Chapter 2681 Target

Yasaka's Gouyu...have all of them?

Isn't the artifact the only one?

The twirling and bursting black flames of Kagutsuchi, like a flat fireball, the end-to-end rotating Gouyu, is quietly reflected in the misty blue eyes that radiate brilliance, looking at the sudden appearance Scene, at this moment, the eyes of the black-robed Chiba slightly widened, and his eyes were attracted almost instantly.

In the last moment, Gama Bunta's leaping attack and being bounced back were not insignificant. Under normal circumstances, the black-robed Chiba at this time should focus on the Susano that was burning from the black flame. The shield held in the right back hand is the shield that bounced Toad Bunta off.

That is, above the eight-foot mirror.

This shield, the black robe Chiba has seen, whether it is in the original work or in this world, in the original work, this eight-foot mirror is Uchiha Itachi’s eight-point technique against Orochimaru for his younger brother Uchiha Sasuke. The shield used when. And at this time, his disciple Itachi once showed it in front of him, originally to test the power of this artifact. Of course, after using his teacher as a test product, Itachi found that the shield was very effective. Chiba naturally also knew the effect of this shield.

Undoubtedly, the shield of Uchiha Nobuhiko's Susanoo in front of him is the effect of this artifact eight-foot mirror. Otherwise, if it weren't for this kind of shield that rebounded all damage, Uchiha Can Hashihiko's Susano be as motionless as he is now?

I'm afraid it's impossible to make a decision, at least it will be smashed into the sky, and a big hole will be smashed on the ground.

It's even more impossible for him to bounce a toad like Bunta Hama, which is as huge as Nine Tails, while remaining completely still.

But now, the reason why the black-robed Chiba's attention is not on this shield, on this fireball of the conjoined three-pointed jade, is not because of the eight-foot mirror or the eight-footed jade. The artifact itself, also known as Bachi Qiong Gouyu, is what it represents behind this situation.

Susano, as a kaleidoscope sharingan with two eyes, only a few kaleidoscope sharingan can have the ultimate pupil technique in the category of sharingan. As an outsider, Chiba in black robe still has a good understanding.

At least, Susano would be equipped with artifacts, he still knew.

And now, the eight-foot mirror used by Uchiha Nobuhiko's Susanoo is almost exactly the same as the eight-foot mirror of his disciple Itachi's Susanoo, except for the different colors, both in appearance and effect.

In the original book, the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu is also the Yasaka Gouyu, which has been used by Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Madara. In this world, his disciple Itachi, he is sure that there is this Yasaka Gouyu, and even, this technique He has personally tried the power of it, it was a bad memory, and now Nobuhiko Uchiha also uses Yasaka's hook jade and the eight-foot mirror.

This undoubtedly shows that these artifacts of Susanoo seem to be common, not unique.

It seems that almost every Susanoo can be used.

Rather than saying that they are artifacts, it is better to say that they are pupil techniques, which are manifested through the illusion of pupil power.

And therein lies the problem.

If this is just a kind of pupil technique, the so-called eight-foot mirror, Yasaka's Gouyu, and even ten fist swords are all pupil techniques. Then, he must re-evaluate the current Uchiha Nobuhiko's strength.

Yes, the black-robed Chiba at this moment is actually looking at Gouyu of Yasaka unconsciously. At this moment, he is worried about another thing.

That is, if the various artifacts of Susanoo are not specific things, but some kind of pupil technique of Susanoo, then it can be said that he has fallen into some kind of huge crisis now, and it is very likely , Uchiha Nobuhiko's other hole card has opened up a net, waiting for him to jump in.

The turnaround in the situation that just started because of Jiraiya's participation in the war may come to an abrupt end here.

Even, he may have fallen into a deeper trap.

