Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2616 Conjecture

"Although I was accepted by you, why do I have a feeling of being insulted, and I don't have the joy of being recognized by my teammates at all?"

Seeing the two teammates who came over and stood beside him, Naruto Uzumaki half-closed his eyes.

At this time, with his great nerves, he was still in this strange and somewhat terrifying environment, but he could still feel that when his teammates looked at him just now, he seemed to find something in a daze. Especially when the deja vu and definite tone said that it was me, the uncomfortable feeling that came from the inside out.

That feeling of being insulted.

And this feeling made him, who should have been immersed in the joy of finding his two closest friends and that the two friends were all right, produce a slight discomfort that destroyed all the joy.

Moreover, he felt that his two close comrades-in-arms seemed to have misunderstood him.

Moreover, it was a misunderstanding that instinctively made him feel uncomfortable.

"What should I do now?"

But at this time, as always, his somewhat complaining resistance was not treated as it should be, and was ruthlessly ignored by Haruno Sakura.

"Naruto, how did you find us?"

Regarding Haruno Sakura's question, Uchiha Sasuke frowned, but looked at Uzumaki Naruto and asked.


Regarding this, Uzumaki Naruto, who still wanted to express his dissatisfaction, was taken aback for a moment, obviously he didn't expect that his deadly enemy would ask himself at this time, he was taken aback, and subconsciously opened his mouth.


Hearing this, Uchiha Sasuke nodded, and said so.

After all, he swallowed the phrase "the tail of the crane", the most important thing now is to figure out what's going on here, and escape from the current situation first.

In any case, they are always under the control of the enemy and are in danger. At this time, it is meaningless to add some arguments. Not only is it meaningless, but it is also very, very unwise.

Although he seems to be complaining about this guy's reflexes.

However, at this time, in order to avoid unnecessary arguments, it is better not to complain about anything.

"Well... I felt that there was someone here, so I came here."

Regarding this, Uzumaki Naruto thought about it carefully, and said.

He also knew that at this time, Sasuke's question was on the point. Although he usually didn't respond quickly, he also knew that the current situation was not conducive to them.

At the same time, I also know that the purpose of asking this question is to find out the current situation and find a way out.

Therefore, he answered very seriously and thought very carefully.

At that time, he just walked in a random direction, and within a few steps, he saw Sasuke and Sakura.

Then, this is the situation now.

"Does it feel like someone is here?"

And hearing this sound, not only Uchiha Sasuke, but even Haruno Sakura were startled.

That's okay too?

Even the light is omitted?

At the same time, such a thought that they don't know how to describe and complain about flashed through their hearts.

Haruno Sakura was a bit logical before, at least there was light, and seeing the light, it was normal to walk in the darkness.

However, I felt that there was someone here, so I walked over, and then I really found two people?


How to describe it?


And at this time, Uzumaki Naruto nodded seriously, and then spoke again.

"No light or something?"

Regarding this, almost subconsciously, the two asked with a kind of disbelief.


Hearing this, Uzumaki Naruto frowned again.

"Yes, the light is slightly brighter than the surroundings."

In this regard, Haruno Sakura asked.

There seemed to be some expectation in the words.

I hope that Naruto will think about it at this time, and it seems that there is such a thing, there are some relatively bright places.

"Well... I don't remember either, I didn't pay attention."

However, she was destined to be disappointed. Naruto Uzumaki thought about his answer carefully, and he just didn't know.


In response, Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke twitched their mouths at the same time, and looked at each other silently and subconsciously.

"What's the matter? What's going on? What's the problem? Don't play charades! Don't play tricks either!"

As for the reaction of the two, Uzumaki Naruto spoke eagerly.

At this time, he always has a feeling that the two of them are connected and show their affection in front of him. This is an extremely uncomfortable feeling.

An anxious feeling of wanting to speak urgently.

"So which way do you feel we should go now?"

But at this time, the two did not answer his urgent question, but asked in unison.

How do I feel, even more upset!

Also, I have a feeling of being used as a tool.

Looking at the two eyes looking over at the same time, it seemed that there was an intimate and tacit understanding, the corner of Uzumaki Naruto's mouth twitched, and such a thought flashed in his heart.


But just as a thought flashed through his mind, and when he was resisting ten thousand times, his body had already honestly pointed out the direction he should go now intuitively.

"Over there..."

Obviously, the two of them didn't see the unhappiness in Uzumaki Naruto's heart, or in other words, they ignored it when they saw it, or in other words, although they saw it, the more important thing now is to go out and observe this space, so they didn't I didn't care, or maybe I didn't care. Too lazy to spend time on Uzumaki Naruto's little thoughts.

"This way?"

And at this time, Haruno Sakura seemed to subconsciously ask Uchiha Sasuke.

"Hey, Sakura, I'm here too!"

As for his sweetheart's behavior of ignoring himself and turning to his deadly enemy for help, Uzumaki Naruto finally couldn't help but speak.

"I can only go this way."

In this regard, Uchiha Sasuke didn't talk nonsense, and walked straight to the direction pointed by Uzumaki Naruto, and at the stall where Uzumaki Naruto passed by, he patted Uzumaki Naruto's shoulder lightly, signaling to come together gone.

"Then let's go."

In this regard, Haruno Sakura followed closely, and when passing Naruto Uzumaki, she reached out and patted Naruto Uzumaki on the shoulder, saying in her mouth.

But the actions of the two made Naruto Uzumaki slightly taken aback.

Then, after a long while, when the figures of the two of them were about to be engulfed by the black mist, he finally realized it.

"Wait for me!"

After reacting, Uzumaki Naruto suddenly became alarmed, blurted out a sound, and then trotted all the way, followed.


