"Not... Uchiha Nobuhiko?"

Hearing the three people looking at each other in confusion, Hirohiko blinked, his poker face seemed a little dazed, and subconsciously said.

"Nobuhiko Uchiha, who is it?"

And hearing this sound, the three people who were looking at each other turned their heads at the same time, and looked at Hong Yan who was sitting cross-legged opposite.

"Could it be that the extermination of the Uchiha clan has nothing to do with Uchiha Nobuhiko? Didn't he do it?"

Hirohiko was quite stunned by this, and asked again, but it sounded as if he hadn't heard the question from the three of them at all.

Apparently, almost a little shocked.

Originally, he thought that only Uchiha Nobuhiko would be able to destroy the Uchiha clan, leaving only the little Sasuke in front of him.

After all, the other option of being killed by oneself is really too impossible.

As long as there is a little political IQ, it is impossible to kill yourself.

The Uchiha clan is at least a thousand-year-old clan. They had already fought against the Senju clan long before Konoha, and stood at the peak of the Warring States Period. Later, they also established Konoha Village together with the Senju clan. It can be said that Konoha's status is also symbolic.

Just because the Uchiha clan was the founders of Konoha Village back then, no matter how they decline, it is impossible for them to be completely wiped out.

Moreover, the descendants of the Uchiha clan have always been prosperous, unlike the Senju clan, because they were targeted in the two ninja world wars, and because they repeatedly came out for the village's sense of responsibility, resulting in poor blood. In the end, there was really no way continued.

It can be said that in the eyes of Hirohiko, Uchiha is almost holding a gold medal for avoiding death consisting of a good hand of cards, and his status is actually more stable and safe than that of the Hyuga clan.

Although it is said that the village's senior management began to exclude the Uchiha clan since the Second Hokage came to power, but even the deeply jealous Second Hokage did not choose to weaken the Uchiha clan, but only marginalized them, and set up a special police department. force.

Hirohiko doesn't know what the Second Hokage thinks, but what is certain is that as long as the Uchiha clan guards the police force, even if they are doing unpleasant jobs, as long as they face up to their position and don't go out of their way, they will be able to Guaranteed to last forever, even if the outer village invades, the Uchiha clan will reduce a lot of casualties due to marginalization.

After all, the police force is still very special. From the point of view of the Uchiha clan, almost all the children of the clan can work in it, even the lowest-level police officers can receive a lot of salary, eat The problem is almost monopolized by the village.

There is no need to go out on missions, and there are no casualties at all.

Moreover, there is also the name of the Chuangcun family outside. Now that the Qianshou family has declined and their demise is almost certain, as long as they are safe and sound, even if other families have something to do, put this name out. Hokage can't be too much.

Indeed, the Hyuga Clan has always been respected as the most noble clan in Konoha, but compared with the founding families of the Uchiha Clan, Hyuga’s status is actually closer to that of a senior partner. Quite a lot.

And if the incumbent Hokage wants to touch the Uchiha clan when the Senju clan is no longer there, even if the village does not have much affection for the Uchiha clan, it will be because the Uchiha clan is doing unpleasant work in the police force. It is disgusting, but when I think of the two founding families, one died for the village, and the other worked hard.

At that time, the villagers who are deeply influenced by the village atmosphere of the will of fire may not necessarily agree.

Sometimes, when Thousand Hands perish, the Uchiha clan can be regarded as a symbolic meaning.

The symbol exists because of its existence, and its existence is a kind of cohesion. If this layer of symbolism is lost, then the cohesion will inevitably be greatly reduced.

What's more, the Uchiha clan, who worked hard and didn't cause trouble, was wiped out by Hokage, and the other families may also be panicked.

They are the founding family, they are safe and sound, and they will do it as soon as they say it. Those families who joined later are fine at this time, but if Hokage is unhappy, or the family behind Hokage is unhappy, then , Didn't you just bring it to yourself?

At that time, I am afraid that the demise of the Uchiha clan will be the beginning of Konoha's disintegration.

Therefore, as long as the Uchiha clan lives in peace, prosperity is inevitable, even more nourishing than the Hyuga clan.

No matter how you think about it, the Uchiha clan is the type that can thrive while lying down.

