Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2548 You and I,...

"Come and sit down first, I'll change some tea for you."

Looking at the two people in front who also didn't know why, Qianye took a slight breath, put away the stupefied just now, stood up suddenly, and spoke to the two people in front.



Hearing this, Ningji Hyuga and Tiantian, who were still in a daze, were obviously taken aback, and looked at each other in surprise.

Just when he was about to say something, he opened his mouth but stopped.

At this time, Qianye had already stood up, and walked into the room with a plate of tea and fruit.


In this regard, Hyuga Neiji and Tiantian looked at each other again.

To be honest, they really couldn't react to the current situation. After the practice ended yesterday, after they each left, they received a contact from their teacher, saying that they would gather in a remote corner of the village at noon today. .

They naturally believed in their teacher's contact, and after yesterday's almost earth-shattering sparring for them, they also looked at the ninja named Taki Chiba who had just returned to the village from a mission. Curious, although I don't know why my teacher came to such a remote place, but they still came on time.

Even, a little earlier.

My teacher has the habit of arriving at the meeting place earlier, if I am a little earlier, if I meet a teacher who is also earlier, I can more or less use this a little earlier time to get to know this Taki Chiba.

As for the punctual assembly time, it is very likely that my teacher will have some special training or something. After all, Tian Tian and Hinata Ningji also know that my teacher attaches great importance to this Chunin exam.

At that time, if you arrive on time, it is very likely that the special training will start directly, and there is no time to ask Taki Chiba questions.

However, what I didn't expect was that as soon as I arrived here, my teacher ran away and left.

Even if Ningji Hinata is known as a genius and has a delicate mind, he is also the first young genius of this class to step into the threshold of Jonin in the same period in the future. No brains.

"Yes Yes."

However, the two still somewhat responded to Taki Chiba's behavior of changing tea.

They still have the most basic courtesy.

After seeing their seemingly earth-shattering duel, apart from being curious about this Taki Chiba, they also have the most basic respect.

One is respect for his strength.

The second is that Taki Chiba in front of him is more or less a figure of the teacher's generation, and he respects the elders and seniors.

After answering, the two of them were not too polite, and sat down on the tatami mat in the porch.

How does it feel, our teacher handed us over to this Taki Chiba.

After sitting down, Tiantian couldn't help but look at Ningji Hyuga next to him, with such a meaning in his eyes.


As for the look that Tiantian handed over, who was close at hand, Hyuga Neiji nodded in agreement.

In this situation... Teacher Kai, what are you going to do!

Afterwards, such a thought flashed through the minds of the two who exchanged glances at the same time.

Could it be that this Taki Chiba gave us special training?

Moreover, quite tacitly, another thought flashed through their minds.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a beautiful scenery in such a remote place in the village."

Then, it seemed that they wanted to ease the atmosphere of silence, let each other relax and be more conducive to thinking, and looked around every day, but saw the sea of ​​flowers, bright purple and red, almost shining under the bright sunshine, She was a girl, and she said it almost subconsciously with a feeling of exclamation.


Regarding this, it seemed that in front of Tiantian, Hyuga Neji was a little silent, and immediately nodded to express his agreement.

To be honest, he didn't expect that such a remote place would have such a paradise-like existence.

However, just like this unexpected thought, his heart was also full of doubts.

This remote area is almost the gateway to Muye Village. Logically speaking, this place should be a sentry post, not this beautiful sea of ​​flowers.

Because of the relationship between Hokage Rock Mountain, there is no way for the high wall of Konoha to extend here, and this place is still far from the border with the Kingdom of Fire. However, for ninjas, the border of a big country is almost useless.

There are actually only two places in a country that are really difficult to sneak into or capture. One is the fortification where the Daming Mansion is located, and the second is the ninja village of the country to which it belongs.

In other words, according to the real strategic location, the border line of Konoha Village, or the defense line, is actually within a few kilometers of the Japanese-style log cabin, which happens to border Hokage Rock Mountain.

