Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2451 Problem


Looking at the serious Ebisu who was frowning in front of him, Jiraiya was also slightly taken aback, with a look of astonishment on his face.

"Is...is he really alive?"

Seeing Jiraiya's astonishment, Ebisu, who had already left from the wall railing and walked in front of Jiraiya, couldn't help asking again.

Obviously, this question is very important to him.

In other words, he is really eager to know the answer to this question now.


It has already spread, and it seems that Mr. Sarutobi has made it public.

Now, for Ebisu, I have accepted that Chiba has been dead for so many years, and now I suddenly say that in fact, more than ten years have been fake, Chiba is still alive, and has returned to the village, and has the permission of Hokage, basically It is a bit unacceptable to be able to exercise the power of Temporary Hokage.

Or rather, unbelievable!

After all, this has been concealed for more than ten years, and it still deceived the entire ninja world.

And at this time, upon hearing Ebisu's urgent question, Jiraiya also understood in his heart.

To be honest, he was quite surprised when he received the news.

Strictly speaking, his teacher kept this matter from himself, and when he received it, his reaction was actually similar to Ebisu's.

However, after all, he has been collecting information outside, and what he has seen is much broader than Ebisu's.

Various ninja villages, various dark forces, and various sensitive information, combined together, especially the reactions of each ninja village and various dark forces to certain things, made him quite doubtful whether Chiba was dead.

During the Nine-Tails Rebellion, after all, he was in the enemy camp to gather useful information for the village, especially the situation in Yunyin Village at that time. When he came back, all he saw was the word Taki Chiba on the hero tablet.

In the case of not seeing the corpse, no, maybe it was because Chiba had created too many miracles, even if he saw the corpse, he didn't think Chiba would die so easily.

It is precisely because of this that every time he goes to perform an intelligence mission, or freely collects information for the village, or draws materials for his own novels, he can't help but inquire about any clues related to Chiba.

However, although there were some speculative things, after all, he did not find any direct or indirect evidence that Qianye was still alive.

The only thing they know is that the entire ninja world is looking for information that Uchiha Nobuhiko and the illusory Taki Chiba are still alive.

The entire ninja world, in secret, dared not act rashly because of these two people, fearful and fearful.

However, after all, it was because no effective information was collected. At that time, he finally gave up the idea that Chiba was still alive.

It wasn't until Yun Yin suddenly and secretly sent back the body of Hyuga Hinata, and signed a contract with the village from a low-profile angle, that he once again had the idea that Chiba was still alive.

From that time on, he began to collect information about Qianye intermittently. Although he still did not find any substantive information in the end, he still had doubts about Qianye's death.

And have been skeptical.

After all, the matter of Yun Yin was too strange. At that time, he had already received the news that Konoha had handed over the body of Hinata Hinata, so he bowed his head to ask Yun Yin for peace. My teacher has no objection to this choice, but is a little sad.

Every war, every political game, behind it, is always filled with the blood of innocent people.

It is also full of injustice that affects the fish in the pond.

However, the one who made this kind of decision was the old man who always wanted everyone to be well, always wanted to protect everyone, and in the end he always gave the most cruel and cruel order to sacrifice the innocent. .

He is grieving for his teacher.

The death of Hinata Risai may bring peace, or the rebirth of Konoha's nirvana, but for the family of Hinata Risai, this is undoubtedly the greatest injustice in the world, and the most resentful thing in the world.

This matter was obviously the person from Yunyin who was killed by others, and it obviously had nothing to do with them. That night, maybe Hinata and Nissai just stayed at home, just slept, and maybe had a happy meal with his family. But the next day, he had to make a sacrifice, at the cost of his own life, for peace, for respite.

Perhaps, for himself, he felt that his death was a well-deserved one.

However, for his family, what kind of pain, what kind of resentment?

For the village, it is necessary to die day by day.

But what about loved ones who are on a daily basis?

For those who care about, for those who love the daily difference?

For another example, Chiba's father, Maya, obviously died for Konoha and his friends. He is Konoha's hero and the Hyuga clan's hero, and he deserves everyone's respect and love.

However, he is obviously such a passionate and manly existence, but in the end he can only protect his close friend by using the name of a traitor and implicating his wife and children.

What a helpless and sad thing this is.

And those who made these decisions, those who sacrificed Hinata and Nichiza, and those who caused Taki Maha to bear the infamy, were all his own teachers, precisely the one who least wanted to see such a situation and struggled all his life to avoid this kind of injustice and helplessness people.

What kind of irony is this?

How sad is it?

However, even as Hokage, leading the strongest village in the ninja world, as the leader of the strongest force, what his teacher can do is to constantly compromise, constantly compromise, sacrifice a small part , in exchange for most.

Because, this is the darkness and cruelty of the ninja world!

What's even more ironic is that even Yunyin Village, which imposes this darkness and cruelty on Konoha, is only trying to survive under this darkness and cruelty.

Even the perpetrator is, in the final analysis, a victim.

In this unchangeable dark and cruel environment of the ninja world, everyone and every force is just lingering on their last legs.

And just when he was sad and began to decide to temporarily put down some tasks and take a break because of sentimentality, only one day later, another piece of information was delivered to him.

Yun Yin negotiated a peace.

In addition, Hinata Hinzai's body was secretly returned.

The condition is that everything is kept absolutely confidential.

Jiraiya still remembers the dazed and unbelievable look at that time. This is almost, no, completely impossible.

Yun Yin has already taken the absolute initiative, why would he negotiate a peace with the passive side instead.

Although it is the best thing that the third Ninja World War ended because of this.

