Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2596 After January

"Oh... it's been a month?"

On the corridor of the Japanese-style log cabin, Qianye, who was holding a teacup and gently sipping tea, slowly raised her head, looked at the twilight in front of her, and sighed a little blankly.

And at the end of his gaze, there were the backs of all the children who were studying at his place, and occasionally there was the unique chirping sound of children.

Today, a month has passed since the two of the eighth class also received the special training content.

During this month, Qianye was relieved to find that these children really didn't seem to intend to trouble her at all.

Since each received his own training content, almost every day, he only needs to sit here, wait for these children to report, and then drink tea and prepare lunch. When the time comes, these children will show up on time, and he doesn't have to worry about it at all. .

This situation is almost better than the best situation Chiba thought of.

Originally thought that those few who were not worried would cause him trouble, and even those who were a little more aggressive would ask him to verify and ask for battle guidance after they made a little progress.

But I didn't expect, there wasn't a single one, Qianye was still ready to go into battle by herself, there was a soft feeling of punching the air.

As for the improvement of the dozen or so children in this month, Chiba did not test it, and they persisted in training until the end of the special training. Ye didn't have a chance to stop.

And the final trial of the Chunin Exam will start tomorrow, so it is naturally impossible for Chiba to let them continue training.

So, let them come together today, share some of their own experience, and because they are not allowed to do it, let them talk on paper for a while.

Then, in the end, no one really said anything, but everyone has a way of concealing their progress.

Especially Inuzuka Ya and Uzumaki Naruto, who usually look carefree, but at this time they pretend to be stupid, but they can fool people for a while.

Even Qianye's face was blank the whole time.

If he didn't know that they were making real progress, Qianye would almost believe that their clumsy talk was their true strength.

However, since they tried so hard to cover up, they must have made progress, and it was a considerable progress.

If it weren't for great progress, they wouldn't need to cover up so hard. This kind of cover-up mentality is undoubtedly a blockbuster mentality, because you want to be a blockbuster, show your great progress, and make people dumbfounded, so you have to be fooled at this time, and you have to suppress it first.

Moreover, Chiba can still see some changes in people's postures, words and deeds.

For example, Nara Shikamaru and Yume Shino, who were given special tactical training by Chiba, although they were only additional special training in tactical selection, from their concealed words, it can be heard that the two People's outlook on the big picture has obviously improved a lot.

It shows that they still have a thorough understanding of Chiba's intentions.

Tactics are things that are derived from intelligence. The essence is actually the use of intelligence. Whether it is for yourself, the enemy, the environment around you, or the understanding of various ninja powers, it is all tactical. As a component part, they learned more ninjutsu, which naturally broadened their horizons in terms of the most essential intelligence, and the overall view will naturally improve. Moreover, the overall view is something that is extended from tactics. Broadly, both of them have very good qualifications, so they should draw inferences from one instance.

And the big picture should be the most intuitive manifestation of their progress.

As for how good they are in terms of tactics now, it still needs to be reflected in actual combat, but Qianye can't guess.

However, with a good view of the overall situation, things at the tactical level are naturally not bad. There should be a big improvement.

The eighth and tenth squads led by the two may become more and more difficult for the enemy to deal with.

And the village should be quite happy. After all, the eighth class and the tenth class received tasks in the same year. Although there is a gap, it is not obvious. A team with a wide range of versatility can perform many tasks. Compared with a pure combat team, it is actually more useful.

This versatility is also reflected in the possibility of continuous tasks.

For example, they are also capable of combat missions, and they are also very good at other non-combat missions, such as intelligence theft. It would be embarrassing for a class like Ban who is biased towards combat teams and a pure gymnastics specialization class like Kaiban.

That is to say, if a combat mission is completed or if the combat mission changes into another type of mission in the middle, the eighth and tenth squads can continue or continue to execute, while the seventh and Kaiban have to apply for assistance.

Of course, this is not to say that Squad 7 and Kaiban are completely unable to perform tasks other than combat, but that they will not be allowed to perform tasks other than combat unless they have to, because the success rate is very low.

Especially for intelligence tasks, this requires the quality and cooperation of the team. Intelligence is always the most sensitive. If there is a slight error, it may be discovered by the enemy village, or even by the non-target enemy village. At that time, the variable But it's big.

It is very possible that even if the information is stolen, Konoha will suffer in the end.

Information, as the most important resource in this ninja world, will be protected by the stolen party at all costs, and captured by the stealing party at all costs. In the process of protecting and seizing each other, technology will continue to develop, and until now, each other There is a set, and the intelligence relationship is already intricate, and it is almost normal to pull the whole body.

Now Chiba can conclude that whether it is the tenth class or the eighth class, the village will definitely be very satisfied in the future. With his reuse and accumulation of experience, Nara Shikamaru and Yume Shino will also become the best among them. It is not impossible to become the mainstay of Konoha in the future.

As for the eighth and tenth classes, other than the leaders, other people can also see some differences.

First of all, Choji Akimichi and Ino Yamanaka, they didn't talk much when discussing, but judging from their posture, their taijutsu should be more solid. During this period of time, they should have practiced taijutsu.

Not only did he not practice less, but he must have put in a lot of hard work.

And in the discussion, the position they and Nara Shikamaru are in is a kind of perfectly coordinated attack. If at that time, anyone in the field violently attacks them, they will be able to defend and counterattack immediately. Cooperate.

Chiba has only felt this feeling from the cooperation of Hirohiko, Xue Nai and herself.

That is to say, the cooperation of the three has become more tacit, and they may even have developed a set of coordination routines. It can be said that the tenth squad has almost been reborn in the past month, and the advantages of the tactical team are reflected in this.

