Chapter 2436 report

"Well...don't know yet."

In the mountain wind blowing from high above, the dark loose robes embroidered with silver moons fluttered, hunting, and there was a sound of silence in the darkness under the wide cloak hat.


Regarding the words of his partner who was in front of him and now behind him, the man in black who had squatted down and also wore a black embroidered silver moon retracted his head and looked back. After that, he seemed a little speechless Yes.

"Then, why are you putting everything down in such a hurry and rushing to Konoha at such a high risk?"

Then, with strong puzzlement, the squatting man in black asked.

"Maybe, I just want to see where he lived."

And hearing this sound, the standing man in black walked forward slowly, walked to the edge of the cliff, looked at the platform above the heads of the four Hokage rock statues below, and looked at the endless stretch of woods everywhere. The village with traces of Ye Ren's survival, said lightly.

"Yeah! I didn't expect that Muye Village where he lives is such a vast place. It's great! Compared with Muye, our village seems too small."

Regarding this, the half-squatting man in black said with emotion.

"Well...just, I don't know if all the people in this village are like him."

Hearing this, the standing man in black said so.

"Oh? Is it possible that you came here specially to confirm Konoha's credibility?"

In this regard, the squatting man in black keenly sensed something, and said.

"Credibility, of course, needs to be investigated. Even if I believe in Konoha, Konoha may not necessarily believe me."

Hearing this, the standing man in black said lightly. At the same time, his head under the hood was slightly raised, and his eyes seemed to be away.

"So, since it's a matter of checking Konoha's credibility, then why did you suddenly drop everything and call me back?"

Hearing this sentence, the squatting man in black asked.

Obviously, the meaning of his companion, the real reason for rushing here, was not to check Konoha's credibility.

Rather, there is no purpose.

"If I said it was just a hunch, would you beat me up?"

Regarding this, the standing man in black said, his tone seemed to be slightly joking.

However, judging from the feeling of the words, there is no hint of a joke in it.

It was as if, the standing man in black really let go of everything because of his intuition, and urgently recalled Konoha, who seemed to be carrying out some important mission and came with the squatting man in black.

"Probably not, after all, your intuition has not missed a few times so far."

The squatting man in black didn't seem to care about this, and said.


However, at this moment, before the conversation between the two could continue, a tightly wrapped figure suddenly appeared behind them, half kneeling on the ground, holding out two scrolls with both hands.

"Oh? Already intercepted?"

Regarding this, the standing man in black turned around and said quietly.

At the same time, the squatting man in black raised his hood slightly, but he seemed to glance at the standing man in black called the leader, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say it after all. .

"Yes! All have been intercepted."

In this regard, the tightly wrapped ninja nodded and said.

"Well, well done. Tell me, then, how things stand."

Hearing this, the standing man in black didn't talk nonsense, he took the two scrolls directly, looked at the tightly wrapped ninja who couldn't tell his face, and said.

"Currently, there have been two Chunin exams, and those who passed the exams are..."

And hearing this sentence, the tightly wrapped ninja did not hesitate, and directly informed the standing man in black of the results of the Chunin exam, including some Candidates worthy of attention in the Ninja Exam.

"A month's delay? A third trial?"

And at this time, when he heard that the last trial of the Chunin Exam was delayed for one month, the squatting man in black couldn't help but speak.

"Yes! This is the latest news from Konoha."

To this, the well-wrapped ninja replied respectfully. It seems that although he called the standing man in black the leader, he also respected the squatting man in black like a leader.

"A month?"

But upon hearing this confirmation, the squatting man in black looked at the standing man in black.

"What about the other news?"

Regarding this, the standing man in black didn't directly answer the squatting man's question, but looked at the tightly wrapped ninja and asked again.

"It has been investigated so far that there are traces of Orochimaru in Muye Village."

And obviously, this tightly wrapped ninja is also quite a brainy ninja, and he understands that his leader is not asking for other general news, but targeted news.

This sentence is to ask him about the news about the delay of this month.


Regarding this, the standing man in black, also known as the leader, groaned slightly.

"What do you think?"

Then, after a moment of pondering, the leader looked at the man in black squatting next to him, and asked.

"I'm afraid, this matter is directly related to Orochimaru."

In this regard, the squatting man in black said so.

"Well, I guess it's the same. It seems that this Chunin exam is more complicated than we imagined. It's not only us, but also Orochimaru and Sand Hidden Village who are secretly driving the undercurrent. Come on, this time, my intuition is not wrong."

Hearing this, the leader nodded, as if to verify his conjecture, and murmured in his mouth.

"If you have any other news, let me know one by one."

Then, he spoke again to the tightly packed ninja.


And hearing this, the tightly packed ninja didn't talk nonsense, and directly shared everything he knew about the Chunin exam on the surface, all the information secretly such as about Orochimaru, and other information. Useful and useless, he told his leader concisely.

"Huh? You mean, behind Orochimaru, or in the dark, in the dark, beside Orochimaru, there is another person assisting him?"

However, just after he finished speaking, the standing man in black, that is, the leader, opened his mouth abruptly, and there was already a hint of tension in his words.

"What's wrong?"

To this, the first person to react was the man in black squatting beside him.


Then came the response of the tightly wrapped ninja.

"You go back first!"

But upon hearing this affirmative answer, the leader's figure seemed to stiffen slightly, and his mouth was to let the tightly packed ninja back down first.


As for the words of his leader, the tightly wrapped ninja responded simply, and his actions were even more straightforward. Before the answer came, the tightly wrapped ninja disappeared in a blink of an eye. In place, left this place.