However, after all, neither Konoha nor Yun Yin disclosed any information, even if he is at the intelligence level of Konoha, all he can know is that there is such a thing, and the result of such a thing is like this, But I don't know any details about it.

And in this case, he naturally thought of Chiba.

I am afraid that only Chiba can do this kind of thing.

Only Qianye can make Yun Yin, who is impossible to negotiate peace with a low profile, and Yun Yin, who is impossible to return the body, negotiate peace with a low profile, and send back the body.

At that time, the idea that he was already convinced that Qianye was dead collapsed in an instant, and he began to feel that Qianye was still alive, and he spent a considerable amount of time to investigate this matter.

Although nothing was found out in the end, the suspicion still remained in my heart.

And because of this suspicion, after he got the news that Chiba was still alive, after all, he felt more of "it is true" rather than unbelievable, and even because it was too unbelievable, people like the current Ebisu couldn't believe it. own emotions.

"Well, the fact that Chiba is still alive is absolutely reliable information, and it is absolutely correct information that Chiba can exercise the power to act as an agent of Hokage. Don't worry, Chiba..."

And thinking of this, Zilai didn't want to be fooled, and after showing a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, he said with absolute certainty:

"……came back!"


Hearing Jiraiya's affirmative words, Ebisu subconsciously said as if she thought she heard it wrong.

"The real deal."

To this, Jiraiya nodded in the affirmative again.

"Really... you're back, you're not dead!"

But hearing this sentence, Ebisu seemed to let go of a big rock in his heart, heaved a long breath, and even shook his body, as if he was a little unsteady because of the sudden relief.

The mouth is full of joy.

That's great!

Chiba is not dead, great!

It's great that Chiba is back to direct!

Really good!

With Chiba here, Konoha will be fine!

No one dared to act presumptuously in Muye Village, where Chiba sits!

In the village, the recent tense atmosphere should also be relieved! This Chunin exam should not be as peaceful as it appears on the surface.

There must be something wrong...

Otherwise, Chiba would not be allowed to exercise the power of acting as Naruto...

During this time, Chiba should have become stronger!

I shouldn't be able to compare with him at all.


Ebisu, what are you thinking, Chiba is a ninja who became a real S-rank ninja in his teens, how do you compare with him?

Moreover, the talent of Hokage is not on the same level, okay...

However, it doesn't matter anymore, the most important thing now is the affairs of the village...


It doesn't matter what happened in the village, as long as Chiba is still alive!

It's good to be alive!

Everything is fine!

As long as Chiba is still alive!

But at this time, his heart was in chaos, and his thinking was almost a little disordered due to ecstasy and excitement.

Even, in the turn of this series of thoughts, his eyes were already red.

"Thank you, Jiraiya-sama, with you and Chiba here, there will be no problem, and no one can shake Konoha."

At the same time, what he followed was a ninety-degree bow, which came out of his mouth.

"Then, I'll take my leave first."

Then, without waiting for Zilai to say anything, he turned around in a hurry and left the rooftop not long after.


For Ebisu, Chiba is not only a reassurance, but also a friend for many years!

Seeing Ebisu leaving in a hurry, Jiraiya smiled slightly, and such a thought flashed in his mind.

Obviously, Ebisu was excited and ecstatic, because he couldn't help being surprised by the news that Chiba was still alive.

It is from the heart that I am ecstatic and happy because of Chiba's survival.

And this should be the emotion that the group of people who grew up with Qianye should have.

After all, apart from the identity of Konoha's patron saint, Qianye is, in their eyes, a living partner who grew up together.

He is also a back-to-back comrade who has fought side by side.

Emotionally, it is stronger.


Here, with Chiba here, it's all right.

As for Ebisu's last words, Jiraiya still held a relatively conservative attitude, at least, he didn't really want to stay here.

I don't even want to face that person.

The one who already had definite news and is now in Konoha.

The man named Orochimaru!

This matter, let Chiba do it.

And with this thought, such a decision was made in his heart.

After all, no matter how much he has experienced, Orochimaru has always been his heart disease, and it is also one of the reasons why he does not want to appear on the bright side again.

It is the darkness and cruelty imposed on him by this ninja world.

At the beginning, he did not recover Orochimaru.

Now, he doesn't know if he can attack Orochimaru.

Although I know that Orochimaru is unforgivable, it is an enemy, it is my enemy, but after all, this enemy has been together day and night for decades, fought side by side countless times, relied on each other, licked each other's wounds, and can no longer be regarded as a simple partner and best friend exist.

The relationship between them is already similar to that of family affection.

He has long regarded Dashewan as a brother, a sibling.

Even if he has defected, even if he has become an enemy, but after so many years of feelings, can he really destroy Orochimaru as an enemy?

In fact, he is no longer a qualified candidate to deal with Orochimaru.

Regarding Orochimaru, he must have a lot of personal affairs that cannot be separated.

He cannot participate in this matter.


It seems that there is no fighting spirit involved.

Now that Qianye has returned, it is naturally best to leave this matter to Qianye.

He could only choose to let Chiba handle this matter.

Therefore, for Ebisu's words, the words that he and Chiba are at ease, I still feel that I deserve it.


Then, after thinking of this, Jiraiya turned his head and looked at the blond boy who was already soundly asleep. A complicated look slowly appeared on his face.

"The man who should not have known everything and the son of the prophecy... two prophecies that coexist...what is going on? What is the meaning of the destruction of the former and the salvation of the latter?

Could it be that the prophecy of the Great Toad Immortal would also be wrong?

Otherwise, how could there be such contradictory prophecies? "

Afterwards, he looked at the carefree young man who was sleeping soundly, and slowly murmured in his mouth.

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