The improvement of personal strength and the improvement of the tacit understanding of cooperation can easily make the team completely reborn, and the combat effectiveness will skyrocket.

And from the words and deeds of the three of them, Qianye has already felt the feeling of the skyrocketing fighting power.

As for the eighth class, Inuzuka teeth needless to say, originally Chiba focused on strengthening physical skills, and did not let him practice other things. It is obvious that this kid has also worked hard, and the progress is obvious, at least with Akamaru With the cooperation, the power should be getting bigger and bigger, and a lot of unnecessary movements have been reduced.

As for Hinata Hinata, from the point of view of her body, her injuries should be recovering well, and there are more smiles on her face. The most gratifying thing is that the inferiority complex in her eyes has basically disappeared. Most of it is a kind of full spirit, and it seems that he already has the most basic self-confidence.

During this period of special training with Ningji Hinata, she should have greatly improved both mentally and personally.

And Hinata Hinata is not a real idiot and a crane tail, the direct descendant of the Hyuga clan is also talented, and Bai Yanben is one of the strongest blood successor boundaries, and the soft fist method is a perfect fit, as long as If you learn it well, you won't be so weak, and in order to compensate Hinata Hinata, Ningji Hinata may have taught her some tricks of Xue Nai's soft fist method that she can use at this stage, even if there is no real end Training, but it is almost a certainty that the strength will improve by leaps and bounds.

It's just a pity that the three of them didn't seem to have a tacit understanding to improve.

But it's normal. For the eighth class, Chiba is mainly based on the improvement of personal strength. There is almost no special training or hints in terms of tacit understanding, and basically they are trained completely separately. It is reasonable that the tacit understanding has not improved. .

Moreover, the improvement of personal strength can also greatly improve their tactical team, so there is no need to worry about their team's combat effectiveness being reborn.

Next is Kaiban. To be honest, Ningji Hinata and Tiantian are ninjas specialized in Taijutsu. No matter how unreliable Kaiban is, they have a very good foundation in Taijutsu, and their posture is already quite good. , It cannot be improved without accumulation, so no obvious improvement can be seen from the aspect of body shape.

However, looking at the extra scroll for storing ninja equipment behind Tiantian's waist, Chiba knew that she should have been able or initially be able to use Que Flash in actual combat, and the improvement in strength may be the most among all of them. one of.

As for Ningji Hyuga, he has already become a BUG-level character because of Xue Nai's soft fist method. His strength can directly rise from Ningji at the current stage of the original book to the level of killing any ninja with one blow. I can only say, look at him How to make full use of Xue Nai's soft fist method, the ordinary standard of measurement can no longer measure him.

However, it can be seen that his state of mind is becoming more and more calm, and this is especially important for the cooperation of his white eyes and soft fist, especially Xue Nai's soft fist. If it's a gun, then his spirit is the power to pull the trigger. The better his mental state is now, the more he can use Xue Nai's soft fist technique, which is also a completely reborn improvement.

Among all the people, Chiba is still the most optimistic about Ningji Hinata.

As for the seventh class of the protagonist class in the original novel, Chiba did not miss the observation. As the only one among the four teams that is most suitable for splitting operations and has the strongest individual combat ability among all the teams, the seventh class's Improvement, it can be said that the team as a whole may not have much improvement in combat effectiveness.

It should be like that.

Maybe two people in the team may fight anytime, anywhere.

However, the combat effectiveness of their team is inherently fluctuating and not static. When they are weak, they may not even be able to catch a cat. Quasi-S rank team or combination.

In other words, the lower limit is really low, and the upper limit is really high.

It can be said to be the most special of the four teams.

As for the improvement of the seventh class, it should be said that the lower limit was raised and the upper limit was increased. The actual combat power is still hard to say, so it can be said that there is no improvement, because the biggest stability problem is still There is no way to solve it.

However, if you look at it separately, everyone has actually improved a lot.

First of all, let’s start with Haruno Sakura. You can see her dark circles with faint immortality without looking at other things. Her medical ability must be advancing by leaps and bounds. Quickly master medical ninjutsu.

From the perspective of medical ninjutsu, Haruno Sakura started from scratch, advanced by leaps and bounds, and was reborn. If converted into other strengths, except for Tiantian, no, it should be greater than Tiantian's improvement.

After all, starting from scratch, there are bonuses.

Secondly, it is Uzumaki Naruto. I have to say that this kid's perseverance is really remarkable. Although he didn't bring any weight-bearing props, judging from the sense of strength in his body and his steady pace, during this period of time, it was very difficult for Qian Ye's physical training, or basic skills training, this kid is not lazy at all.

And this training list is Chiba's training list when he opened the four doors, but there are no weight-bearing props.

However, even without weight props, it is quite onerous.

What's more, it was the basic skills that this kid looked down upon very much, which was beyond Chiba's expectations.

As for Uzumaki Naruto, whose basic skills have been improved, Chiba can imagine how strong he is with his eyes closed.

The last Uchiha Sasuke, needless to say the basics, Chiba has almost paid attention to him the most during this time, what is certain is that Uchiha Sasuke can already use Chidori, but how many shots can be used, how proficient is it? High, Chiba thought, still need to practice.

However, even so, Uchiha Sasuke is already the final test of the Chunin Exam, the best in terms of personal combat effectiveness, at least the top three in the entire Chunin Exam.

To be honest, even with the initial use of Nine-Tails Chakra, Chiba doesn't think Uzumaki Naruto has any advantage over Uchiha Sasuke.

Even, Chiba felt that the probability of Uchiha Sasuke winning should be around 70%.

It is already a very big chance of winning.

"Phew... it can be considered that I have achieved my own goal."

Then, thinking of this, Qianye took a sip of tea, raised her head, and murmured softly.

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