Chapter 2420 impulsive


For Harmony who looked at him with frown, as if he had already thought about what he was going to do, he took a slight breath, nodded heavily, and responded accordingly.

"What are you kidding?"

And hearing Haneda Kazuo's affirmative answer, Haneda Kazuyo almost uttered such a sentence, his eyes were full of disbelief, and his face became serious.

"Do you think I'm joking?"

In this regard, Yutian Heyin frowned slightly, raised his eyes to look at the serious boy, and stared directly at the pair of almost unbelievable eyes that had some blame and even had a look of "Are you crazy" inside, But there was no concession at all.


Hearing this, Haneda Kazuyo also frowned seeing Heyin's uncompromising eyes, but finally slowed down his tone.

In fact, it is understandable for Heyin to think so.

Konoha has Konoha's considerations, but Konoha's move does not consider Caoyin Village's position.

Perhaps, by doing this, Konoha can make the forces that are unfavorable to Konoha show their feet or retreat, and achieve the effect of defeating others without fighting.

However, for Caoyin Village, this was a disaster. Konoha unilaterally increased their treatment, used their allies to do such things, and made enemies for them for no reason. Test the strength shown by Caoyin Village. If the unfavorable force against Konoha suffers from Konoha this time, it is very likely that it will directly attack Caoyin. If it cannot destroy Konoha, then the next best thing is to solve it first. Konoha's ally, in order to prevent Konoha from gaining an ally with considerable combat power after this Chunin exam, just like a tiger with wings.

Even, it is very possible that after a few days, Konoha and Kusakashi form an alliance, and the news that Caoyin Village has shown the strength of Xiaonin Village that is rare and even far surpasses Xiaonin Village is transmitted to the entire ninja world, and when they go back , the Four Great Ninja Villages have secretly emptied Caoyin Village.

"Who knows, now that Konoha suddenly offered us such a favorable condition, is it using us as a weapon? Moreover, Konoha still has the final veto power, and it cannot be ruled out that Konoha uses us to solve the problems they are facing now. The possibility of the biggest problem, and this possibility is not very low. After all, the strength we have shown, in a sense, is also a threat to Konoha. If Konoha really uses us as a gun , he is killing two birds with one stone. On the one hand, he eliminates the hidden forces that are unfavorable to Konoha. On the other hand, he uses the particularity of the alliance with Konoha to cause a rebound from other ninja villages, and finally makes Caoyin Village attract most of the attention. And hostility, at that time, the potential threat of Caoyin Village can be eliminated, isn't it?"

Regarding this, Haneda Kazuo looked at Haneda Ichiyo and said.

That's right, harmony is a consideration of this level.

Indeed, this written covenant is far beyond what they imagined, and it can bring them assistance and backing that will benefit the future of Caoyin Village.

However, Konoha and Hidden Grass are two villages after all, ninja villages in two countries, so it is not without the possibility of intrigue.

And according to everything that He Yin knew, this matter, the matter of the written covenant, can also have two interpretations.

The current situation, on the bright side, is that Konoha will join hands with Caoyin Village to change the structure of the ninja world and strive for more benefits in the future.

However, at the same time, you can also think about it in a bad way. Konoha is deliberately giving Caoyin a covenant that is too rich to refuse, and then uses this covenant to guide and use Caoyin Village to solve the difficult problems Konoha is facing now. By the way Then he threw all the sequelae to Caoyin Village, and finally killed two birds with one stone.

It not only solved the trouble, but also solved the potential threat of Caoyin Village.

Logically, it makes sense.

Moreover, the ninja world is intriguing. Although Konoha has always been the most trustworthy and lenient village for allies, it does not mean that the current Konoha Village will still be the most reliable and generous village. Da Ninja Village.

Since the third Hokage intends to change, then this change, Konoha's future international political policy, can be changed in a positive direction, that is, in a direction that is beneficial to Caoyin Village, such as the current written covenant to improve the status of Xiaonin Village One aspect of the direction can also be a bad aspect. Konoha must abandon the so-called reliability and generosity, and follow a thick and dark international communication policy, such as the current bad direction of the written covenant.

