Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2633 ending

"So far, it should be in the plan."

Glancing at the golden ball that was sunken and punctured into the shape of a hedgehog, as if he had confirmed something, he lowered his head and looked at the corpse of the blood moon silver-robed man under his feet. You!" The ninja who walked out with a bamboo hat softly murmured.

However, although this sentence seems to be a sigh of relief, which means that everything is going well, but there is no relaxation in the words, even, let alone a sigh of relief, it sounds that this tone is unusually dignified.

It seemed that everything went smoothly according to the "plan" that he said, and it was not what he wanted to see at all.

In other words, it seems that the person who said this did not have much confidence in this so-called "plan", and always had some doubts.

Then, after finishing this soft murmur, the hat ninja slowly took off his hat, and it was the fourth Kazekage, Luo Sha.

Why, why not me, but Orochimaru.

Although I have to admit the strength of Orochimaru, I may not be able to beat him.

However, at this time, am I not a more suitable candidate than Orochimaru with a Konoha background?

And my ninjutsu is more advantageous in a closed barrier.

Especially killing an old man quickly.

And at this time, as the bamboo hat was taken off, Luo Sha's brows had also slowly frowned.

Gaara was also taken away by that Uchiha Nobuhiko.

This move, rather than taking away and protecting Gaara, is more like taking the opportunity to take Shayin Village into his own hands.

Is my decision right or wrong?

Afterwards, Luo Sha's brows became more and more tight, and his heart was unspeakably worried.

Compared with other people, as the direct talker with Uchiha Nobuhiko, he is also the person who has the most direct contact with cooperation. Except for Orochimaru, he should be the person who knows the most about Uchiha Nobuhiko's plan.

After all, when Uchiha Nobuhiko came to him, he was not planning to join forces with Uchiha Nobuhiko, except that he was trembling and worried about the future of Sand Hidden, so as to avoid Uchiha Nobuhiko's embarrassment and anger.

Because, when Nobuhiko Uchiha found himself, he was sure that Taki Chiba was still alive.

If Taki Chiba is really dead, Uchiha Nobuhiko has no reason to come to him for cooperation. After all, if Taki Chiba is really dead, as the "second Uchiha Madara", there is even no reason for Uchiha Nobuhiko to personally go to any Dainin Village to seek cooperation. With his strength, It is easy to control a Great Ninja Village, especially the two relatively weak Great Ninja Villages.

Sand Hidden Village and Wu Hidden Village.

At the beginning, Uchiha Madara was able to make Yanyin Village bow his head single-handedly. With Uchiha Nobuhiko's original strength, he might be able to make Yanyin Village bow his head. Even Yunyin Village can only be obedient.

And when Konoha loses Taki Chiba, he must give enough face, at least some unexcessive demands must be met.

Only when Taki Chiba is not dead and has no confidence in the face of this old enemy, will Nobuhiko Uchiha come to seek cooperation in person.

After all, the name Taki Chiba already represents a great ninja village in a sense, and it is still the strongest ninja village Konoha.

No matter how you say it, Taki Chiba was the one who caused him to suffer a big loss and leave. In addition, he is a rare super genius in the world. In the past ten years, he may have been able to fight against Uchiha Nobuhiko. To deal with Taki Chiba, Uchiha Nobuhiko must also find one or two great ninja villages as a bargaining chip against Konoha other than Taki Chiba.

For Sand Yin, it is undoubtedly unwise to join Uchiha Nobuhiko's camp.

Not to mention that this side is not Konoha's opponent at all, in any aspect, it is not Konoha's opponent at all.

It is said that Taki Chiba was far weaker than this Uchiha Nobuhiko back then, and it still caused Uchiha Nobuhiko to suffer a lot, not to mention that Taki Chiba, who must have caught up with Uchiha Nobuhiko more than ten years later.

That is to say, standing in the faction of Uchiha Nobuhiko is almost standing in the faction with a small chance of winning, and the current situation in Sand Hidden Village is almost the stupidest decision.

Going against Taki Chiba is the last thing to do.

Even, not only at that time, he was unwilling to cooperate with Uchiha Nobuhiko, even now, he still feels that he should not cooperate with Uchiha Nobuhiko.