And this small wooden house happens to be located in an important place for defense at this position, and it can take into account the defense line between Hokage Rock Mountain and Hokage Rock Mountain. This is the Japanese-style log cabin.

In any case, this place should be a fortress, not this grand scene.

This was Neiji Hinata's first surprise when he saw the scene in front of him.

And the second surprise is the purpose of his teacher.

Obviously, my teacher's leaving like running away, as well as the current sea of ​​flowers, all showed that my teacher didn't ask me to come for special training.

Even if it seems that he handed himself over to this Taki Chiba, it is not for special training.

And if he is handed over to Taki Chiba for special training, then, although it makes sense to hand him over to a stronger Taki Chiba for special training, Taki Chiba's physical strength is obvious to all, and he is the same as his teacher. Similarly, being able to use the Bamen Dunjia, and it seems that the control of the Bamen Dunjia is more powerful than his own teacher. It is more than enough to teach himself and specially train himself.

However, the sea of ​​flowers in front of him has obviously been carefully taken care of. When he walked over, he subconsciously looked at it. Whether it was pruning or fertilizing, he had done everything meticulously, otherwise the sea of ​​flowers would not have grown so well.

As for the special training in this place, I am afraid that this sea of ​​flowers will definitely be lost by then, and even if it is not lost, then it will definitely be damaged.

This is not what a person who takes care of this sea of ​​flowers so meticulously wants to see.

Even if his teacher is far away, this Taki Chiba is not willing.

And looking at the appearance of his teacher running away just now, there may be a layer of fear that this Taki Chiba will regret it.

In other words, Taki Chiba may have reluctantly agreed to his teacher.

Then, under such a situation of reluctantly agreeing, Taki Chiba is definitely not willing to see the sea of ​​flowers that she carefully cares for being destroyed.

In other words, what Taki Chiba promised may not be special training.

In other words, the purpose of meeting here today is not for special training.

"Don't think too much, drink tea."

However, at this moment, a sudden sound suddenly sounded behind Ningji Hyuga, and of course, behind Tiantian.

At the same time, refreshed tea and fruit bowls are placed in the middle of them.


And almost instantly, the hair on Ningji Hyuga's back exploded, and cold sweat broke out from the corner of his forehead in an instant.

His face also stiffened instantly.

It's been a long time since he was approached from behind so quietly, even without opening his eyes!

Although he has only been performing missions for one year, he has already developed the habit of being vigilant behind his back, and because of the bird in the cage of the branch family, his white eyes are flawed. For the blind spot of vision, he did Lots of make up training.

And instinctively guarding the rear is one of the most effective remedial measures he has made over the years.


And at this time, seeing some delicious and expensive snacks on the fruit plate, Tian Tian's eyes almost brightened, and to Tian Tian, ​​being approached quietly was not a big deal.

It's not that her vigilance is far from Hinata Ningji's, but that it's not unusual for Tiantian to be approached quietly like this.

And now it is in the village, and it is the residence of Taki Chiba, she can't think of any danger.

Therefore, at this time, Hyuga Neji was not as nervous as him.

On the contrary, seeing this snack that she usually sees and wants to eat for a long time but suffers from not having so much budget to buy, she was completely elated.

After all, being a Ninjutsu Ninja cost a lot of money, and the money for the task was not enough for her to enjoy delicious food.

Although, Neji usually buys some rare ninja tools for her.

However, she is still very short of money.

Now that she can eat these coveted goodies for free, and in a safe environment, she has already let go of all her defenses.

At this time, there are only these snacks in the eyes.

"You... are very alert."

But at this time, with the soft sound of the Yi Jue, Hyuga Ningji looked to the other side of himself with a little stiffness.

At this moment, Qianye was already sitting beside him, and gently placed the steaming teacup beside him.

"Have a sip of tea first and calm down."

