Chapter 2483 Gap


Is it possible?

Amidst the muffled sound, Kakashi flew back behind his body after feeling the touch from his feet, and the face of the silver-moon black-robed man who kicked sideways in the air changed slightly under the hood, revealing a bitter smile. suddenly appeared.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something.

Think of something important.

According to Kakashi's habit, this is...

Doppelganger to lure the enemy!

But at this time, he already understood in his heart.


And at this moment, at the moment when the thought in his mind was fleeting, a bolt of thunder quietly flashed behind him.

"Squeak squeak!"

Afterwards, a noisy sound like the chirping of thousands of birds rang in his right ear.

Suddenly, following the chirping of thousands of birds, the darkness behind him also suddenly darkened.

Together, a figure holding a thunderbolt quietly flashed behind him, but the thunderbolt in that hand had already stabbed directly towards the back of his head.


And at this moment, Kakashi, whose head was tilted and neck protruding, who was about to be kicked away by the man in silver moon black robe in front of him, who had been hit by his side kick, turned into a humanoid thunderbolt , Amidst a crisp sound, the electric light exploded, but it enveloped him completely, and a tingling numbness appeared in every part of his body in an instant.

"Crack clap clap!"

Then, under the black robe, pieces of scorched black scale-like fragments crackled and fell on the ground, smashed into pieces, and dissipated in the air.

Sure enough, the rock hardening technique is ready!

And at this time, behind the man in the black robe of Yinyue, a figure holding a thunder light suddenly flashed, and a bright red light suddenly burst out from the eyes of the bright red three-god jade in the left eye. On the mouth, his left hand has quietly formed a seal.

"Chi Chi!"


But at this time, among the thunder that exploded and entangled the man in the black robe of Yinyue, the two thunders screamed sharply, breaking through the air, turning into lightning arrows and rushing straight to the ground in front and to the right go.


Then, there were two soft sounds of earth breaking, grabbing the hands of Asma and Hong, and slowly turning into two balls of mud and melting into the ground.

so close!

Asma and Yuhihong looked at the scorched mud hole pierced by the thunder arrow on the ground in front of them, and quietly breathed a sigh of relief.


And at this moment, in the midair in front of them, there was a sound of clothes being torn.

I saw a flash of lightning, like a sharp blade, like a flash of thunder, cutting across the back of the head of the man in silver moon black robe kicked from the side of the volley, leaving a thin line of lightning, which slowly dissipated.

At the same time, a black-robed figure fell from mid-air, and with a "poof", it fell to the ground like a rag.


Afterwards, another figure drew a few tails of thunder and flames in the air, fell from mid-air, landed lightly, and stood beside the black-robed figure.

"Good... so amazing!"

And at this time, watching his teacher land in mid-air, such a sound came from the observation area of ​​the seventh class.

I saw that Naruto Uzumaki blinked his eyes, and looked at his teacher who landed in front of him, with an "amazing" look on his face.

Obviously, he was surprised by the series of offenses and defenses just now.

"Naruto, do you see clearly?"

But at this time, Haruno Sakura, who stared wide-eyed and looked ahead, seemed not to miss a detail, heard this sentence, immediately turned her head to look at Uzumaki Naruto, and asked quite urgently.

To be honest, she hardly saw what happened just now.

too fast.

Everything happened so fast.

Everything just now, all kinds of turning points, happened too fast.

She basically couldn't see the original taijutsu battle clearly. As the teachers of the ninja, and the strongest Chiba, their taijutsu strength was beyond her cognition. Her dynamic vision is only able to keep up half the time.

But now, after adding some ninjutsu and tactical changes, the feeling of changing rapidly made her basically unable to see clearly.

Just now, after Teacher Asma puzzled her, she only knew that Teacher Asma's physical attack was just a feint.

Then, she didn't know much about it after that. Although she also saw some progress, but because of the fast turning point, whenever she felt that a certain side was about to win, that side suddenly fell into a disadvantage. After one side enters a disadvantage, it is bound to lose, but there is another reversal, as if that side is now in an advantage again.

I can't understand this battle at all.

