Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 265 Endgame!


A stream of blood sprayed out, and a severed arm wrapped in a swarm of insects flew into the sky.

Chiyo's eyes slowly widened. In front of her, at the broken arm of her right hand, Chiba had a serious face, her eyes focused like a blade, and she flew into the air in a chopping shape, half of her face was splattered with blood.

The goal of this brat is the antidote!

Chiyo's face seemed to be a little distorted, maybe because of the severe pain, or maybe because of the anger in her eyes.

She was negligent!

I was completely led by the nose by this brat!

This battle is not an escort antidote at all, but a bait that will lure out of them who are lurking in the Kingdom of Fire, near Muye Village.

And the purpose of this bait is not only to lure them out, but also to lure the "antidote" out!

Chiyo glanced angrily at Nara Shikahisa and the others.

I was negligent, injected the antidote, and the three of them should have woken up long ago! Why are you still unconscious!

Injecting them with the antidote, this brat did it for me! Let me believe that Konoha has indeed developed an antidote. so as not to suspect that they have contrived to defraud me of my antidote!

And the second kunai of this kid was designed long ago, but the purpose is not as simple as an insurance, but to poison me, poison myself, and then use the antidote. , grab the antidote!

Chiyo understood completely, and was shocked and angry in her heart.

Konoha did not develop an antidote, Tsunade is not in the village, the escort mission does not exist at all, but a decoy mission, Sarutobi Hiruzen sent three teams just to confuse people and make him feel the importance of this mission Sex, everything is to convince myself that Konoha has an antidote!

This is totally a scam!


Chiba, whose arm was cut off by Ikunai, exploded into a cloud of white mist.


The kunai in his hand also fell to the ground.

At this time, Chiyo's severed arm had been quickly transported to Chiba by the swarm. Chiba took a long breath and took the injection from the severed arm.

With this, the composition of the antidote can be analyzed, and the antidote can be formulated. Moreover, this battle must be ended as soon as possible, so that this generation of Zhuludie can go back for treatment as soon as possible.

After all, the antidote developed by Lily and I can only delay the speed of the toxin entering the internal organs, but it cannot detoxify.

Chiba thought in her heart.

That's right, in fact, this is all a scam. Chiba and Yuriko didn't prepare an antidote. The medicine they prepared can only delay the speed of the toxin from invading the internal organs, and the delay time is also quite pitiful.

This kind of poison is not something he and Lily can crack. I am afraid that only Tsunade can crack it.

But now that Tsunade is not in the village, Sand Hidden Village has an obvious conspiracy, and at that time Chiba was also afraid that the technique of extracting the fine disease could not completely remove the toxin in Hirohiko's body, and this poison was also fatal to him, so he had to get it Antidote, so he came up with such a plan.

Use their failed products to lead to real products.

However, the original plan was not what it is now. The original plan was simply to lure out these lurkers, and then let one of them be poisoned, and pretended to be escaped by them, and let Zhituo Yuyu in this poisoned place. She hid bugs on people, and then asked Younu Zhituo to track her bugs, follow them, let them take her to a place with an antidote, and then wait for an opportunity to snatch them.

After all, when Chiba guessed that Sayin was using Hirohiko to spy on Tsunade's presence in the village, he knew that there must be Sayin's eyeliner in the village, otherwise it would be impossible for Sayin to arrange this plan. The key to this plan is It is the information of "whether Konoha has developed an antidote", and the information will not go to them by itself, it must be passed on to them by spies.

Moreover, the identity of this spy is not low, at least he has the ability to have access to various intelligence during the war trial, at least he must be a Chunin who can accept the war trial mission.

Therefore, Chiba set up this plan, and asked Anbu, who asked him and Yuriko about the situation, to declare that "the antidote has been completed", and in the report, he informed the third Hokage of this plan, making everyone think that "the antidote The antidote has been successfully developed, and now it is going to be delivered to the front line", and this "antidote capture plan" is carried out by himself.

After all, they didn't know who the spy was, so Chiba and the Third Hokage simply lied to everyone if the information about the antidote seizure plan leaked.

However, unexpectedly, it was the S-class ninja Chiyo Granny from Sand Hidden Village who came up, and she was also the developer of the poison. , take the antidote."

Chiba's thinking at the time was that, as the developer of the poison, it is impossible not to carry an antidote on him to prevent it from happening. If there is no antidote, then the original plan can also be carried out, poisoning Chiyo, and then attaching bugs to follow him all the way. However, since it's Chiyo, maybe I need to ask for reinforcements.

When Nara Shikahisa restrained Chiyo, Chiba's hesitation was precisely for this reason. At that time, if he didn't rush forward, Chiyo might become suspicious and think of everything. After all, that time was the last time to kill her. It's a good time, if Qianye doesn't go forward to charge, it will make people feel suspicious.

As for Chiba's consideration of historical inevitability, it was because he didn't show mercy in this blow. In other words, even if Chiba seriously wanted to kill Chiyo, he couldn't kill her in the end. It wasn't because she needed the antidote, or let her get away with the poison, that it didn't kill her.

Undoubtedly, this plan to seize the antidote was a success. Although there were several twists and turns and several thrills in the process, it was a success in the end!

At this time, Chiyo's arm was broken and his body was poisoned. The threat had been reduced to the minimum. The antidote is also in hand, and he only needs to analyze it a little when he goes back. As long as he has the data, he can make the antidote himself.

At this moment, he was really relieved.

But Yunu Shitori glanced at Chiba in disbelief, he had already vaguely guessed something, and a sense of admiration surged in his heart.

The ultimate goal is this antidote! In other words, the antidote we developed is fake? It was so powerful that it deceived us all, but we didn't see it at all!

This Taki Chiba is indeed a super genius!

At this moment, Younv Zhituo completely recognized Chiba's title of super genius, no longer doubted and entangled, and was convinced.

And just as Qianye breathed a sigh of relief, several people staggered out of the woods, covered in blood.

Chiba took a closer look, and it was Kakashi, Morino Masaru, and Shiga Taketake. At this time, Shiga Taketake was carried by Morino Shinsuke, his eyes were closed tightly, his face was pale, it was obvious that the situation was extremely bad.

"Qianye, please help..."

When the three of them ran out, there was such a sound, but it stopped abruptly.


A large cloud of red smoke suddenly exploded from where Chiyo was, and filled the air.

"Be careful, it may be poisonous fog!"

When Chiba reacted, the red mist had already filled in, blocking his sight, but this sentence was blurted out, while holding his breath, he quickly put the antidote into his arms for protection.

If the line of sight is blocked, if the enemy sneak attack and the antidote is destroyed or taken away, it will be terrible! All efforts will be in vain!

This was something Chiba didn't want to see, so he immediately protected the antidote.

At the same time, in Humen mode, Chiba's hearing and eyesight have been greatly improved, and now there is red mist around her eyes, and her visibility is extremely low. But with his ear strength, he can guard a range of 100 meters.

What is Chiyo planning to do... a life-and-death struggle?

Qianye frowned tightly, not daring to relax a little.

Because, this time is the most likely time to fall short! Never take it lightly!

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