And even if Susanoo's artifact is not pupil art, but really represents some kind of artifact, after all, when Orochimaru was sealed by the Ten Fist Sword in the original book, he also said that it was similar to looking for the Ten Fist Sword for a long time. Words such as Itachi's hands also mean that Nobuhiko Uchiha has some kind of special ability to use these artifacts arbitrarily, no matter whose hands these artifacts are in.

In other words, the effect of this new pupil technique is to allow Uchiha Nobuhiko's Susano to copy these artifacts. Although the copied artifacts are fakes, they still have the original effect of the artifacts, but there are more restrictions. , As for what these restrictions are, such as time, number of times, etc., there are countless, and the black-robed Chiba doesn't have to think too much.

However, in any case, what he has to face is another absolute disadvantage for sure.

Uchiha Nobuhiko's Susano is the perfect Susano, and all that is burning is the flame of Kagutu, which is far more powerful than the flame of Amaterasu, although it has not yet shown Uchiha Madara's mustache The destructive power of Sano, but the black robe Chiba never thinks that Uchiha Nobuhiko's Susano does not have the destructive power of Uchiha Madara's Susano, even, in the eyes of the black robe Chiba, even if there is no The artifact, Uchiha Nobuhiko's Susanoo may also be stronger than Uchiha Madara's Susanoo, and the destructive power is more terrifying.

And with these artifacts, the already extremely strong Susano, with the special effects of these artifacts, is probably second only to Uchiha Sasuke's ultimate Susano in the original book.

However, compared to the ultimate Susano, the situation at this time, Uchiha Nobuhiko's Susano, who can use the artifact, is definitely more difficult to deal with.


But at this time, two super-decibel exclamations sounded with anxiety from different directions on the left and right, and amidst the two roars of wind, two huge toad figures roared away from the wooden man.

Let's get rid of these three toads first!

However, before that, I couldn't...

At the same time, the moment Chiba in the black robe turned countless thoughts, in mid-air, among the gemstones in the middle of the forehead of Susano Tengu's mask, Nobuhiko Uchiha's corrugated spiral right reincarnation eyes slowly seeped out. Fresh blood accumulated in the eye sockets and flowed down slowly along the corners of the eyes.

Uchiha Nobuhiko's line of sight quietly passed the steady state of the big toad flying upside down and the two big toads attacking from the wooden man's armpit, holding a pair of knives and forks.


Then, as if following his point of view, above the head of Uchiha Nobuhiko's complete body Susano, the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu that spread out from the mountain character shot out, bringing out three dark trajectories.


That's too late!

Hearing the sound of high temperature burning the air through the air, Ha Toa's broad swords froze slightly, and Toad's face was already full of panic.

Sorry, brother!

It's me who is too clumsy.

Compared to Ha Toa Guang, Ha Toa Jian is as famous as Ha Toa, his complexion has not changed, and he still looks vigorous and steady.

However, in his heart, he felt almost the same sense of panic as his brother Toad Hiroshi, and even compared to his brother Toad Hiroshi, he also had a sense of self-examination and self-blame.

"It's okay! Don't worry about me! Hold Uchiha Nobuhiko!"

However, at this moment, Gama Bunta's firm voice came from midair.

Do not care?

And hearing this sound, the momentum of the two toads' charge remained unchanged, but the faces of the toads were full of doubts.

To be honest, living in an environment with strong natural energy since childhood, coupled with the huge celestial chakra contained in their bodies, they are still very sensitive to natural energy and celestial chakra, even in this continent with relatively little natural energy , They can also be keenly aware of natural energy and celestial chakra.

And at this time, except for the black-robed Qianye behind him who was running at a high speed at a speed that they all felt was unbelievable, chakra and natural energy were fused to create a large amount, no, it should be said to be a huge amount of fairy chakra , and can also feel the perfect proportion of natural energy mixed in the three eight-foot Qionggou jade above him.

Yes, that's right, they can feel that this eight-foot Qiong Gouyu not only has tyrannical pupil power, but also has a prefabricated matching fairy chakra!

In other words, this eight-foot Qiong Gouyu has the blessing of immortality.

