Chapter 2441 Favorable

"Then, please rush to Cao Yin's guest house in secret. You have been notified. No one will stop you. When you arrive at the location, someone will meet you."

In the shadowed alley a little far outside the Cao Yin Guest House, the Konoha ninja who took the lead turned around, leaned slightly behind the young man covered in a black robe with silver and moon patterns, and said.

"Yes, I understand."

To this. The young man in the silver-moon-patterned black robe also bowed slightly, and responded.

"I wish you have a nice trip."

Hearing this response, the Anbu ninja who was directly under Naruto nodded slightly. With this sound, his figure flashed and disappeared in place.

"Well... I didn't expect that such a good effect could be obtained. This move is considered to be the right one. It not only makes the third generation of Hokage completely at ease with us, but also consolidates the foundation of the trust relationship created by Heyin. It also allows Konoha to do There are so many cooperation projects to get closer, and the benefits obtained can basically make the village have no worries about food and clothing in the short term. If it can continue, we don’t have to worry about funds.”

Watching Anbu leave, the hood of the silver-moon-patterned black robe slowly lifted, revealing his handsome face.

Exactly, Haneda Yuzawa.

At this time, Haneda Yuzawa couldn't help but spit out such a sentence.

To be honest, Haneda Yuzawa did not expect everything now, at least, in terms of results, many places were unexpected.

Yes, Haneda Yuzawa did not expect that moving out of Chiba would have such an effect.

That's right, the conversation just now, talking about the birth of the Haneda clan, was just a move by Haneda Yuzawa.

It's just an introduction.

Of course, this introduction itself also has a great effect.

It is a kind of frankness to actively talk about your family and origin. It is the frankness of Caoyin Village to Muye Village. This is an act that can increase Muye's favor and trust.

In fact, for Haneda Yuzawa's openness and sincerity, the third Hokage also gained a lot of favor, at least it opened a very good atmosphere and beginning of the conversation.

However, this talk about the Haneda clan is ultimately to draw out Chiba’s foreshadowing, and to explain the source of the favor of the Haneda clan, which holds the real power in Caoyin Village, towards Konoha, and can represent The family that governs the entire Caoyin Village has an almost absolute connection with Konoha, and has a very deep relationship.

At the same time, after expressing the relationship between the family and the patron saint of Konoha, it was revealed without any trace that it was the Haneda family who saved Chiba first. If there was no Haneda family, then Chiba might have died.

For Konoha, the Haneda clan and even the Caoyin Village represented by the Haneda clan have nothing to do with Konoha. In other words, the Haneda clan and Caoyin Village have contributed to Konoha.

made a huge contribution.

Judging from the reaction of the Three Hokages, this obscure, hidden narrative that seems to be Cao Yin Village or the Haneda family expressing gratitude to Konoha successfully hinted at the Three Hokages.

Let Sandai Hokage know, or feel, that the cooperation between Konoha and Caoyin Village has long been based, and they can trust each other.

Even, in fact, there has been a history of helping each other between Konoha and Caoyin Village.

The so-called acquaintance once and twice, allies who have helped each other once are always more reliable than allies who have nothing, and they will be more at ease when cooperating.

After all, the purpose of the meeting between the two of them this time is to get to know each other, to know what kind of person the leader of their allies is, and to have a bottom line in each other's hearts. Have a preliminary understanding of each other, and cooperate in the future to avoid some conflicts caused by lack of preliminary understanding.

Undoubtedly, the topic chosen by Haneda Yuzawa successfully made Sandai Hokage satisfied with himself. At the same time, during the conversation, he intentionally or unintentionally showed a lower position than Konoha, which also fully let Sandai Hokage know that he is an understanding People, increase the confidence in the cooperation between the Three Generations of Hokage and Caoyin Village.

In the world of ninjas, although the strong are respected, to lead a ninja village does not necessarily require the strongest personal strength, but requires the leader's clear mind, precise vision, and a series of political means .

