Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2544 helpless


The reflection in his eyes was sleeping soundly, as if he had dreamed of something good and had already grinned, Chiba's unnatural grin slightly restrained, and gradually revealed a look of deep thought.

Now it seems that Matt Kaban should really start a small business.

But when a series of thoughts turned around in his heart, and when the color of pondering gradually became heavy, such a thought involuntarily appeared in his heart.

Before, the Maitekaiban about the original book has explained the value of Maitekai and his disciples to Konoha, super rare and useful value.

Compared with the original book, the current Metkaban is more valuable and trickier.

The reason is still because...

Xue Nai!

However, this time, it was not because of her, or what she left to the village that almost changed the management system of the village, but because of her own strength.

Beyond the soft boxing in the traditional sense.

A powerful attack power that even Chiba hadn't expected.

If it wasn't for knowing that Xue Nai was a native of Hokage, and if it wasn't that she had been inseparable since she was a child, Chiba really knew Xue Nai. I am afraid that Chiba at this time would definitely think that Xue Nai is a hidden traveler .

Or a reborn person like Nobuhiko Uchiha, who has a relationship with the traverser as a natural enemy.

Because, it was too shocking.

Although Qianye didn't show anything on his face, Qianye was really shocked by Xue Nai's soft fist.

If it wasn't in front of him, otherwise Qianye would never believe that Xue Nai's improved soft fist technique has such power.

It's not that Chiba has never seen Xue Nai's improved soft fist method, and even knows that Xue Nai's improved soft fist method should have added the shape change of the spiral pill, making this improved version of the soft fist method have stronger destructive power According to Chiba's speculation, the cyclone produced by this spiral soft fist should be able to damage the acupoints of the victim. This is much more powerful than the soft boxing method that can only touch acupuncture points.

Moreover, the damage to the acupoints is very likely to become permanent damage, that is to say, Xue Nai's soft fist method can damage the acupoints.

The acupoints are the intersection of meridians, almost the only way to condense or run chakras. If the acupoints are damaged, it will inevitably affect the condensing and operation of chakras.

It can be said that Xue Nai's blow is very likely to cut off his chakra, and it is permanently cut.

That's appalling enough.

It is also already showing the limit of soft fist.

In the general soft fist method, if you are hit, you will be sealed for a period of time, wait for the chakra released by the ordinary soft fist method to disappear, and then wait for the acupuncture points to recover naturally.

After all, the acupoints are also human tissues, which are composed of the intersection of meridians and collaterals, and have memory in themselves. Otherwise, if there is no such natural recovery of memory, it is estimated that all ninjas who practice chakra will become long strips.

However, being hit by Xue Nai's special soft fist method, it is possible that the ninja's acupoints will never be restored, and this acupoint is almost permanently lost, and one acupoint is missing. The refined Chakra is no matter what There will be a discount.

Even if some important acupoints are destroyed, it is very likely to cause even more terrible results. Refining chakra in the future may be a risk of life and death.

It can be said that as long as Xue Nai is willing, or if the opponent is unlucky, the opponent can completely and permanently lose combat effectiveness.

At that time, he already felt terrible.

It's just that it's just scary, not shocking, shocking, unbelievable, or even subverting one's common sense.

However, now, after treating Hinata Hinata, Xue Nai's improved soft fist technique can actually touch the door of death, and can forcibly open the door of death!

What is this concept?

This is a soft fist method that surpasses the pinnacle of the ninja world and common sense!

Apart from the Eight Doors Dunjia, there is no other way to forcibly open the Eight Doors in the body.

These eight gates are created by the human body to protect itself.

It is human instinct to protect the acupoints created by oneself. This kind of protection will not be affected by any will. Even if a person is aware of the existence of the eight gates, he cannot open the eight gates subjectively.

Just like when you eat every day, it is the digestion of the stomach and intestines that converts food into nutrients and energy to feed the body. Although you may feel that the stomach is digesting, you can’t control when the stomach digests and when it doesn’t. Digestion stores food in the stomach, which is the same as Bamen.