Therefore, she would ask so eagerly.


And when he heard the question from his sweetheart, Uzumaki Naruto's face turned red instantly, and the "so powerful" expression on his face froze instantly.

A particularly embarrassing feeling emerged from his posture in an instant.

To be honest, although he yelled, it was just a yell. As for what he saw, or what was so great about it, he actually didn't know.

That's right, Naruto Uzumaki at this moment, like Haruno Sakura, didn't see much clearly, but simply felt that he couldn't keep up at all, this battle was so fierce.

If he wanted to say what was great about it, he couldn't say it.

"This... that... that's... um... that's... very powerful, you see, whether it's Teacher Asma, Teacher Hong, Teacher Kakashi, or the one named Chiba, they are all very powerful Well, they are all jounin after all."

However, even though he couldn't tell why, Uzumaki Naruto naturally didn't want to lose face in front of his sweetheart, so he said right now.

"It always feels didn't say anything."

However, even though he has racked his brains and exerted a certain amount of quick wit to redeem or cover up his ignorance of the situation, he has not been recognized by his sweetheart. On the contrary, Haruno Sakura has begun to look subtle in his expression Get up and already know something.

"Sasuke, do you see clearly?"

After knowing what, Haruno Sakura decisively looked at Sasuke Uchiha on the other side, and her voice became much gentler in an instant.

In an instant, Naruto Uzumaki, who saw and heard this scene, suddenly stopped.

As for Haruno Sakura's question, Uchiha Sasuke didn't respond, but frowned his Sharingan, staring at Kakashi, Kurenu Yuhi and Asuma Sarutobi in front of him.

For Sharingan, everything just now, although it is changing rapidly, the offensive and defensive transitions are extremely fast, and the strengths and weaknesses change extremely quickly, but they can still be seen clearly.

And with Uchiha Sasuke's talent, he can also keep up with the changes in offense and defense and the transformation of strengths and weaknesses just now, and he can still understand what happened just now.

It can be said that at this time Uchiha Sasuke's heart is already overwhelmed, so that now he has no way to pay attention to his two teammates.

And from what he saw just now, for Asma's side, it told them what is called perfect cooperation.

After the detonating talisman exploded just now, although he didn't want to admit it, the cooperation of Asuma Sarutobi, Kureni Yuhi and Kakashi was perfect.

Even, their cooperation was a bit unbelievable for him.

Through this period of getting along, Uchiha Sasuke knew that Sarutobi Asma, Yuhihong and his teacher Hatake Kakashi were not close teammates, and they did not often perform tasks together. It can be said that in In the column of tacit understanding, there is basically no training process.

However, the series of cooperation of the three of them just now has achieved a level of perfection that even he, Naruto and Sakura can hardly achieve.

What made him even more puzzled was that the cooperation just now had no plan at all, and was directly coordinated by the situation.

In other words, the three of them formed a tacit cooperation just now based on the information they obtained, and then according to their own wishes and ideas.

Moreover, this kind of cooperation actually succeeded in driving that Yinyue black-robed man named Qianye into a desperate situation.

It's just that it was countered because of some kind of manipulation by the man in the silver moon black robe.

This is a question for you to report. It does not mean that their cooperation is invalid. On the contrary, their cooperation is quite effective.

That is to say, the three of them casually carried out a cooperation that other people may need more than ten or decades of tacit training to make.

Uchiha Sasuke firmly believed that he was not mistaken.

I just started with Asmana's obviously abnormal physical attack, I'm afraid Kakashi on his side has already prepared it, although I don't know what Kakashi was thinking, or Kakashi at the time saw that What, after the detonating talisman exploded, Asma Sarutobi threw the chakra knife in his hand when he pulled back, and this blow, although through the smoke screen, the strength displayed by the man in the silver moon black robe, naturally It is easy to escape.

In fact, also escaped.

However, this seemed to be a subconscious additional attack, but it was actually a signal for their cooperation. At that time, when the Chakra Knife was thrown, Kakashi in front of him jumped out instantly, and was hiding behind the Chakra Knife. When it passed, he reached the appropriate position in an instant, or in other words, he kicked the chakra knife back at the predicted position, forming a second attack.