However, they are unwilling and shouldn't, so can they not cooperate with Nobuhiko Uchiha?

Although Nobuhiko Uchiha showed good words after the cooperation, he didn't ask for this or that, basically gave Sand Hidden Village a lot of freedom, and there was no feeling of restraint at all, but Sand Hidden Village is after all betting everything. On Uchiha Nobuhiko, bet on Uchiha Nobuhiko's ability to defeat Taki Chiba.

Bet on a minimum winning rate.

These superficial free spaces, without interference, can only be their self-comfort.

In addition to self-comfort, it is just a manifestation of being controlled by Uchiha Nobuhiko.

In this situation, it seems that Nobuhiko Uchiha is easy to talk, doesn't interfere, and doesn't feel like a superior at all, but in fact, Nobuhiko Uchiha no longer needs to be told, and he doesn't need too much persecution. The Sand Hidden Village on Nobuhiko Uchiha with a low winning rate and a high loss rate can do nothing but assist Nobuhiko Uchiha at all costs, and let Nobuhiko Uchiha win, no need for Nobuhiko Uchiha's whip.

As for rejecting Nobuhiko Uchiha's request for cooperation?

What are you kidding?

Who is Nobuhiko Uchiha? He may not have dared to refuse the request for cooperation when Hidden Sand Village was in its heyday. Now hidden Hidden Sand Village?

This is tantamount to seeking death and destroying oneself!

If Uchiha Nobuhiko is not satisfied with their refusal, even if they secretly contact Taki Chiba, take refuge in Taki Chiba, far away from Konoha, and Taki Chiba in Konoha, it is impossible to keep Sand Hidden Village under Uchiha Nobuhiko .

Besides, even if Taki Chiba rushed to Sand Hidden Village, could it keep Sand Hidden Village from being destroyed and destroyed?

The answer is obviously no.

Yes, that’s right, the Fourth Kazekage didn’t have any choice at the beginning, it can only be said that he was unlucky, and the whole Sand Hikage was unlucky, Uchiha Nobuhiko chose Sand Hidden who was most able to stab Konoha’s back.

But now, the Fourth Kazekage still does not have any optimistic estimates for Uchiha Nobuhiko and Uchiha Nobuhiko.

Even if, he is one of the people who knows the most about Uchiha Nobuhiko's plan.

Even now, according to Uchiha Nobuhiko's plan, he has killed Haneda Ichiyo, the most likely substitute life created by Taki Chiba, and ruled out a possible situation.

That's right, the Fourth Kazekage Rasa at this moment knows that everything Nobuhiko Uchiha is doing now is to find out the substitute life made by Taki Chiba, and even knows that after finding out this substitute life However, he and Sand Yin still need to delay Taki Chiba's body, waiting for Uchiha Nobuhiko to kill Taki Chiba's double life.

As for why the people in Hidden Sand Village didn't know about this plan, apart from Nobuhiko Uchiha deliberately letting him conceal it, there is also a need to stabilize the morale of the army.

If everyone in Hidden Sand Village and the ninja group in Hidden Sand Village knew that they were going to delay Taki Chiba's body, and there were still two of Taki Chiba, I am afraid that Hidden Sand Village would have surrendered with both hands before the war started.

And in that case, if they were to be enforced, a coup d'état might take away the vigor and bleak future that Sha Yin Village had accumulated over the past ten years.

Therefore, concealing this plan is also what he must do, and it is also a manifestation of being completely controlled by Uchiha Nobuhiko.

"Three generations of Hokage..."

But thinking of this, Luo Sha, who frowned tightly, could only sigh silently, and then shifted his gaze and thoughts elsewhere.

The place covered by the purple enchantment is full of trees growing out of thin air.

Dirt... reincarnation.

But looking at this scene, Luo Sha was not surprised at all, but softly murmured the name of this technique that made people feel chills deep in his heart.

This kind of technique should not exist in the world.

At the same time, in his heart, he uttered a word that he didn't know how to describe from the bottom of his heart.

