Chapter 2696 what is it


Hearing No. 14's response and his footsteps, No. 15 coughed towards the door of the secret room.

At this moment, you can't rush in.

Before, Qianye had already said that there is a clone of his slug fairy technique here, that is to say, this secret room is actually guarded by someone.

However, the slug fairy art avatar and the main body do not have real-time telepathy, unlike the split body. As long as you think about it, you can read the information in the brain of the main body or the split body, and even the main body seems to be able to read to a certain extent. Substituted into the split body, although the two sides have a certain degree of independence, the main body still has absolute dominance over the split body.

And this slug fairy avatar is guarding this secret room. Without real-time telepathy, if they enter this secret room rashly, they are likely to be attacked as enemies.

This slug fairy avatar might not know them either.

As for Qianye's strength, No. 15 did not have a comprehensive understanding, but No. 14 still knew it very comprehensively and clearly.

Even if it is a slug fairy clone, with the bonus of fairy magic, I am afraid they will be hard to resist.

What's more, Chiba has developed body and ninjutsu in an all-round way. Under the celestial chakra, both physical and celestial arts will get extremely strong bonuses, even if it is slug celestial arts, there is no way to use it, such as Bamen Dunjia Jutsu that requires a real physical body to be able to use, nor can it have the power of the obvious characteristics of Qianye's transcendent power, but the ninjutsu and taijutsu of the immortal level are enough for them to drink a pot.

Compared with other members of Breaking Dawn, No. 14's strength is not very outstanding. Although he has quite a lot of Chakra, Ninjutsu and Taijutsu, he doesn't have too special skills or abilities in combination. Compared with No. 15 No., her strength may be slightly inferior, almost at the level of quasi-kage level, and as the owner of multiple blood successor boundaries, No. 14's strength is at least at the level of kage-level, but such strength, coupled with their Cooperate, but it is also unable to deal with Chiba's slug fairy clone.

If they were unlucky and the other party didn't stop, I'm afraid, the lives of both of them would be lost here.

This is not that No. 14 exaggerates Chiba's strength too much, but that it can be analyzed by looking at Nobuhiko Uchiha's strength. Besides, No. 14 is in a dark world and is closer to Chiba. At the same time, Nobuhiko Uchiha also Activities in the dark world, plus some special reasons, so he has a more comprehensive understanding of Uchiha Nobuhiko than others, and he can use Uchiha Nobuhiko's strength to infer Chiba's strength to some extent.

Moreover, even without Uchiha Nobuhiko's strength to infer, it is not difficult to infer a strength beyond common sense just by inferring from the various powers displayed by Chiba.

As for the slug fairy avatar, the avatar of the sage chakra is added, coupled with Chiba's technology, whether it is the degree of sophistication, or the density and quality of the formed chakra, it is far superior to the general physical avatar, even the wood escape avatar. It can't be compared with the slug fairy clone at all.

The ratio of the strength of this slug fairy avatar to the main body is almost 80%. Even, according to No. 14's guess, the body of Chiba's split body should be combined to some extent with this slug fairy. means of avatar.

In other words, at this moment, the best thing to do is to cough and let the slug fairy avatar inside know that someone is coming.

And taking the initiative to make a sound to signal his arrival can also relieve a little bit of vigilance. facilitate future conversations.

They are now invited by Qianye to protect this secret room with this slug fairy avatar. Not only do they not need to fight at all, but they should live in peace and completely avoid unnecessary fights.

"You are here, come in quickly, remember to disguise the entrance."

And at this time, No. 14 coughed, which quickly attracted the attention of the slug fairy avatar in the secret room in the stairs below, and a voice that was a little immature, but completely Chiba's voice, rang out.

"Let's go."

In this regard, No. 14 and No. 15 looked at each other, a slight look of relief flashed in their eyes, and then they didn't talk nonsense. After tidying up the entrance mechanism, they went down the stairs and entered the secret room.

And as the wooden door of the secret room closed with metallic luster, the shining light also occupied their world, a pale white light with a bit of emerald green came into their eyes, covering all their lives. Everything you see is outlined.

But at this time, in their eyes, it was not so much a secret room as a cave that seemed to be formed naturally.

Right in the middle opposite them is a huge tree with tangled and extended roots, covering almost all corners of the secret room, and every root is covered with thick moss, even the tree under their feet The ground is also made of root systems one by one. It is soft when stepped on, and it is naturally covered with moss.

And above the huge tree, the branches make up for it, and the leaves exuding a bright emerald green brilliance are stretched gently, and, as if there is some light source above the head of this secret room, a soft but not bright light shines down, reflecting Looking at the whole tree and this secret room, there is a kind of dim lightness.

At the same time, in front of the tree, among the three thickest root systems, the bark on the surface seemed to be uncovered, revealing the moonlight-like brilliance inside, and there were faintly shadows in the light, as if there were three figures, respectively. lie in it.

The whole looks, but not like a secret room, but like some kind of natural cave.

Moreover, under this light and shadow, there is a vague feeling of softness and stability.

It seems that staying here is the safest.

Even living here is a very happy thing.

If I have to describe it, it is that this looks like an underground holy land that has not been lifted.

"Did the main body let you come here?"

And before they could sigh, the immature Chiba's voice sounded from the shadow beside them.

"It seems that you know us."

In this regard, No. 14 did not directly answer the question from Chiba's immature voice, but asked a rhetorical question.

Although it can basically be concluded that this voice is Chiba's slug fairy avatar, it is better to be careful.

"No. 14 and No. 15, I met my main body in the dawn organization. Later, they were trapped on a lone boat because of a certain mission. We have been together so far. This time I came to Muye Village to help my main body,"

Regarding this, the voice in the shadows also spoke unambiguously and directly.