But at this time, Kakashi separated out his clone and let the clone attack, and the main body directly used the earth escape technique to hide under the ground, waiting for an opportunity to move.

At this moment, Kakashi's avatar attracted the attention of the man in the black robe of Silver Moon, which gave Kureni Yuhi time to perform the illusion.

But Kakashi's move had two intentions.

Considering the two outcomes of the situation at that time, it was undoubtedly extremely wise for Kakashi to do so, even beyond Uchiha Sasuke's thinking.

This move is actually the most perfect part of all the cooperation among the three.

At that time, the attention of the man in the silver moon black robe had already been attracted by him. One result was that Xi Rihong successfully used the illusion to control the man in the black robe of the silver moon. When the man in the black robe of the silver moon, it became the final blow to defeat the man in the black robe of the silver moon.

It's an attack that kills two birds with one stone.

And if it is said that the man in the silver moon black robe still saw through their plot when his attention was completely attracted, and the illusion couldn't control the man in the silver moon black robe, then this blow, besides luring the enemy, It became a hindrance, making it impossible for the man in the black robe of Yinyue to deal with Yu Hihong, a ninja who can use illusion to make the battle final.

This blow can be used as a delaying tactic for Xi Rihong to try to escape the attack of the Yinyue black-robed man, or a tactic for besieging Wei and saving Zhao.

Even, ideally, this blow may become an opportunity for Yuhihong to perform a second illusion after the first illusion failed.

This can also be said to be an attack that kills two birds with one stone or even kills three birds with one stone.

As a matter of fact, the Yinyue black-robed man was quite afraid of this attack, and it could be said to be quite successful.

To be honest, without looking at Asuma Sarutobi and Kurenai Yuhi, just Kakashi's attack that connected the past and the future shocked Uchiha Sasuke.

Not to mention Kakashi's long-term tactical vision represented by the Thunder Dun clone in the back. Originally Uchiha Sasuke thought that the clone was only used to lure the enemy, and in addition the above-mentioned two kill two birds with one stone or even kill three birds with one stone.

However, he didn't expect that there would be a fourth achievement, that is, the Thunder Dun clone shown just now could control the Yinyue black-robed man. Create opportunities for the final blow.

It can be said that he didn't waste even the avatar itself to lure the enemy, and he also considered the situation from multiple angles and multiple results, and formulated the most effective tactics.

Although he is under the light of genius, if he were in the same position as Kakashi, he would not be able to make such a wonderful judgment, nor would he be able to grasp such a perfect timing. the absolute difference between.

At the same time, it also made him understand that this is the fighting consciousness of jounin and even elite jounin.

He is still far away.

It's far, far worse.

Whether it is strength, experience, or strength, he is far behind.

In addition to the tacit understanding of the three of them that he couldn't understand, and Kakashi's exquisite blow, what made Uchiha Sasuke frown and speechless at this time was the man in the silver moon black robe.


It should be said that the one who made Uchiha Sasuke even more frowning and speechless was this man in silver moon black robe!

To be honest, compared to the perfect cooperation of the three without warning, the reaction of the Yinyue black-robed man can be said to have basically no bright spots.

What I did was also very simple to dodge the chakra knife twice, plus let Yuhihong's illusion fail, choose to avoid the attack of Kakashi's clone, and use the dodging ninjutsu to perform a feint attack, and effectively defeated Kakashi avatar.

Although these are quite powerful when taken out, but just looking at them, there is still a certain gap with the cooperation of the three of them.

It can only be said to be quite satisfactory.

However, Uchiha Sasuke will not ignore one thing.

That is……

This Yinyue black-robed man is facing three experienced and even elite ninjas who have played a perfect match. They can deal with ordinary ninjas against opponents of this level, and all the responses All work!

This is enough to describe it as terrible!

And what's even more frightening is...

Sasuke Uchiha, I don't know how to analyze the actions of this man in silver moon black robe!

In other words, for some reason, Sasuke Uchiha could see every move of this silver-moon black-robed man very clearly, but, just...

Can't see through!

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