Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2635 Spiritual Seed

"Sure enough, a clone is a clone. No matter how high-end it is, even if it's a combination of immortality and yin-yang escape, it's just a clone after all."

He clenched his fist lightly, feeling the harmonious sense of control and the comfort of recovering his body, but "Haneda Ichiyo" sighed, as if he was helplessly dissatisfied.

At this moment, "Haneda Ichiyo" has completely recovered its shape, and the viscous and drooping twisted feeling just now has completely disappeared, and it even looks the same as before, without even a little injury.

However, this is only on the surface. For the current "Ichiyo Haneda", or in other words, for the consciousness that belongs to Chiba of the hatched spiritual seed, the current "Ichiyo Haneda" is far from "recovering as before." ".

Even, it may not be long before this body, or this fairy slug clone that I have cultivated for nearly ten years, may be lifted after a while.

He could feel the sense of control that was in perfect harmony with the disintegration of all the cells that formed this body with the technique of yin and yang escape and the technique of slug fairy chakra.

Yes, at this moment, Haneda Ichiyo's body is disintegrating at the cellular level, even if it is repaired by using the celestial chakra and yin and yang escape techniques, it will not help. This is an irreversible process.

In other words, Ichiyo Haneda, this slug fairy avatar, has really come to an end.

Even the technique of yin and yang escape could not turn the tide.

Then, this phenomenon means that if the slug fairy avatar is destroyed by half or more of its body, even if it can restore the celestial chakra, it will only be a temporary extension of time, and it will eventually be lifted.

And thinking of this, "Haneda Ichiyo" made such a judgment in his heart.

"Then, we need to play the last..."

At the same time, after such a thought flashed in his mind, "Haneda Ichiyo" raised his head and looked at Konoha's tallest building surrounded by a purple barrier.

In the enchantment, most of it has been covered by the branches produced by the wood dun at this time, it is not clear, and the sound seems to be isolated in the enchantment, and the movement within it cannot be heard, but "Haneda Yiye" is I know that the three generations of Hokage and Orochimaru inside should be in full swing at this time.

Perhaps, it won't be long before the winner will be decided.

And if the normal trend is followed, the third Hokage should end his hard life here.

And, say that classic sentence that almost covers the central idea of ​​the entire original work, and entrust everything to the next generation.

Then, the direction of the whole story began to become Naruto Chasing Friends.

However, according to the current situation, whether this Naruto Chasing Friends can be formed is still unknown.

But now, "Ichiyo Haneda" seems to be hesitating at this time.

It seems that there is something important that conflicts with rushing to break the barrier to save the third Hokage, so he has to make a choice.

And this choice can only be one of them, the important thing, or saving the third Hokage, it can only be one of the two.

In fact, "Ichiyo Haneda" is still very clear. Now that his body is disintegrating, he can only use some remaining celestial chakra to repair it with the method of yin and yang escape to delay the death of this celestial slug. The release time of the avatar.

If an attack is launched, especially an attack that breaks the barrier, he may immediately cancel it with one blow.

However, if the barrier is broken, outsiders will be able to rescue the Third Hokage, and even the Third Hokage will be able to escape on their own.

"Still, wait here."

Then, in the next second, another choice quietly surfaced in the murmur of "Ichiyo Haneda".

And the second choice is to wait here, keeping Haneda Ichiyo's body, waiting for Uchiha Nobuhiko's appearance.

Or, it should be said that the spiritual seed left by Uchiha Nobuhiko on this fourth Kazekage appeared.

Yes, there are two options before "Haneda Ichiyo" at this moment, one is to go to the Third Hokage, and then contact the senjutsu slug clone, and the other is to die and wait for the death of the dead Fourth Kazekage in front of him. The spiritual seed hatches, and then solves the problem of Uchiha Nobuhiko's spiritual seed.

As for why this spiritual seed has to be solved, and why it can be listed as an option alongside saving the third generation of Hokage, the reason is also very simple.

