Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2567 If you are still alive...

that guy...

What a terrible guy!

After hearing Hinata Hinata's answer and understanding it in his heart, Hinata Neiji's heart was shaken again.

If it is said that the tacit cooperation of one person defeating the four jounin before, it subverted his common sense once.

This time, it completely subverted his perception of the world.

The bird in a cage is the most fundamental way for the Hyuga clan to maintain their internal relations. For thousands of years, no one has been able to undo it. It is known as an unsolvable art.

Now, it was unraveled by the sealing technique created by this Taki Chiba.


To be honest, Hyuga Neji didn't know how to describe his mood at this time.

Is there anything he... can't do?

And the only thing that is clear is this sentence.

At this moment, he almost felt that this Taki Chiba was omnipotent.

"Master Nizuzu..."

Afterwards, Ningji Hyuga slowly put down the letter left by his father, and suddenly said: "Why...why, at this time, you gave me this letter."

"Because, I don't know when to give it to you."

In this regard, Hinata Hizuru was slightly taken aback, and then said.

But to tell the truth, after Nisashi died, although he had many opportunities to hand over this letter to Hinata Neji, but seeing that Neji was becoming more and more inclined to extreme behavior, Hinata Hizuki suddenly had some tricks up.

I'm afraid that even if this letter is handed over to Neji, Neji will think it is a forgery at that time, then, at that time, he will lose the only key to unlock this enmity.

Therefore, he has never dared to hand it over to Ning Ci directly.

Been waiting for an opportunity.

At the same time, Hyuga Ningji's various extreme behaviors that violated the clan's regulations were all suppressed, even if he secretly entered the clan archives room that was not open to the public, he also suppressed the punishment of the clan elders.


In response to this, Hyuga Ningji's mouth suddenly showed a hint of a smile.

At this moment, he suddenly understood why the elder in front of him, whom he hated, knelt down and apologized immediately, and handed the letter to himself without saying a word.

After that, when he read the letter, he handed over the heir of the Hyuga Clan.

The man in front of him didn't hesitate to let go of his dignity, he didn't hesitate to let go of the Hyuga clan, just for his own forgiveness.

And now, should I forgive him?

To be honest, Neiji Hinata didn't know.

However, what he can know is that he knows that his father chose to replace his beloved brother to die, no matter whether the man in front of him really opposed it at the time, it was his father's choice.

Can't blame anyone.

No matter whether the man in front of him objected or not, his father would go to die.

It seemed unfair, but this was my father's wish.

It was his father's wish to break through the identities of the main family and the branch family, and die as a younger brother for his beloved elder brother.

He is not qualified to deny his father, nor can he.

And if he continued to hate the person in front of him, it would be a desecration of his father's will.

Even for his own father, he couldn't continue to hate.

Besides, when Patriarch Hyuga in front of him, the man whom he had hated deeply for so many years, suddenly knelt down and apologized to him, he had already discovered that the hatred in his heart might not be as deep as he thought.

Because, at that moment, he subconsciously went to help.

At that moment, he felt a strange sadness.

The Patriarch of the Hyuga Clan shouldn't apologize like this without dignity.

Yes, although he has always hated the so-called Patriarch Hyuga and hated his own fate, he is still a member of the Hyuga Clan.

In his blood, after all, he is towards the Hyuga clan.

This is the sense of belonging to the family.

It's the same sense of belonging to the village.

And as a member of the clan, almost instinctively, he didn't want the Patriarch to do such a thing of abandoning his dignity, even if it was an apology to himself.

At that moment, Neiji Hyuga suddenly thought of something, a problem that he had never thought about before.

That is, whether Hyuga Hyuzu, as Hyuga Patriarch, is qualified or unqualified.

The death of one's own father is not worthwhile.

Putting aside the love for my brother, is my father's death worthwhile?

And that moment, he knew, was worth it.

The man in front of him worked hard and indeed saved the Hyuga clan.

