Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2553 I Care


Hyuga Clan?

Let...Hyuga Yukina work in the village?

Or... the Defense Forces?

Looking at the understated man in front of him, Ningji Hyuga's white pupils shrank little by little, but he didn't know what expression to use to respond to this matter.

But this time, not only him, but also Tian Tian behind him, were all stunned on the spot.

Although what Taki Chiba said was in line with his guess, it was even more unbelievable for Hinata Neji.

Even, he began to doubt whether his speculation and speculative arguments were correct.

Persecute the Hyuga clan?

And forced the Hyuga clan to bow their heads?

If it's the former, Neji Hinata is conceivable, and it's not that there are people who can do this kind of thing, but there aren't that many.

However, forcing the Hyuga clan to bow their heads, and breaking the iron rule of the Hyuga clan for thousands of years, allowed their own people to participate in Konoha's organization.

What's even more incredible is that this organization is one of the most important departments in Konoha, the defense force!

What a concept!

Even Hokage, it is difficult to do such a thing.

The man in front of him is indeed terrifying and powerful, but being strong doesn't mean he can do more than Hokage.

Even, in the final analysis, the whole Konoha is guided by Hokage after all, the strength of the man in front of him is irrelevant at all, this kind of thing never depends on the strength of strength.

but power.

As for the iron rules of the Hyuga Clan, considering the close relationship between the Hyuga Clan and the village, Hokage can’t say anything more or arrange anything more. In a sense, as long as the Hyuga Clan doesn’t rebel against the village, the village will not only give them a lot of autonomy autonomy, and will not interfere with any of their decisions at all.

Even, sometimes, Patriarch Hinata's orders to his own clan are basically the same as Hokage's orders as long as no one else is involved.

Because, as long as it is the order of Patriarch Hyuga, the village will always agree unconditionally and provide convenience.

For thousands of years, the village is still very clear that Patriarch Hyuga will not offend the interests of the village.

However, if Patriarch Hyuga handles the affairs of his own clan, some situations will violate the interests of the village. As long as it is not excessive, the village will just turn a blind eye and turn a blind eye.

For example, if a member of the Hyuga Clan is useful the next day, the Patriarch suddenly sent him to the Hyuga Clan’s inner prison for something, and he can no longer participate in the mission. The village will respect the decision of the Hyuga Patriarch.

As long as it's true.

Even, sometimes help arrest.

This is the relationship between Konoha and the Hyuga clan.

Although he hated it so much, Ningji Hinata still admired it after studying these things.

At the beginning, it was very wise for the first Patriarch of the Hyuga Clan and the first Patriarch after joining Konoha to make such a decision, and then educate their children and grandchildren to abide by this rule.

At least, the current political structure of the Hyuga clan is unique among all Konoha clans.

In a sense, the Hyuga clan has reached the highest position that the family can stand from another angle.

Compared with the Hyuga Clan, the extinct Uchiha Clan is simply the lowest of the low.

And this is also one of the most important reasons why Ningji Hyuga hates the Hyuga Clan so much that he loses his mind.

For Neiji Hyuga, because the Hyuga Clan has already stood at the highest position among all the Konoha Clans, the village will not have any friction with the Hyuga Clan at all because of him, and will even respect all internal requirements of the Hyuga Clan.

For the stability of the entire Konoha, and the contribution of the Hyuga clan to Konoha, he is really insignificant.

If something really happened, no matter if it was the Hyuga Clan or Konoha, they would deal with themselves without hesitation.

There will never be any leeway, and it is impossible for him to have any chance of winning.

All he can do is linger on.

He wanted revenge, but he didn't have that ability, and it wasn't realistic.

Therefore, he can only live aggrievedly in the Hyuga Clan, tormented by the fire of resentment that has no place to vent in his heart every day, especially when he sees the new heir of the clan who can realize his dream without disappointment and hard work The appearance made him even more resentful and wanted to kill.

If hard work is useful, then why did his father die for Hinata's clan, obviously his own father is also working hard to live!