"So, there is another possibility that we are actually being held hostage? Why is this Uchiha Nobuhiko threatening Chiba-sensei? Clamping Chiba-sensei?"

And at this time, on the other side, Yamanaka Ino and Akimichi Choji looked at Nara Shikamaru in front of them, and said after looking at me and I looking at you.

"Yes, apart from the possibility that we were rescued by Teacher Chiba, there is another possibility that Nobuhiko Uchiha took us as hostages. The purpose is to threaten Teacher Chiba at a critical time."

To this, Nara Shikamaru said seriously.


It was said that, as the group with the most tacit understanding, the other two obviously understood what Nara Shikamaru meant.

In the current situation, they are already hostages. If this Uchiha Nobuhiko threatens their Chiba-sensei at a critical time, making Chiba-sensei feel scruples. Given that he and Chiba-sensei are evenly matched, I am afraid that Chiba-sensei will eat Big loss.

Although Teacher Qianye may abandon them because of the village, but when that time comes, I am afraid that it is time for Teacher Qianye to be cornered.

During this period of time, they knew very well what kind of person this teacher who seemed to only think about drinking tea and cooking every day was like.

I also deeply believe that this teacher will never give up on them if it is not a desperate situation, and it is a choice between the village and them.

"We should save ourselves. Although this is an environment outside our cognition, this Uchiha Nobuhiko is also a strong person outside our cognition, but, no matter what, whether it is to implicate Chiba teacher or not want to die, we Everyone should save themselves."

To this, Nara Shikamaru said.

"So what do you think?"

"Then do you have any clues?"

And hearing this sound, Choji Akimichi and Ino Yamanaka said so.

Obviously, the two of them had already thought about saving themselves before Nara Shikamaru said the word self-help. It can be said that the three of them thought of one thing.

"How did you find me?"

To this, Nara Shikamaru said.

Now that he has thought of self-help, he naturally has a general direction.

The appearance of Choji and Ino at this time has already explained two problems. The first is that their positions are common, and the second is that the distance between them is different from the distance before the fall.

Otherwise, at this moment, it should be Shino who found him.

"Just walk around and come behind you."

In this regard, Akimichi Choji said very simply.

"I also walked a few steps, and saw that there seemed to be a little light here."

Afterwards, Yamanaka Ino also said quickly.

"Hmm... In other words, the distance between us is actually very close?"

Hearing this, Nara Shikamaru thought for a moment and said.

"It seems to be the case."

In this regard, Yamanaka Ino thought for a while and said.

"How many steps did you take?"

Then, Nara Shikamaru's problem came up again.

"How many steps? Not a few steps, I only took two steps, and I saw you!"

Choji Akimichi said truthfully.

"Well, two or three steps? I don't know. It seems that when you walk, the dark mist will automatically dissipate. I just realized that I am so close to you."

In this regard, Yamanaka Ino also said.

two or three steps...

few steps...

not in the same position...


After hearing the words of the two, Nara Shikamaru quickly began to think.

"It seems that this should be a space created by space-time ninjutsu or ability. The space rules here are different from our real life."

In this regard, Nara Shikamaru quickly understood something.

Time and space ninjutsu, or ability, although he has never been in contact with or learned it, but since the Fourth Hokage took office, the school has added a basic science course on this subject, only once a week, and there is also a There is a very random exam that does not look at the grades, but it is mandatory to refer to.

Because of this course, Nara Shikamaru still has a good understanding of time and space.

And each time-space ninjutsu or ability is actually unique. Konoha also has several time-space ninjutsu. Space-time space-time ninjutsu or abilities have certain space rules that are different from reality.

But now, my two teammates said that they walked there within a few steps, and according to their current vision, if they take a few steps, they are completely visible. I am afraid that the spatial rules of this space are different.

It is difficult for Nara Shikamaru to say exactly how.

According to the current performance, what he can express is that when walking in this space, the concept of distance is random, or in other words, the thing of distance may not exist. It's a messy space.

For example, you may take a step, which is equivalent to tens of meters or hundreds of meters in the real space, which is why Choji and Ino found him who was not seen in the field of vision within a few steps.

Of course, it is also possible that they took a step, but in fact they didn't take a step, and they were still in place.

It may even step out in one step, and even back away.

It's just because it's all dark, black mist, and there is no reference object, so it's hard to tell whether it's walking away or not moving, or retreating.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, they are all placed in small spaces, and countless small spaces make up such a large space. Although the small space and the small space are connected, they are invisible. Can't hear anything or anything inside each other.

And Ding Ci and Ino happened to walk out of their small space and came to his small space, so they saw him.

Also, since there is no reference object, it is impossible to see whether you have left a small space or not.

Either way, they're stuck.

And thinking of this, Nara Shikamaru did not hesitate, let alone conceal it, and directly informed the two of the two inferences.

"Then what do we do next?"

Regarding this, the two of them were not too surprised, they just looked at Nara Shikamaru with burning eyes.

They knew that since Shikamaru had deduced a little bit, then he must have a corresponding solution, they don't need to worry, they just need to cooperate with him well.

"There is still too little information at present. Although my inference is in line with the current situation, it is actually just an inference. I don't have much definite information. I can only say that I think in these two directions. Specifically, Let us go around and see what the rules are."

Hearing this, Nara Shikamaru said so, and at the same time, he threw a detonating talisman on the ground.

However, after the detonating talisman landed, it was clearly attached to the ground, which made him quietly relieved.


As for Nara Shikamaru's actions, the two of them also understood and responded immediately.

Ever since, the three of Zhuludie walked towards a certain direction while throwing detonating symbols, small ball bombs and some more conspicuous ninja tools.

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