Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2654 Take it easy!

Nobuhiko Uchiha...

Is it the Reborn?

The man behind the Nine-Tails Night turned out to be... the reborn... who protects this world?

Hearing the words of Seiko Uchiha, the five of them froze on the spot, but they couldn't say a word when they opened their mouths.

At this moment, they have already begun to become confused.

According to what the holy son-in-law said, the outsiders should be villains to them, and the reborn are the ones who protect the world and protect them. However, it sounds like the reborn who should have protected them is the big villain instead. But the outsider who was originally the big villain is the one who protects them.

This position reversal made them a little overwhelmed.

"Then, we don't have time to talk nonsense here."

And at this moment, Hirohiko and Xue Nai, whose faces were completely covered with eagerness and solemnity, looked at each other. Hirohiko glanced at the few people around him, and said so.

"Grandma Shengzi, you said before that it is impossible to take them all away. Did you mean that you have the ability to take them away?"

At the same time, Xue Nai also spoke.

"Don't worry too much, Xiaoxue Nai, Xiao Hirohiko, your Chiba isn't that weak, and you even need to take hostages to check and balance. Your Chiba can be said to have the upper hand. If you are in chaos now, then how about your Chiba? For Ye Lai, it’s just a hindrance.”

Regarding this, Seiko Uchiha's face was a bit serious, and he said so.

Hold back!

And hearing this sentence, Hirohiko and Yukina were all stunned.


Now Nobuhiko Uchiha is the rebirth, no matter how long he has accumulated power, now, after all, Nobuhiko Uchiha is threatening Chiba by taking hostages, no matter how you look at it, Chiba has the advantage.

In other words, if the hostages are not captured, Nobuhiko Uchiha has no way to defeat Chiba, no, it should be said that there is no way to guarantee that he can win.

In other words, Uchiha Nobuhiko doesn't think he can beat Chiba on his own.

In this way, it is true that Chiba has the advantage.

As Uchiha Nobuhiko's insurance measure, as long as it is destroyed, Chiba can once again occupy an absolute advantage.

We really don't need to be too impatient.

Then, such a thought appeared in their hearts.

"So, what should we do at this time?"

In this regard, Hirohiko and Xue Nai said so.

"Let these children take a good rest first."

Hearing this, Seiko Uchiha pouted at the five people who seemed to be stunned, and said so.

"Slow down?"

But at this time, the two were slightly startled, and then looked in the direction of the five people, but seeing the confusion on the faces of the five people, they froze on the spot, as if they were digesting something indigestible.


Then, the two uttered a clear sentence at the same time.

Apparently, the two of them could see that what Grandma Shengzi said just now made the five of them a little confused.

From the perspective of these five children, the positions of the reborn and outsiders should be somewhat incomprehensible.

After all, they are still at a certain black-and-white age, unable to understand the repetitiveness of the relationship of interests.

At this time, it is indeed necessary for these children to react first. In a sense, the next action still depends on these children.

At least, a strategy they just came up with at this time needs the help of these children.

This strategy is the only way they can break Uchiha Nobuhiko's method of threatening Chiba.

This life is called Nobuhiko Uchiha.

To be honest, Enjiro's chances of being reborn into the Uchiha clan seem a bit high.

But at this time, seeing the reaction of the two of them after they understood what they meant, Seiko Uchiha felt a little emotional in his heart.

To be honest, in my time, the reborn child was Enjiro. No, it should be said that compared to her at that time, she was still quite a young child, maybe six or seven years old.

At that time, when I met Enjiro for the first time, it should be the second day after marrying into the Uchiha family. At that time, he was still a little transparent in the entire Uchiha family.

Yes, at that time, the reborn, who is now Nobuhiko Uchiha, was also of the Uchiha clan.

And it was also at that time, when she saw this Uchiha Enjiro, she felt the trembling from her soul for the first time.

That's right, when he first met Enjiro Uchiha, the only son of a certain elder, Seiko Uchiha felt extremely dangerous.

And as an outsider, Seiko Uchiha should also be counted as a very smart kind of person.

Moreover, before marrying into the Uchiha family, she had already noticed something. Even at that time, she actually knew from some clues that in every era, there would be a time traveler like her.

But, for some reason, every traveler was submerged in history without stirring up any waves.

When she learned of this information at the time, she didn't think that all the traversers stumbled because of arrogance or something, although it is true that the traversers have an inexplicable sense of superiority towards the natives, and this sense of superiority may even cause some dark feelings. Ideas, such as looking at all the beauties in the world of Hokage, opening up the harem, and even after coming to this space, she still knows some wonderful things that want to restore the power of the first night in Hokage.

Also, always thinking about relying on force and the advantage of "knowing everything" to dominate the ninja world and open up the harem.

He even thought about possessing supreme power and immortality, so as to unify the ninja world to the timeline of the original work, and include all the characters of the opposite sex that he liked at the beginning into the harem.

Moreover, the idea of ​​opening up the harem and unifying the ninja world is not limited to male traversers, and some female traversers among them have these ideas.

However, this does not mean that these arrogant thoughts will cause the traversers with transcendent power to kill themselves.

It can even be said that the traversers who have this kind of thinking actually possess the force and intelligence that dominate the ninja world. In comparison, they are all existences that are much better than her Uchiha Seiko. Even if they fail, they should It is able to protect itself, and the big deal is to make a comeback.

Because, the power of transcendence of some people is really terrifying.

Of course, she learned all this later in this space. At that time, she actually just thought that a traverser with transcendent power, even if defeated in battle, would not be able to protect himself. Every portion of transcendent power is a super pervert. Even if it is only half developed, it is an existence that can stand shoulder to shoulder with the top power in the Naruto world.