By the way, it was completed. It seemed that there was nothing normal, as if there was nothing else to say, but it was actually a small question of joint exploration.

"Then, Chiba has notified you."

Hearing this, No. 14 was not surprised at all, and said.

And No. 15 slowly relaxed his suddenly tense body.

"Although the perception ability of the main body is not very good, but I am very good at perception, which was created by using fairy art."

In this regard, the voice in the shadows said so.

The implication is that this slug fairy avatar has been in sensory contact with the main body Chiba, so it also knows that the two are coming.

And, already sure they are, are 14 and 15.

"So, what's hidden here, at this critical time, a slug fairy avatar needs to be guarded here."

Regarding this, No. 14 also cut to the chase and asked straightforwardly.

To be honest, after Chiba called them over, they didn't have no idea at all, at least they were still very curious. At this time, Uchiha Nobuhiko came to Konoha in person, and brought the coalition forces of Sagakushi and Otogakure straight to Konohamoto It is also known that Nobuhiko Uchiha's purpose is his split body, and this split body is very important. One more slug fairy art clone is undoubtedly more conducive to ensuring the survival of the split body.

Eighty percent of the main body's physical and ninjutsu strength, and the addition of senjutsu, can completely shake Nobuhiko Uchiha.

Even, to put it bluntly, if this slug fairy avatar participates in the battle, Chiba's split body will not be wiped out.

But now, at such a critical time, Qianye did not invest a very effective combat power, but let this combat power defend this side, the strangeness inside, you don't need to think about it.

The things hidden in this secret room must be extremely important.

More important than a split body.


It should be said that it is more important than the absolute advantage of fighting Uchiha Nobuhiko in the future!

"You can go and see for yourself."

Regarding this, the voice in the shadows was also very crisp, speaking without muddling at all.

Moreover, there was nothing unpleasant or veiled in the tone.

Very generous.


Sell ​​us a good deal?

But at this time, regarding this generosity, No. 14 has some doubts in his heart, and even some elements of suspicion are in it.

"I gonna go see."

But just thinking about it, No. 15 walked forward without saying a word, thinking about the roots of the shadowy figure.

Hearing this sentence, No. 14 didn't say anything, just watched No. 15 walk away.

At this time, she still somewhat distrusted Qianye, or in other words, she had distrusted Qianye from the very beginning.

It must be said that the positions between them are already different. Even after she learned of Qianye's identity, she already knew that their positions were different after all.

Good relationship, partnership is one thing.

Believe it or not, that's another matter.

Strictly speaking, there is a prerequisite for the so-called good relationship and the way of treating friends, whether it is for a friend, or for a friend.

That is whether it is on the same ground.

The same position, that is, both ribs and knives for friends.

A different position is like stabbing a friend twice.

Very simple truth.

Before, they were both in the dark world, so they were on the same ground, so they could completely trust Chiba.

But now, Chiba is already going to become Konoha's Hokage. Strictly speaking, he is already on a different standpoint from them.

It cannot be ruled out that this Taki Chiba will do something for the villagers of Muye Village.

Of course, this is just the worst guess, and she still has the most basic trust in Qianye, but since this worst guess is already possible, she must be on guard against it.

Therefore, she didn't speak or move now, but just looked at No. 15.

And if there is any ambush in Qianye, it is the best way to explore the road on the 15th at this time. After all, the number 15 has a compound blood succession limit, and the combat ability is also higher than hers, and can deal with more enemies than her. This kind of situation is also the most suitable for exploring the way among the two of them.

The decision on the 15th does not require her to comment.

"Have you been in the dark world for a long time, why am I doing this?"

But at this time, there was a sound of grievance in the shadows.

It was obvious from the behavior of the two of them that they didn't trust him.

"It seems that if it were you, you wouldn't do this."

Regarding this, No. 14 was not prepared to talk to this slug fairy avatar at all, and said casually.

And this casual remark sealed the mouth of the slug fairy avatar.

If it were this slug fairy avatar, or Qianye, in the face of a change in position, I am afraid that he would do the same, and he might even do a little bit more.


And at this time, in the silence of the slug fairy avatar, No. 15 walked up to the three roots, and after confirming that there was no danger, he said to No. 14.


Regarding this, No. 14 finally felt relieved, nodded, and said so.

"Here, what is it pretending to be, give me a little psychological preparation."

However, she didn't go forward, and even on the 15th, she didn't make any other moves. She found a particularly safe place and stood still, even though the gap exuding the brilliance of the moonlight was right there. In front of him, he didn't even turn his eyes.

As if, just by looking at it, something unexpected will happen.

"It is my most important thing, all hope, and the ultimate goal of my struggle, the possibility of destroying this world, the final verification of the wrong prophecy."

In this regard, Chiba, the avatar of the slug fairy art, also answered very straightforwardly.

The most important thing?

All hope?

The ultimate goal?

The possibility of destroying the world?

Prophecy...false final verification?

And hearing this series of cryptic words, No. 14 frowned slightly, couldn't help looking at the shadow over there, and just frowned.

destroy the world...

Every outsider is doing this thing, it's nothing unusual, I don't know how to get to the bottom of it.


Is it the prophecy that every outsider will come to the world?

Is it a prophecy that the all-knowing existence that shouldn't belong to this world will destroy this world?

With Nobuhiko Uchiha, even Taki Chiba, the current Taki Chiba, would not be able to destroy the world from his hands!

This prophecy has long been proven wrong.

In other words, long before the prophecy came true, it was erased by Uchiha Nobuhiko himself.

However, next, although No. 14 was full of doubts, he didn't ask any more questions. When this series of thoughts flashed in his mind, he started to walk towards the three gaps.


Go check it out.

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