Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2613 go, or not

"You say, I will go, or not."

Looking at the blood-moon silver-robed man under his feet who was already silent, Qianye, who was attacking from behind, slowly raised his head, shook off the blood in his hand, looked towards the rock statue of Hokage, and tore it off. The mask came over and touched the blood moon silver-cloaked man with his foot, as if to confirm whether the blood moon silver-cloaked man was really dead, said Qianye.

"I'm just your shadow clone, not your staff."

In this regard, Chiba, who tore off the similar mask, immediately rolled his eyes and said so.

At the same time, it was confirmed that the blood moon silver-robed man was really dead.

While speaking, he had already bent down, lifted the hood of the blood moon silver-robed man, and then smacked his mouth in dissatisfaction.

"Don't look at it, it's definitely not the real person. To be able to activate such a powerful pupil technique, this double must be a puppet."

In this regard, Qianye who attacked from behind, that is, Qianye in the silver moon black robe, spoke after wiping the blood from the hands of the blood moon black robe man on the part of the robe that was not stained with blood.

And with this sound, Qianye who tore off the mask happened to lift off the hood of Xueyue's silver-robed man, revealing the face of a young man with pale hair, staring eyes, and bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

Except for the bloody hole on his forehead that was a little unsightly, the young man's face was relatively complete, and it could be seen that this person was definitely not Nobuhiko Uchiha.

But at this time, the two Chibas seemed to be familiar with this, but the Chiba who tore off the mask gently pressed the young man's round eyelids to close them.

"It seems that Nobuhiko Uchiha has completely mastered the technique of the puppet. He was able to rely on the puppet to use this kind of pupil technique. I really don't know if it was right or wrong to take away one of his reincarnation eyes. "

In this regard, Chiba who attacked from behind, that is, the main body Chiba that can be seen from the dialogue, frowned slightly.

"In the final analysis, Konoha's defense mechanism has a huge flaw, so he has learned the forbidden technique with unlimited potential so easily."

Hearing this, Qianye, who tore off the mask, also called himself the shadow clone Chiba, said with a bit of teasing.

However, although the tone was teasing, there was no half-joke on the face of the shadow clone Qianye, only dignified and heavy.

"It's just that I didn't expect that he would come to a direct blow."

In this regard, the main body Chiba sighed.

"so what?"

It was said that Chiba, the shadow clone, seemed to be quite indifferent, and didn't care about the opportunity being preempted now.

"The currently confirmed enemies are Orochimaru's Otogakushi and Sagakure's surprise attack troops. This is exactly the same as in the original book, but the final test battles in the original book are directly skipped."

As far as the shadow clone Chiba is concerned, the main body Chiba didn't say much, and didn't linger on this topic, but just listened to the screams and explosions from time to time, and said so.

"That's just a reasonably unpredictable event. The current trend is still moving in the direction it should be."

In this regard, the shadow clone Qianye didn't care.

Although there have been considerable changes in the Chunin exams, even some important scenes in the original book have been directly erased because of this wave of attacks by Uchiha Nobuhiko.

However, for the will of the world, this is only within the allowed range.

Although Nobuhiko Uchiha launched the attack in front of him, Chiba knew very well that he was always facing that enemy in this battle.

The enemy that he has been facing since he crossed over.


Or, the will of the world.

And for him, who suffered so much and lost everything because of it, he still can't grasp some context about the will of the world.

That is really a waste of living these ten years.

"It's very interesting, isn't it? Anyway, you already have nothing, so what else can you hesitate about?"

But after finishing speaking, seeing that there seemed to be some hesitation on the main body's face, the shadow clone Chiba stood up, but walked forward, patted the main body Chiba's shoulder, and added with a smile.

"So, what do you mean, go find Uchiha Nobuhiko's bad luck now?"

In this regard, the main body Chiba turned his gaze to the Hokage Rock, strictly speaking, it was the Hokage Rock of the first generation of Hokage.

