Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2538 sitting in the corridor

"Bah bah! Why do you feel that what you said is so unlucky?"

Qianye's sudden words immediately caused No. 14 over there to raise his head, it seemed that he rolled his eyes again, and choked out directly from his mouth.

"Isn't it just an exam for everyone? Don't worry, we're staring at Orochimaru. Even if he has supernatural powers, he won't be able to get out of the sky."

In the end, he seemed to think about it for a while, and said with great confidence.

In response to this, the smile on the corner of Qianye's mouth seemed to widen a bit, and the dull color on his face was finally melted away by the sunshine and colorful colors outside.

"Well, the 15th and the 23rd are not worried about success or failure."

And at this time, a soft voice with one of sighs sounded again, it seemed that No. 14 couldn't stand it anymore, and spoke with a reminder nature.


Regarding the words of No. 14, No. 15 paused slightly and responded.

Isn't it because of this Chunin exam?

What is that for? It's weird to say.

At the same time, his heart was full of doubts.

However, although he was puzzled, he didn't speak after all, but just stared blankly at the bright sunshine and colorful flowers ahead, as if he had lost his mind in a daze.

And then, No. 14 didn't speak, but looked at the sea of ​​flowers in front of him, and took a sip of tea lightly.

Speaking of which, the three of them were really idle and bored every day, spending a year on the side of the boat.

Because there is really nothing to do, the only fun is playing cards with wooden cards made by No. 23, and occasionally inventing some super boring card games. You can beat him with just one eye.

Also, just sitting on the side of the boat, fishing, looking at the sea, blowing the sea breeze, looking at the stars, the moon, the sun and so on.

By the way, look forward to it at night, is there a ghost ship or something.

During that time, it was boring to talk about, but now that I think about it, it is quite interesting.

After floating on the sea for a year, they were lucky enough to find the original route. Later, when drawing the chart, they found that they had made a big circle outside the island of Wuyin Village, the destination.

Originally, it took less than a year, maybe even less than a month, to reach Wuyin Village and draw a good chart.

Because they lost their way on the sea, and they didn't have much knowledge of navigation, they could only sail along the wind and current, constantly turning around the Wuyin Island, and then entered the original channel by accident and arrived at Fog hidden.

If they drift down like this, I'm afraid they will never find their way, and they will spend their entire lives on the boat.

Anyway, it is my luck to meet you.

And at this time, on the corridor that gradually became somewhat peaceful, looking at the two people sitting on her left, Qianye smiled, and a thought suddenly appeared in her heart.

Thinking about it now, in the past ten years, I have experienced a lot of things.

Although, he is no longer what he was in the past, every time he left the village, he returned with serious injuries, even on the verge of death several times.

However, recalling the experience of the past ten years now, it cannot be said to be poor. Even, many dangers have been hidden in the dark, and there is a restriction that must hide his identity. Sometimes, the dangers he encounters are more It is much more dangerous than those that left him seriously injured and dying, which could be solved in one fight with a famous knife and a bright gun.

Moreover, in a dark world, a completely unknown world, there are not many clues even in the original book, unknown people, unknown abilities, although he already possesses the supreme power, but the supreme power is not invincible power. Capsized in the gutter.

It's just that after possessing the supreme power, he basically surpassed the current peak of ninja power. If it is a conventional ninja power, there are few that can threaten him.

However, the dark world is different. From a dawn, Qianye has seen a power that has never been seen in the original work of this life or the previous life, and it is a powerful power, and even, this power is so powerful. It almost makes people wonder if there is a new traveler in Lixiao.

If it hadn't been confirmed in every possible way that this person was a native of Hokage, Chiba would almost suspect that a new time traveler had already appeared before his own time traveler died.

It can be said that for more than ten years, he has almost been exploring the dark world, a world completely different from the world on the bright side and the world on the bright side described in the original book.

