Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2582 Kindness

"It's true, kid, it's not so simple, it's just a bad idea, if we really want to settle in Konoha, even if it's just as a wandering businessman, we have to move our belongings from the Country of Grass Come here, moreover, I left the familiar village and came to a strange place, and it is still a fiercely competitive Konoha Village, without any contacts and understanding, it is quite difficult to do business."

Hearing her brother's words, a slight smile appeared on the corner of the woman's mouth, she seemed to be quite happy, but she sighed slightly.

Having said that, it is quite difficult to really take root in Konoha.

Although she started doing business with that capital until now, she has actually been doing business with Konoha consciously, and, after the Konoha Nine-Tails Rebellion, she still planned to give Konoha a lot of money. With her help, especially during the closed period of the country of grass, she did a lot of things for the trade between the two countries.

Even though, her business is not big.

And at that time, she was actually already prepared to win over Konoha's network, and she was not mistaken about Konoha, at least in terms of business, Konoha still took good care of those who helped.

Many orders that shouldn't be given to small merchants like her are almost continuously sent over. Even, this time when Konoha came to watch the Chunin exam, the ninja hired by the Konoha caravan was willing to take her along.

It can be said that although she has ulterior motives, this should be the most profitable investment in her life.

And with such a network of relationships, it is still possible for her to be a resident traveling merchant in Muye Village and set up a storefront.

She has also investigated, and now many of the settlers in Muye Village started as resident traveling merchants. Although it is said that when a battle or a state of alert occurs, the resident traveling merchants will be quarantined, but Konoha The village will also provide protection.

At least as long as Muye Village is not breached, or the facilities that isolate them are breached, they will still have no problems.

It is also because of this that many businessmen like to do business with Konoha and like to build a relationship with Konoha.

Of course, it is quite difficult to obtain the business license issued by Konoha, who has become a resident traveling merchant. The living area of ​​Muye Village is also limited, so it is impossible to allow traveling merchants to settle in endlessly, and it is also necessary to guard against spies from the enemy village. , the review is also quite stringent.

However, her words should still go very smoothly. During this period of time, Konoha's attitude towards her can also be seen. At the beginning of the Konoha Nine-Tails Rebellion, all aspects were hit hard, that is, she has been using her own Although the scale of the relationship network is not very large, it has played a leading role in making the trade between Konoha and the country of grass the first to get on the right track.

The contribution may not be large, but it is still meaningful.

Besides, she is not a spy, nor is she suspicious, so it is no problem to apply for a temporary business license.

And with this certificate, as long as she buys a shop, she can live in Muye Village semi-permanently. As long as there are no accidents, permanent residence is not a problem.

In this way, she can also wait for her benefactor forever.

It will be found one day.

However, since she stayed and bought the shop, she had to start a business to support herself and her younger brother, so she had to start from scratch.

And she also read it just now. Although Konoha's business ecology is very dynamic, the competition is very fierce, especially if it is a resident traveler.

Konoha merchants are actually divided into two types.

One is local businessmen. These people have lived in Konoha for generations, and they are already Konoha people. They generally operate various shops within the scope of their own residence, and most of them do business with acquaintances. Moreover, Because they are originally from Konoha, the shops they bring are basically in prime locations. No matter what festivals or normal times, there is no shortage of customer traffic, very stable, and the pressure is not too great. When it was in recession, it was also the first group that Muye Village supported.

The other is the so-called resident traveling merchants. What they do most is basically some wholesale business, and more is to communicate with Konoha and the circulation of goods outside. It is basically a semi-permanent business, and the main customers are also regular customers. , generally the local merchants above, and some are from Muye Village itself, and there are customers from Muye Villagers, but the ratio is not the same. Basically, it is like a service point for communicating with the outside world.

This kind of pressure is much greater than that of local businessmen. If you are not careful, you may suffer huge losses due to cargo transportation problems. To be able to be this kind of businessman, you must either have a network outside, or you have strong strength, or Both.

Although Konoha's business management is quite good, there is basically no vicious competition, and because of its stability, local businessmen are less competitive than other types or places of businessmen, the soil for the survival of permanent traveling businessmen is still very fertile of.

Moreover, I have to say that the folk atmosphere in Muyeping is really good, and there are not so many intrigues. It may be because there are often long-term peace and few wars spread to Muye Village. Kind of simplicity and sincerity.

However, even if there is no vicious competition, this is still a very risky business model. In addition to the risks in its own business scope, there are also surrounding risks.

There is no other reason, the competition is too fierce.

As businessmen who have traveled far and wide, their understanding of the entire ninja world may not be as thorough as ninjas, but they know much more than ordinary people. They know very well where the entire ninja world is the most suitable place to live.

Yes, almost most of the businessmen, except for their special nostalgia for their hometown, or lack of that ability, basically 60 to 70% of them yearn for the life in Muye Village.

And Konoha does not restrict the issuance of temporary business licenses, so anyone who has the ability to make profits for Konoha and does no harm to Konoha can basically get it.

Moreover, Konoha also has settlements and commercial streets specially arranged for resident businessmen. Basically, there is no need to worry about where to live and shops, as long as you can do things with peace of mind.

This also makes the number of resident traveling merchants in Konoha very large, and Konoha, whether it is private or official, has always limited demand. Although some commercial missions similar to ninja missions will be released from time to time, they are basically Ultra-rare supplies and resources.

But if there are many people and the demand is indeed limited, since the competition is fierce, some people are destined to be unable to survive in Konoha.