Change cannot only be for the better.

In other words, it is impossible to only develop towards the good side of Caoyin.

"So, you want to prevent the extension of the qualifiers for a month?"

Regarding this, Haneda Ichiyo frowned deeply, looked at the uncompromisingly beautiful woman in front of him, and said.


Hearing this, Haneda Kazuo nodded emphatically.

Yes, what Heyin wants to do is this!

Stop Konoha from extending the qualifiers and third trial to one month!

The biggest crisis of Caoyin Village is actually at this time. If there is no such a month, even if Konoha wants to target Caoyin Village, Heyin's reaction will not be so great.

He even wondered whether Konoha's current covenant is beneficial to Caoyin Village.

At the same time, this is why Haneda Ichiyo finds it unbelievable. This is simply going to hit the knife's edge. After all, Konoha is a Dairen Village, and it is also the strongest comprehensive strength of Dairen Village, and now Konoha is also in crisis , At this time, to stop Konoha's solution to the crisis?

This is almost suicidal.

Regardless of success or failure, the relationship between Caoyin Village and Konoha is over.

Even, it may not be certain to make enemies and attack in the future.

"Calm down."

In this regard, Haneda Ichiyo sighed, but did not stop it clearly.

To be honest, he knows what Heyin thinks about, and he also understands the ins and outs of it. Indeed, Konoha's move is a bit unkind.

Caoyin Village was hardly considered.

He also saw in the covenant just now that the covenant was kept secret, and now Konoha has increased the treatment standard of Caoyin to make potential enemies undecided, but at the same time increased the duration of this period. , This is an extremely huge crisis.

It is completely normal for Heyin to think so and want to stop Konoha Village from doing so.

Even if Yuze came personally, he would definitely think so, and even do so.

However, this kind of behavior is fundamentally hitting a stone with a pebble. Perhaps there is still room for negotiation when Konoha is not in danger.

But now, impossible!

Just suicidal!

In fact, for Caoyin Village, there was no room for change in this matter.

What Caoyin Village can do now is actually to wait for the next situation, and Caoyin Village is really not very optimistic about the next situation.

He really couldn't stop it anymore.

But it's not good to stop it, and we can't just watch moths fly into the flames.

Here, the persuasion is still to be persuaded.

However, for a while, he didn't know what to say, so he could only slow down the harmony.

"I also know that it is unwise to do so."

But hearing Haneda Ichiyo's words, Haneda Kazuo sighed, his eyes were no longer as determined as before, and said so.

To be honest, Haneda Heyin didn't know that there must be no other way, but why!

Why would Konoha do this!

Konoha did this, didn't he know that it would have a great impact on Caoyin Village?

Even, possibly devastating effects?

Caoyin Village showed such reckless favor, and Konoha responded in this way, Mingli made a happy covenant, and then cut it off with a single knife, leaving no way for Caoyin Village to retreat!

Could it be that only Chiba is a good person in Konoha?

Is the three generations of Hokage who raised Chiba actually this kind of repeated villain?

The harmony at this moment, the reason why such words are said is nothing more than angry words, it is just the resentment that arises after the beautiful illusion of Konoha is shattered, and the fact that he is influenced by his own beautiful illusion without considering the worst The annoyance and anger of the situation!

Even, there is still a little feeling that I am not up to date!

This is a game between villages and villages! How can there be so many human feelings to talk about, the political game, in the end, it is better than the interests and scheming and ruthlessness!

Her naive thinking is the culprit behind Caoyin Village's current situation!

It also violates the most important point left by Chiba about political games. It can be said that the harmony just now is really irrational.

A little bit angry, but also a little bit ashamed!

There is also a kind of helpless resentment towards the current situation that should not be there!

These are among the things Qianye left her, things that are expressly prohibited, things that must be put an end to, things that must be vigilant and cannot be affected by them!