And I tried so hard to take revenge, but in the end I found that I couldn't take revenge anyway, why!

Don't you work hard yourself?

How can you overcome fate with hard work alone?

In a sense, Ningji Hyuga was born in a powerful family, and was born with a stronger blood than other ordinary people, and this strength almost made him ahead of any ordinary ninja, and even wherever he went, he could survived well.

This is Hinata Neji's luck.

However, this is also Hinata Ningji's misfortune. He was born in a powerful group, a group that is difficult for individuals to resist, and he was born with blood. Although the powerful power brought to him is always ahead of others' talent, but It also brings a suffocating bondage.

That is to say, even if he has the strength and fighting power far beyond his peers or even ordinary people, he can shine everywhere, but he will always be bound by his family. From birth to the end of his life, he will live forever In the shadow of the family.

He almost lost all his freedom.

You can't even control your own life and death.

In a sense, it is not impossible for Neji Hinata to consider the situation in front of him as his own destiny.



It is impossible to even force the Hyuga clan!

No matter how powerful the man in front of him is, he couldn't have forced the Hinata clan at that time, let alone successfully.

And thinking of this, Ningji Hyuga suddenly realized that his thoughts were suddenly attracted to another aspect by a feeling similar to a flash of inspiration when he was about to fall into a situation of self-pity.

In other words, it is impossible for Taki Chiba to force the Hyuga clan.

As for the reason, that is age.

Although the Taki Chiba in front of her looks much more pink and tender than her teacher, but since the two are in the same period, the age gap will never exceed three years, and more than ten years ago, her teacher They are all about the same age as me, maybe even younger than me.

So, that is to say, Taki Chiba at that time was younger than himself, a child in his teens, persecuting the Hyuga clan?

Not to mention that the persecution was successful, it is impossible for him to have the bargaining chip to persecute the Hyuga clan.

The Hyuga Clan and Konoha trust each other to a certain extent, and there is no way the Hyuga Clan has anything to do with it, as he, who is part of the Hyuga Clan, knows it very well.

Even, to be honest, he once thought about finding some excuses to trick the Hyuga Clan, even if the Hyuga Clan could not be completely overthrown, it could still cause cracks between the Hyuga Clan and Konoha. Represents no chance.

Or, you can directly use these excuses to threaten, at least, you can let Hinata Hyuzu feel like being a split family, and since it is a split family, he still has a chance to live the addiction of revenge.

However, he did not find it.

It may be that his authority is not enough, not prominent enough, or the Hyuga Clan is actually guarding against him purposefully.

In short, apart from wasting a lot of time, he didn't gain anything.

However, Neji Hyuga knew it very well in his heart, but he just didn't want to admit it subconsciously.

That is, the Hyuga Clan has nothing that can be used as a handle.

At this moment, the Hyuga Clan is already at the peak of the Konoha Clan, and the village does not treat them as outsiders at all, and they must be protected as soon as possible, and it can almost be said that they serve delicious food and drink, usually When issuing an order, it is still soft. If it is not a particularly urgent matter, you should ask the owner for permission, and the seconded personnel will also say hello.

This is already the ultimate right.

It can be said that it is already a high-level Konoha.

And it's the whole family.

He does not participate in any politics of Konoha, but his status is too high.

Switching to other ninja villages, can they have such treatment?

Moreover, Muye Village is already the strongest ninja village in the ninja world. Such a big tree is not good for shade. What other big trees can shade?

If the Patriarch of the Hyuga Clan had a pig in his head, he would do something that would be detrimental to Konoha and make it a handle.

The status of the Hyuga Clan in Konoha no longer needs to rebel, and even if they rebel, they will not get higher treatment and benefits.

In other words, the Hyuga clan has no stains.

And when there is no stain, or no stain that can be used as a handle, this Taki Chiba was only in his teens at that time, what capital did he have to persecute the Hyuga clan, which almost destroyed Konoha, The family that can be destroyed?

This is completely impossible.

It is also impossible to imagine... no, it is impossible to imagine any means at all, a child in his teens can threaten the Hyuga clan.

