Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2666 Deterrence

"This... this is... what?"

On the suddenly pale face, the eyes full of horror widened bit by bit, and the words that could not be connected were spit out from the slightly trembling lips. The shock meant that the whole body had already stiffened, and almost all the voices of Yinyin and Shayin The coalition forces are all like this, looking up at the huge monster in front of them.

That boundless wall covered the sky at the top, took root in the earth at the bottom, spread endlessly on the left, and covered the leaves on the right, a huge mountain cliff-like wall with black metallic luster and a certain deep and thick color.

Invisibly, a sense of oppressive rumbling oppression weighed heavily on their hearts along with the huge wall.

Thick fear and terror have already occupied all their room for thinking.


Why... hit?

In the end, the morale of the army, which had already begun to slacken, completely collapsed at this moment.



Some black gravel shook down from the huge wall and the place where the earth took root, and rolled into the dense forest with a bit of trembling aftermath.


Then, it hit the thick root system lightly.


At the same time, there was a half-cry of astonishment on the huge root system, or in other words, a staccato sound as if the original exclamation was suddenly choked by the throat.

"In an instant... it changed the entire Konoha landscape... such a block..."

Then, there was another sound of trembling and full of panic, which rang out.

And after these two sentences, there was no more context, and the entire dense forest fell into silence accompanied by the faint tremor of the air caused by the tremor of the ground.

However, although there was no sound, Lin Zi also fell into silence, but the first two sentences and the silence added together, but there was a feeling of "how can I fight this?" full of despair diffused.

"Your Majesty..."

And after a long time, a call came from above the root system, but it was the temporary commander of Otonoin, a senior multi-faceted spy, who was born on the tree and was born in Konoha. Confidant, pharmacist pocket.

At this moment, the face of this increasingly difficult guy who showed no signs of emotion or anger was pale and bloodless.

Although it is said that he is cunning, he is changeable, and he is difficult, that is based on common sense, but in the face of the current situation, he created a mountain-like cliff that surrounded Muye Village in an instant. Moreover, he can also see that the hardness of this wall, I am afraid, ninjutsu or means that are not below the S-level power, there is almost no way to cause damage. If they are all tied together for fixed-point blasting, it may not be able to cause much damage to the wall.

Even, he suspected that even with such a fixed-point explosion, the wall probably wouldn't leave even a trace.

Undoubtedly, the existence of this wall itself is something beyond common sense, and the person who made this wall is naturally an existence beyond common sense.

Facing the existence of this kind of common sense, his cunning, changeable, and difficult things, which are considered powerful by others, are almost all jokes.

What a joke!

Such an existence not only far surpasses himself in terms of wisdom and ability, but also surpasses the entire ninja world in terms of pure power.

Facing such an opponent, even his Oshemaru-sama can only crawl on the ground carefully, or hide, or avoid, and what he can do now is actually the same as everyone around him , squeezed out the last shred of hope that was shattered in his heart, and then silently accepted the fact of failure.

Or, like him, subconsciously check the intentions of the people around him, and then think about retreating together.

"Ok, I know."

And at this moment, the staring eyes of the same pale and bloodless Machi kept beating, and the pounding heart was suppressed by the huge self-control and slowed down a few beats after all. It calmed him down more or less, and he was able to carry out the simplest thinking and conversation.

Compared with Pharmacist's Dou, Ma Ji is obviously more panicked at this time. It's not that he is less calm or psychologically inferior than Pharmacist's Dou. You need more pockets.

Therefore, after seeing this battle, the pressure he felt was measured in several times, no, even ten times, dozens of times.

Even, for Markey, the situation reminded him of a nightmare.

One, the nightmare that all sand hermits who have experienced that era will have.

After all, the person they are facing now is the existence who created that nightmare, and is the initiator of that nightmare.

This second confrontation, especially after this person revealed such a power that made them despair, the dream that had been deeply hidden in the bottom of their hearts, at this moment, almost seemed to be about to reappear.

Yes, that's right.

At this moment, Maki, in addition to carrying more things, he is also carrying the nightmare. During the third Ninja World War, Sand Hidden Village was defeated by Konoha's defensive counterattack. The main force Nothing, and then, in World War III, never looked up, and even lived a nightmare of trembling.

Perhaps, the medicine master in front of him is really not good enough, he can just retreat, he can completely abandon all Yin Yin, after all, Yin Yin is nothing more than Orochimaru and his chess pieces, it is not too much to throw hundreds of them.

Moreover, for Xiaoguo Xiaonin Village, when Orochimaru replaced the original Tiannin Village of Tianzhi Country with Yinyin, a large number of original ninjas from Tiannin Village were used. It’s just a village, when the time comes, Orochimaru and Yaoshidou will run away. This Tianzhi Country also has the same way that a small country deals with a big country, and there is also a way that a small ninja village deals with a big ninja village. You can get away with it.

Even, not only can you use Orochimaru as a shield, but you can also use the fact that Orochimaru is from Konoha to turn Konoha into an army. Maybe the hypocritical Konoha will make some compensation and concessions in order to attract popularity, and even rebuild Tian Ren village or something.

However, he is different. Behind him is Sand Hidden Village and Da Ninja Village. It is impossible for them to get away with their attacks, and they are also Konoha’s allies. Let Sand Hidden Village fall into an absolute disadvantage diplomatically.

Even in the past ten years, although they have maintained quite good diplomatic relations with other ninja villages, they are still very unfamiliar with Konoha. If they can't benefit from attacking Konoha this time However, they may face a complete severance of diplomatic relations, and the entire ninja world may isolate and weaken them.

