Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2555 Understand



It can only be this Chunin exam!

It's just... such a Chunin exam, isn't it enough?

Under the look of astonishment, Hinata Neji and Tiantian turned all the information they knew about this matter in their minds. After thinking about it repeatedly, they finally gathered such a positive thought.

It could only be the Chunin Exam.

Except for the Chunin exam, there is no reason why the village council did not lower the punishment.

However, the man in front of him doesn't seem to be lying, and this Taki Chiba obviously knows more than them, or sees farther, so there should be something they haven't seen.

In other words, a chunin exam seems to be not enough, not enough for the village to lower the punishment.

At this moment, they suddenly understood the hidden meaning of Qianye's question.

However, they couldn't figure out, apart from the Chunin exam, what else could keep the village from punishing them at this time.

"Open your eyes and look."

And at this time, looking at the appearance of the two of them, Chiba spoke again.

Obviously, I can see that if I don't give them a little hint, they won't understand.

Roll your eyes?

Hearing this sentence, both of them were taken aback for a moment, but they were a little dazed. They didn't know what the man in front of them meant when they asked them to roll their eyes.

"You'll know it when you look at it."

To this, Chiba said again.

And hearing this sentence, the two couldn't help but looked at each other again.

However, this time, after one glance, the white pupils of Hinata Ningji's eyes slowly stood out, and at the same time, meridians began to extend from the corners of the eyes, and they did not stop until the temples.

And at this moment, everything in the surrounding area of ​​1.5 kilometers was exposed to Hinata Neji's eyes.

This remote area, as well as some of the streets of Konoha Village near here and the situation on the other side of Hokage Rock Mountain, are already within Hinata Neji's sight.

And then, seeing Neiji Hinata obediently rolled his eyes, Chiba didn't say anything, just remained silent.

As if waiting for something.

And after Neiji Hinata opened his white eyes, he subconsciously asked what he was going to do when he opened his white eyes, but after this opening, after everything came into view, his brows slowly frowned. , also swallowed.



Then, subconsciously, such a surprising thought flashed across his mind.


It should be said to be a shocking thought.

At this moment, within a radius of five or six hundred meters, there was no one there. No, it should be said that there was not even a secret sentry.

You know, during the current Chunin exam period, there are secret sentries in every place, but some places have more and some places have fewer.

For example, in the center of the village or the surrounding areas, there will be a secret sentry every 100 to 200 meters, and it is an elite-level secret sentry, either experienced, or an elite ninja, or even both.

As for the places that are a little bit more open, if the field of vision is wide, then a secret sentry will be arranged about every two or three hundred meters.

Of course, in some important places, the number of dark sentries may be more dense.

And here, no matter what, it was the border of Konoha's defense line, which belonged to the border defense position, and it was impossible that there would not be a secret sentry within five or six hundred meters.

Even more simply, none of the dark whistles in Konoha, the dark whistles within 1.5 kilometers that he could observe, aimed their sights or sensing ranges at this place.

In other words, here is basically a state of wide open doors.

And this is unreasonable. ,

Absolutely unreasonable.

For today, the village can be said to have basically entered a primary state of war. Even if there are not enough people, it is impossible to open the door here.

At least one or two secret whistles should be placed.

One or two dark whistles with a wide range of perception, such as the Hyuga Clan.

It is impossible to completely open the door like it is now.

"Did you see anything?"

And at this time, seeing the change in Hinata Neji's complexion, Chiba asked.

"Here... why is there no dark whistle?"

Hearing this sentence, Hinata Neji, who was already full of doubts, immediately said, even if Chiba didn't ask at this time, he would have to.


But hearing Hinata Ningji's rhetorical question, Qianye was taken aback, this was still somewhat different from the answer he wanted.

The gap is still quite large.

"Yes, it shouldn't be a secret post now. I think this should be the gateway to the village, the real frontier of defense. How could there be no secret post? In such a critical place, is it possible to Lure all the enemies in to attack Konoha, and fight a battle in the village that will inevitably lead to heavy losses?"

And at this time, Hinata Ningji asked a series of questions, and even Tian Tian behind him was taken aback.

Isn't this talking about the issue of punishment?

How did it become a war again?

And at this moment, Tian Tian couldn't help but flashed such a thought in his heart.


However, Tiantian was stunned for a moment and started to be dazed, but Qianye almost laughed out loud, looked at Ningji Hyuga in surprise, and said with great interest: "I didn't expect that you would still watch The terrain, and also, there is some research on strategy.”

From Hinata Neji's words, it is obvious that this young man has a certain strategic awareness. In a sense, it is impossible for Neiji Hinata at this age to come into contact with something as deep as strategy.

At least, ninja schools don't teach it.

Then, during missions, the focus is also on individual combat and team combat capabilities, and whether it is individual combat or small team combat, it is actually a very small-scale operation, which can be used in tactics, but absolutely not in strategy.

As for Ningji Hyuga just now, he completely integrated the current situation and considered it from the perspective of the overall situation of the entire village. This is already a strategic level of design.

Although I don't know how Hinata Neji came into contact with this level, but in the current situation, it can be said that Hinata Neji already has the most basic strategic awareness.

Start from a global perspective.

Generally speaking, after showing this kind of awareness, according to the rules of Konoha Village, it is necessary to cultivate some strategic awareness and test whether the ninja has strategic talent, and as long as a little bit of strategic Talent, Konoha will invest a lot of resources to cultivate, as a reserve for future military officers.

This is also the reason why Konoha can quickly restore vitality and combat effectiveness in every war. Of course, an excellent education system and system are one thing. It can quickly cultivate excellent ninjas and transform ordinary people to the greatest extent. Become a ninja, and then stimulate the potential from this part of the ninja, and cultivate excellent elites to supplement consumption.