And in the deeper emotions than these anger and resentment, indescribable deep-seated emotions that cannot be described with pure resentment, the previous her still had a kind of hopeless despair.

Perhaps it was because it was Konoha's ninja who rescued them back then, and they always had an inexplicable affection for Konoha.

I always feel that Konoha should be a ninja like Chiba who saved them.

Will give them a helping hand.

Will help them!

And they are also willing to charge for Konoha!

Yes, although they all focus on the village, subconsciously, they are also willing to charge forward under Konoha's command on the premise of ensuring the village!

In a sense, their sense of identification with Konoha is unparalleled!

Willing to be a pawn may be able to describe their deep emotions.

For them, Konoha is like a beacon.

It's just that now the road sign is going to trap them to death. The feeling of the road sign collapsing makes He Yin feel emotionally out of balance for a while.

So much so that he lost his composure and said something that shouldn't have been said just now.

"Well... this matter..."

Seeing Haneda Kazuo's words that had regained his composure, Haneda Ichiyo's furrowed brows slightly loosened, but not completely. He murmured, but he still couldn't say anything.

Seeing that He Yin regained his sanity, Haneda Kazuyo was still relieved. If He Yin really insisted on going his own way, he couldn't stop him, or in other words, his position could only be done with He Yin.

And, although he didn't say it, there is actually a solution to this matter.

That is, let Heyin go to Orochimaru, let Heyin and Orochimaru cooperate, and completely defeat Konoha, or in other words, let Orochimaru’s Konoha collapse plan achieve considerable results, weaken Konoha, and make everyone think that now Attacking Konoha is a godsend opportunity to destroy Konoha, directing all malice and hostility towards Konoha.

And Caoyin Village can use Orochimaru to seize what it needs when Konoha's collapse plan is implemented. Of course, this requires the power of Caoyin Village, but within a month, all the forces of Caoyin Village can still be mobilized.

Moreover, with the words of Orochimaru, with the wisdom of the three of Yuze, they can still deal with it. No doubt, Orochimaru will suffer a bit.

No matter how bad it is, I can also mediate with Orochimaru.

It's just that this is far from his plan. In any case, his plan needs Konoha.

At least, Konoha's status in the current ninja world cannot be greatly changed.

He really didn't want this to happen.

However, although he breathed a sigh of relief, Haneda Kazuyo still felt not optimistic. For him, Caoyin Village was not as close as his own village, but after all, after living for so long, some things had become a habit.

At least, in Caoyin Village, he has something he can't give up.

In the current situation, Caoyin Village must be quite difficult.

It is not an exaggeration to say that there is a crisis of destruction.

After all, I still have to find a way.

"You... actually have a way, right?"

But at this time, Haneda Heyin seemed to see something, and said immediately, there was already a kind of understanding in his eyes.


To this, Kazuyo Haneda answered quite simply, now that Kazuyo finally regained his senses, even if something was seen out, Kazuyo Haneda couldn't be honest.

Fighting against Konoha, although it is not impossible to choose, but it is not what he wants.

"It should be, let's stand on the opposite side of Konoha, and we, Kusakashi, use the covenant Konoha gave to pave the way for the hostile forces! Let's give Konoha a devastating blow or weaken it."

Hearing this, although Haneda Ichiyo did not admit it, Haneda Heyin pointed it out directly.


To this, Haneda Kazuyo smiled wryly.

To be honest, sometimes there is really no slack in the chords.

"It seems that you are really not..."

But at this moment, looking at Haneda Kazuyo, Haneda Kazuo suddenly sighed and said.

"Master Heyin, please don't worry about the one-month postponement this time, and please don't doubt Konoha's attitude towards Caoyin Village this time, and please don't say such scary things, and help Konoha's hostile forces and the like of."

However, before she could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by a voice from the window.

"Watanabe Kencheng?"

And hearing this sound, almost at the same time, Haneda Kazuo and Haneda Kazuyo turned their heads to look at the same time.

looking towards...

That wryly smiling Konoha ninja hanging upside down by the window.

Exactly, Watanabe Kencheng!

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