If the spiritual seed hatches, it can temporarily give the consciousness of the corpse in front of him, the consciousness of Uchiha Nobuhiko, and once the spiritual seed wakes up, without leaving the host, especially if the host has no consciousness At that time, it is possible to control the host 100%, that is, Nobuhiko Uchiha can 100% control the corpse of the Fourth Kazekage in front of him, and this 100% includes all the techniques of the Fourth Kazekage, all the battle memories, and even some of them. Memories in the brain that cannot be erased after death.

That is to say, if he does not solve the spiritual seed of Nobuhiko Uchiha in front of him, then killing the fourth Kazekage is almost useless. Nobuhiko Uchiha can play 100% of the fourth Kazekage With his strength, if he saves the third generation of Kazekage now, what awaits him is still the ending of a kage-level running around the village.

And not killing the fourth Kazekage is a result.

And this kind of spiritualization is a variant of Nobuhiko Uchiha's spiritualization technique, which is proficient in using spiritualization technique, and researching his own soul through spiritualization technique, no, it should be said that he has Only under the power of the reincarnation eye, which controls the six realms of life and death, can one conduct in-depth research on one's own soul, and then sit down to be able to cut and concretize one's own soul through the method of spiritualization Make a seed.

This seed contains the consciousness of the user, and can be implanted into the soul of the opponent.

As for ordinary people, without supreme power, or soul-level skills or abilities, almost all souls are defenseless.

That is to say, implanting is quite a simple matter, and even a shadow-level powerhouse may fall for it unknowingly.

And this kind of spiritualization is still the precondition of Uchiha Nobuhiko's spirit puppet art or spirit puppet art, just like when the dirty soil is reincarnated, a control spell will be implanted in the sacrifice, or it is Like the chakra line used to control puppets in ordinary puppetry, it is a necessary condition for making spirit puppets.

Of course, although the implantation of this spiritual seed is very simple, it is not a simple matter to incubate. After all, it is a matter between souls, and each soul is an absolutely independent individual. The words of the soul, even a small fragment of other souls, may produce extremely serious rejection reactions, which are easily detected, and under the strong pressure of other people's overall souls, the soul fragments will either be expelled, or It will be crushed into nourishment for a complete soul.

Therefore, after the seed of spiritualization is implanted, it is in a dormant state, just like an egg enclosing the consciousness of the caster, and the shell of the egg made by the supreme power of the eye of reincarnation can effectively Isolate the connection between the soul fragments and the complete soul, so that the soul fragments can hide in the complete soul and survive

And when the person's complete soul weakens, the soul fragments will take root in the person's soul, gradually grow and slowly control the complete soul, and at that time, because the soul is controlled and occupied, the whole person will also He became the puppet of Uchiha Nobuhiko, that is, the soul puppet, and the blood moon and silver-robed people just now are the soul puppets, poor people whose souls have been corroded and controlled by Uchiha Nobuhiko.

And if the complete soul disappears, that is to say, the person dies, the spiritual seed will also take root in the human body, occupying the magpie's nest, taking root and sprouting with the nourishment of the body, until it can control the entire body.

But now, the Sidai Kazekage's situation is like this.

Although the fourth Kazekage has completely died now, Nobuhiko Uchiha should have implanted a spiritual seed in his soul. Now that the complete soul has disappeared, then the spiritual seed must be hatching and taking root Sprout, quickly occupy the body of the fourth Kazekage, and turn the corpse of the fourth Kazekage into a spirit puppet.

"Hey... It seems that this is the only way to do it. Sure enough, any technique that involves life and death should be listed as a forbidden technique. I also lifted a stone and shot myself in the foot."

And at this time, "Haneda Ichiyo" sighed, and couldn't help but glance at the enchantment again. After all, he didn't choose to save the third Hokage, but walked forward, and threw the corpse of the fourth Kazekage on the ground Flipping it up and straightening it up, one hand lightly pressed on Sidai Kazekage's forehead.

If you say, why "Haneda Ichiyo" understands the spirit puppet technique so well, a technique and ability to control the soul that has never appeared in the ninja world, even if it is the only spiritual technique involving the soul, it is far from being able to achieve control The level of the soul, even if this spirit puppet technique was born out of the spiritization technique.

