Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2412 hidden meaning

"Naturally, in order to attract Konoha's attention, not... it should be said, the key to obtaining Konoha's covenant.\

,"Facing Haneda Tatsuhiko's question, Haneda Kazuyo looked at him with the same smile on his mouth, and said so.


Regarding this, Tatsuhiko Haneda didn't say much, he just looked at Kazuyo Haneda in front of him, his eyes were as calm as water, his mouth hummed slightly, and he let out a sound like this.

Although there were no words, it was obvious that Haneda Kazuyo was asked to continue speaking, with a sense of scrutiny and almost an order.


And seeing Tatsuhiko Haneda's reaction now, the corner of Haneda Kazuyo's mouth seemed to be smiling brighter, and such a thought flashed in his mind.

At this moment, Haneda Tatsuhiko really seemed to have become a completely different person. Originally, although he was a young genius and very precocious, he was somewhat childish, and in terms of temperament, he was still mostly a child.

However, now it seems that the temperament or momentum exuded by Haneda Tatsuhiko no longer has this childishness.

Talking to him at this time is almost like talking to Yuze.

"Before, we said that the three generations of Hokage wanted to change the ninja world pattern for thousands of years, starting from the small ninja village, right?"

Afterwards, after this thought flashed by, Haneda Ichiyo took a slight breath, the smile on the corner of his mouth slowly retracted, and he spoke.

"I don't doubt that."

In this regard, Tatsuhiko Haneda said.

He didn't care what the Third Hokage was going to do, or how Haneda Ichiyo guessed what the Third Hokage was going to do, and how he got it.

For now, according to Ichiyo Haneda, since the so-called written covenant has been reached, there is no need for him to worry about how Ichiyo Haneda deduced it, what reason or basis is there, this is already an established fact.

Nor is it necessary.

The key now is what Ichiba Yu Haneda will say next.

Moreover, as the Hokage of Konoha, and the Hokage who has been in office for the longest time, and the shadow who led Konoha out of the shadow of war twice, he led Konoha through countless wind and rain during this period, and always kept Konoha in the Ninja World In the position of leader, the Third Hokage is definitely not a wise person. The huge amount of political experience and war experience accumulated during this administration can definitely destroy the current ninja world structure.

The point is that the structure of the Ninja World was not formed overnight. Since the formation of the Ninja World and the establishment of the major ninja villages, it has been slowly evolving. In this sense, it is already an inherent natural state.

It is not easy to change.

Even, it can be said that it is almost impossible to change.

"So, since the Xiaonin village is the key point to destroy the current structure of the ninja world, what kind of Xiaonin village will Konoha choose?"

In this regard, Haneda Kazuyo said so.

"According to the current situation, if it is said that Konoha's ultimate goal is to destroy the entire ninja world structure as you said, in order to improve the political status of Xiaonin Village, and win them to Konoha's side, tie them to Konoha If they are together, it is natural to find a small ninja village that can be ranked in the small ninja village, at least it can represent the ninja village in the future, or can suppress other ninja villages. "

Hearing this, Tatsuhiko Haneda said so.

This is a very simple truth, something that can be imagined almost without thinking.

"Yes, so..."

To this, Haneda Kazuyo nodded and said so.

"You won't say, so we have to show our full strength?"

However, Haneda Ichiyo hadn't finished his sentence when he was interrupted by Haneda Tatsuhiko, who saw a somewhat teasing look on Haneda Tatsuhiko's face.

It was clearly saying, "Then what do you mean by your previous remarks about not being too conspicuous?"


Regarding this, Haneda Kazuyo coughed lightly, as if to cover up something, and then said quite seriously: "So, that's what you mean, the reason why you don't make you too conspicuous, saying those words, is to let you have something in your heart." This limitation, I understand that you all want to win a hope for the village, and I understand that you all know that the village has entered a dangerous state, almost to a point where life and death are at stake, but I don't want you And unnecessary losses were caused by impulsive judgments. For the village, even leaving aside the emotional aspect, you are the most important fighting force in the future of the village, representing the future of the village. Moreover, this time Konoha passed the Chunin exam, There is also the meaning of observing the future combat power of each ninja village. If you have any damage, Konoha's perception of our village's strength will still be greatly reduced, and this is also a part of proving your own strength."

