hyuga clan. After all, the Otsutsuki bloodline is the existence that can make the eyes of the Hyuga clan's clan evolve into Tenseiken. As the blood of Hyuga Yukina who has Otsutsuki's bloodline, it makes sense that it can strengthen the white eyes and pupils of the Hyuga clan.

As for why those members of the Hyuga clan died in a short period of time, it is likely to be related to the birds in the cage, or their own quality. Although the individual differences in Baiyan are not as obvious as those in Sharingan, this is also because The function of Baiyan is not as obvious as that of Sharingan. There is also a difference in pupil power inside Baiyan. The Hyuga clan has not disclosed the unique forbidden or secret technique of Baiyan to the world, but it requires very strict pupil power conditions to be able to use it.

It is even possible that among these forbidden and secret techniques, there are forbidden or secret techniques that can only be used in reincarnation.

After all, the Hyuga clan has continued until now. Because of Konoha, only their family is the most well-preserved of the secrets.

Therefore, it is not impossible for Hyuga Yukina to have the blood of the Lunar Otsuki family. What is impossible is how Hyuga Yukina came from the moon.

In the absence of Reincarnation Eye.

With only Otsutsuki's bloodline, Hyuga Yukina doesn't have Tenseigan, and, if she has Tenseiken, he wouldn't have to fight at Nine Tails Night.

Given the fact that Hinata Yukina was able to sacrifice her life to save Taki Chiba, if she had Tenseigan, the battle would not be him vs. Taki Chiba.

Then, it can be said that if Hyuga Yukina has the blood of Otsutsuki, it is impossible for her to come to the earth, and if she is on the earth, she must have Tenseigan. Without Tenseigan, she cannot appear on the earth unless She doesn't have Otsutsuki's blood, but the blood of the Hyuga clan.

It's an endless loop.

"No problem, you should also know that Hyuga Yukina is not Hinata Shinsuke's own child, but the child picked up by his deceased wife."

In this regard, Chiba said so.

Not from the perspective of knowing everything, Chiba also has enough reasons to think that Xue Nai has the blood of Otsutsuki, and her blood and Xue Ying's were not destroyed by the bird in the cage, and she is good enough to awaken Tenseigan.

Only the blood of Otsutsuki can use the blood of his whole body to save a mortal person. This kind of miracle of bringing the dead back to life can only be done by the most ambitious power in the world, the blood of the Otsutsuki clan.

The power of this family is directed at the origin of the world, and it can even be said to be the incarnation of the power of the world. It may contain all the rules of power in this world. It seems that it is not impossible to break the boundary between life and death.

Even, the reason why Chiba can have the exit of the time prison that can fix the world of the dead in the world of the living, can make the reincarnation of the undead type of dirt, and can even preserve the corpses of Kushina, Hirohiko, and Yukina for a long time, maybe It is because of the power of this big tube of wood.

It's because of Xue Nai's pure blood flowing in his own blood vessels.

Including, all the techniques he has mastered now, except for the Eight Gates Dunjia and Fixed Chakra Improvement of Physical Skills, of course there is no need to perform the Eight Gates mode now, Sealing Technique, Curse Sealing Book, Barrier Technique and The combination of them with each other creates a special function of the combination of various attributes, the five escape ninjutsu, etc., have achieved a qualitative leap, the black city wall used before, and even the five elements behind the wooden man. The power formed by Qiudao Yu was actually a qualitative change after Chiba got Xue Nai's blood.

It's not that in the past ten years, his ninjutsu has improved to an unbelievable level.

It's because Xue Nai's blood brought him new power.

Tenseiyan power.

Pure Otsutsuki's blood power.

"The child I picked mean, you don't mean that the moon has a way to come to the earth?"

In this regard, Uchiha Nobuhiko is still very keen, and soon realized.

The child brought back by Hyuga Shinsuke's wife is from the Otsutsuki clan of the moon, and Hyuga Shinsuke's wife is an out-and-out Hyuga clan, and Hyuga Yukina is not her own, that is to say, Hyuga Yukina can only use some means, From the moon to the earth.

In other words, it is very possible that the earth cannot go to the moon, but the moon has a way to go to the earth.

Only in this way can we explain the reason why Hyuga Yukina appeared on the earth.

"No! Wait a minute, the point is not this..."

However, in the next second, he seemed to suddenly think of something, shook his head violently, but stared at Taki Chiba, the calmness in his eyes is now of course gone, a raging fire of resentment , suddenly occupied all his expressions, and almost paused every word, he continued: "You have actually won, on the night of the Nine-Tails Rebellion, you have already won! The battle between us , has come to an end!"

Damn it! ,

Damn it!

Damn it!

And at this moment, between the words that were uttered through gritted teeth, the last trace of calmness in Uchiha Nobuhiko's heart had been swallowed up by the anger of humiliation and humiliation.

At this moment, he suddenly realized something, something that made him feel that everything he did was like a clown.

It was also something that deeply and thoroughly hurt his self-esteem.

According to everything that Taki Chiba said now, one after another, in fact, Taki Chiba won when he was resurrected on the night of the Nine Tails Rebellion.

And then, the battle of wits and courage with him in the past ten years, including his slightly complacent show of weakness, is actually just Taki Chiba cooperating with him in acting.

This Taki Chiba, since then, has already possessed the strength to kill him instantly.

At this moment, it seems that this Taki Chiba is standing at a higher position than himself, even with one foot on top of his head, looking down at him.

And he didn't even know that someone stepped on the top of his head.

This is simply... simply... the most unforgivable thing.

For myself!

Yes, at this moment, this humiliation and humiliation turned into anger was not aimed at Taki Chiba in front of him, but at himself.

Is there anything more embarrassing than this?

there is none left!

This is simply a lifetime, no, it is a shame and humiliation that cannot be wiped away in lifetimes.


But at this time, a hand patted Nobuhiko Uchiha's shoulder lightly, and a face suddenly came closer.

Almost instantly, Nobuhiko Uchiha was startled.

What's up with him?

But at this time, such a thought that he didn't know how to turn flashed through his mind.


And at this time, a series of laughter with strong self-deprecating emotions suddenly sounded in front of him.

From that face that looked bitter and self-deprecating.

"That's right, at that time, I was destined to win, and I was just waiting for a turning point of fate."

And in the next second, a voice that couldn't tell whether it was pride or loneliness rang out.

Yes, since then, Chiba has won.

When Xue Nai's blood entered his body, he gathered the power of Otsutsuki Yumura and Otsutsuki Yuromo.

Otsutsuki Yumura has a mature immortal body and reincarnation eyes, which are given by Hirohiko's eyes and the cells in the column.

As for Otsuki Yuromo, it was Xue Ying's eyes and Xue Nai's blood.

Even now, he still has Nine-Tails Chakra with one tail from Nine-Tails, which is a backhand given to him by his teacher Uzumaki Kushina.

That's right, at that time, he lost everything, but gained everything again.

Overnight, he lost all of his most cherished people.

But I also got the most critical thing to overthrow fate...

Power beyond the control that destiny can carry!

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