However, this is only the recovery of the number of people, that is, the quantity. It is another matter to really restore the combat effectiveness in the war, that is, the quality.

In fact, the ninja war is not much different from the war in Chiba's previous life in essence. The only difference is the magical power of chakra and the various battles derived from this magical power. Ways, and tactical and strategic tendencies.

And if you want a unit to exert its maximum combat effectiveness, whether it is the current ninja world or the army in the previous life, there are only two factors, one is cohesion and execution, and the other is an excellent commander.

Just having people is not enough, and the ninja world is full of mobs. Why is it that the ninjas in the ninja village are not strong? Or is it impossible to produce a ninja with the top combat power of the Great Ninja Village?


It can't be!

Every small ninja village can survive until now, and the big ninja village only dares to squeeze and is unwilling to be annexed. There are reasons for this.

Every small ninja village has something at the bottom of the box.

Moreover, these things at the bottom of the box, either forbidden techniques, or secret techniques, or various combat weapons based on Chakra, even tailed beasts, will create ninjas who stand at the pinnacle of the ninja world. , can also sweep an army.

According to the routine, the small ninja village actually has the power to fight whichever big ninja village it faces, purely from the comparison of strength in the data.

Of course, it is impossible to defeat Da Ren Village, but it will also cause Da Ren Village to suffer a lot of damage.

Regardless of the data, in the real battle records of Xiaoren Village, even if it is the most brilliant representative of Xiaoren Village, Yuyin Village, which had a half-god half-zombie period, is at best self-protection, and Daren Village is just jealous. But I don't think that Yuyin Village can defeat me, and Yuyin Village's record in World War II can't really be said to be very good, it is better than other Xiaoren villages. When meeting the regular team of Daren Village, Run as long as you can, and you will lose better if you don't run.

The reason is, excellent commander.

The resources in Xiaonin Village can cultivate terrible individual combat capabilities, but they cannot cultivate strategic or excellent strategic commanders. They still use the small-scale combat thinking of individual combat or small-scale combat, When fighting, they also do their own thing. Basically, they just lie down and let Da Ren village break down one by one.

As a matter of fact, Da Ren Village uses various tactics and strategies to defeat Xiao Ren Village.

Except for Xiao Rencun who reacted quickly and ran fast, almost all of them got good results.

This is also one of the most essential differences between Little Ninja Village and Big Ninja Village.

And if there is no excellent commander, even if Konoha Village makes up for the lost elites, and doubles them, it is impossible to recover their combat effectiveness.

Even, it will go backwards.

This is one of the essential differences between the mob and the elite.

An excellent commander.

Another essential difference is cohesion and execution.

"Is it weird?"

But at this time, hearing Chiba's words, Hyuga Neji seemed to tilt his head, as if feeling strange, and asked immediately.


In response, Chiba shook his head.

Sure enough, this child is very sharp!

At the same time, such a thought flashed through his mind.

So, is this thing weird? Ningji Hyuga has a strategic sense.

People who were born and bred in this Hokage world, of course, would not find it strange. Neiji Hinata is also a genius. It is normal for his genius to be mixed with strategic talent.

It can even be said to be extremely normal.

However, for Chiba, it was not the case.

He is a time traveler, he has read the original book, he knows the context of this Naruto world, and he also knows Neiji Hyuga.

Judging from the reflection of the original book, Hyuga Ningji's ability to command a small team is no problem, but strategic thinking is not.

Perhaps, he has such a talent, but it has not been developed in the original book.

What's more, the current Hinata Neji's world view still has some minor problems. The development of this strategic talent will basically be hidden in his hatred.

Because of hatred, he desperately practiced the soft fist technique left by Xue Nai. In order to master Xue Nai's soft boxing technique, Hinata Ningji must have spent all his energy and time this day. It can be said that he has no time to get in touch with strategy at all.

No matter how you look at it, Hyuga Neji should not have a global awareness.

Unless he is also a time traveler, or in other words, really talented.

However, Neiji Hyuga in the original book, if he is talented, might not even be able to take the Chunin exam, let alone the series of stories that follow.

For Chiba, this was probably the strangest.

"Wait! Wait a minute! I see!"

But at this moment, upon hearing Chiba's words, Hinata Ningji's eyes widened suddenly, and he suddenly looked at Chiba, and even exclaimed in his mouth.

"Understand what?"

Hearing this, Tian Tian behind him asked almost subconsciously.

"It's not just the Chunin exam, if it's the Chunin exam, there should be someone monitoring me, but now, there is no one."

Hearing this, Hyuga Neji spoke almost subconsciously.

However, although these words were answered to Tiantian, his eyes were staring at Qianye in front of him, and in his eyes were endless questions and...




But at this time, the door of the main family's living room in the Hyuga Clan's land was slowly opened, revealing the respectful look of the Hyuga Clan members who were kneeling outside to open the door.


Then, a gentle voice of thanks resounded outside the door.

Then, with one foot, he stepped into the room.

With the stepping in of this foot, Hinata Hinata, who was sitting in the center of the room, slowly raised his head, staring at the young man who walked in.

A young man with white hair covering his right eye.


And at this moment, the door closed.

"I'm really ashamed. Thank you Patriarch for letting go of the past. At this time, I can still see you."

As the door closed, the white-haired young man who walked in also sat down in a sitting posture, and spoke politely.

Between the words, the attitude is very low.

"No, it's my pleasure."

But at this time, hearing this sentence, Hinata Hidetsu was sitting and bowing, and responded.

The attitude is actually lower.

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