Among them, political methods are secondary. After all, after a long time as a leader, the methods will always be learned through personal experience.

However, a clear mind and precise vision cannot be learned by a leader after a long time. This requires qualifications, comprehension, vigilance, and self-discipline.

Just now, after Haneda Yuzawa signed the covenant, he was able to maintain his humility when he made a written covenant with Konoha as a reciprocal identity like a miracle, and the covenant still had the benefit of the absolute majority of Caoyin Village With a low profile, and almost even Konoha's subordinate self-knowledge, it will undoubtedly make Sandai Hokage more at ease.

At least, the current leader of Caoyin Village is self-aware and knows the position of Caoyin Village in the relationship of allies. At the same time, his mind is clear enough to not do anything stupid.

After all, because positions, interests and even human nature, the character of those in power, and the change in character of those in power after they suddenly obtained unimaginable benefits are all important and key factors for whether the two parties can cooperate well.

Konoha is now going to change the structure of the ninja world, and it is destined to be a long and arduous process. The third Hokage must be extremely careful in choosing allies. Even if a written covenant is signed, it does not mean that the third hokage will stop attacking Caoyin Village. assessment, or test. If he hadn't shown a sober mind just now, that is, self-knowledge, Konoha would never have pressed such an important matter as changing the structure of the ninja world on Caoyin Village.

And if Konoha feels that he is not competent, then there are ways to invalidate the covenant.

Although Haneda Yuzawa doesn't know what kind of means Konoha will adopt, but Konoha has been going on for thousands of years, and there will always be some means that he does not know and cannot know.

Of course, all of this is just to make Sandai Hokage initially satisfied with Caoyin Village.

What really satisfies Sandai Hokage is that the Haneda clan of Caoyin Village is the one that saved Chiba, and it is an extra force left by Chiba during the war.

First of all, saving Chiba, who is the patron saint of Konoha, is naturally a great bonus item. This kind of improvement in favor is useless to repeat, how important Chiba is to the three generations of Hokage, so saving Chiba One thing can improve the favorability and satisfaction of the three generations of Hokage.

Secondly, those who were saved and taught by Chiba, and who still maintain a sense of gratitude to Chiba, are the Haneda clan who can represent Caoyin Village.

Yes, what really satisfies Sandai Hokage is that it was Chiba who created the Haneda Clan, and it was Chiba who created the fact that the Haneda Clan controlled Caoyin Village.

Frankly speaking, it is because the Haneda Clan is a power created by Chiba for a certain purpose, so the Third Hokage completely trusts it.

In a sense, the Haneda clan is originally Konoha's own people.

Because everyone in the ninja world knows that what Konoha's patron saint does is always for Konoha.

And the Haneda clan created by Konoha's patron saint naturally exists for Konoha.

Haneda Yuzawa's conversation, in fact, was meant to explain this point, implicitly telling the third Hokage or Konoha that they are their own people.

After all, since the Nine-Tails Rebellion, Chiba and them have never been disconnected at all. Even their ability to ascend to the pinnacle of power in Caoyin Village is the result of close cooperation with Chiba, no matter how much Chiba helps them. What is the purpose? For such a ninja who saved himself and gave him everything now, even if Haneda Yuzawa already has his own position and his own home, he must give priority to this home , in fact, I also hope to fight side by side with Qianye in my heart.

At the very least, we must repay Chiba.

As long as Qianye does not endanger Caoyin Village, as long as it is not to destroy Caoyin Village, even if it is to make Caoyin Village do some dangerous things or even things that are destined to suffer great losses, as long as it does not touch the root cause Caoyin Village to be destroyed, Haneda Yuze also fully supports it.

What's more, now, with the unimaginable benefits from a great ninja village like Konoha, to contribute to a reputable big ninja village like Konoha?

Besides, what bad purpose would Chiba do for their Haneda clan?

If you want to deal with Caoyin Village or gain the power of Caoyin Village, with Qianye's ability, why do you need to support them to power and give them real power?

