Chapter 2672 resolve


nice one……


The hand covering the left eye was gently lowered, and the blood in the left hand was swayed naturally between the sleeves, and a semicircle of blood was sprinkled on the black wall that looked like gold and stone, and then, amidst the sound of chi chi , above the left hand, as if something had melted, a few wisps of white air came out.

However, at this time, Chiba in black robe didn't seem to care. Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the place where Nobuhiko Uchiha was, and once again, as if he had crossed the dense forest, his eyes fell on the smiling man. young people.

Then, his sight swept away, and finally, his attention was focused on the meteorite that had completely blocked his sight.


In an instant, a strong wind rose and swept across, instantly stretching his robe straight, and then, as if winds from east, west, north and south were blowing in unison, the black robe was instantly blown left and right, Hunting sound.

The strong wind pressure of the meteorite has already caused the surrounding air to change. The violent wind blows almost instantly, and a huge object like the meteorite is falling at an unimaginable speed. Facing the meteorite Konoha Village head-on, it seemed that the wind was in a hurry, scurrying around regardless of left and right, but the huge black wall blocked most of the wind, and after all, it protected the entire Konoha Village. The wind is only whistling five or six meters above the roof, but it doesn't have much impact in the village.

However, even if such a strong wind blows in the village and knocks down countless objects, I am afraid that Muye Village, which is filled with despair, will not react at this time. Anyway, they are all going to become dust under the meteorite. Now What's the point of thinking about how windy the house is going to be?

They are all going to die anyway.

But now, when everyone in the village sees the huge meteorite that has blocked their vision, as if the sunlight in the sky is covered, and a huge dark and frightening shadow in front of them, everyone in Muye Village at this time Whether it's a group of ninjas, evacuated personnel, or ordinary people who didn't leave in time, the distorted look of fear on their faces has disappeared at this moment, and some of them only have a kind of calm.

Calm amidst despair.

No one could escape. At this time, under the extreme despair, everyone seemed to calm down inexplicably.

Even, there are some actions.

For example, some people who were lying on the ground have slowly stood up, and some people walked to the side of the acquaintances, patted each other's shoulders lightly, and then focused their eyes on the black meteorite Above, there is also a kind of peace in the eyes and face.

It seems that he has begun to accept his current fate calmly.

Everyone was silent, but compared to the despair just now, something seemed to have quietly changed.

Especially when their eyes glanced at the back of the person standing in front of the huge meteorite, the inevitable fear of death in the original eyes would always be reduced by one point.

It's like, seeing this figure, thinking of being able to be with this figure, or that this figure has not yet fallen down, even if there is despair, even if they are about to face death, they still feel a sense of security, a sense of stability .

There is really a kind, as long as the back in front of them is still there, deep in their hearts, there will always be a place filled with a sense of security.

Even facing death, I didn't feel so terrible.


And at this moment, as if feeling countless eyes passing behind her, the black-robed Qianye glanced back unconsciously, and when she looked straight again, she sighed softly.

Really, it was all calculated by Uchiha Nobuhiko.

However, it doesn't matter.

At the same time, such a thought flashed through his mind.


Then, without any warning, the stone-like wall under his feet collapsed, and the black-robed Qianye had disappeared in place.


Then, above the sky a hundred meters away from the black wall, a sound like a thunderclap resounded throughout the sky of Konoha Village.


And for almost an instant, whether it was the people in Muye Village or the coalition forces of Sand Yin and Yin Yin who were venting their fear of death outside cursingly, at this moment, all of them stared wide-eyed, with fear and anger on their faces. The expression of resentment also turned into a stiff look of horror at this moment.

And in their pupils, although they are from different angles, at this moment, a picture is reflected at the same time.

At a height of 100 meters, the black-robed man raised his chest and clenched his fist, hitting the giant meteorite heavily with his fist.


And at this moment, a violent hurricane-like wind poured out from the contact between the small fist and the disproportionately huge meteorite, and the trees fell down immediately, and the entire dense forest in front of Muye Village seemed to be swept away in an instant. It was flattened and fell outwards. Even the black wall was crackling and rattling. Under the impact of the strong wind, although it did not look crumbling, there was no sign of collapse, and there was no shaking at all, but, The crackling sound gave people the impression that the impenetrable wall was about to collapse.


At the same time, accompanied by the fierce strong wind, after everyone subconsciously raised their hands to block the wind, and at the same time tried their best to use Chakra to fix their own figures, there was an ugly sound as if a huge thing was stagnant The sound rang in everyone's ears.


And at this moment, even in the gust of wind, even if the gust of wind poured into the entrance, the few people with sharp eyes couldn't help but let out such exclamations.

At this moment, in their eyes, in the gust of wind, in the line of sight that they still can't leave, in the sky, the meteorite that seems to be slow but actually fast is outrageous, but at this moment, in the small After a disproportionate punch, he paused.

Open... What are you kidding!

This... Is this something humans can do?

And at this moment, whether it was the coalition forces of Sa Yin and Yin Yin outside, or the Konoha people inside Konoha, such a thought came to mind invariably.

It was like when I saw this meteorite.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka!"

And just as their thoughts flashed across their minds, bursts of shattering sounded, their originally widened eyes seemed to widen a little more, and the frozen expressions on their faces were already full of shock, but seeing the huge On the round sphere of the meteorite, five cracks suddenly burst from the place where the fist was in contact with the meteorite, and spread in five directions. During the spread, between the five cracks, small cracks grew horizontally, connecting them into one In just an instant, the entire sphere was already full of cracks.


And before they had any reaction other than shock, or in other words, some shocking thought came into their hearts, the electric snake spewed out from the gap, and almost instantly, the entire sphere seemed to be surrounded and bitten by the electric snake.


