Chapter 2444 Ginger


Listening to Haneda Ichiyo's words in front of him, looking at the serious face without a trace of joking, Haneda Yuzawa's face showed a bit of stiffness, and he blurted out.

"What's going on? Are there any language traps in these documents?"

At this time, the voices of harmony sounded one after another.

For harmony, the first thing that comes to mind is that there are problems with the files themselves.

"No! There is nothing wrong with these files, they are all normal. Konoha didn't play any word games. If he played word games, Yuze must be able to see it. Konoha is not so stupid."

But the answer they got was negative. At this time, Haneda Ichiyo shook his head, pushed the document back to Haneda Yuzawa, and said so.

"Then what?"

Looking at the document pushed in front of him, Haneda Yuzawa frowned, the stiff look of surprise on his face disappeared, and turned into a dignified look, and asked in his mouth.

"If there is no problem with the document itself, what trap can Konoha set up?"

To this, Haneda Kazuon also spoke.

"Don't worry, there is nothing wrong with these documents, and they are all beneficial to the development of Caoyin Village. In three to five years, Caoyin Village will definitely achieve a prosperity that has never been achieved in history. The problem lies in these documents behind the scenes."

Hearing this, Ichiyo Haneda didn't make any jokes or talk nonsense, and said it straightforwardly.

"The influence behind it..."

But upon hearing this sentence, Haneda Yuzawa and Haneda Kazuo looked at each other, but they both frowned and fell into thinking.

To be honest, they have read these documents carefully. It seems that they glanced at them hastily, but in this glance, based on their experience, they have already seen through the essence of these documents.

As Haneda Kazuyo said, there is nothing wrong with these documents, and Konoha wrote it very clearly. There is no literal trap, and it is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Caoyin Village to push Caoyin Village into a comprehensive cooperation beyond the most prosperous moment in history.

They can't think of anything against them.

"It's Konoha, will you use the additional influence of these files?"

After this thought, the two looked at Haneda Kazuyo at the same time.


In this regard, Haneda Kazuyo nodded. After all, Heyin and Yuze controlled the existence of Caoyin Village. In terms of qualifications, they were actually much higher than the third Somi. They already understood a little with just a few words. up.

"The additional effects of these documents..."

After getting an affirmative answer, Haneda Yuzawa and Haneda Kazuo looked at each other, with a hint of suspicion flashing in their eyes.

It seemed that he had thought of something, but he couldn't be sure.

"That's right, just as you think, these documents are used to tie Caoyin Village, as long as these documents are there, Caoyin Village has no other choice except Konoha."

In this regard, Haneda Kazuyo nodded, and said so without waiting for the two to say anything.


Hearing this, Haneda Kazuo let out a long breath after hearing the answer they had expected, and slowly leaned back on the backrest.

" really old and spicy!"

At this time, Haneda Yuzawa also showed a wry smile at the corner of his mouth, and said with emotion.

At this time, they have fully understood what Haneda Yiye meant.

There is indeed nothing wrong with this matter and these documents, but behind them are all the political means of the Three Hokages.

What these documents represent is almost Konoha's full support. It is not mutually beneficial, but it is definitely beneficial to Caoyin Village.

It can be said that almost every document is absolutely beneficial to Caoyin Village. This comprehensive cooperation, this stack of documents may not be able to take advantage of Muye Village, but it is definitely not as good as Caoyin Village. Not good.

And if, after enjoying such benefits, Caoyin Village still fails to fulfill its ally obligations, or violates the obligations of its allies, or even betrays Konoha, then, I am afraid, there will be no Ninja Village Association and Caoyin Village in the entire ninja world. The village cooperated.

Even if they cooperate, it is estimated that Caoyin Village will be used as an abandoned son.

This action of the Three Hokages seems to be very satisfied and attached to the performance of Caoyin Village, but in fact it is to tie Caoyin Village, to a certain extent, to tie Caoyin Village, so that it clings tightly to Konoha Village. means.