If we say that the world on the bright side is walking forward without any danger on the surface of the water, then in the dark time, it is constantly diving down, the deeper the deeper, the more dangerous it is.

The deeper you go, the more things you dig out.

If Qianye hadn't mastered the supreme power, and found a very suitable false identity of the dawn organization shortly after entering the dark world, otherwise, not only his plan might not go well, but even his life might be lost unconsciously up.

It was also fortunate that he met No. 14 and No. 15 in front of him. Otherwise, even if he could gain a firm foothold in the dark world and carry out the plan without disturbance, he who returned now might not be the same him now.

I'm afraid that the one who came back was a cold and ruthless Taki Chiba.

It also happened that when he just started to enter the dark world, he met Li Xiao, and after entering Li Xiao, he met these two people, and after meeting these two people, he happened to have such a mission again, and it happened to be what he should arrange at that time It has been arranged, especially Haneda Yiye's side, which just saved him a lot of trouble, and it also happened that he planned to manage his hidden identity well.

Under this series of coincidences, everything is just right.

If he had met them later, then his personality might have changed drastically. After all, at that time, his emotions were still quite unstable. Every time I dream back at midnight, I still dream about those people and those things. Every time I wake up, I am either disappointed or angry.

Mentality has been in an unstable state.

Every time I hate it to the extreme, almost even the whole world hates it.

At that time, it was the time when he was most vulnerable and needed the emotion of a partner the most.

And if at that time, he hadn't arranged the affairs of Caoyin Village properly, then even if he met these two people, he might not be able to get along with them at ease because the matter was not finished.

During that year of drifting, I'm afraid I won't be able to get along with them so peacefully.

And if there is no way to get along with each other with peace of mind, then it is impossible to establish a feeling of sharing weal and woe between them.

Even, the impatience caused by not being able to get along with peace of mind will make them turn against each other. At that time, whether Chiba can end the drift and return safely will be a problem.

Everything can be said to be just right.

It just so happened that when Chiba thought of it now, it felt like someone had arranged it.

It was as if the invisible hand above had arranged this one after another, because it was such a coincidence.

But in any case, the two can be said to have saved themselves.

Although it was unavoidable that he somewhat regarded them as substitutes for Xue Nai and Hirohiko, but Chiba could still tell that this relationship was true after three or four years of getting along with each other.

Therefore, he did not doubt the motivation of the two of them to help him just now.

How many years are there?

two years?

three years?

It's almost there, at that time, it will definitely be better than now, it will definitely be!

Everyone will be fine!

But thinking of this, he glanced at the two people around him again, and such a thought flashed in his heart.

"Are you sure, Danzo doesn't need us?"

At this moment, he lightly clenched the teacup in his hand, rubbed it lightly, and No. 15 suddenly opened his mouth.

In the words, there is already no such bitterness and cynicism, some only have an inexplicable feeling of looking for something to say.

"No, you shouldn't get involved so much."

Regarding this, Chiba said almost subconsciously.

Speaking of which, this guy, on the 15th, he won't suffer from Danzo, right?

I remember, he used to be...

Is that why you care so much about Danzo?

At the same time, such a thought flashed through his mind.

And in his mind, he would think of the year when he was drifting at sea. In that year, because of boredom, they told each other a lot of stories. It sounded like someone else's story, but in fact it was all his own. story.

Including Chiba herself.

And the story of No. 15 is about a young man who was originally passionate, who awakened the blood succession boundary in his own blood, and rescued a girl during a mission. At that time, it happened to be the age when love first started.

The girl is also a ninja.

A ninja from Xiaonin Village.

Later, in order to protect the girl, the boy escorted the girl all the way to her village. It seems that the girl's status is not low in the village. Seeing the boy rescued the girl, the whole ninja village sincerely thanked him.

For the first time, the teenager felt the feeling of being needed and admired by others.

Later, he stayed in this small ninja village as the most popular ninja in this small ninja village.