It cannot be controlled by human will.

Even the vast majority of people, even ninjas who control Chakra and know the acupoints like the back of their hands, can't sense Bamen.

That is to say, most people's life, no matter how powerful ninjas are, may not know the existence of eight gates.

Unless, someone has popularized eight knowledge with him.

The eight gates are the deepest and most mysterious physical existence of human beings.

It is the reason why human beings can exist and have a safe and stable body.

In a sense, the eight gates are also one of the origins of the body.

It's just that compared to others, its function is to limit the energy in the human body and keep it within a safe range that the human body can bear.

And to open this innate protection lock, it is almost impossible to use external force. Out of the desire to survive and the instinct to survive, in order to keep one's body alive, in the subconscious, even if a person dies directly, it will not be triggered by external force. switch to make the eight doors open.

Moreover, the eight doors are almost all in the vital parts of the human body. The opening and closing of the doors are in the brain itself, and the others are also in the throat, chest, etc. The dead door is completely at the heart.

It is a priority in itself.

As for ninja battles, if you want to put people to death, then attacking the vital points is the most normal and effective way.

It is estimated that hundreds of people in the whole ninja world are hit to the point of death every day, and I have never seen any one. , At least it will be counted in billions, and no one has opened the eight doors of the corresponding position.

It can be said that these eight gates have already surpassed people's desire for survival and survival instinct, and are taboos that even the subconscious mind of the human body is unwilling to open. In other words, the human body has set up these eight gates without intending to let them open at all.

It's just that, whether it's evolution, or because of the magical power of chakra, the human body itself has a huge power or energy that the body cannot bear. In desperation, the human body evolves or derives eight gates.

As for the Eight Gates Dunjia, no matter how it came about, what kind of chance and coincidence the founder opened the Eight Gates, and withstood the huge human power that it restricted. To open the eight doors, it has always been necessary to go through a special method and one's own chakra.

Yes, Bamen Dunjia is actually conditional. It doesn’t mean that it’s enough to exercise well. Opening the door, especially when opening the door for the first time, has a failure rate.

The conditions for opening the door, one, is your own Chakra, if it is someone else's Chakra, Eight Gates will not respond, even if this other person's Chakra is killing someone, Eight Gates will not respond. I don't care about half a point.

For the foreign Chakra, Bamen would rather die than surrender.

At worst, it will never be opened.

Only one's own chakra can make Hachimon react.

Second, it is the special chakra operation method and transformation method recorded in the Bamen Dunjia. It is difficult for Chiba to say clearly. Basically, it is through a special operation method that one's own chakra can be tapped and buried in the human body. The Bamen acupoints, which are almost indistinguishable from the human body, are different from the ordinary acupoints that can be felt, and then the impact opens.

Of course, if you rush to open it, there will only be one end. The eight gates are originally designed to limit the excessive energy in the human body, enough to kill your own power, so they evolved or derived. Under normal circumstances, there is no one that meets the eight gates In the case of door opening requirements described in Men Dunjia, except for Shengmen and Shuumen, if you open other doors, you will basically explode and die.

However, some people with special physical abilities, such as those with strong bodies of the Yeyue family, may be able to open a few more doors. However, even the strong bodies of the Yeyue family can open up to four doors without special training. It is estimated that he died.

It's not because of the body explosion, but because of the rupture of the internal organs.

That's right, don't look at the training of Maitekai, Chiba and Xiao Li, it is basically the same as ordinary gymnastics training, and what is trained on the surface is also muscles.

But in fact, they are all exercising their bodies and their internal organs according to the exercise methods recorded in Bamen Dunjia.

Strictly speaking, Chiba, Maitekai and Xiao Li's internal organs are much stronger than other ninjas.

However, not everyone can learn the training methods recorded in Bamen Dunjia, and the reason is very simple.

