Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2462 Problem

Sure enough... this guy is really calculating.

He just knew that a few years later, that is, in the current Zhongnin exam, I would definitely have feelings for Caoyin Village, and he knew that I would definitely not implement the plan without considering Caoyin Village.

In this case, he doesn't have to worry that I will use Caoyin Village to complete this task. Instead, he will try his best to ensure the interests of Caoyin Village as much as possible while completing the plan.

That is, to protect the interests of the Haneda clan that he cherishes.

At least, they won't be left alone.

Then, he himself is using his power to give Caoyin Village the maximum benefit of Konoha's new ally policy.

In this way, even if he implements the final plan, everyone in Caoyin Village will have the backing to fight or protect themselves.

It will not be in a situation where there is no ability to resist and can only be exploited by mermaids in the inevitable war.

Good idea!

Every step is actually within his calculations.

Looking at the man in the black robe of Yinyue who was silent and tacit, Haneda Kazuyo knew it already.

Since arriving in Caoyin Village, apart from financial affairs, in the eyes of other Caoyin Villagers, his greatest hobby is collecting intelligence, and the collected information sometimes becomes the key information for some important tasks.

Therefore, people in Caoyin Village sometimes like to collect information for him, or open the back door for him to collect information.

During this period of time, for so many years, Haneda Yiye has actually collected a lot of information, and even, because he knows for certain that the man in the silver moon black robe in front of him is still alive, he still has a lot of information about this that even Daren Village does not have. Information about the people in the silver moon black robe.

As for why he wanted to collect information, firstly, it was naturally because of the plan he had made at the beginning, and secondly, Haneda Kazuyo didn't really trust the man in the silver moon black robe in front of him.

Of course, Haneda Kazuyo had a lot of trust in this silver-moon black-robed man at the beginning, after all, he was the one who gave him a home, and everything about him was taught by this silver-moon black-robed man, so he could be regarded as a mentor .

Although he didn't say anything, Haneda Kazuyo never regarded the man in silver moon black robe as an enemy or a threat in his heart.

However, he who had just arrived in Caoyin Village at that time, after gaining the trust of his superiors and subordinates, began to prepare for the current plan for the Zhongnin Exam, that is, to collect information, and with the collection of information, as well as some regular With the occasional contact with this Yinyue black-robed man, he gradually discovered that his own Chunin test plan seemed to be just a small part.

There is also a huge plan, which is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Moreover, as time went on, his feeling became more and more intense. At the same time, at this time, the regular contact with the silver-moon black-robed man began to decrease.

He also finally confirmed that this huge plan was being arranged by the silver-moon black-robed man in front of him.

Since then, his eccentricity of collecting information has gradually begun to spread in Caoyin Village, and some key information has gradually flowed out of his hands and passed on to the current ninjas who are performing tasks in private.

Gradually, the channels for him to obtain information began to increase.

And with more and more information, he also felt more terrifying, and felt that the man in the black robe of Yinyue in front of him was terrifying.

Although there were only some bits and pieces of information, there was a feeling of suffocating him at the first glance.

The terrifying feeling as if covering the entire ninja world with one hand almost made him lose sleep.

Although in fact he slept quite well in those days, the feeling and pressure were deeply engraved in his memory. He couldn't trust the man in black anymore.

At the same time, he is becoming more and more active in collecting intelligence. No matter how big or small, whether it has something to do with his plan or the people in the silver moon black robe, he is actively collecting and absorbing useful parts of the intelligence.

Although Caoyin Village's collection capabilities are limited, Sheng has a secret consciousness in the entire Caoyin Village, that if he integrates the information with that idiot Yiye, he will be able to obtain key information related to the mission.

Therefore, the information he collects is very wide, coupled with his excellent analytical ability, he still has a very intuitive understanding of the overall situation of the ninja world.

And with the deepening and comprehensive understanding of the overall situation of the ninja world, especially the dark side of the ninja world, he gradually discovered a terrible fact.

Or rather, an inevitable fact driven by two behemoths.

In the ninja world, in the near future, there will inevitably be a big war.