At this moment, in his pupils, there is a faint reflection of a very small figure.

Standing on the first generation of Hokage Rock, a very small figure.

"You think, you think so!"

But at this time, the attitude of the shadow clone Qianye turned 180 degrees, and said angrily.

"That's right, since he came here with such great fanfare and made such a big battle, he obviously came prepared. I don't know how many methods he has prepared in the past ten years. The spirit puppets in front of him are not easy to deal with. This Mawei really shocked me, and judging by the method of the spirit puppet, even with one eye, he seems to be able to activate the time and space ability similar to the Heaven's Armor. I can't imagine how far this guy's pupil power has risen .Here, I'd better stay out of the way for now, and, judging by his appearance, he doesn't seem to be of much interest to me."

Hearing the angry words of the shadow clone Chiba, with a bit of embarrassment, the main body Chiba chanted for a while, then withdrew his gaze from the Hokage Rock Statue, and set his gaze on a newly steaming place. above the black smoke.

"Then, while there are still a few minutes left, I'll relieve you and Konoha a little bit."

But at this time, upon hearing the main body's words, Chiba, the shadow clone, disappeared in place with a flash.

"It seems that what kind of conspiracy and strategy ability has advanced by leaps and bounds. The battle that this Uchiha Nobuhiko wants to fight is still a frontal confrontation. It's just that he is now able to pull me to the frontal battlefield.

What preparations, what precautions, it seems...

It's all useless! "

After the shadow clone Chiba left, the main body Chiba sighed, and then glanced at the Hokage Rock of the first generation of Hokage, and then disappeared in place in a flash.


Choose... safe?

And at this time, on Hokage Rock, no, above the statue of the first generation of Hokage Rock, a handsome young man with bright red eyes quite casually withdrew his subconscious glance, and such a thought crossed his mind.

Exactly, Nobuhiko Uchiha.

But at this moment, Nobuhiko Uchiha's pupils retracted his gaze, but there was a reflection of blood and explosion smoke.

The signal should have been received.

Even if it was him, he wouldn't be so stupid as to really bet the whole Konoha on a conspiracy with me.

He is not what he used to be.

It should be clear too.

For me now, the conspiracy is still an overt conspiracy, and the relationship between me and him can only be a head-on battlefield.

What kind of strategy is meaningless.

Then, the corner of his mouth flashed a smile that seemed to be disdainful and helpless.

To be honest, after more than ten years of excavation, Nobuhiko Uchiha has a comprehensive understanding of this Taki Chiba, including his character and strength.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he knew very well that it might be his biggest failure in thousands of years that he didn't kill Taki Chiba in the night of Nine Tails.

So far, no outsider has been able to escape from his killers, and even more so, no outsider has been able to steal power from him, let alone this part of power is still the supreme power.

The foundational power of the entire world.

And what he didn't expect was that after this Taki Chiba obtained the supreme power, he would not be rejected at all, nor would there be a transition period after obtaining the power of this world like other outsiders.

Almost in an instant, this Taki Chiba grew to the point where he could match him head-on.

Originally, he wanted to avoid the limelight for a while, and then regain what he lost, and by the way, crush this outsider to death in the cradle before he fully grew up.

However, I didn't expect that when the limelight passed, this outsider had grown to the point where he could confront him head-on without losing the wind.

If it wasn't for not wanting to attract too much attention, I'm afraid, the ninja world is no longer the ninja world.

"But...it doesn't matter."

Thinking of this, Nobuhiko Uchiha had no expression on his face, looking at the village that seemed to be burning under his feet, there was nothing but indifference in his eyes.

An indifference that overrides all.

It seems that he doesn't care much about the threat of Taki Chiba, who is already evenly matched. Even, there is a feeling that everything is under his control, even Taki Chiba can't turn the sky.

Orochimaru, Sand Hidden...

So, that is to say, the step I'm taking is the right one.

Taki Chiba didn't come over in a hurry, according to his identity as a prophet who knew everything.