At that time, if Caoyin Village has any detrimental actions against Konoha, as long as there is accurate information, Konoha only needs to publish the documents of this part of cooperation and the exact information openly and secretly, then the entire ninja world will not Some people treat Caoyin Village with sincerity.

In other words, no one would sincerely cooperate with Caoyin Village.

Basically, Caoyin Village is on the blacklist of all ninja villages.

And the reason is very simple, Konoha has offered such generous conditions, and there is a written formal covenant, Caoyin Village enjoys such conditions, and even betrayed Konoha, then, how about another Ninja Village who can give How about the best conditions?

Since Caoyin Village doesn't even meet such good conditions, who can safely cooperate with Caoyin Village?

At that time, even if it cooperates with Caoyin Village, it will definitely be a ninja village that wants to use Caoyin Village as a shield and abandonment.

No Ninja Village would really believe in Cao Yin Village, even if they cooperated, it was just to take advantage of them.

At that time, all Caoyin Village can do is to become cannon fodder, the cannon fodder of Daren Village. eventually die.

The ninja world is such a complex body of contradictions. It is impossible to have a complete trust relationship between ninja villages, and the trust relationship is also very fragile. I don't know about the struggle.

At the same time, mutual betrayal is not uncommon. It seems that the word trust is almost a decoration.

The entire trust relationship is like a thin layer of window paper, which can be broken as soon as you poke it, and it doesn't even seem to exist at all. It also feels like there is no need to exist at all.

However, it happens that this layer of window paper is the most important point in the alliance between Ninja Village and Ninja Village.

That's right, the trust relationship and the reputation derived from the trust relationship, all ninja villages are to be seen.

No matter if it is a big ninja village or a small ninja village who is accustomed to living in the cracks, reputation will be regarded as an important alliance factor.

Including their choice of Konoha, they are actually considering the issue of credibility.

No matter whether it is the Great Ninja Village or the small Ninja Village with grass on the wall, they inexplicably attach great importance to the reputation of the other party and their own reputation.

Even, for Xiaoren Village, a set of grass-roots reputation system has been developed. For example, there must be sufficient reasons for betraying the original collaborators, and they can be used to justify themselves afterwards, such as the promised assistance If it has not been delivered, the other party has not fulfilled the promise, has lost a certain amount of promise, completed the oral agreement, etc., in short, they will all find a reason for themselves.

In the same way, Da Ninja Village will also find some justifications to explain their inappropriate behavior in the relationship with their allies.

In the final analysis, it becomes that, obviously, there is no credit to talk about, but they pay great attention to this credit issue.

So, now, as long as Konoha fulfills these documents, then, in terms of reputation, the word-of-mouth of Caoyin Village is in Konoha's hands.

As long as Konoha does not make excessive losses to Caoyin Village, then Caoyin Village can only rely on Konoha.

It can be said that with this hand, Caoyin Village is firmly held in his hands.

As for the third Hokage, the truly terrifying thing is not only in this aspect.

In other words, based on the fact that Caoyin Village only has Konoha, Muye Village's comprehensive cooperation is almost killing two birds with one stone.

First of all, it is impossible for Caoyin Village to betray, and no matter how it develops, it is always impossible to reach the level that Da Ren Village cannot control. The village will destroy Caoyin Village without hesitation.

At that time, Konoha, who has long been jealous of Caoyin Village, which is about to grow into Daren Village, will naturally stand by and watch, as long as a symbolic reinforcement is sent, there are some ways to destroy Caoyin Village.

Unless Caoyin Village self-destructs its reputation, even disregarding the unspoken rules of reputation between Ninja Village and Ninja Village, it is absolutely impossible to break away from Konoha, and it will not do anything to betray Konoha.

And with this layer, then secondly, Konoha can use the cooperation items of these documents to enhance the strength of Caoyin Village, and the strength of Caoyin Village, which cannot be betrayed, is the increase of Konoha's strength.

It can be said that this move, in the final analysis, is extremely beneficial to Konoha.