Even Hongyan couldn't figure out how to lose such a good card, such a gold medal for avoiding death?

Mr. Fuyue is not such an idiot!

Even, under his leadership, the status of the Uchiha clan continued to rise, especially after the Fourth Hokage took office, the Uchiha clan was only one step away from being hot at the pinnacle of power.

How could it be exterminated?

Only one ethnicity left?

How can this be done...to make it like this?

At this time, Hirohiko's head was almost too strong to bend.

Could it be... the Uchiha clan, have you chosen that path?

What are you kidding?

With Chiba in the situation, which way to choose?


Is it suicidal?

And almost subconsciously, Hirohiko thought of another existence that could completely wipe out the Uchiha clan. His best friend, brother who could throw away each other's lives, was already terrifyingly strong more than ten years ago, and now he should be able to stand against Nobuhiko Uchiha. The presence.

"Because of the rebellion?"

And thinking of this, Hirohiko blurted out this sentence almost subconsciously.

To be honest, this is the only reason Hirohiko can think of for killing himself. As a member of the Uchiha clan, dissatisfaction with the village's attitude towards them is rampant within the clan.

Cries for a coup d'état have almost been raised.

It was only because Mr. Namikaze of the fourth generation of Hokage came to power later, adopted a policy of closeness to the Uchiha clan, and the political treatment in all aspects was improved, and this kind of discourse gradually disappeared.

The work of the Uchiha clan that Hirohiko thought of before is this, the coup d'état.

And if it was a coup d'etat, something seemed wrong. If the coup d'etat was suppressed, I am afraid that the current little Sasuke would not be alive, let alone form a team with Naruto. After all, Naruto is four generations The last son of Hokage is also the tailed beast carrying Konoha on his back, guarding Konoha, and the last descendant of the Uzumaki clan in the outer village.

No matter how you say it, the heirs of traitors and the heirs of two heroes will not be placed in the same team.

It seems that it cannot be completely attributed to the rebellion.

Therefore, he couldn't help but ask.


Upon hearing this sentence, Uzumaki Naruto and Haruno Sakura couldn't help looking at Uchiha Sasuke, but they also asked him.

Obviously, they don't know much about the reasons for the extermination of the Uchiha clan.

It seems that the Uchiha clan is really not because of a coup?

If it's a coup d'état, if there is any big commotion, even the younger generation, it's impossible not to hear about it in such a short timeline.

Judging by the appearance of these two children, they really haven't heard of it at all, and they don't even care much about Sasuke's family.

In other words, the surname Uchiha.

It's as if Uchiha didn't exist at all.

what happened?

Regarding this, Hiroko was even more puzzled.


At this time, Uchiha Sasuke took a deep breath, as if he pressed something again.

"It's Uchiha Itachi, he wiped out the whole clan."

However, even if he pressed something, when he said this, there was only a trembling that was suppressed to a certain point in his tone, and there was no calmness at all.

Yes, just full of resentment and hatred.

"What! What did you say? Itachi? He killed the Uchiha clan?"

When Hongyan heard this, he was completely stunned on the spot, and blurted out a sentence full of incredible exclamation.


Regarding this, Uchiha Sasuke said solemnly, the cold pupil power of hatred emanating from the bright red Sharingan in his eyes seemed to be a little bit stronger, and even the two hook jade seemed to tremble a bit.


The one who must take revenge is this... Uchiha Itachi?

The whole family.

Including parents, relatives...

And hearing Uchiha Sasuke's deep voice, Haruno Sakura and Uzumaki Naruto were stunned at the same time. At this moment, in addition to feeling the deep-seated hatred from their teammates, they finally understood that they were in the first team. Why did Sasuke say that when we assembled.

Why the meaning of his life is to be an avenger.

The whole family, parents and brothers were all killed by that person.

If it were anyone, they would not let it go easily. No one can let go of this kind of blood feud.

Unless blood for blood, life for life.


It turned out that Sasuke had experienced such a thing.

Brother, he actually slaughtered the entire clan.

Alas... this child...

At the same time, Hong Yan who heard this did not speak, but sighed in his heart with some worry.

