Chapter 2709 Don't think...


This is impossible!

The power of the pupil was interrupted, and the Yu of Heaven had already been interrupted.

Moreover, there was no reaction from Taki Chiba's pupil power.

Why, the power of Shenluo Tianzheng, why does it seem to have stopped.

In the eyes of the spiral reincarnation lines, there was an incredible tremor, and amidst the uneasiness surging in his chest, Nobuhiko Uchiha's heart was full of shock and inexplicable fear.

The situation at this time is obviously very abnormal.

At this time, due to unknown reasons, the time prison was opened, and the pupil power that he had created in his left eye instead of the mass-produced reincarnation eye that was taken away by Taki Chiba, which he did not hide from, suddenly opened the time prison. , and set the entrance and exit in the world of the living and instantly exhausted, and also consumed the pupil power of his original genuine reincarnation right eye, resulting in the pupil power not being able to continue for a while now, and the Heavenly Guardian was forced to cancel.

As for the current situation, it is the God of Heaven that restricts Shenluo Tianzheng from radiating out to destroy Konoha's state. If the God of Heaven is lifted, the most powerful version of Shenluo Tianzheng should have razed this place to the ground.

Of course, he himself would not be injured by Shenluo Tianzheng, but Muye Village is definitely gone, and Taki Chiba must not let it go.

At that time, the decisive battle between him and Taki Chiba must be launched at this time.

And this is also the meaning of this Tendao Yahiko, no, it should be said that Nagato, and even the entire Akatsuki organization, is the will of his only ally, Uchiha Obito.

In a sense, it would not be a good decision for him, or for the reborn Uchiha Nobuhiko, to fight Taki Chiba at this time. Even, relatively speaking, at this time, he is not prepared yet. Sufficiently, at least the current situation is not conducive to the decisive battle between him and Taki Chiba.

Originally, he had already prepared all the power fragments he needed. In the past two or three years, what he had to do was to piece together all the power fragments and become familiar with the strongest power he could think of. .

It is also the real ceiling of the power of this world.

However, the time prison just now can be said to have destroyed all his arrangements. What he had to do was to retreat. In the past two or three years, he would re-collect the power fragments and prepare for the decisive battle with Taki Chiba.


It should be said that without the current release, I am afraid that he would not lose the power fragments, resulting in the incomplete final form of his own power.

The moment the time prison was opened, he could close it directly, but now under the attack of Tendao Yahiko, he had to use the Heavenly Armor, which made the pupil power that should have been abundant, because the Time Prison and the Heavenly Armor were released together. Because of this reason, a large amount of pupil power was consumed in an instant, causing the reincarnation eye and the mass-produced version of the reincarnation eye to be unable to load in an instant, and the pupil power could not be continued.

Only then did the group of hostage teenagers, Hirohiko, Yukina, and Michiko's souls escape.

None of this would have happened without the attack of Tendou Yahiko in front of him. He could close the time prison the moment it opened.

It can't be like this!


what's going on?

At this time, amidst the confusion of thoughts, countless thoughts flashed through Nobuhiko Uchiha's mind, including "If Yahiko Tendou hadn't attacked" just now, and some were inconceivable and puzzled about the current situation. , it should be that the space is still stopped, so the repulsive force has not spread out, and there is no destruction. However, I can't feel the pupil power of Taki Chiba. The eyes of the two of them are a pair of eyes. After they are separated, they still have a considerable connection. He could still feel the pupil power fluctuations.

Even strong pupil power fluctuations.

Even, in fact, the Heavenly Prison and the Time Prison are actually the abilities of the right eye of his original Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan. That is to say, although Taki Chiba can also activate it, whether it is the Time Prison or the Heavenly Prison, It's all his technique, not Taki Chiba's left eye technique.

There is a very high probability that Taki Chiba will not be able to use Heaven's Armor.

This is why Nobuhiko Uchiha felt incredible, even shocked and even inexplicably frightened.

Wait a moment!

what happened?

How dark it is!

But at this moment, amidst the chaotic thoughts and the slight uplift of the eyeballs, Nobuhiko Uchiha almost turned pale in shock.

At this moment, not only was Shenluo Tianzheng not released, but even the sky darkened unknowingly.

As far as the eye can see, it is already a starry sky.

The sky was still daytime just now, but now the Milky Way is hanging upside down, and even the full moon is particularly eye-catching, much bigger than the moon on June 15th.

And from the corner of his eye, that Tiandao Yahiko seemed to have noticed the change in the sky at this time.

Taki Chiba!

And subconsciously, Nobuhiko Uchiha felt a sweaty feeling on his forehead, like an illusion, he could feel the big sweat beads sliding down his cheeks.

At the same time, he subconsciously turned his head to look at Taki Chiba on the city wall.


what happened?

Why... can't I move?

Then, in the next second, a feeling of trembling all over his body suddenly appeared in his perception, and the sense of horror suddenly occupied all his thoughts.

In an instant, his eyes almost widened and his face became stiff.

However, he discovered again that he couldn't even make any expressions, and his whole body couldn't move at all.

What... what's going on?

Taki Chiba!

It must be Taki Chiba, what did he do!

What the hell did he do!

After that, an unprecedented sense of fear instantly filled his whole heart.

Unknowingly, his whole body was imprisoned, and he didn't even know that he was imprisoned.

If this is what Taki Chiba did, then he can't imagine how Taki Chiba did all this!

All this can't happen!

It also has the supreme power, and it is still the same supreme power. No matter how terrible and rare Taki Chiba's transcendent power is, it is impossible to imprison him unconsciously. Impossible to be imprisoned, he is not aware of it, he can't feel anything.


