Chapter 2427 In the shadows

This... this voice is...

The words that suddenly sounded, like cold water pouring on the top, Otonogakure Ninja froze slightly, turned around subconsciously, and looked at the source of the voice.

But there was an indescribable expression on his face.

It seemed a little unbelievable, a little frightening, and a kind of unbelievable in it, as if, this voice should not have sounded here.

In other words, this sentence, it is impossible to appear ordinary.

Not to mention, at such a close distance, it sounded behind him.

"Toss, you should understand Orochimaru's plan very well."

And just after he turned around and his eyes fell on the shadow behind him, that voice sounded again.

"My... my lord... you, what are you doing?"

But hearing this sound, Otogakure Ninja did not answer the words of the voice directly, but as if confirming something, showing a look of surprise, and there was also a kind of uncontrollable horror in his mouth. Generally speaking, Xu It was because she was too shocked, the words in her mouth were half spoken, but she didn't continue.

My lord... unexpectedly appeared in front of me without calling me...

Still... or just to remind me...

Really are……

But at this moment, the Otoshi ninja, no, it should be said that it was Toss among the Otoshi three, besides being shocked, such an indescribable thought came to his heart uncontrollably.

However, he didn't get any response to his doubts, his unspoken doubts, and there was silence in the shadow in front of him, as if there was no one inside.

The person who reminded him has already left.

"I'm sorry! I was talking too much!"

After noticing the silence, Toss's face changed suddenly, and he bowed suddenly, but it was a ninety-degree bow to apologize.

Obviously, Doss had an unusual respect for the man in the shadows.

At the same time, he was also aware of it. Although he said he came to remind him, this lord is still the same as before, and he really hates asking for the bottom line.

However, although he hates to ask the bottom line by himself, Toss understands that there is nothing wrong with this adult's reminder.

No matter what the reason is, it is to prevent oneself from falling into the situation of death.

After all, Toss was full of gratitude in his heart.

After all, although he has never seen the appearance of this lord and only recognizes his voice, the protection of this lord for him is also true. It can be said that this lord has been with him since he arrived at Dashewan. By my side, although I am always the passive side, and this adult does not often appear by my side, but every time he appears, he can always resolve his biggest crisis at the moment.

Moreover, he has indeed learned a lot from this lord, especially in terms of ninja power.

And it is precisely these things learned from this adult that he was able to stand out from the training camp in Orochimaru Yinyin Village, team up with Qin and Sak, and take part in the Zhongnin Exam.

Of course, before the training camp, he also participated in many missions, shady missions, and of course, among these shady missions, it was this adult who secretly guided himself with a technique similar to perception and communication, and rescued him many times. own.

If it wasn't for this lord, he would either have died in some shady mission under the order of Orochimaru, or died in a certain experiment of Oroshemaru, or he would have died in the training camp. In the hands of the dead companions.

He has absolute trust in this lord.

As for Orochimaru, he naturally didn't trust him.

From the very beginning, when Orochimaru found himself and brought himself back to Yinyin Village, Toss knew that he could not trust Orochimaru.

Unlike Sak and Qin, Toss understood from the beginning that Orochimaru had no feelings for them. The reason why they fancy them is just to use them.

In the eyes of Orochimaru, they are just a pawn.

Sometimes, it was even just his experiment.

It's just that Toss has no choice. Either he dies in his hometown and is fished by people, or he leaves with Orochimaru to gain the power of others. As for those who win people's hearts and make people willing to work for him In other words, Toss, who grew up in the intriguing and warlike dark world, if he believed it, he would have died long ago.

Of course, even if Toss knows that Orochimaru's intentions are impure, he can't trust Orochimaru, but since he has chosen this path, he must be subject to Orochimaru, and may live in the palm of Orochimaru for the rest of his life. .

But, even so, he chose to go this route.

Compared to being controlled by others and being mermaid, he still prefers to have power and dominate the power of others, even if he cannot control his own destiny in the end!

"Head up."

And at this time, in the shadows, there was a sound.

The voice was still the same, but there was already a little more silence in the tone.


In this regard, Toss raised his head respectfully, and stood there, as if a loyal subordinate, standing in front of the master.

Compared with Orochimaru, it is obvious that Toss is extremely respectful to this person, just like Sak treats Orochimaru.

"I like your character very much, and I also like the way you spare no cost and unscrupulous means for survival and strength, so I don't want to lose you so early."

In this regard, it seems that Toss's respectful appearance touched the shadow man a little, and there was such a sound in the shadow.

"Yes! This is Toss' honor!"

Hearing this, Toss was obviously taken aback at first, his eyes widened slightly, but there was a look of surprise on his face.

However, he still responded with great excitement.

My lord, what's the matter?

How does it feel, it's a little different from the previous adults.

At the same time, in the uncontrollable excitement, such a slightly strange thought flashed through Toss's heart.

To be honest, this lord has never had such emotional fluctuations as he does now, whether it is the perception call, or the extremely rare appearance in front of him like now, or the previous guidance for him to practice ninja power, this person , without showing any emotion.

He is crisp, decisive, calm, and as precise as a machine. Even when he is using ninjutsu or taijutsu, even small flaws in his chakra use can be accurately detected by observing the power of ninjutsu. pointed out.

In Toss's heart, in a sense, this adult is really like a god, an existence of absolute rationality and calmness, and an existence without mortal emotions.