The previous doubts about the extermination of the Uchiha clan disappeared in an instant.

To be honest, although he is a member of the Uchiha clan, Hirohiko knows that the seemingly inherited character of the Uchiha clan is very dangerous, and Sharingan itself is also very dangerous. Wave Madara, another Uchiha Nobuhiko has appeared, and there are already some signs.

Uchiha may be destroyed at the hands of Uchiha.

And now, the Destroyer is Little Sasuke in front of him, Chiba's disciple, Itachi.

Now, what Hirohiko is worried about is the boy in front of him. Although Uchiha is very likely to be destroyed by Uchiha, the real root is not Uchiha himself, but where Uchiha is.


Konoha Village.

In other words, the dark side of Konoha Village.

According to reliable sources of information, the dark side of Konoha, Shimura Danzo, basically treats the Uchiha clan with the same mentality as the Second Hokage, even worse, and has reached a certain paranoid or extreme situation.

Regarding the unstable factor of Uchiha, this Shimura Danzo has always opposed the idea of ​​​​Three Generations of Hokage, and is basically in a position to get rid of the Uchiha clan.

In other words, this time the Uchiha extermination is very likely to be behind the figure of Shimura Danzo, and Shimura Danzo may have the support of the entire Konoha senior management.

That is to say, after Itachi wiped out the Uchiha clan, I am afraid that there is a village behind it, that is, Konoha Village, where Sasuke is now born, Sasuke's hometown and home.

And if little Sasuke found out that the village he had always wanted to protect turned out to be his enemy, or even his own enemy, with that painful and contradictory mood, I'm afraid he would be uncontrollably plunged into darkness.

Even, Hirohiko could see that the little Sasuke at this time had already shown some signs of blackening.

Of course, it's just a seed.

And a Uchiha clansman, a Uchiha clansman who has opened Sharingan, fell into the darkness, and Hirohiko was very clear about what it represented.

He even experienced it himself.

That is, Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

As for what the kaleidoscope Sharingan represents, Hirohiko is also very clear, and even this is his personal experience.

That is, the eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan.

Yes, that's right.

This scene is very familiar.

It was exactly what his elder brother had done to him.

It's just that his kaleidoscope Sharingan is Nao who died in his hands.

And Xiao Sasuke's kaleidoscope Sharingan is the village, and the same clan who died.

Moreover, Xiao Sasuke happened to have a brother who was related by blood.

This trick is already very obvious.

Itachi is the second Uchiha Nobuhiko.

And Sasuke is himself back then.

Look, Itachi is Chiba's disciple again, according to Chiba's temperament, even if he betrays Konoha, Chiba may not be able to do it.

Back then, Shiga almost stabbed Chiba to death with a single knife, but Chiba always understood Shiga and knew his difficulties. In the end, he still did not regard Shiga as an enemy.

According to the previous Uchiha Nobuhiko, he would never leave Uchiha alone, or not use it.

Obviously, Itachi is Uchiha Nobuhiko's chess piece, placed on the Uchiha clan's flag, and the purpose of all his arrangements is to create a pair of eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan.

And, taking advantage of Itachi's status as Chiba's disciple, he can give him an extra help.

One more copy can defeat Qianye's help.

Therefore, at this time, he will start to worry.

"So, who is that Uchiha Nobuhiko?"

And at this time, it seemed that she was suddenly awakened, seeing the two Uchihas who were silent, Haruno Sakura hurriedly said.

"Yeah, according to what you mean, he can also destroy the Uchiha clan by himself?"

At the same time, Naruto Uzumaki also suddenly became alert, and he understood the purpose of Haruno Sakura's words very cleverly, and immediately opened his mouth to speak.

Hearing the words of the two, the bright red light in Uchiha Sasuke's eyes trembled slightly, and then he took a deep breath, and after his eyes returned to darkness, he also looked at Uchiha Hirohiko in front of him.

Although he didn't speak, he obviously meant that, like his two teammates, he wanted to know about Nobuhiko Uchiha.

"About Uchiha Nobuhiko, I'll tell you later. Now, let's focus on how to get out of here."

But at this time, Uchiha Hirohiko did not answer their words, but changed the topic to a more important side.

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