And as his gaze settled, this Taki Chiba revealed an inexplicable reassuring smile at the corner of his mouth, and said so.


Hearing these words, Ningji Hinata, who was inevitably a little shaken because of the creepy person sitting next to him, was slightly startled, these two sentences still echoed in his mind, and subconsciously repeated them in his heart.


Then, he suddenly woke up, picked up the teacup and took a sip.

The tea should have been cold, it looked steaming hot, but it wasn't hot when swallowed.

And with the unique bitterness of tea, he slowly calmed down.

"Let me introduce myself first, my name is Taki Chiba, your future substitute teacher."

Seeing the slightly slack look in Hinata Ningji's eyes slowly gather, Chiba paused for a moment, and spoke quite seriously.

Substitute teacher?

Hearing this, Ningji Hyuga who was drinking tea and Tiantian who was eating snacks were taken aback at the same time, and their eyes quickly fell on Chiba's face.

"Yes, starting tomorrow, I will teach you to a certain extent."

To this, Chiba nodded.


And Ningji Hyuga quickly found the key point in this discourse.

"Yes, of course, not just your Kai class, but also the seventh, eighth and tenth classes. Your turn is the day after tomorrow, and the assembly point is here."

To this, Chiba said with a smile.

Substitute teacher?

the day after tomorrow?


And hearing this, subconsciously, Hyuga Neji and Tiantian looked at each other, with a somewhat strange expression on their faces.

"Don't be suspicious. This is the task your teacher entrusted to me. As for why, you should all know."

To this, Chiba spoke again.


For the Chunin exam?

And hearing this sentence, the two of them naturally had the answer in their hearts.

Indeed, if this person were to provide special training...

At the same time, when the answer appeared, the two of them also looked at Taki Chiba in front of them at the same time, and in their minds was the situation of this person fighting against 4 jounin who cooperated tacitly.

Just, starting tomorrow...

However, Ningji Hyuga soon discovered something unusual.

"So, today is?"

Then, discovering the unusual support, he quickly asked.

"I'll give you a small stove."

To this, Chiba also answered truthfully.

A few short sentences, regardless of the original impression, are enough for Qianye to see that the young man in front of him is a very sensitive type.

Just for this point, Neiji Hinata of this world was the first to become a Jonin in the same period, and it is also a certainty.

Of course, if there is no rebellion in the same period, then there may be a strong competitor at the earliest.

"Little stove?"

Hearing this, whether it was Ningji Hyuga who was keenly aware of the unusualness, or Tiantian who was attracted by the snacks, they were all taken aback.

At the same time, three words appeared in their eyes and hearts at the same time.


The current situation is also very obvious. Taki Chiba's strength is obvious to all. Since it is said that she is going to be a substitute teacher for all classes, then she must be teaching together under the strong request of all the teachers in the class.

And it's a class a day.

Just looking at this conclusion, combined with his teacher's escaping gesture just now as if he was afraid of going back on his word, he knew that there was probably a fight between dragons and tigers.

And follow-up also needs a bowl of water level.

In other words, one day is one day, and no one can have more.

This small matter, in fact, should not exist.

As for the fact that their teacher might have a close friendship, Hyuga Ningji and Tiantian didn't think that because of this, they could give them a little trouble.

"This...how should I say it?"

Facing the puzzled eyes of the two, Qianye understood their meaning almost immediately, and smiled a little stiffly at that moment.

Although his mind is not completely blank now, he still needs to find a good starting point to solve the matter of Neiji Hinata.

This kind of thing is difficult to say, and simple to say, it may not be simple.

As long as the method is right, a smart person like Ningji Hinata will soon understand.

Although understanding does not mean that it is completely resolved, but this matter will not change again.

At least, in the near future, there will be no troubles.

It can also guard against Nobuhiko Uchiha.

"You and I have a relationship, right?"

And thinking of this, Chiba raised her hand suddenly, pointed at Ningji Hinata, and said.

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