Chapter 2418

"Mr. Yiye, after the examination, your body is no longer in serious condition, and you can be discharged from the hospital normally."

Putting away a series of miniatures for physical examination, the young doctor looked at the smiling young man in front of him, who seemed to be indifferent to everything, with slight surprise in his eyes and professional words in his mouth.

It's amazing that the serious injury that Kenshin told me, despite the treatment of medical ninjutsu, can fully recover in a short period of time, even after bleeding so much, it can still return to normal.

What a vigorous vitality this Haneda Ichiyo's body has!

At the same time, such a surprised thought flashed across his mind.

The inspection just now, although it was a routine inspection, after all, the other party was an important ninja from other ninja villages. Watanabe Kencheng had already explained to him about his performance in the Chunin exam. The status of the hidden village is also very clear.

Now that Caoyin Village has made it clear that it wants to improve medical standards, it is obvious that Caoyin Village's treatment is already at the level of an ally.

The young doctor still understood.

Just check to what extent.

After all, for a ninja, the body itself contains a lot of information. If he inspects it too carefully and in detail, there will be a suspicion of spying on the information.

Here, the preliminary judgment is fine.

And judging by Haneda Ichiyo's complexion, you can tell without testing that it has fully recovered.


In this regard, Haneda Kazuyo, who was leaning against the wall with a pillow, smiled slightly and thanked him.

Just some simple blood pressure and other checks, and no blood test, it seems that Konoha really has a heart.

Harmony over there should have gotten a very good covenant.

Sure enough, as I expected, the Three Hokages are looking for a way to break the current situation, and they are acting very boldly.

This hand, after the Zhongnin Exam, I am afraid that the entire ninja world will be shaken.

And in his mind, such a thought flashed through.

Now this young doctor's point-and-stop inspection is obviously considering the intelligence of Caoyin Village, and he has already attached great importance to Caoyin Village.

Coupled with the Do Not Disturb sign just now, it is already certain that Harmony's progress is quite smooth.

Although what he said to Long Yan just now was deceitful, it doesn't mean that it was all lies.

At least Heyin does have a plan for Heyin, no, it should be said that it is the plan of Heyin and Yuze.

Although he didn't tell him about this plan, Haneda Kazuyo could somewhat guess it.

In terms of Konoha, these two want greater benefits.

Otherwise, at the beginning, the trade channel would not have been opened to Konoha.

From the very beginning, the goal has been reached.

Obviously, Heyin and Yuze still have a good impression of Konoha, at least they don't have such a fondness for other Dairen villages.

"Then, here is your discharge certificate. You can leave now. If you still need to rest, the ward can be used for another day."

Hearing Haneda Ichiyo's thanks, the young doctor didn't stay long, and didn't intend to ask any more questions, and directly handed over a signed discharge certificate to Haneda Ichiyo.

At the same time, he stood up, took the packed medical examination equipment, and left the ward, leaving Haneda Kazuyo to look at the leaving doctor and the discharge certificate in his hand.

Already signed?

In other words, before the inspection, did he intend to release it?


is that so?

Because I directly asked to be checked and discharged, is it okay for him to think that I was discharged?

Therefore, the discharge certificate was issued directly.

The reason for checking me means that although it will be released, it will remind me whether the inspection result will be used before the release.

This doctor is thoughtful and thoughtful, and he handles things properly.

Regarding this, such a thought flashed through Haneda Kazuyo's mind.

Obviously, this doctor has already written the discharge certificate in advance, and this discharge certificate will definitely be handed over to him. Regardless of whether the inspection has passed or not, I am afraid that Watanabe Kencheng has something to explain, let him know I am a very important person to Caoyin Village. Since I want to leave, there must be something. As a doctor of Konoha, he naturally cannot stop him. big impact.

At this time, it is not the time for doctors to be concerned about their parents.

Political considerations must serve as a purpose.

And the reason why he will carry out the necessary examination on himself is the reflection of the doctor's thoughtfulness.