However, just when he subconsciously widened his pupils desperately but his facial expression did not change at all, only when the panic called fear emanated from the intact right eye of reincarnation, a golden light came from his front Passing by the side, the golden light flashed, and the buzzing sound disappeared before his eyes.


But in the corner of his eyes, Tendao Yahiko in mid-air maintained this posture of raising his hands to the sky, and suddenly split open, neatly divided into two halves with the eyebrows and spine as the boundary. .

What's even more frightening is that although it was split in two, Tendo Yahiko didn't seem to feel anything at all, and his face still maintained the decisive expression of launching the Shenluo Tianzheng. Even if it split in two, there was no slight change , as if it wasn't him who split in two.

This is!

However, at this moment, Nobuhiko Uchiha's focus was not on Yahiko Tendō who was split in two, but on the land below Yahiko Tendō, which was also split.

At the same time, in my mind, I couldn't help but give up that day, under the huge meteorite that was also split in two, the lava-colored lake that seemed to be plowed open by a high-heat beam.

It's Taki Chiba!

Definitely him!

Can't go wrong!

And the next second, his heart suddenly settled down.

All of this is indeed Taki Chiba's handwriting.


But at this moment, beside the crack that seemed to split the earth, a figure quietly fell down. In the silence, under the moonlight, the white robe with flame patterns was particularly conspicuous.

"I'm really, I was so wrong! From the very beginning, my goal was wrong!"

But at this time, a sigh sounded from a few meters in front of Uchiha Nobuhiko.


Looking subconsciously, Nobuhiko Uchiha's right eye burst into surprise, but it was the white-haired man in the white robe, who was already a few meters in front of him.

What made him even more unbelievable was that at this time, he didn't know when he was standing on the edge of the crack, but he didn't seem to know whether it was the man who walked by his side or whether he was moved to his side .

"How? Originally, these were not shown to you until three years later."

At the same time, the white-haired man in the flaming white robe in front spread his hands, and said with a calm wry smile.

Three years later, show me ?

Is this technique?

Or, this power?

His... transcendent power?

Speaking of which, what is Taki Chiba's transcendent power?

Regarding this, Nobuhiko Uchiha had such a thought in his mind, but suddenly, he remembered that he didn't seem to know what the real transcendence power of Taki Chiba was.

At the beginning, he did seize a share of Taki Chiba's transcendent power, but now it seems that Taki Chiba's transcendent power must be more than that.


Not this one!

It's his attitude!

What does this attitude mean?

Is it impossible for me to resist?

Is he in a position to win?

Is this... looking down on me?

However, he didn't continue to think about this discovery. Instead, a nameless anger suddenly sprang up in his heart.

At this moment, the calm and helpless smile on the face of this hateful Taki Chiba bastard, as well as the relaxed look of his hands, completely regarded him as a powerless beast in a cage!


He is no longer in his eyes!

Completely, don't regard him as an enemy anymore!

Or, something threatening exists!

In other words, he is completely out of Taki Chiba's eyes.

Just like, he didn't take Taki Chiba seriously at all back then!

Damn bastard!

Then, in the next second, he felt a humiliation he had never felt before. Thinking about the prey that had worked hard and struggled in his hands back then, and looking at the arrogance now, this kind of leisurely attitude that does not put himself at all In the eyes, there is almost a kind of villain's success, which makes him look like a tiger in peace and incompetent being bullied by a dog. The nameless anger is almost about to explode.

However, although he was already burning with anger, his eyes seemed to be staring into tears, but all he could do at this moment was a sense of offended anger in his eyes.

"You... don't really think that you are still my worst enemy?"

And at this time, looking at the biggest enemy in front of him who was like a trapped beast, who could only stare blankly, and couldn't even make an expression of anger, Baipao Qianye put away that calm and helpless wry smile , his face slowly turned cold.

To be honest, he understands the anger of this trapped man in front of him. Back then, after losing everything, when he recalled that night, he also had this kind of anger, resenting his powerlessness and not being strong enough. This man is slightly different, but the anger is essentially the same.

However, although the man showed anger, as if being humiliated, Qianye did not mean to humiliate the man.

For Uchiha Nobuhiko, Chiba's mood is one of hatred, because he let himself lose everything, but on the other hand, he is quite sympathetic, just like he desperately wants to change his fate, this Uchiha Nobuhiko has been desperately trying Changing fate, but, this Uchiha Nobuhiko has a higher starting point than himself, and suffers less losses. In addition, this Uchiha Nobuhiko changed his destiny for himself, and he is for others.

In a sense, they can be regarded as people who have fallen in the end of the world, and Qianye is not so bad as to humiliate a illusory, irresistible, and almost irreversible existence of established resistance that is as desperate as himself, and has lowered his own for no reason. character.

And his wry smile just now, which seemed calm and full of leisure, as if he didn't pay attention to people, was of course not mocking the appearance of Uchiha Nobuhiko's trapped beast, but a real helpless wry smile.

To be honest, the scene in front of him was beyond his expectation, and it could even be counted as some kind of unforeseen factor.

Even, it can be regarded as another victory of fate.

As he said, everything now was originally shown to Uchiha Nobuhiko three years ago. He firmly believes that three years later, he can rely on everything he has shown now to win the decisive battle with Uchiha Nobuhiko, just like now .

However, it now appears that he was wrong.

How wrong.

Moreover, this mistake, now it seems that he was fooled by fate, as if he was still complacent and thought that his plan was perfect, but everything he planned was originally what fate wanted him to do.

He was also delusional about using this plan to fix his fate.

It's just... But it's as ridiculous as a clown!

This wry smile is his self-deprecation!

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