Moreover, the rebellion of Hyuga Shinai's father, Hinata Shinsuke, is a certainty. They were all killed in front of the bed of his grandfather, the former head of the Hyuga clan. It is even more irrefutable, and there is no possibility of overturning the case. .

It is an indisputable fact that Hyuga Yukina is the daughter of a traitor.

One is the daughter of a traitor, innocent but not to be trusted. Konoha is quite merciful in this regard, in other villages, I am afraid Hyuga Yukina would have died. And the other one is a family that prospers and loses with the village. It is the sign of Konoha now. It is almost unnecessary to think about what choice Konoha will make.

So, this Taki Chiba, if he didn't lie or brag, then how did Taki Chiba do it?

He couldn't imagine it at all.

Not to mention imagining, almost thinking of this matter, the three words "impossible" kept popping up in his heart.

"Don't believe it?"

And at this time, seeing Hinata Neji's expression, Chiba suddenly said.


Regarding this, Hyuga Neiji did not hesitate, and nodded straightforwardly.

Shocked is shocking, unbelievable is unbelievable, Neiji Hinata still knows at this time, since Chiba mentioned this question, then he will definitely answer it, now there is no need to be hypocritical, just ask if you don’t understand.

If you don't believe it, you have to directly bring it up.

At this time, he also knew that this Taki Chiba was open and honest with him, otherwise, Hinata Shinsuke's betrayal would not have been told to him.

He has never found out any news about this matter. Given the depth of his infiltration into the Hyuga Clan, if this matter is recorded, then he can find out a little bit, the most private of the Hyuga Clan. He was able to go in the archives room, and learned a lot about the past of the Hyuga clan.

It's just that I didn't find what I wanted in it.

"Although you have white eyes, your vision is still too narrow. In your eyes, the status of the Hyuga clan may be infinitely huge. However, in my eyes, it is just a slightly larger family among many families. .If you really want to rectify it, it is not impossible.”

In this regard, Chiba said so.

The tone was still so understated.

However, when these words fell into Hinata Ningji's ears, it was like a thunderclap, and the whole person seemed to be stunned on the spot.

"Besides, the system of the Hyuga clan, the system you hate, is not impenetrable, but also has very obvious weaknesses, and I am the only existence in this world who has mastered this weakness. Hinata doesn't need to buy Konoha's account , but you have to buy my account.”

In this regard, Chiba said so.


And hearing the same understatement, Hyuga Ningji's eyes widened suddenly, almost subconsciously denying it, but when he met the indifferent eyes of the man in front of him, he didn't know what was going on and couldn't speak down.

He is not lying!

He can really restrain the Hyuga Clan!

At the same time, deep in his heart, it seemed that it was about to boil.

"You don't have to think about what I will do for you. I am also a member of Konoha. The reason why I only made such a small request at the beginning is because the Hyuga clan is very important to Konoha. Stable, it is impossible for me to do anything to the Hyuga Clan.”

Regarding this, Qianye still said as if she had seen through his thoughts.

"So, what are you talking about?"

Hearing this sentence, Ningji Hyuga turned cold instantly, her words were somewhat gloomy, and her eyes almost shot out resentment.

"I just want to tell you that you have such an aunt, the fate of the Hyuga clan can be changed."

In this regard, Chiba said so.


Hearing this, Hinata Neji sneered and was about to speak.

"Don't worry, since I'm telling you this, I have my own plans. I'll take care of this matter."

To this, Chiba spoke again.


And hearing this sound, Hyuga Neiji started to get excited again.

"However, you have asked so many questions, and I also have a few questions that I want to ask you."

However, he didn't finish his sentence, but was interrupted by Qianye quite seriously.

"You ask."

As for Ningji Hyuga, he was also very straightforward at this time.

As long as he can take revenge, he can do anything!

"Do you know what kind of disaster you caused?"

In the next second, Qianye didn't talk nonsense, and asked directly.

And the moment he heard these words, Hinata Neji's face stiffened instantly.

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