Perhaps, the reason why I have no way to dispel the hatred, and this hatred cannot be resolved, and it is increasing day by day, is not just because of the curse of the caged bird, the clan who can't resist, but also the helplessness and helplessness that can't find fault with Hyuga Hinata. Resentful.

But now, Hinata Hidetsu's words seemed to be enough.

This kind of cautiousness that seems to dare not take risks, he should also feel relieved.

If he didn't pay enough attention, then why would he be so careful, in order to find a suitable time, he had waited for so many years, and he had been resented by himself for so many years.

In any case, this is an emphasis.

As for Patriarch Hyuga in front of him, he doesn't need to take himself so seriously. In the final analysis, he is just a subfamily engraved with a bird in a cage. Life and death are in the hands of the Zongjia. There is no need for the Zongjia to put down all dignity and kneel down to apologize to himself. of.

This letter, kneeling and apologizing this time, has already given him an answer.

Perhaps, it will take a few days to calm down, understand, and face up to the various relationships after today.

But, now, the fire of resentment in his chest that sometimes made him unable to sleep, swelled up inadvertently and even made him lose control, has disappeared.

"Thank you, Nizuzu-sama, but I cannot accept it."

And thinking of this, Hyuga Neji said again.

Although he no longer has that grievance, it doesn't mean that he wants to accept the entire Hyuga clan.

Because he still has self-knowledge.

I am not suitable to be a patriarch, nor can I bear the burden of the Hyuga clan.


Hinata Hinata was taken aback by this, and almost blurted out.

Perhaps for Hinata Neiji, as long as there is that apology and that letter is enough, but for Hinata Nyaku, it is not enough.

Just this is not enough to heal the guilt in his heart.

He handed over the position of heir to Ningji Hyuga from the overall situation, from the perspective of the Patriarch.

However, it doesn't mean that he only has the perspective of the Patriarch.

He also has his own perspective.

The perspective of the individual who is Hinata Hinata.

And sometimes, there is no conflict between the perspective of the overall situation and his own perspective. For example, Hyuga Neji is now the successor to the clan.

Yes, at this time, in addition to considering the overall situation, from the perspective of Hyuga Hyuzu, it is also necessary for Hyuga Ningji to inherit the Hyuga clan.

The reason for everything was actually because of that junior sparring, that sparring that made their brothers no longer close.

That day, he left too much guilt.

In addition to the guilt towards Neji, there is also the guilt towards his younger brother Hinata Hinata. For Hinata Nyza, it was only a few seconds away, and he became a branch, and his son was also implicated.

For Hinata Hyuzu, it is because of the gap of a few seconds that there is an insurmountable gap between the identity of himself and his younger brother, which affects the brotherhood, makes his younger brother so painful, and even loses his mind. Showing killing intent?

How could he not understand the injustice to his younger brother.

I also don't understand how unfair this is to myself.

Originally, as an older brother, he should protect his younger brother and give him a sense of security, but now, he has become the source of his younger brother's pain. He doesn't hate his younger brother deeply, nor is he full of power and ambition. He doesn't want any feelings, so how can he really sit in the position of Patriarch with peace of mind, holding the lifeblood of his younger brother.

What he yearns for is obviously the kind of brotherly relationship between brothers and sisters.

What he wanted was that when he died in battle, his younger brother would be by his side, and then he would entrust everything to his younger brother, and he would go away safely!

In the position of the head of the family, it is inevitable to be lonely.

However, if one's younger brother is by one's side, can become one's own prime minister, can become an object one can entrust and rely on, is there any better brotherhood than this?

Is there anything to be afraid of being alone?

He can still often think of that younger brother who is as serious as himself, who sneaked over that day, just like before, when he was very young, he was afraid of the dark and couldn't sleep at night and sneaked over to sleep with him , mysteriously asked how he caught up with his sister-in-law.