As long as Chiba hides in the dark and supports a puppet, a small country and ninja village like Caoyin Village will be under Chiba's control in minutes.

This point, Haneda Yuzawa, who has been in close contact with Chiba over the years, is very clear.

However, Haneda Yuzawa did not expect that after putting forward Chiba's trick, the third Hokage would directly cooperate with Caoyin Village in an all-round way. It was really a surprise.

You must know that the written covenant between them is unprecedented. No matter how you say it, it will take a period of time to cooperate, and this kind of comprehensive cooperation will only be carried out after confirming that the two sides are as one as the other.

Today, moving out of Chiba directly skipped the opportunity for comprehensive cooperation that would take at least a year of smooth cooperation.

This still makes Haneda Yuzawa a little difficult to understand.

"It doesn't matter, this is one step in place. We can safely cooperate with such Konoha and such three generations of Hokage. Next, let's go to Heyin. I haven't seen them for a long time. I don't know. Now they What will you be happy about, and what will you be worried about?"

And thinking of this, Haneda Yuzawa didn't think about it any more. Now he still has a task.

It is still necessary to meet Heyin, Yiye, and those family members who are ready to sacrifice their lives for Caoyin Village.

At this moment, I don't know whether they are happy or worried, whether they are more happy to form an alliance with Konoha, or more worried because they will face possible attacks from other Dai Ninja villages.


And at this moment, in this dark place, Haneda Yuzawa's figure flashed and disappeared in place.


"Third Hokage-sama, you...wouldn't have thought about it? I still think it's inappropriate to establish such a comprehensive cooperation with Caoyin Village so soon, and I'm not sure whether the Haneda clan has such a relationship with Chiba-sama. origin."

At this time, on the other side, Anbu Ninja, who was hiding in the shadow behind the third Hokage in the Hokage office, seemed to finally be unable to bear it, facing a pile of signed and officially effective documents and putting them on the desk The third Hokage, opened the mouth and said.

"Hahaha! I know your worry."

In this regard, facing the words of the personal Anbe ninja who shouldn't have spoken and beaked, the third Hokage smiled happily.

"Then why..."

Hearing this, the Anbu ninja who was close to him immediately expressed strong doubts.

"He has a heart, and I have a heart. This conversation is just a smooth sailing."

In this regard, the third Hokage said so.

"Smooth the boat?"

Hearing this, in the shadows, she was obviously taken aback.

"From this conversation, it can be seen that this Haneda Yuzawa should be taught by Chiba himself. His style of acting is very similar to Chiba's. He is particularly good at persuading me."

Regarding this, Sandai Hokage smiled slightly, seemed to be in a pretty good mood, and said.

"Please clarify, Lord Three Hokage."

And this personal Anbu ninja obviously didn't understand, and there was another doubt in the shadows.

"Do you know why he used the source of the Haneda clan to draw us closer and gain my trust?"

In this regard, the third Hokage asked a rhetorical question.

"have no idea."

Hearing this, this personal Anbu ninja spoke very straightforwardly.

"Because, with this conversation, Chiba can be drawn out! Haneda Yuzawa is just using Chiba to win my trust."

In this regard, the third Hokage said so.

"Using... the favor of Master Chiba from the third Hokage-sama? The reason why he mentioned the Haneda clan is... is he talking about the fact that they saved Master Chiba? He wanted to stand on the side of Master Chiba's life-saving From the benefactor's point of view?"

But this time, the personal Anbu ninja finally understood.

"However, it doesn't matter. This comprehensive cooperation is also quite beneficial to us. At least, with such a large number of orders, if we have anything, a sensible person like Haneda Yuzawa will definitely do his best. support."

But upon hearing this sound, the Third Hokage did not continue on this topic, but just smiled lightly and smoked a cigarette leisurely.

"Because, it is impossible for any ninja village to give him such favorable conditions in such a short period of time."

"Even if he sits idly by in the end, these documents will become our most powerful weapon, and then..."

"He can only follow Konoha."

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