"What's the matter, what happened?"

Regarding this, the squatting man in black asked again, but his tone was already full of dignity.

It sounds, but it has become serious.

There was even a sense of tight tension, permeating from under his black robe.

"It's Nobuhiko Uchiha, and Nobuhiko Uchiha also came to Konoha Village. This matter is no longer complicated and can be explained."

Regarding this, the standing man in black turned around, looked at the beautiful village below his feet again, and said solemnly.

"What! Nobuhiko Uchiha!"

Hearing this sentence, the squatting ninja stood up instantly, and a shocking exclamation that was obviously too loud sounded from under his black robe.

"It can only be Nobuhiko Uchiha. At the time Orochimaru betrayed Akatsuki, Akatsuki has been chasing and killing Orochimaru in recent years. Although he has stopped chasing and killing Orochimaru because of certain things, but if Orochimaru is not good for Konoha, Akatsuki will definitely not Will help him, and Orochimaru dare not go to Akatsuki. At this time, in the dark world, he is the only one who can and has the qualifications and motivation to help Orochimaru, and only Nobuhiko Uchiha!"

In this regard, the leader said.


Hearing this sound, the man in black seemed to want to refute, but after thinking about it carefully, he couldn't refute.

According to their information, even in the dark world, Orochimaru is not a popular master, and even some dark forces are quite afraid of him.

As for his betrayal of Akatsuki, although the Akatsuki organization itself is relatively low-key, not many people pay attention to it in the dark world, but as a ninja who has been wandering in the dark world for a long time, the man in black still knows about it Yes, and I also know Akatsuki's attitude towards Orochimaru.

It's just that, compared to the current priorities of the Akatsuki organization, Orochimaru, a traitor, can be let go.

It is precisely because of this that Orochimaru has a period of time, which is the time when it can be unscrupulous.

And during this unscrupulous time, Orochimaru suddenly appeared in Konoha, it is not necessary to think about it, it is definitely a conspiracy against Konoha. And in the dark world, as a Konoha with roots spreading in, it is absolutely an existence that cannot be messed with.

At least, no dark force will mess with Konoha without an absolute conflict of interest, and Konoha has not taken any actions to offend the dark force recently, so it is absolutely safe.

In other words, there is currently no dark force that will help Orochimaru. Even if Orochimaru is not popular now, but popular, there will be no dark force that is stupid enough to oppose Konoha.

The roots of the leaves can also provide them with a lot of nutrients.

In the dark world, no one will easily cut off the chain of relationships that provide him with nutrients.

However, in the dark world, it is not that there are no maverick characters.

There are no dark forces, but it does not mean that people in the dark world will not join forces with Orochimaru.

But in the dark world, there is one person who can shake Konoha by himself.

That is, "Nobuhiko Uchiha", known as the second Uchiha Madara, was one of the masterminds who caused the Kyuubi Rebellion.

It is also the only existence that can confront Konoha's patron saint.

It can be said that it is the only existence that can challenge Konoha's patron saint, and the patron saint sometimes has to regress.

Now, if Orochimaru is going to be unfavorable to Konoha, the only ally he can find is him, Nobuhiko Uchiha!

And it is also obvious, if there is Nobuhiko Uchiha lurking besides Orochimaru in Konoha Village, then this Chunin Exam will probably be an event that will be recorded in the history of the ninja world.

And, for sure, Konoha is definitely the most unsafe place in the entire ninja world now!

"Well... the thing I was most afraid of happened, Nobuhiko Uchiha, he really has something special about this place of Konoha! In other words, he seems to have some kind of obsession with Konoha."

In this regard, the man in black known as the leader spoke, but there was already a sense of nervousness and anxiety in his quiet words.

"At the beginning, he lost an eye here. This time, assisting Orochimaru should be for revenge, and since it is for revenge, then the purpose of Orochimaru coming to Konoha should be revenge. After all, counting, this A gloomy guy, he hates Konoha more than he loves him, right? Huh? In other words, Konoha's delay of one month is...knowing that someone is plotting against him?"

Hearing this, the man in black who stood up groaned slightly, suddenly understood something, and said it bluntly.

"It seems that it is necessary to go there now."

However, the leader didn't care about the man in black's hindsight, as if he was used to it, he just looked at the most eye-catching building in the beautiful village under his feet, the big red circular building , said in his mouth.

But following this utterance, a sense of stagnation emanated from the leader's figure.

"What can I do? It's not good for two people to go."

At this moment, the man in black who stood up spoke.

"Well... If you stay here, Konoha should be on alert now. It doesn't matter if you sneak in like now, but if you hide for a long time, it will definitely be exposed. This is Konoha's after all. The site. However, if you are allowed to go back, there will inevitably be situations where you will be needed, and I am not sure that Konoha can be taken care of by myself. You should... go to the reception point here."

Regarding this, the leader pondered for a while, as if he had encountered some difficulty, after thinking for a while, he said so.


Hearing this, the man in black turned his eyes and landed on a certain guard in the downtown area of ​​this beautiful village.

"I see, I'm going to lurk, you, don't be impulsive. The third Hokage is not easy to fool and provoke."

Afterwards, he simply complied.

"Why should I mess with the Third Hokage? Besides, I'm not trying to fool him!"

Regarding this, under the leader's black robe, there was such a dumbfounding sound.

You are the one who can mess around!

At the same time, he couldn't help complaining in his heart.

However, the complaints belonged to the complaints, but the next two people did not talk nonsense, one in front and one in the back, in two directions, they disappeared directly in place.

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