Although it was impossible for him to stop him from leaving for any reason, and he also planned to give him the discharge certificate, it didn't mean that he could only obediently let himself be powerful, or let him leave so simply.

Inspection is necessary, and if there is no obvious problem in the inspection, then it will be released directly.

In case there is any problem found in the inspection, then after he is released, he will also inform himself of the detailed situation. If he insists on leaving the hospital, he will be released, and if he does not insist, then he will stay.

In this way, even if something goes wrong in the future, Konoha can say that he has already reminded the important ninjas in Caoyin Village, but the important ninjas insisted on leaving, refused to receive medical treatment, and ignored Konoha's advice.

As an important ninja of Caoyin Village, it may be very important for Caoyin Village to be discharged from the hospital in such a desperate manner. As an outside village, they can't intervene, they can only remind and advise them like this.

In this way, even if something happens, Konoha can come up with this set of rhetoric to put aside responsibility in the face of the attack of someone with a heart.

This matter, big or small, is almost a perfect solution.

"Then, it's time to go back."

And thinking of this, Haneda Kazuyo also got off the bed, took the discharge certificate in his hand, and walked out of the ward directly.

Although no problem was found, no matter whether there was a problem or not, he really had to leave because of something.

And holding this discharge certificate, Haneda Kazuyo came to Konoha's bustling area smoothly, except for inexplicably feeling palpitations when leaving the special ward for the Chunin exam, as if some terrible creature had left. .

The bustling area at this time is still bustling with the holding of the Chunin Exam.

Compared with the usual bustling area, there are many more vendors and tourists from other ninja villages permitted by Konoha.

It seems that this is also Konoha's good plan!

During this period, if this kind of commercial prosperity is maintained, Konoha's finances will probably add a very considerable and generous income.

It can also be regarded as the additional bonus brought about by the risk of this Chunin exam.

And when he arrived in front of the guest house in Caoyin Village, such a thought flashed through Haneda Kazuyo's mind.

Speaking of it, the salary has really improved a lot. If it wasn't for the forehead protection in Caoyin Village, I'm afraid I would have to be interrogated.

Then, such a thought flashed through his mind.

In my mind, it was the scrutinizing gaze in the dark at the door when I just entered the guest house.

Obviously, this is a secret sent by Konoha, and the purpose is naturally to check the people who come and go. If they are not people from Caoyin Village, they may have to accept some inquiries.

Undoubtedly, this is the importance that Konoha attaches to Caoyin Village, and the inns of other Ninja Villages do not have this kind of treatment.

Not only the medical treatment has been improved, but even the security accommodation has been improved.

And according to what Haneda Ichiyo knew, this level of treatment probably didn't even exist in Hidden Sand Village.

In other words, the covenant that Heyin got was not only what they wanted, but also the content far exceeded their expectations.


With such a thought flashing through his mind, Kazuyo Haneda pushed the door open.

Then, he froze for a moment and froze on the spot.

The leisurely smile on his face, as if he didn't care about anything, slowly covered a layer of stiffness.

A kind of uncontrollable astonishment was reflected in the slightly widened eyes, as if seeing something impossible to see at this time.

The whole person is almost a little horrified!

In an instant, there was silence in front of the entire guest house. Haneda Kazuyo maintained the posture of pushing the door, and froze on the spot for a long, long time...

"Long Yan, what are you doing? Why are you tying yourself to the beam? Is it you and Xing Nai's new way of playing?"

Then, after a long time, Haneda Kazuyo blinked his eyes, and opened his mouth with a curious face, his words were full of doubts that were pretending to be serious.

"Huh? Long Yan, is this also playable?"

Afterwards, a naive voice suddenly came from inside the room. Between the words, it seemed that he believed the word "playing method" in Haneda Kazuyo's words.

"Woo! Woo! Woooo!"

And the next moment, there was a burst of extremely angry protests from inside the door, but it seemed that his mouth was blocked by something, and the only thing that came out was this series of angry sounds, but he couldn't utter a single word.