Not only firmly grasping Caoyin Village, so that there is no possibility of Caoyin Village being betrayed, and becoming a loyal ally in the true sense, but at the same time, through his own assistance, he can enhance the strength of Caoyin Village, thus becoming a A solid ally.

Moreover, as long as the life of Caoyin Village is getting better and better, as long as Konoha operates properly and the olive branch is thrown in time, more and more Xiaonin villages will be willing to be controlled by Konoha in this way. It is undoubtedly more secure to change the structure of the ninja world up.

With this hand alone, whether it is Haneda Yuzawa, or Haneda Harmony, or Haneda Yuzawa plus Haneda Harmony, or even Haneda Yuzawa plus Haneda Harmony plus Haneda Soya, they are far inferior to this in terms of political means. Three generations of Hokage.

At least, if it weren't for Haneda Kazuyo's reminder, the two of them probably would have thought of this level after a long time.

"However, this matter is not a big deal. Caoyin Village has no intention of betraying Konoha. Since it has already put all its eggs in one basket, it did not intend to betray. This move does not have much impact on Caoyin Village. Even, After all, this kind of thing is for both parties, since Konoha wants to hold on to Caoyin Village so much, then she will definitely not give up on Caoyin Village."

And hearing the words of the two, Haneda Kazuyo touched his nose and said.

Sure enough, Yuze and Heyin are different. I don't need to remind them of this matter, they will definitely think of it in the future.

After all, for them, it is now considered a big pie falling from the sky and hitting their heads, and it is normal for them to be slow in judgment.

After I calm down, I'm afraid I'll figure it out.

Regarding this, Haneda Kazuyo thought in his heart.



And at this moment, such a thought flashed in Haneda Kazuyo's mind. On the other side, the pharmacist who had left the secret place and walked into the dark passage suddenly stopped in his tracks, frowning, slowly Slowly he frowned.

On the face, there was a rare expression of inexplicable solemnity.

Tell me what you did, how did it go?

But at this time, deep in his heart, there was such a faint voice.

It's you?

Perceiving this sentence, Yao Shidou couldn't help raising his eyebrows, as if trying his best to hide his expression that was about to change color.

What's wrong?

Quite a surprise?

And when his thought-turned words resounded in this unilaterally initiated dialogue, the other party's faint tone added a bit of a smile.


In this regard, Yao Shidou restarted his steps, pretending that nothing happened, and slowly walked towards the original destination.

And in his heart, he said so.

When did you establish this perceptual dialogue with me?

Still a one-sided perceptual dialogue!

At the same time, in the depths of his heart, besides this conversation, such a solemn thought slowly floated up in his heart.

In front of me, you don’t need to wear that mask. As I said, I have no malice towards you, and to me, you are just a lost lamb with no self. I found you and gave you Orochimaru What is not given to you also has my purpose.

Moreover, the purpose was clearly told to you.

You only need to do what I need you to do, and you don't need to care about the rest. Moreover, after this cooperation, I will not look for you again, and no one will know about our relationship.

In this regard, the other party sent such a sentence, as if he had seen through his inner fear.


Perceiving this sentence, the pharmacist said in his heart.

Egoless and lost lambs?

Really dare to say it!

At the same time, deep in his heart, he thought so, but he didn't think so.

Tell me, how's the progress?

In this regard, the other party did not seem to have the purpose of continuing on this topic, but just said so.

As if he didn't want to waste a minute, or he didn't want to talk to him for an extra second.

Give me a little more time, this is a bit beyond my ability after all.

If more information can be obtained, the progress may be faster.

After sensing this sentence, Yao Shidou didn't talk nonsense, and directly passed his thoughts to the past.

Tell me what information you need.

To this, the other party answered very simply.


Hearing this, Yao Shidou rarely showed a slight headache expression.

It seems that it is the confidential information of Orochimaru again, don't worry, I will get it for you after a while.

In this regard, the other party seemed to know what he was thinking, and said so.

In his words, he regards the place where Orochimaru keeps secrets as his own back garden.

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