At the beginning, Sand Hidden was also a Ninja Village that stood shoulder to shoulder with Konoha, and its positioning was equivalent to the current Cloud Hidden Village. The forbidden technique developed by the second generation of Hokage is available in Sand Hidden's database, and there are even several solutions , suitable for all kinds of people, whether they know how to use the seal technique or those who don't know how to use the seal technique.

Moreover, a certain level of hidden sand can be browsed at will.

After all, this technique of blaspheming the dead can infinitely repair the reincarnation of the manipulative dirt, and it can almost kill any ninja without knowing the solution.

Although Konoha has not used this technique for a long time, but this technique exists after all, and there are still necessary preparations.

Moreover, the secrecy authority of the technique of reincarnation of the dirty soil is still raised now. When the second generation of Naruto was still alive, every ninja had to learn and practice the method of dealing with this technique.

Later, because no one used this forbidden technique after the second generation of Hokage, Sha Yin also experienced a series of changes, especially in terms of talent shortage, which led to several reforms in the education model, and later changed this compulsory course to a certain level. Read it, and do not make a mandatory requirement, it is considered a reduced necessity.


Speaking of it, it is also ironic.

And thinking of this, although Luo Sha's face did not change, but in his heart, he couldn't help but sneered.

Recalling how many heroes of Sand Hidden died under this technique, now seeing Konoha's rebellious ninja Orochimaru using this forbidden technique to summon the first Hokage and the second Hokage to kill the third Hokage, it is really inexplicable The feeling of euphoria and karma.

Perhaps, this is the retribution for blaspheming the dead.

"It turns out that the existence of Uchiha Nobuhiko may not be as simple as I thought at first."

And at this moment, when Luo Sha secretly sneered in his heart, a thoughtful sound suddenly sounded from behind him.


Hearing this sound, the muscles all over his body tightened suddenly, and with a crash, the hedgehog-shaped sand mass over there collapsed instantly, turning into thousands of golden long arrows and shooting towards his back, which was the source of the sound.


However, at this moment, his body trembled violently, and the unspoken word "Mo" stopped abruptly.

The whole figure became fatigued.

Even, those golden long arrows that shot out were also behind his back, turning into gold dust and falling down like golden rain, spreading a layer of golden sand with him as the center.


Afterwards, as the golden sand spread, a mouthful of blood coughed out from his mouth. His eyes were lowered, but the reflection reflected the black long sword protruding from his chest.

"Tick tock!"

Just at this time, a drop of blood slowly dripped from the tip of the sword, and splashed on his sand with a thud.


At the same time, such a thought involuntarily appeared in his mind.

"No wonder Orochimaru was able to assassinate you silently. He really didn't have any defense against the back."

Also at this moment, behind him, came a voice with a little sigh.

Orochimaru... Assassinate me?

And hearing this sound, the heart was pierced, and Luo Sha, who knew that it was impossible to survive, trembled suddenly.

The voice behind him implied that he would die in the hands of Orochimaru. No, it should be said that under certain circumstances, he would be assassinated by Orochimaru.

It seemed that the people behind him knew their fate long ago.

I will die at the end of this Zhongnin exam, but the way of death is different.

However, next, he didn't have the chance to ask any questions in this regard, because at this moment, the person behind him didn't hesitate at all. After saying this sentence, he decisively twitched that black sword.

Immediately, blood spurted out from Luo Sha's chest, and with a puff, he fell heavily to the ground.

And when he fell to the ground, blood splashed out in a semicircle, and his pupils had completely dimmed.

Also at this moment, behind him, Haneda Ichiyo's figure was slowly revealed.

At this moment, Haneda Kazuyo doesn't look good, no, it can't even be described as "terrible".

Even, in a sense, it is impossible to say that it is "alive".

At this moment, Haneda Kazuyo, except for the right hand and the right half of the body that drew out the black sword, the entire left half of the body and the left side of the face almost have a distorted "melting" feeling, and even the right half of the body has a few hole.

Even the blood flowing out of it has a viscous and false feeling.

"This Nobuhiko Uchiha left the Fourth Kazekage Rasa here, probably not by accident."

However, although the body is distorted like a living thing, and even ugly, it seems a bit scary, but Haneda Ichiyo's face is not weak or looks like "alive", on the contrary, it is full of faces. dignified.

It was as if everything on him was not his own.

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