But now, hearing the emotional fluctuations from the adult's words really surprised Toss a lot.

At the same time, a shadow cast over his heart.

After all, this time, this lord came to remind himself not to get involved in the matter of Orochimaru and Uchiha Sasuke, and this lord, who has always been like a god, also showed the emotions of mortals, as you can imagine, This seemingly simple task may be a deadly task for me.

"It seems that you are determined to obey Medicine Master's order."

Regarding this, in the shadows, there was a rather sighing voice.

"Yes! I am already a doll of Orochimaru. Besides, with your guidance, even the Uchiha clan who has opened their eyes, I don't feel terrible and invincible. Besides, that Uchiha Sasuke is only a dozen or so. A child who is 100 years old, no matter how genius I am, I won’t die.”

Hearing this, Toss' face changed again, and then he took a deep breath, but a look of determination and pride appeared on his face.

Although he is a puppet of Orochimaru, his wealth and life are in the hands of Oroshemaru and he cannot resist it, but it does not mean that he will really accept a deadly task unprepared.

At least, he still thought about the way out and made preparations.

And more importantly, his strength is not what he shows. Under the guidance of the adult in front of him, his strength, even if it is Haneda Kazuyo, he is sure to escape under his hands, just for To survive, he must hide his clumsiness, and this adult has always asked him to hide his clumsiness, and declared that the things taught to him are for self-protection, not to be easily exposed in front of others.

Yes, he is far stronger than what he has shown. Even Haneda Ichiyo, who is faintly strongest in this Chunin exam, has no way to kill him. For his own strength, for what this adult taught him Ninja power, he is very confident.

Even if Uchiha Sasuke opened Sharingan, he believed that he would never be killed.

And this Uchiha Sasuke, as a child who grew up in Konoha in the peaceful age, has never really experienced the darkness and cruelty of the ninja world, and I am afraid that there is still the inevitable innocence in his heart that grew up in a peaceful and bright environment. If he can't beat him, he may be killed by him. At the last moment, he can also use this innocence. Although he can't kill Uchiha Sasuke, he can also let himself escape.

He grew up in the dark world, so he still knows how to use people's hearts.

Perhaps, in the eyes of others, he is timid, has no dignity, and will beg for mercy when he encounters some disadvantages. He looks like a villain, which is easy to be looked down upon, but this is his way of survival.


How much is it worth?

Can it be more important than life?

Therefore, at this time, he is not without certainty of escaping.

It's just that this lord would sigh for his consolation, which really flattered him. At this moment, a warm current surged up in his heart uncontrollably, and a bit of pride arose out of nowhere!

This sentence, when it comes to the end, is actually somewhat proud.

"Forget it, since you have already decided, then I don't want to stop it. I have already received the information about that part. From now on, the cooperation between you and me will officially end."

Regarding this, in the shadows, there was silence for a while before opening his mouth.


As for the words of the shadow man, especially the words of parting ways at the end of the cooperation part, he obviously respects this shadow man very much. Toss, who regards him as the most special existence, doesn't seem to care too much, but He said it very simply.

For Toss, the matter of parting ways has long been doomed. Even, in fact, at the beginning, this adult used the word of cooperating with himself. This word, the final result must be the end.

It doesn't matter whether the adult asks for the end, or asks for the end by himself, it's all right.

Cooperation can only be proposed by an equal relationship.

However, this does not prevent me from admiring this lord. Maybe this is the relationship between personality charm, which is different from Orochimaru. Willingly die for him.

Besides, in fact, when we first met this lord, when he saved himself, he said that he wanted me to do something for him, but for so many years, this lord has never asked him anything.

Instead, he gave himself more benefits than what he asked for.

Moreover, what he asked for was not dangerous, and in his current situation, it was nothing more than a matter of effort.

"Then, do it yourself."

Regarding this, the people in the shadows seemed unwilling to say anything more. In the shadows, such a farewell sounded.

"Wait, wait a minute!"

In this regard, Toss was a little uncharacteristically. Hearing the words of the shadow man, he seemed to be leaving. He took half a step forward and called him to a halt.

"What? Is there anything else?"

As for Toss's rather abnormal words, the shadow man's tone seemed to add a doubt.


Regarding this, he seemed to hesitate for a moment, then swallowed lightly, seemed to relieve his tension, and then nodded in response.

"Say it."

Hearing this, the shadow man paused for a moment, but he didn't feel any impatience because of the end of the cooperation, he just spoke.


In this regard, Toss suddenly bowed and responded, and then said respectfully: "My lord, you said before that you like my character and the way I do whatever it takes for survival and strength. Why?"

"You want to know, this question?"

Hearing this, the shadow man seemed to pause again, and then spoke.


In this regard, Toss said very simply.

To be honest, Toss didn't think that his character, and his unscrupulous appearance for survival and strength, would be liked by this adult.

Judging from the past few years of contact, this lord is strong, calm, and wise like a god, and has never forced himself to do anything, and has given himself a lot almost for free. In his heart, this lord is absolutely A noble existence.

He would definitely not like the frivolity of such a small person as himself.

He is a little strange.

"Is that all?"

Hearing this, the shadow man spoke.


And Toss answered in the affirmative.

"The reason is simple. If I had been born in the same place as you and hadn't met her, I would have become just like you."

Then, very simply, there was such a sound from the shadows.

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