This method of tempering is difficult.

Apart from difficulty, there is no limit.


In addition, if the practice is wrong, it may cause internal organ damage.

Therefore, Bamen Dunjia is a forbidden technique.

Indeed, it is true that everyone can practice it, without any special talent requirements, and the method of tempering is only difficult, and those who are willing to practice persistently for ten or twenty years can also develop to a very high level.

However, all its processes and even results are dangerous.

Easy to practice, but also dangerous.

Therefore, it is a forbidden technique, and it is not in favor of ninja practice.

And if Bamen Dunjia doesn't have this method of tempering the internal organs, the explosive chakra after opening the door may directly squeeze the internal organs.

This is also not described in the original book, and Qianye only knew it after practicing.

Otherwise, Bamen Dunjia would probably not become a forbidden technique, but a secret technique practiced by a special type of ninja.

For example, Konoha's fairy body can completely practice Bamen Dunjia without too much side effect.

Even, as long as the door of death is not opened, the physical strength and resilience of the immortal body can completely bear the pressure of the eight doors, especially the mature immortal body, which can be repaired while being destroyed.

However, the chakra with the eight doors open will also damage the internal organs, and the internal organs are the most difficult to train. In the event of an overall rupture and collapse, the recovery power of the immortal body may not be able to recover in time, and the human body will stop all functions due to the explosion of internal organs.

That is, death.

In the case of death, even a fairy body cannot be restored.

And Xue Nai's soft fist technique was able to touch the eight gates, directly opening the dead gate of Hinata Hinata. Although it was just a brush, it still really opened the dead gate.

what does that mean?

It means that Xue Nai can not only permanently damage the acupoints, but also whoever wants to be abolished. If she is familiar with the position of Bamen, or if she is given a little practice of Bamen Dunjia, she can directly open people with external force. eight gates.

Moreover, it is any door of the eight doors!

As for the entire ninja world, except for Maitekai and his own words, unless Xue Nai hits the death door directly, only the two of them can survive under Xue Nai's hands in the entire ninja world.

No matter how powerful a person is, once the seventh door is opened, they will definitely explode and die.

And Xue Nai's excellent white eyes, almost no one can escape her attack.

Of course, opening any door may be the ideal state, after all, the position of the eight doors in the human body cannot be seen directly with the white eyes.

However, Xue Nai was still able to kill with one blow.

Because, the position of the dead door is fixed.

Even if you can't see it, there is nothing wrong with greeting directly to your heart.

And this is also where Xue Nai or Xue Nai's Soft Fist is truly terrifying. It can truly ignore any ability and kill with one blow.

Even the immortal body cannot be avoided.

But now, such a terrifying Soft Fist has been learned by Ningji Hinata, a child who is still mentally unsound and even somewhat distorted psychologically.

Then this matter can be big or small.

To put it more bluntly, if Ningji Hinata has realized the horror of this soft fist technique and clearly knows what he can do, another massacre may occur.

And this massacre will definitely shake the foundation of Konoha, which has lost a powerful family.

To put it bluntly, Hyuga Ningji may not realize the horror of this soft boxing technique in his whole life. After all, the eight acupoints cannot be seen with white eyes, and can only be seen when they are opened. A teacher may often demonstrate the opening of the eight doors in front of his eyes, and he may not be able to think of his soft fist technique, so he just muddles through this soft boxing technique as one that can permanently damage the acupoints, and lives on.

Then, of course, there will be no big trouble.

"Hey... It seems that Hinata Neji is the key now!"

Thinking of this, Qianye bent down, squatted down, and pressed his hand on Maitekai's near side again.


Then, amidst a silent humming, a circle of tadpole characters burst out from the contact point between Maitekai's back and the ground, forming a circular formation.


And at this moment, a snot bubble exhaled from the sleeping Maitekai's nose suddenly burst.

This guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes slowly opened his sleepy eyes.

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