As for the power of the eight-foot Qionggou jade, they have seen it before as their lifespan is longer than that of humans. They even have a history of confrontation. They are very aware of the power of the eight-foot Qionggou jade.

And now this kind of eight-foot Qionggou jade with the blessing of fairy chakra is definitely not something their bodies can resist. In addition, the black flame on this eight-foot Qionggou jade, the flame of the same color as Amaterasu, if this blow If they were really hit, given their situation, they might end up seriously injured at most.

In the worst case, although they are much more tenacious than humans, it doesn't mean they won't die.

At this time, my elder brother is still in the sky. Even if they know fairy arts, they are still toads, and toads can't fly. Besides, my elder brother was bounced off by the eight-foot mirror. That one hit didn't stop at all, and the situation of the eight-foot mirror also knew that the rebound of that force was probably because even if my elder brother could fly, he couldn't stop at this time.

In other words, their elder brother couldn't hide from the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu.

And the only hope is that they throw their weapons now to induce the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu that has been projected to explode.

However, now that his elder brother actually asked them to leave him alone, wouldn't this allow them to watch his elder brother fall into a life-and-death crisis?




However, at this moment, three dull explosions above their heads suddenly sounded.


In an instant, the eyes of the two toads fell on the top of their heads.

And at this time, above their heads, or in other words, at the position above the high altitude of the end position of their castration, the three eight-foot Qiong Gouyu that spurted out hit the ground before they had gone far. three balls.

One, the water was glistening, and the water dragon turned over on the surface. At this time, amidst the sound of chi chi chi, white water vapor evaporated, and at the same time, a mercury-colored texture slowly started from the contact point, and continued to spread As the water polo spread, the flames of the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu slowly began to subside, and the speed of the Gouyu's rotation also slowed down at this moment.

One is built of rocks, like two hills, and like stars made of rocks. At this time, amidst the sound of clucking, the broken stones are flying around, but there is a kind of rock color, slowly climbing up. It touches the surface of the eight-foot Qionggou jade, and spreads continuously, and as the color of the rock spreads, the rotation speed of the eight-foot Qionggou jade also begins to slow down the moment the color of the rock climbs up. It seemed that even the unaffected flames began to dim.

One, surrounded by clouds, drifting away with smoke, amidst the sound of chi chi chi chi, the eight-foot Qiong Gou jade was burning fiercely, and the speed of rotation was getting faster and faster, as if it was heated by the flames. It's like oil, but there is a feeling of intensifying. The cloud-wreathed ball seems not to stop the eight-foot Qionggouyu, but to cheer it up. As the flames become more and more domineering, the two The two spheres also began to merge continuously, and it seemed that they were going to merge into one harmoniously.

At this moment, what was reflected in the eyes of the toads was the image of the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu being blocked by three balls.


And at this time, Nobuhiko Uchiha's eyes flashed a thought that he had expected.

He never ignored the thoughts of this black-robed Qianye, especially when Gama Bunta said that he should ignore it.


This is nothing more than a false move!

My goal has always been you!

In the next second, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Be careful! Little Chiba!"

And at this moment, almost non-stop, after telling the two brothers to leave him alone, Gama Bunta's voice came again.

This time, it was said to the black-robed Chiba.


At this moment, Hama Jian and Hama Guang finally realized something, and Hama's eyes suddenly turned to his side.

At this moment, an armored arm burning with black flames passed by his side silently, and the long sword made of black radiating light from the gourd hilt held in that hand was already moving towards that The wooden man stabbed away from the top of his head.

Ten fist sword!

He wants to seal the little Chiba!

And at this time, the three toads knew it well.

This long sword with a gourd hilt is undoubtedly the legendary Ten Fist Sword.

And the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu was actually just to attract attention, and it was also a foreshadowing for the attack of the Ten Fist Sword!

This Nobuhiko Uchiha's target is the black robe Chiba!


The target has always been the black-robed Chiba!

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