Anyway, after the failure, you only need to hold your tail for a while, and every traverser can come to this world with a strong and outrageous posture. This, Seiko Uchiha can deduce from his own ability, not What a strange thing.

However, according to the information she obtained at that time, almost every traverser died completely when they failed for the first time.

Faintly, she sensed that there must be a force restraining the traversers.

And when she saw Nobuhiko Uchiha, who was still called Enjiro Uchiha at that time, she suddenly understood that this little transparent Uchiha clan was said to be the only son of the elder, but there was nothing unusual about it. She rushed to the trembling existence from the bottom of her heart, which was the power to restrain the traversers.

The repulsive force of this world.

Fortunately, she didn't have much ambition at that time. After witnessing the tragedy of the Second Ninja World War and her own attempts to no avail, she was already disheartened after she had a unified thought that even her companions disagreed with. .

Moreover, her ability is not considered to be the type that can directly dominate the ninja world. She can do nothing but watch this world full of pain, killing and darkness.

And since she couldn't do anything, she chose not to think about it, and chose to live this second life for herself.

That's why she chose Uchiha Kagami who has been silently paying for herself, and chose to marry Uchiha Kagami to have children for him.

And, it is true that he has lived a fulfilling life for a long time, at least it has exceeded the average age of the ninja world for a long time.

In fact, when she saw that Enjiro Uchiha was a force of repulsion, she was still cautiously living a life planning to escape at any time.

However, until her eldest son was born, Uchiha Enjiro didn't make any moves, and even the state he showed became more and more mediocre day by day.

But when the second daughter was born, the trembling feeling from the heart that Uchiha Enjiro gave her disappeared inexplicably.

It was also at that time that she knew that she was completely safe.

After that, she was also a caregiver and godson with peace of mind, until her husband died in battle, and she also died of illness and came to this dimension.

Speaking of it, or thinking about it now, my husband Uchiha mirror was considered deviant in the Uchiha clan at the beginning. They were not welcomed by the Uchiha clan, and they lived in the type of rejection, and then trembled. After disappearing, it was the elder's only son who took good care of her.

Especially after the death of her husband.

And when she died of illness, she became very good friends with Enjiro.

There is no feeling of a natural enemy between the traverser and the rebirth at all.

I don't know what happened to Nobuhiko Uchiha now, that is, Enjiro back then.

But thinking about it, Seiko Uchiha thought about it with emotion in his heart.

Although it is hostile in terms of standpoint, Uchiha Enjiro, who is now Uchiha Nobuhiko, as the little transparent at the beginning, Uchiha Enjiro who was not recognized by his father until he died of illness, Uchiha Seiko I still hope that he can live well in that life when he doesn't need to fight outsiders.

After all, during those days, she could see some relief and peace in his eyes.

Perhaps, for a reborn person, the reincarnation of life after life, and still carries all the memories, whether it is painful memories or beautiful memories, it may be a huge burden for him.

Even Seiko Uchiha could not have imagined that if Enjiro had precious friends in every life, losing again and again, gaining again and again, and losing again, what a terrifying experience it would be.

Infinite reincarnation may be an immortal and effective weapon for those who travel through, but it is so cruel for those who have this ability.

"What? Do you want to understand?"

At the same time, Seiko Uchiha thought of this, but suddenly turned his head, looked at the five people, and asked.

And, almost at the same time, Hirohiko and Xue Nai also looked over, with the same meaning in their eyes.


And suddenly being stared at by three quiet eyes, coupled with Uchiha Seiko's rather serious voice, the five of them stood in awe.

"I want to understand. I don't know who that Uchiha Nobuhiko is, but I know that Teacher Chiba will not be against us."

Then, subconsciously, Naruto Uzumaki blurted out a sentence.


And hearing this sentence, the other four people first glanced at Uzumaki Naruto, and then nodded heavily.

Who is Nobuhiko Uchiha, they don't know.

Although it is known that the reborn is to protect the world and prevent the world from being destroyed by outsiders. They should be on their side, but they know that Nobuhiko Uchiha caused the Kyuubi Rebellion, brought so much suffering to them and their families, caused so many sacrifices, and made so many So many children have lost their parents, and so many people have lost brothers, sisters, relatives and friends. No matter what, this Uchiha Nobuhiko brings suffering and pain.

They didn't know Uchiha Nobuhiko, but they knew that Uchiha Nobuhiko didn't protect them.

On the contrary, as the current outsider who knows everything and has an unparalleled advantage, causing great harm and harm to the world, that is, their Chiba teacher, is a person who can work hard for them who have never met before, and also learn from Uchi Bo Xinyan, the hero who guarded their village, their hometown, in the hands of the reborn.

Regardless of whether Teacher Qianye's position as an outsider is good or bad, they all believe in what they see before them, and their Teacher Qianye will never do anything that will endanger them.

On the contrary, when they encounter danger, this Chiba teacher will become their strongest backing.

Therefore, they chose Teacher Chiba, the outsider who was supposed to be the enemy.

"Then, Xiao Hirohiko, Xiao Xue Nai, what plans do you have, let alone, let me tell you first, there is a chance for you to leave here."

In this regard, Seiko Uchiha nodded, and then said.

After coming to this space, I have seen all kinds of traversers.

Now, I have to say that Chiba is really the most special traveler.


It should be said that among so many traversers, only Qianye exists like light, and the others are more or less mortals.

And he is really like a god.

While speaking, Seiko Uchiha couldn't help sighing again in his heart.


To this, everyone, including Hong Yan and Xue Nai, responded in unison.

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