And they don't have the unique geographical conditions of Wuyin Village. At that time, if someone really launches an attack brazenly, then they will enter an absolute disadvantage again.

What's more, if they can't retreat now, as the ninja village who contributed the most to the collapse plan, they will have to face the same nightmare as the third ninja world war, and they are still in the hands of the same person.

Under such circumstances, Markey couldn't help but stop thinking.

It's really too big, the pressure is really too big!

Moreover, the figure of the fourth Kazekage has not been seen until now, so I am afraid that it will be more or less ominous. If something happens to the fourth Kazekage, then Sayin cannot be described as losing his wife and losing his army. I am afraid that the entire village All are in shock.

Combined with these, I am afraid that if they cannot get out of this battle, Yinsha Village may really be in a catastrophe.

Faced with such a thing, the two of them changed their positions, and it is likely that Yao Shidou's reaction was similar to that of Ma Ji.


And hearing Ma Ji's words, Yao Shidou trembled and said something.


Markey was quick to respond.

Fuck Nobuhiko Uchiha!

This is simply cheating them!

Originally, he knew that returning back would mean sending him to death without any hope, but seeing this scene before him, he could end the hope that he had no hope at all.

There is no need to break through this wall at all, not to mention that it cannot be broken through, even if it is broken through, there are probably not many people left.

Once the wall is out, the entire Konoha is basically a solid fortress. I am afraid that all the forces in the entire ninja world will come to attack, and it will be possible to break through.

Also, what the fuck is Konoha invincible when Taki Chiba is in power, isn't Konoha with him now invincible?

What's the point?

When you Nobuhiko Uchiha didn't get rid of Taki Chiba, the pattern of the ninja world was already doomed, what a fart!

Whether it's now or in the future, it's Konoha's world, it's better to retreat now and admit your mistakes, no! Pleading guilty can save more people and avoid unnecessary sacrifices.


That's right, fighting now is a meaningless sacrifice, no matter who Nima Uchiha Nobuhiko is, if he has the guts, we will really wipe out our entire army.

Anyway, this matter, I quit.

But at this time, in the exchange of a few words of understanding, deep in their hearts, a series of similar thoughts flashed through tacitly.

What is the world of Konoha in the future, what is the threat of Uchiha Nobuhiko, even if they die, they cannot die as other people's pawns.

In the current situation, there are already two choices: to die at this time, or to die in the future.

That's obvious.

If you die now, not only will you die quickly, but you will also serve as a pawn for Uchiha Nobuhiko, and dying as a pawn is not worth it.

And in the future, if he dies, there is still a glimmer of life. After all, with Konoha's hypocrisy, it will not be too ugly. Tucun will not do such a thing.

Besides, we don't know what the future holds.

Taki Chiba is not a bloodthirsty person either, maybe they will still have a way to surrender by then.

At least, there is still a chance to save a considerable number of people.

Such a comparison, how to do it is already obvious!


"Tsk! Do you want to general our army?"

And at this time, on the other side, Uchiha Nobuhiko, who came strolling, lightly knocked on the black wall in front of him, heard the sound of thud, frowned slightly, and said so.

At this time, the wall he was on happened to fit together with the dense forest here, and no one noticed that he had already reached such a position.

It should be a technique that can only be performed by adding some kind of supreme power...

Asking for jade?

At this time, such a thought flashed through Uchiha Nobuhiko's mind.

For him who also possesses the supreme power, even for him who has the same source of supreme power as Taki Chiba, he is still quite sensitive to Taki Chiba's technique, at least, the black wall at this time , he clearly felt the supreme power.

Moreover, judging from the perception of touch and sound, this huge black wall is not a combination of ordinary Earth Dunjutsu and Earth Dunjutsu.


In terms of touch, there is still an essential difference from his Taoist Jade.

At least, touching is okay.

He should have done a certain amount of reinforcement, using a method similar to the high-density and various attributes of Qiudao jade.

However, he quickly denied the previous inference and made a new judgment.

Thinking about it carefully, this wall should not be the product of Taoism-seeking jade. If it is purely the product of Taoism-seeking jade, I am afraid that the trees here have become nothingness.

It should be that Taki Chiba used the method of seeking Tao jade to combine a large number of earth attributes and high-density chakras with changes in earth attributes, and then used outsiders such as controlling the earth to create this wall.


No impregnable wall.

At least, these cannon fodder really became cannon fodder.


Cannon fodder is flattery.

Then, after this thought flashed by, Uchiha Nobuhiko frowned even tighter.

Seeing this wall, he already knew that the so-called coalition of Yin Yin and Sha Yin could not even make cannon fodder.

In other words, these people are useless.

This wall has completely blocked his persecution of Taki Chiba.

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

Then, after thinking of this, he couldn't help biting his tongue, then raised his head and looked towards a certain direction of the wall.

have to say……

He is always able to take my army.

And in his mind, such a very ugly thought flashed through.


"Lord Chiba..."

And at this time, on the black wall, the ninja belonging to the commander's network who was in the dark and who was following up almost subconsciously knelt down behind Chiba, with a feeling of violent breathing that almost escaped from suffocation. voice, opened the mouth and said.

"Back off, leave this place to me."

Regarding this, Heipao Qianye didn't ask him to say anything, but just looked down with his head and said so.


Hearing this, the network ninja almost had a blank mind, subconsciously responded, and then subconsciously disappeared on the wall.


Waiting for the people behind to leave, Qianye let out a heavy cold snort, which spread far away with some kind of technique.

"As I said, this farce is over!"

In the next second, this sentence with strong anger and endless majesty resounded in everyone's ears.

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