In the end, even with a temporary business license, it is impossible to live in Konoha.

Now, although she can stay in Konoha, she doesn't know how long she can stay, and it is definitely a very difficult thing.

How many merchants with a business scale larger than hers have failed in this regard, not to mention the difficulty of her being a small-scale small businessman.

Although he once brought his master to say that he is the most business-minded and lucky he has ever seen, but business is a real calculation, so there is no such thing as luck. Steady your feet casually.

Although she really wanted to find a benefactor and stay in Konoha, reality is reality, and a person of her background would not have too many fantasies.

This is a very real problem.

That's what she said, but she was still a little apprehensive about realizing it.

"I believe in my sister. When the time comes, when you settle down, I will help you manage the business of the country of grass. When the time comes, I will supply you."

In this regard, the young man did not have blind confidence, but just mentioned a relatively feasible business strategy.

Hearing these words, the woman stopped suddenly and looked back at her younger brother in amazement.

At this time, the two had already reached a secluded place, but they did not attract any attention.

"You... have really grown up!"

Then, after watching for a long time, seeing that the young man thought he might have said something wrong, the woman said firmly.

But at this moment, in her mind, the baby who was waiting to be fed in the swaddling womb flashed across.

Now that baby who was waiting to be fed, how could he grow into a man who can take care of his livelihood in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the woman felt a little emotional, but also a little dazed.

She still remembers that at that time, there was nothing to eat in the village, and even the seeds for planting crops had been eaten up.

The whole village was as silent as dead.

My parents haven't come back for a month, and they should have died on the way to find food, with a group of good uncles and aunts.

Their village is dead.

And she and her baby brother probably won't last more than two days.

From the moment the war started, these people were doomed to die. The weak had no way to survive the war, and they might even be worse than animals.

She also knew that since her parents didn't come back on the tenth day, she already knew.

Originally, she was already desperate.

She was ready to die.

Even, during the day, she could already see those adults sitting at the door of the house with dull eyes, and from time to time they would look at herself and her younger brother, especially her younger brother.

And at that time, those dull and lifeless gazes would always reveal some brilliance, some hope for life.

She knew that as long as she couldn't make it through, these people would eat up the bones of herself and her brother.

To be honest, she doesn't blame these adults who used to be kind.

After all, in the whole village, only she and her brother are the two who will die the soonest.

Even, it was their luck that they died sooner.

At that time, although she was still young, she could already understand what kind of purgatory it would be if such a thing happened.

At that time, they will be alive, but they will be regarded as food reserves.

In fact, at that time, she had already lost all hope, but she was not desperate, but calmly prepared to face death.

It's just that she didn't expect that there would be such a person. She didn't even put her hopes on it at first, but that young man suddenly turned back and kept all the dry food and money by hiding everyone's ears.

There is almost enough dry food in it to last them for a month, no, if you count the military ration pills, it is enough for them to eat for three months.

There is also money, although it is not too much, but it is enough for them to settle down in another village.

A relatively poor, but peaceful and safe village to settle down.

At that moment, her hope of life was ignited at once.

That night, she took her brother and fled the hopeless hometown, all the way to the hinterland of the country of grass, and finally arrived at the village where she is now, a small mountain village with few people but simple folk customs.

Then he used the money to run a business and brought up his younger brother.

There is also a good life, and it also leads the people in the village to live a better life.

But after she was settled and free, another thought kept growing, she wanted to find that boy.

She also knew about this period of time in business. At that time, the boy was wearing a forehead guard.

It is the symbol of the ninja.

And above the forehead, there is the logo of Ninja Village.

The logo on the boy's forehead is exactly the logo of Muye Village.

Yes, she knew that her benefactor, the boy who changed her life, no, he should be a man now, was in Muye Village.

She must find this man.

And she is like this, since she decided to do it, she must do it, and she will never give up. It is precisely because of this character that she can persevere and start a business that only a man can do.

She has also experienced countless difficulties and obstacles, even life-threatening.

However, she survived after all.

And the reason why she has been able to survive is because she can never forget the words that the boy didn't say, but conveyed in his eyes at that time.


Perhaps, at that time, it was destined that she would come to him.

Who wants to die if they can live?

Undoubtedly, it was that boy who ignited her hope and tapped out all her survival potential.

It can be said that without that boy, she would already be gone.

Where can feel so much warmth, where can there be such a good day.

But now, her younger brother seems to have grown up in an instant, and besides being happy, she has also strengthened her mind even more.

if you can……

Even, at this moment, a somewhat awkward thought flashed through her mind.

no no no!

Maybe he's already...

However, this idea was quickly thrown out by her in a panic.

"What's wrong? Sister?"

But at this time, seeing his sister's face suddenly turned red, the young man hurriedly said.

"It's nothing, it's just that my sister is a little happy, you have grown up."

In this regard, the woman said bluntly.

It's just that there is a little embarrassment in the tone.

"Did my sister agree? That's great!"

And hearing this sentence, the young man was almost ecstatic.

At that time, he was a baby and didn't understand anything.

However, he understood his sister's intention to repay her kindness. He also knew about those things, and he also knew about that young man.

Although there were some complaints just now, after all, it was just a complaint that I couldn't enjoy it when I first arrived in a prosperous place.

He supports his sister wholeheartedly.

If it weren't for his sister, he would have died long ago.

In this world, apart from everyone in the village and Hanako, he only trusts his older sister.

Only my sister treats me best.

"Really... You guys have grown up."

However, before he could say anything else, a sigh of emotion suddenly sounded beside the two of them.

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