Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2507 Comparison


"Ka Ka Ka Ka!"

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka!"

Amidst the muffled sound, after Kakashi and the three of them stopped whispering, the crack on the inner wall of the rock above their heads seemed to have received some kind of signal, and instantly split like a spider web, and the rock shattered. The crumbs rustled and fell.

In the blink of an eye, the inner wall of the rock was already covered with cracks, and as the rock fragments fell, strands of light also penetrated through the wall.

"Papa papa!"

After that, palm-sized rocks fell from the sky like a shower, falling on the ground, and as the palm-sized rocks rained, more and more light shone, and each piece of rock fell to the ground. The spot of light projected down, instantly illuminating the small and no longer airtight space.


And just at this sound, a dull muffled sound sounded again, as if something was trampling in this confined space.


Then, there was a muffled roar, and the inner wall that seemed to last for a while suddenly collapsed, and the huge force transmitted, the rocks that were still cracked and falling suddenly scattered.

All of a sudden, the sky was bright, and everything suddenly became clear. Kurenai Yuhi and Maitekai, who were hiding in the earth shield that Kakashi created was several sizes smaller, looked up at the same time, their faces suddenly normal.

"Kakashi, here we come!"

After this glance, the hearts of the two tightened, and they subconsciously exclaimed.

At this moment, in their eyes, the rock fragments scattered by the waterfall seemed to be still at this moment, and it looked like a winding tunnel was formed, leading straight up.

But at this time, at the center of the highest peak in the tunnel, a figure jumped up, chest out and fists clenched, but his left hand was already raised to the sky.

Without even thinking about it, Maitkai and Yuhihong's minds skipped over the image of this white-haired young man plummeting from the sky.

Then, in this posture, what will happen when the white-haired youth falls to the ground, the two of them don't need to think about it.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

And at this moment, Kakashi, who heard the sound and also noticed the situation above, turned serious, the top of the small earth shield suddenly closed, and at the same time, a layer of rock color instantly climbed up the sharp cone and no longer stood in front of it. on the surface of the earth shield.

In an instant, the entire soil shield has been completely rocked.


And at this moment, above the head, the white-haired young man raised his left hand facing the sky, and a whirlwind suddenly shot out from the palm.

Wind escape, strong wind palm!


Then, at the moment when the whirlwind shot upwards, the white-haired young man's figure flashed, and a black shadow fell straight down from the air, but it had already smashed into the ground.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka!"

In an instant, centering on the place where the white-haired young man fell to the ground, a spider web crack covering a radius of 3.5 meters split instantly on the ground.


Then, as if something burst open in the center of the crack, the next moment the crack formed, there was a roar, and smoke, dust and mud splashed out of the crack, and a hollow full of smoke and dust was instantly sunken on the entire ground. pit.


In an instant, a column of smoke and dust shot up into the sky, drowning everything.


At the same time, the impact force of the concave crack hit the air, instantly forming a strong wind that spread around and whizzed away.

In an instant, the rustling of the trees sounded again.

"What... what happened again!"

At the same time, a series of clenched teeth and exclamations from the new ninjas resounded in the open space again with a feeling of stuffiness.

What a terrible power!

At this time, the three owners of Sharingan and Baiyan subconsciously crossed their hands to protect their faces, and an indescribable look of shock flashed across their eyes.

They don't know how many times they have shown this color.

However, what is certain is that this time, the shock on their faces was the same as the previous few times, from the bottom of their hearts.

Since they captured the white-haired youth just now, it started from the chakra situation of the blow just now. ,

Just after the white-haired young man released the wind escape, in his right hand, at the moment after the release, his figure suddenly fell, gathered in his clenched right hand a giant that they could hardly imagine if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes. A large amount of chakra, and this huge amount of chakra, was unexpectedly concentrated to a certain point, and then released suddenly when the fist touched the ground. It almost shattered the ground.

However, the real power doesn't stop there.

In other words, if it was just like this, they would not be shocked again, who had already been shocked several times before, and who were almost getting used to this kind of operation beyond common sense, at most it was just a shock.

Then I deeply felt that the physical strength of this white-haired young man was really very powerful.

At this moment, what shocked them was that the white-haired young man was able to control the range of the chakra explosion to within three to five meters at the moment when the chakra exploded violently, without affecting them.

Otherwise, with the power of this chakra explosion, they are quite good in physical skills, it is very clear that this cliff will probably be shattered directly.

And such concentrated and then exploded chakra, considering its huge amount, can still control a certain range, this is not the category of how terrible the chakra control is.

Although, just concentrating this huge amount of Chakra to one point is already a very scary thing, the control ability of this kind of Chakra is almost at its peak, and even, they don't even know that the control of Chakra can reach to this extent. However, limiting the bursting Chakra to a certain range, or in other words, controlling the bursting range of Chakra, is really unimaginable, incredible, and I can't figure it out no matter how I think about it.

Although Chakra is also controllable after leaving the body, this controllability drops sharply. As the distance increases, this controllability will decay infinitely until it becomes uncontrollable, or Chakra dissipates, or Chakra becomes fixed in a special state, and then disappears according to the situation.

And such a huge amount of chakra, even if it can still be controlled after leaving the body, but the sharp drop in controllability makes it impossible for this kind of chakra that spread out in an "explosive" posture to frame the range .

This is no longer a question beyond common sense, it is simply impossible to do.

If the current situation has to be a metaphor, then almost a thousand detonating talismans exploded at the same time. range.

In the entire ninja world, no one has been able to control the explosion range of the detonating symbol.

Even with the original design of the detonating talisman's power, I dare not say that the explosion range of this detonating talisman is constant.