Then, shyly said that he fell in love with a girl.

Finally, ask for advice with a sincere face.

What he wants is that kind of relationship!

What I want to be is the elder brother who is looked at by my younger brother with a little pleading eyes!

I also want to be the brother who is always thankful and hugged tightly by the younger brother who successfully chased that girl!

It's not a brother who dominates the younger brother and gives the younger brother full of pain!

Even, the elder brother who let his younger brother die for him in the end!


He is also a brother who loves his brother!

Therefore, now the appointment of the head of the family to Neji is also Hinata Hidetsu's compensation, compensation for his younger brother.

Also, an explanation for years of guilt and guilt.

Now, Neiji Hinata is unwilling to accept it, and he can't accept it at all in his heart.

"I... can't be an excellent Patriarch like you, Nizuzu-sama."

Regarding this, Hyuga Neiji was quite calm, and gently pushed the scroll to Hyuga Hinata, and said it as a matter of course.


It is not possible to become an excellent Patriarch like you, Nizuzu-sama...

But hearing this sentence, Hinata Hyuzu was stunned on the spot.


Is it excellent?

In...Ning Ci's eyes?

At the same time, such an unbelievable thought flashed through his mind.

Then, the next second.

His eyes suddenly turned red.

Nose is sore for some reason.

His fists were clenched tightly almost subconsciously.

"So, I will try my best to assist your chosen heir."

Seeing Hinata Hinata's dazed look, the second half of Hinata Neiji's words came one after another.

My chosen heir...



And hearing this sentence, Hinata Hidetsu was taken aback again.


However, this time he didn't stand still, but spoke almost excitedly.


I didn't have that kind of relationship with Niza.

However, Hinata and Hanabi can do it.


There really is no better situation than this!

In Hinata Hidetsu's heart, he was equally excited.

"Then, you can also hold this scroll, I trust you."

Then, he woke up suddenly, as if he had thought of something, he spoke again hastily, and pushed the scroll to Ningji Hinata's feet.

Nizu... my lord.

Seeing the slightly excited elder in front of him, Ningji Hinata froze slightly on the spot, looking at the scroll at his feet, suddenly silent.

He could see that the man in front of him who supported the Hyuga clan was not lying.

Even since he sat down until now, he hasn't lied a word.

For the observation of micro-expressions, Hinata Neji is still very confident.

Micro-expression is also one of the reasons why he can emerge so quickly.

It might even be said that his talent is as strong as his current reputation as a genius.

At this moment, he suddenly felt how heavy the ambitions and responsibilities the man in front of him was carrying, and he also understood that with the weight of this responsibility, the scars in his heart were dense.

For a moment, he didn't know what to do.

How to do.

What should I say.

Because, he suddenly felt that he seemed a little too naive before.

"That... can you tell me, Hyuga Yukina? I have an aunt Yukina..."

And at this time, it seemed like a ghost, he really didn't know what to say and what to do, and he seemed to predict that if he remained silent at this time, the atmosphere would fall into embarrassment, and he was instinctively rejecting that kind of silence. Embarrassed, Neiji Hinata, whose mind was slightly blank, blurted out this sentence.

"Xue Nai?"

And hearing this sentence, Hinata Hidetsu was slightly taken aback, and subconsciously spoke.


Regarding this, Hyuga Neiji nodded as if out of habit.

"Really...Xue Nai? You know it too. If she is still alive, she should be married and have children by now. Maybe she is bigger than Hanabi!"

It seems to be also the inertia of the dialogue. Hearing Neiji Hinata's words, Hinata Hinata subconsciously said.

? ? ?

But upon hearing this sentence, Ningji Hyuga froze on the spot.

Why, the first mention is getting married and having children?

"Ah! I'm sorry, it's just Xue Nai's story, the most impressive part, which makes people think so unconsciously."

And at this moment, Hyuga Hyuzu suddenly became alarmed, and hurriedly spoke again.

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