It is more intense than the previous three ninja world wars!

And the current Zhongnin test plan he is implementing is just a part of it.

At the same time, he also understood that all his actions were actually a part of the huge plan of the man in the silver moon black robe.

And this Yinyue black-robed man is one of those two giant hands.

"Really...do you think so?"

At this time, while Haneda Yiye's mood was turning, the man in the black robe of Yinyue said with a slight sigh.

"Is not it?"

Facing the words of the man in the black robe of Yinyue, Haneda Kazuyo asked a rhetorical question.

"Indeed, you can't say no."

Regarding this, the man in the black robe of Yinyue also said straightforwardly.

To be honest, for the man in the black robe of Yinyue, he actually knew that Haneda Kazuyo would definitely think of this level.

At this time, Haneda Yiye's words clearly explained what this Haneda Yiye had dug up.

Moreover, it is already known that the Chunin test plan is just a part of his overall layout.

The people in Yinyue Heipao also know Haneda Yiye's "hobby" of collecting information, and the entire Caoyin Village is collecting information for him. It is also a matter of time before Haneda Yiye realizes the whole big plan.

For Haneda Ichiyo's talent, I'm afraid no one knows better than Yinyue Heipao.

It was precisely because he knew about Haneda Ichiyo's talent that the man in the black robe of Yinyue didn't show even the slightest bit of surprise at this time.

As for arranging Haneda Yiye in Caoyin Village, whether there are considerations other than the Chunin Exam Exam Plan.

That must be there.

In addition to using a person with outstanding talent who can arouse the suspicion of people like He Yin in the senior management of Caoyin Village without being discovered, the choice of Haneda Yiye is indeed because Haneda Yiye will treat Cao Cao in so many years. Hidden village or the Haneda clan have feelings, and they will naturally protect Caoyin village or the Haneda clan.

Guaranteed that in the Chunin test plan, it will not affect the impression of Caoyin Village in Muye Village.

And in this way, it can also provide a guarantee for him to find a backer like Konoha for Caoyin Village.

So as to achieve the purpose of protecting the Haneda clan and Caoyin Village.

It can also make him one less worry about the future.

After all, the Haneda family is not as simple as a ruling family in Xiaonin Village to him.

"Then, let me ask you, since the Haneda Clan is a very special and important existence to you, why did you set the entrance of the Chunin Exam Plan in Caoyin Village, the Chunin Exam Plan, accidentally, It is very likely that Caoyin Village will become Konoha’s enemy, even if it does not become Konoha’s enemy, it will become the enemy of other Dairen villages. With your energy, you should not choose Caoyin Village, choose Haneda Clan, as long as You think, there are many Ninja villages who cooperate with you."

Hearing the words of the man in the silver moon black robe, which was almost a disguised acknowledgment, Haneda Kazuyo asked.

"I can only trust Caoyin Village."

To this, the Yinyue black-robed man answered simply and straightforwardly.


Hearing this, Haneda Ichiyo frowned, but expressed doubts in his mouth.

Is it the other hand?

However, although he expressed doubts in his mouth, there was no doubt in his heart, on the contrary, he reacted very quickly.

What the Yinyue black-robed man said was well-founded, he could only trust Caoyin Village and the like.

And the reason is also very simple, that is, Haneda Ichiyo has already noticed before that there are two hands that promote this battle, and the man in the silver moon black robe is only one of them, and this other hand, since it can fight against Yinyue Hei If the robed people are pushing this battle together, they must be people who are evenly matched with the Yinyue black robe, and evenly matched, it means that even the silver moon black robe has nothing to do with him.

When the person in the silver moon black robe said this, it is basically certain that the other hand is likely to have a deep influence on other ninja villages, so that the person in the silver moon black robe can only choose Caoyin Village.

As for this influence, it may be control, it may be lurking spies, making this ninja village unstable, or it may be the deployment of nails related to destroying the plan of the Yinyue black robe, etc. Besides, the people in the black robe of Yinyue had no choice but to succeed in their plan.