Then, a loud bang resounded around the meteorite, and it suddenly exploded from the inside of the meteorite. In an instant, the entire sphere suddenly shattered, and white flames spurted out. In the blink of an eye, the sphere that had not yet dispersed , the blazing white flames engulfed into a huge fireball. All of a sudden, everyone's eyes were filled with flames and thunder. In the midair, as if there was a second sun with lightning, a huge fireball burned blazingly Then, the electric arc swirled around.


And at this moment, there was a muffled sound on the black wall, and a cloud of dust and smoke evaporated.

"Use flames to burn meteorites?"

And at this time, Nobuhiko Uchiha who was standing in the same place frowned slightly. Obviously, for him with equal power, he was not as shocking as the ninjas of Sagakushi, Otogakure, or Konoha, but , There was also a bit of surprise on his face.

Obviously, the behavior of Heipao Qianye at this time was a little bit beyond his expectation.


However, if things are so simple, wouldn't I have lived for more than ten years in vain.

It's just that surprises are surprises, and those that are a little bit beyond his expectation are a little bit beyond his expectations. Nobuhiko Uchiha still has absolute confidence in his attack.


And at this time, on the black wall, where the smoke and dust rose and dispersed, Chiba in black robe who was pushed against the black wall by the violent impact stood up, his fisting right arm twitching. White air, and even the sound of creaking bones resetting.

This meteorite... is not a simple stone!

However, for his right hand that punched, the black robe Qianye showed no pain at all on his face, just staring at the burning fireball, a slightly surprised thought flashed in his mind, and at the same time, the corner of his eye Unknowingly, he glanced at the place where Nobuhiko Uchiha was.

Looking through the layers of dense forest, he seemed to see Nobuhiko Uchiha, who was slightly surprised, but the smile at the corner of his mouth did not disappear.

He is well prepared!

He knows that I can stop this meteorite, or in other words, he summoned the meteorite and let me destroy it.

However, it is not completely let me destroy this meteorite.

Summoning meteorites is to blow the morale of our side, to deter those ninjas who have fled back, and to threaten these sand and tone shadows again.

And knowing that I can destroy this meteorite, he wants to achieve this goal again.

Then, when I destroy this meteorite, let this meteorite still cause huge damage, create a situation that although I stopped the meteorite, I still suffered a big loss under his hands, and even directly stopped the meteorite, but Still looking like a loser.

In this case, it can completely blow the morale of our side.

Sand Yin and Yin Yin can also be deterred again.

At that time, he will be able to eliminate the interference from the two parties and concentrate on dealing with me. Even, there is a possibility that he is still thinking of attracting another me.


Then, in the next second, looking at the burning fireball, the black-robed Qianye gasped slightly, and a series of thoughts flashed through his mind.

At this moment, the fireball that is burning like a small sun and the surrounding temperature seems to have risen by a few degrees should not have existed. The black-robed Chiba knows the power of this blazing white flame. If this meteorite is made of rock and soil If so, it will burn out in an instant.

This flame seems to be burning more violently, but in fact, it is the same as the earth escape technique he cast, that is, the black city wall under his feet, it is the ultimate technique, the temperature is much higher than the ordinary fire escape technique, even This is still the acme of the pure fire escape technique after the transformation of some ninjutsu methods such as Qiudaoyu. Not to mention the earth and stone structure, even steel can be melted instantly.

Now, this fireball still exists, which shows that the structure of this meteorite is not a simple earth-stone structure.

Nobuhiko Uchiha must have moved his hands and feet.

Perhaps it is a material that is more heat-resistant than steel. After all, for Uchiha Nobuhiko, the knowledge he has, the knowledge of this world, is far more than that of him, an outsider, that is, a traveler.

It is also normal to know something that is particularly heat-resistant that he does not know. This is a complete power, and in many respects the matter is different from the world of his previous life. It is also normal to have special heat-resistant substances.

Or, on the meteorite, Uchiha Nobuhiko blessed something with supreme power, so that the extremely high-temperature flame could not burn the fireball in a short time.

And now, the black-robed Qianye could be considered to have thrown a rock and shot himself in the foot, and now the fireball will still fall down after all. At that time, the casualties may be even greater.

Even if the fireball is burnt before it falls, it will form a bolide shower, and when it falls down, although it will not destroy the entire Konoha Village, when the fireball is over, Konoha will not have much to do with destruction. the difference.

That is to say, now that his punch has completely erupted, plus the remaining power of the attack following the change of the extreme thunder and fire nature of the fist, the fireball can still stay in the sky, but after less tilting, the fireball will definitely fall.

Uchiha Nobuhiko's attack is still there.

It can be said that the punch just now was useless.

Moreover, he still threw a stone at his own foot, and his thunder and fire attack added more attack power to the meteorite.

Nobuhiko Uchiha is now...

It's watching a good show!

And thinking of this, Chiba in the black robe couldn't help but glanced at Nobuhiko Uchiha again, already understanding the mockery in the smile on the corner of his mouth.


"Chi Chi Chi Chi!"

Then, in the next second, blue chakra like smoke rose from his shoulders.


Afterwards, there was a contemptuous cold snort, and the black-robed Qianye showed a trace of disdain in his squinting eyes.


Then, amidst an explosion of air, the blue Shocking Chakra coat suddenly burst out from the bottom of his feet, wrapping the black robe Qianye in an instant, and there was a rattling sound between the flying white hair.

But seeing Qianye, the black robe wrapped in the blue Jingmen Chakra coat, sinking slowly, making a fist.


Afterwards, a tiger's howl that shook the entire earth came suddenly.

Under the huge burning fireball, a white tiger's head popped out and opened its mouth impressively, biting it down in one bite!

Day Tiger!

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