Although the knowledge of the three people is still very shallow and not so well-informed, they are absolutely sure of this alone.

In the ninja world, there is no way to do this.

It is precisely because of this that they lost their composure again.


And just when they were shocked, the strong wind came and went quickly, and when all the incredible thoughts in their hearts turned, the strong wind also whizzed away. The leaning trees hit by the strong wind once again straightened uprightly.

However, the new ninjas didn't seem to pay attention to the situation of the tree at all, they just stared at the front with wide-eyed eyes.

"Puff puff!"

And at this moment, three holes suddenly opened in the column of smoke and dust in front of which was fading faster because of the strong wind passing by, and three figures suddenly flew out, it was Kakashi, Kurenai Yuhi and Maitekai who has lifted the Eight Gates Dunjia.

"Papa papa!"

Amidst the sound of treading water three times, the three landed lightly.


Afterwards, I heard the sound of water, the water flow like a small river formed by the impact of the four water dragons that descended from the sky just now, but at this moment, it is slowly rushing towards the pit below the faint smoke column. .

"Store the water, you guys try to evaporate the water dry. You should be familiar with this move."

At this time, Kakashi who landed looked at the water flow under his feet, which was already showing a state of swelling, and winked at Kurenai Yuhi and Mitekai.


Kurenai Yuhi and Maitekai nodded at the same time.


And at this moment, the water surface under Maitekai's feet exploded suddenly, and the green chakra airflow burst again. The airflow slowly evaporated, and at the same time, the water flow under Maitekai's feet had already spread to the surrounding crazy waterfalls, forming a crazily surging notch, making Maitekai at this time as if he was stepping on mid-air.


At this time, Yu Hihong shouted loudly, and at the same time made a hand gesture behind her back.


And after this sound, there was a sound of treading water suddenly from the right front of Yuhi Hong, and a figure ran out of an arc on the surface of the water, rushing straight at the smoke and dust that had completely dissipated, revealing a face that was growing taller. The white-haired young man with a dignified expression left.


At this time, Yu Hihong didn't talk nonsense, and went directly towards Chiba. One of the two made a detour, the other rushed straight, and double-teamed away.

Asma and red?

But at this time, looking at the person coming in front, Qianye, who was rising as the water continued to accumulate in the pit, only glanced at the two people who came out of the outflank, and his eyes stayed on opening the eight gates again. Seeing that Maitkai didn't intend to step forward but seemed to be thinking instead, he frowned slightly.

Kay... thinking?

What are they going to do?

And at this time, almost subconsciously, Chiba's eyes fell on Kakashi who was panting slightly again.

Is Kakashi backing up again?


If Kakashi was the backup, why didn't Kai rush up, the only one who is threatening to me now is Kai.

In other words, the only one who can fight me head-on... is Kai.

Maybe I'm a little sorry for Hong and Asma.

However, if the two of them mainly attack, they may not achieve the desired effect.

And in his mind, such a suspicious thought flashed through.

To be honest, he is really looking at Kakashi with admiration now, no matter what, Kakashi really suppressed himself.

Although there were four people on the other side, and four people beat him up, it didn't mean that these four people were not strong, or that they were not strong compared to him.

On the contrary, these four people are very strong.

It can even be said that it completely overturned his impression of the four people.

Whether it's the impression in the original book, or the image of myself facing the two people after coming to this world.

To be honest, in the original book, these four people don’t seem to be very familiar with each other, and they may not even go out on missions together a few times, but now it seems that these four people have definitely done missions together, and they are still the kind of very tricky.

There may not be many missions, but they must have experienced powerful enemies and even dangerous situations together.

Otherwise, just because they are not familiar with these two words, it is impossible for them to cooperate so tacitly.

Even if the number of missions is less, they must have cooperated and have a certain basis for cooperation before they can use their own experience and knowledge to achieve this kind of situation. Although there is no clear tacit understanding as support, they can still pass their own judgment. , playing a perfectly coordinated situation.

Moreover, compared to the original work, it may be because some of these four people did not have too much ink, so they were underestimated by the plot.

However, in this real world, whether it is Kurenai Yuhi or Asma, their actual strength is far stronger than that shown in the original book. ,

At least, I haven't seen him in the past ten years, let alone Asma's body and ninjutsu, the technique of manipulating the tool, and the technique of adding a ninjutsu similar to fire escape to the technique of manipulating the tool, almost sealed the deal fought.

Obviously, Asma's combat effectiveness is slowly approaching the almighty type, and it is not even a little bit stronger than in the original book.

Secondly, for Kurenai Yuhi, apart from illusion, there are also various attack methods. Physical skills have not been shown, and Chiba is not easy to judge, but the combined ninjutsu with Asma and the wind escape that blows away the water vapor just now , it can be seen that Kureni Yuhi possesses quite strong wind escape ninjutsu strength, and the single attack method shown in the original book is completely two people.

Needless to say, the combat power is also natural. With ninjutsu and illusion in hand, it is already almighty beyond most ninjas.

At the same time, Chiba can also feel that Kureni Yuhi is also controlling the overall situation quite well, maybe she is still a very good tactical ninja.

And Maitekai in front of him, in fact, in Chiba's eyes, has almost become stronger as if reborn.

As for the reason or proof, that is, during the battle, Maitekai actually began to think carefully.

Instead of fighting completely by instinct and a little bit of instinct.

For Chiba, Kai, who can do this, is no longer a star.

In the end, it was the one that surprised Qianye the most this time.

In other words, the most surprising, the most shocking, the most shocking.

That is, Kakashi where his eyes are now!

It can be said that Kakashi at this moment is almost two people compared with ten years ago!

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