So, then, everything makes sense.

Why did this guy choose to act in secret? Even though he has already mastered the power of Konoha, he still wants to manipulate everything in secret.

It was because the other hand restrained him.

Of course, he also restricted the other hand.

And at this time, Haneda Kazuyo, who had figured this out, suddenly realized in his heart. Finally, he trusted the words of the man in silver moon and black robe.

At the same time, the oppressive feeling that had been lingering in his heart after learning about the big plan finally faded a lot.

After all, this oppressive feeling stems from those two huge hands. Now, knowing that the two huge hands are opponents, evenly matched opponents, and restraining each other, to some extent, he has a sense of security.

"Then, let's trust you."

Afterwards, after figuring it out, Haneda Kazuyo didn't talk nonsense, so he said.


For this, the silver moon black robe expressed his gratitude.

Haneda Yiye's words obviously told him that as Haneda Yiye, he would still help himself.

And Haneda Yiye is after all an important seed he planted, and now it has taken root and sprouted, and even has become a green leaf. If the other party really can't figure it out at this time, he will still feel quite a pity , some things, in fact, he does not want to do.

"What do you estimate, when will it be? How long do I have?"

Regarding this, Haneda Ichiyo frowned, and after thinking for a while, said so.

In the words, his face became more solemn than ever, obviously he was asking a very important and crucial matter.

When will it be?

Regarding this, the man in the black robe of Yinyue was taken aback for a moment, obviously he didn't understand what Haneda Kazuyo was asking for a moment.

"You mean?"

However, he immediately reacted, and asked with some surprise in his mouth.

Obviously, it was to confirm whether what Haneda Ichiyo asked was consistent with what he thought.


Regarding this, Haneda Yiye obviously understood what the Yinyue black-robed man was thinking, and said affirmatively.

Have you noticed it already?

I always feel a sense of being surprised, and I seem to be able to understand the feelings of some people.

However, this is also a matter of course. After collecting so much information, with his ability, it is not too shocking to deduce it.

And hearing this affirmative answer, the man in the black robe of Yinyue was slightly taken aback, surprised in his heart.

"Best result, three years later."

Then, suddenly, the man in the black robe of Yinyue spoke seriously.

"Three years?"

And hearing this sentence, Haneda Ichiyo was obviously taken aback, and muttered in his mouth: "Then this is too..."

While talking to himself, his complexion was already shrouded in an unprecedented haze.


But the man in the black robe of Yinyue looked at Haneda Yiye, but didn't say much, as if he didn't want to disturb his thoughts, he simply nodded his head in affirmation.

"You said that the best result is three years, so, in other words, it may be two years, one year?"

Regarding this, Haneda Ichiyo suddenly raised his head, and said almost questioningly.

"That's right."

Hearing this, the man in the black robe of Yinyue nodded his head in affirmation, but still didn't say much.

"That's why you encouraged Konoha to form an alliance with Caoyin Village so quickly, firstly to protect Caoyin Village, and secondly, because of Konoha?"

Regarding this, Haneda Kazuyo said quite hastily again.


Hearing this, the man in the black robe of Yinyue once again expressed his affirmation.

"This matter, actually... got out of control?"

But upon hearing this sentence, Haneda Kazuyo didn't ask anything eagerly, but after thinking for a long time, he opened his mouth.

In the words and doubts, there was an inexplicable hope that he could get a negative answer.


However, this matter did not go as he wished after all, and the answer from the man in the silver moon black robe was not the negative answer he wanted.

But a kind of euphemistic affirmation.


And hearing this sentence, Haneda Kazuyo didn't feel any excitement about not getting the answer he wanted, at least he didn't show any excitement about not getting the answer he wanted, and just sighed.

"It seems that there is no way, so, the last question."

And, with a sigh, he quickly accepted the truth.

"you say."

Regarding this, the words of the man in the black robe of Yinyue were still very concise.

"Have you tampered with my memory?"

Then, the next second, after these concise words, was Haneda Kazuyo's words that made the black-robed man in Yinyue freeze on the spot.

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