During this period, the Big Ninja Village came to squeeze the Little Ninja Village. In addition to taking away a lot of supplies, they also forced the girl who had been determined to be the successor of the Little Ninja Village to marry into that Big Ninja Village.

At that time, the boy who had confided in the girl was naturally extremely angry, because the girl had been forced to compromise and left with the troops of the Daren Village, or in other words, was shackled by the Daren Village like a slave took away.

So Chong Guan was furious for Hirohiko, the young man showed his strength for the first time in a real sense, he went all the way to the hinterland of the Great Ninja Village, and brought the girl back to the Little Ninja Village with his scarred body.

And the boy passed out for the first time.

Fainted in the desperate eyes of the girl filled with tears, and also fainted in the middle of the villagers of Xiaonin Village who surrounded him.

At that moment, the boy had already regarded Xiaonin Village as his home.

However, when he woke up, he was not in the home he thought he was, but in a cold laboratory in a secret place in Da Nin Village.

Plural blood succession limit.

Excellent research material.

His blood, spinal cord, flesh, and hair have almost all become the materials for making the blood succession limit in that Daren village.

Even, the limitless production tool of the Blood Succession that is endlessly demanded.

The young man was tortured in that Daren village, and when he was rescued by his companions, he was almost like a skeleton walking corpse that lost his soul and was covered with bruises.

Later, the boy found out that it was the girl, the little ninja village who had traded herself to the big ninja village as a bargaining chip.

The purpose is that the Great Ninja Village will not attack the Little Ninja Village, and take back the fate of the girl and her relatives.

Yes, the teenager was betrayed.

When he was rescued, the little ninja village that he still missed as his home, the girl he admired betrayed.

he hates.

He complains.

He is angry.

However, in the end, it was a kind of resentment that was speechless.

What a stupid person I believed in back then!

What a shame that I was tricked by such a stupid person in the end!

Since I have the strength to reach the hinterland of Daren Village, I just need to keep myself, and then vigorously publicize this matter, and then contact the Daren Village, which is hostile to Daren Village, in private, form a certain offensive and defensive verbal agreement, and use the triangle The relationship restricts the Daren Village, and by the way, also restricts the Daren Village that has reached a verbal agreement. Why do we need to pay tribute to that Daren Village?

Maybe, that Da Renin Village will send some resources to win over because it is afraid of the situation where the hostile Da Ren Village jointly owns its own Xiao Ren Village.

There will not be many resources, and it may be symbolic, and some empty promises may be given, but at least, no tribute will be paid.

Where will be slaughtered by others.


The boy feels ashamed!

Even, this shame is even more shameful than being imprisoned by that Daren Village as a production machine and being ravaged every day.

I am so stupid!

What made him even more resentful was that, after recuperating for several years, he returned to the Xiaonin Village that he once regarded as his home, and he still had a glimmer of hope, but he saw the girl who had become a married woman. The four of them looked happy.

Does this woman have no regrets at all?

How could he still live a good life so heartlessly?

At that moment, the boy almost gritted his teeth.

But in the end, that girl is the one she once admired.

The young man has been tortured, but his heart is not hard enough. After all, there is a glimmer of hope that will not be extinguished.

So, when the girl was alone, the boy appeared in front of the girl, but the girl didn't even recognize him.

Seeing the girl leave as if nothing had happened, the last straw that broke the camel's back finally fell.

The teenager finally went crazy.

In silence, crazy.

In the desperate eyes of the girl, he skinned the girl's husband and two children alive, and chopped the girl's Zhang Fu and the two children into meat paste with his own hands amidst the miserable howling.

The eyes that had been watching the girl changed from pleading to despair, from despair to madness, from madness to emptiness.

I have been watching the girl shed blood and tears, leaving only an empty shell.

Then, he rescued the girl, entrusted her to the best doctor, treated her, kept her alive, and didn't even let her go completely insane.

And so, until she died.

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