Then, after one sentence of anger, another voice that was even more angry than before sounded.

Of course, he still couldn't hear what he said, only the extreme anger in that tone.

"Heck heck! Long Yan, you are so cute, next time I want to play like this!"

However, this extreme anger did not have any effect. On the contrary, it made the pure and clear girl's voice sound again.

From the girl's words, it can be seen that the girl seems to be very interested in the current situation of the voice owner, and next time, she seems to hope that the voice owner will continue to maintain such a situation.


Then, just after this sound, there was this sound of crying and laughing in the room.

That extreme anger seemed to have turned into a paste.

"Hmm... Xing Nai, I'll play with you next time."

And at this time, the heartless words that almost exploded the hair on the top of the owner's head that made the mushy voice in the door slowly came out from Haneda Kazuyo who had already reacted.

In the words, the corners of his mouth were already full of jokes and a smile that could not be held back.

But at this moment, in the reflection of his eyes, I saw Tatsuhiko Haneda hanging on the hanging beam in the living room in a "tortoise shell bound" posture, his small mouth seemed to be stuffed with a squatting face Looking at his Xing Nai's handkerchief curiously, she glared at him at this moment, almost tearing apart, but her face was filled with impotent rage.

At the same time, around Haneda Tatsuhiko, dozens of quiet eyes were looking at him coldly.

An invisible dark aura that suppressed anger rolled in, but was firmly blocked by his nonchalant aura.

"Yiye, I think, do you want to be a companion with Long Yan?"

At the same time, the owner of the most angry and dark eyes in the center of the dozens of gazes said grimly.

"Me? Why do you want to be with Long Yan?"

In this regard, Haneda Kazuyo blinked and said innocently and curiously to the guy who almost gritted his teeth and spoke.

"What do you say?"

In this regard, the most angry and darkest master asked a gloomy rhetorical question.

"I don't know, so I'm asking you?"

Hearing this, Ichiyo Haneda blinked her eyes several times in a row, and said in a more innocent and curious tone.

It's completely like "what's the matter, I don't know at all!".

"Fuck you, you don't know about this? Long Yan dares to act so boldly, it must be your order!"

Suddenly, this innocence and curiosity caused great dissatisfaction, and someone had already erupted.

"Even if it wasn't your instigation, it was bad for you!"

"That's right, they actually put us..."

Then, after one person broke out, the entire guesthouse erupted into extremely angry curses.

When you were angry, I was angry, and immediately Haneda Tatsuhiko stunned them with poison, and then locked them in the tree hole, and then the Konoha Rescue Team found and rescued the embarrassing thing.

I see……

No wonder……

Then, after hearing this, Haneda Kazuyo quickly figured out the current situation, and couldn't help but glanced at Haneda Tatsuhiko hanging on the hanging beam, and suddenly understood in his heart.

The truth is that these guys were bullied by Long Yan, and when they came back, they tied up Long Yan and hung him up to vent their anger.

That is to say, this is Long Yan's own reaping the fruit, and it has caused him trouble.

"I said..."

Then, after understanding the situation, Haneda Ichiyo looked helpless, and said in a tone that instantly made the hairs of dozens of people in front of him explode.

"Okay! What's going on! Be quiet!"

However, he hadn't yelled at the dozens of people on the opposite side when he was interrupted by a yell, and all the angry people immediately fell silent, and they all sat upright, not even half angry. look.

Especially like a child who doesn't dare to move after being reprimanded by his mother.

"Yiye, come here, I have something important to tell you, something happened."

Then, I saw the beautiful woman walking out of the back room with a dignified face, and said to him.

"Huh? Long Yan, why are you hanging yourself on it? Is it a new way to play with Xing Nai?"

Then, this beautiful woman seemed to be attracted by something, and when she looked up, there was a subconscious sound of doubt in her mouth.


Immediately, the tortoise shell bound Haneda Tatsuhiko who was hanging on the beam burst into tears.


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