That is to say, these are really going to happen, and the fact that Konoha was invaded by Oshemaru's Otogakure and Sagakure in the Chunin exam is really going to happen.

I'm going with the flow now.

And if Taki Chiba wants to organize me now, it will be an enemy of the whole situation.

Therefore, although he and I stand on opposite sides, I can do whatever I want, but he is actually holding back everywhere.

But at this time, such a thought appeared in his heart.

Obviously, in the past ten years, he has not only discovered this Taki Chiba, but he has also discovered a lot about certain things, including himself and the world.

Moreover, compared to what he thought back then, if Qianye knew what he was thinking now, even Qianye would have a serious face, and then he would be speechless.

"You guys go!"

And at this time, thinking of Nobuhiko Uchiha who was here, he raised his hand and said without much nonsense.

At this moment, behind him, four silver figures flashed out suddenly, they were four men in blood moon silver robes.

"Put some more pressure on them. Today, he can only face me after all."

In this regard, Uchiha Nobuhiko said.

And for the blood moon silver-robed people, it seems that Nobuhiko Uchiha's words are absolute instructions, and before Nobuhiko Uchiha can say anything more, almost at the moment when the words are spoken, their figures flash and disappear in the original place land.

Going to create trouble for the situation that has gradually stabilized because Taki Chiba's main body and shadow clone joined the battle.


How many casualties will there be in Muye Village this time?

And at this time, Uchiha Nobuhiko finally showed a smile on his face.

It's just that this smile is so cold that it makes one's heart palpitate instinctively.

It seems to be a god who is so high that people can only bow their heads.



And at this time, in the pitch darkness, a pair of bright red pupils suddenly lit up, as if they had opened suddenly.

Then, in the next second, the pair of bright red pupils looked down subconsciously. Slowly reflected a pair of hands.

Intact hands.

own hands.

Then, like a gleam of light in the pitch blackness, in this thick and pitch-black space where nothing could be discerned, a figure slowly lit up, a figure exuding a gleam of light.

And with this twilight, the handsome face of the figure also slowly lit up, and the clothes and everything on the body were also illuminated by the twilight, showing every detail.

Exactly, Sasuke Uchiha.

"Naruto! Sakura!"

Then, in the next moment, Uchiha Sasuke suddenly turned his head and looked around, and shouted almost subconsciously.

Although there was no sense of panic in the words that came suddenly to a strange place, but the seemingly calm tone was full of worries.

However, when he looked around, what he found was nothing but darkness and nothing.

I remember, we fell from a height...

Is this the art of the blood moon silver-robed man?

But after seeing nothing, Sasuke Uchiha did not panic, but carefully recalled the previous things, how he came to this place, to see if there were any clues.


It seems that the memory is not damaged.

There are no scars on the body.

Then, after thinking back, after confirming that he should be in Uchiha Nobuhiko's technique, Uchiha Sasuke calmly checked his injuries and the things he was carrying.

After inspection, there were no scars or internal injuries on his body, and he was almost intact. Even the things he carried with him were unchanged and intact.


Isn't this technique harmful?

It's just that it looks more scary?

And at this time, such a thought naturally appeared in Uchiha Sasuke's mind.

A series of meetings, inspections and inferences at this moment, this technique is not an illusion, but a technique for trapping people that he doesn't know.

Everything before, what the ground exploded, what fell from the sky, what the ground was pitch black, it seemed to be the abyss of devouring people, but it was just the external manifestation of this technique. From the real point of view, this technique should trap him here, not Has the nature of attacking and injuring the enemy.

At least, if he was aggressive, he would at least be hurt by falling from a high altitude at this time, instead of being intact as he is now.

"So, is it separating us? Why?"

And at this time, looking at the darkness with nothing but darkness, Uchiha Sasuke, as a genius, was still quite sensitive, and quickly understood his current situation.

And, start to wonder.

That blood moon silver-robed man fought so loudly just to trap them?

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