Moreover, when this spirit puppet technique occupies other people's bodies and souls, it needs a certain period of dormancy. For Haneda Ichiyo, Uchiha Nobuhiko has always believed that it is a good foundation. How could the situation of this spirit puppet technique be leaked? go out.

Still such detailed information.

The reason is that the current Haneda Yiye is no longer that Haneda Yiye, but Chiba.

Now it is Chiba's consciousness, occupying this fairy slug clone that has been transformed by Chiba and is completely isolated from the main body, has an independent spirit and independent personality.

As for why Chiba knew so clearly, of course, the reason could not be the news from Nobuhiko Uchiha, but rather, the technique of spirit puppet, or the seed of spirit transformation, was originally developed by Chiba first.

Yes, in the past ten years, no, it should be said that after the Nine-Tails Rebellion, Qianye began to gradually understand the supreme power of the eye of reincarnation. After all, this is the most powerful power he has mastered. However, it may be a natural talent, or one's own strong desire, or one's own body that can adapt to all the power of Hokage and the experience generated by the creation of the body itself, for the development of the eyes of reincarnation , He quickly came into contact with the power of the six realms, and was even able to contact the ten-tailed body above the moon, the golem of the six realms, almost with just one eye.

He could have summoned the Golems of the Six Paths back then if he wanted to.

In addition, he has already learned the art of spiritualization, almost naturally, he combined the power of the six realms and the method of spiritualization to visualize the soul, and from this table, he gradually learned the method of dividing the soul, and Means were also developed for preserving divided soul fragments, the previously mentioned "eggs".

That is, the seed of spiritualization.

That's right, the spiritual seed was developed by Chiba.

As for how Nobuhiko Uchiha learned it, Chiba dare not say for sure. After all, in the past ten years, almost all aspects of Nobuhiko Uchiha can be described as evolution. By what means, I stole it from Chiba's hands. It is also possible that, like Qianye, he also comprehended it by himself.

After all, the original book of Spiritualization Art didn't say who created it, it's just that Kato Dan's signature forbidden art is just this one.

Uchiha Nobuhiko can be learned somewhere in one of his lives.

This is the advantage of the Reborn, especially in this world with the magical power of Chakra.

Because Chakra is possessed by everyone, such as Ninjutsu, Forbidden Jutsu, Taijutsu, Illusion, Blood Succession Limit, etc., except for the supreme power, it is basically how to use Chakra.

Nobuhiko Uchiha has survived so many lives, and all the ninjutsu, forbidden jutsu, and even blood succession limit that he has learned can actually be used in the next life.

It is not uncommon for Nobuhiko Uchiha to have the art of spiritualization, but with the art of spiritualization, he is also a reborn person, and the original awakener of the supreme power of the reincarnation eye. It is absolutely impossible for Uchiha Nobuhiko to lose his understanding of the reincarnation eye. It is normal for Chiba to research it by himself.

After all, after mastering the supreme power and being able to touch the soul, it is inevitable to become interested in such things as the soul.

And it is not difficult to be interested in the soul, coupled with the skill of spiritualization, to give birth to the seed of spiritualization.

It can only be said that Uchiha Nobuhiko will also be this spiritual seed, which is reasonable.

It's just that Chiba is inclined to learn from Uchiha Nobuhiko. When he first developed the Spiritual Seed, Chiba has used it extensively in a certain range. In order to collect information, especially Uchiha Nobuhiko It is not impossible for these widely distributed spiritual seeds to be discovered and studied by Uchiha Nobuhiko.

Therefore, "Haneda Ichiyo" at this time, that is, Chiba's consciousness, Chiba's soul fragments, will feel that the current situation is like lifting a stone and hitting himself in the foot.

And that's right, "Haneda Ichiyo" at this time is actually the hatched product of Chiba's spiritual seed buried in Haneda Ichiyo's body.

As Uchiha Nobuhiko expected, Haneda Ichiyo did have Chiba's spiritual seed in his body.

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