"Oh, is it so?"

After hearing this explanation, Tatsuhiko Haneda still looked at him calmly, but said something subtle in his mouth.

"Then do you think it makes no sense?"

To this, Haneda Kazuyo did not answer directly, but asked back with a smile.

At this time, needless to say, Tatsuhiko Haneda in front of him is not an idiot, some things are not persuaded by himself, but he figured it out on his own.

Besides, this sentence is not a lie.

"So, what's next? What you said just explained that Konoha is looking for a powerful Xiaonin village. What does this have to do with your outrageous behavior? Could it be that your outrageous behavior can still be found in Does Konoha think of extra points?"

In this regard, Haneda Tatsuhiko said so.

Obviously, he has already figured out the joints, so there is no need for Haneda Ichiyo to say anything more.

However, even though he had figured out this part of the joints, Haneda Tatsuhiko still understood quite well that it didn't explain anything at all.

It just sounds reasonable, and it's still far from the answer I want to know.

"Yes, I can add points to Konoha's heart."

Hearing this, Kazuyo Haneda answered quite straightforwardly, he opened his mouth almost as soon as Tatsuhiko Haneda's voice fell.

Simple and sure.

Of course, he can add points for doing so.

"Oh? Is Konoha still a masochist? When someone slaps them in the face, do they still accept it, or even look up to you?"

After all, this question related to the question that Haneda Tatsuhiko was most concerned about. At this time, after hearing Haneda Ichiyo's words, a wave of anger flashed in his eyes after all. ,

At this point, he couldn't figure it out.

Da Ren Village, no matter how it is in the dark, will always fight for face in the open, and even basically will not make concessions in this regard.

Now, Haneda Kazuyo’s behavior undoubtedly discredited Konoha, and he still didn’t believe that Konoha would not only deal with Caoyin Village because of this, but would also add points in his heart, and finally chose Caoyin Village as the Allies of written covenants.

"I won't worship, and I won't look up to you, because our outrageous behavior is what Konoha wants."

Regarding this, Haneda Ichiyo slightly hooked the corner of his mouth, and said firmly.

"Huh? Are you kidding me?"

Hearing this game, Tatsuhiko Haneda could hardly hold back anymore, and the sentence suddenly popped out of his mouth.

This is really the biggest joke in the world!

You slapped Konoha on the face, and Konoha still wants you to slap him?

Is there such a reason?

There must be a limit to fooling people!

No! ,

You are the one who wants to lie, so do it well!

What is this for?

Fool children?


Is it a fool with a zero IQ?

Even an idiot with a zero IQ wouldn't believe it, okay?

At the same time, in his heart, he was already complaining.

There is really no reason for this!

It's impossible!

"Think about it, what Xiaoren Village used to be like."

Regarding this, Haneda Kazuyo was not surprised, it seemed that he had expected it long ago, but he asked rhetorically.

"What is Xiaonin Village like, what else can it be like, survive in the cracks, repeat... eh?"

Hearing this, Tatsuhiko Haneda said almost subconsciously.

However, this time, only halfway through the speech, he suddenly stopped.

This idiot Yiye, is that what you mean?

Has he noticed this level?


Since the ninja world has stabilized, Xiaonin Village has been in a state of survival in the cracks, capricious. It is normal to rely on this one today and another tomorrow.

Even, it is almost a customary rule. One day Xiaoren Village does not jump around for profit, I am afraid that Daren Village will suspect instead, whether this Xiaoren Village has hidden some killers, which will be bad for them.

Xiaonin Village is already synonymous with capriciousness.

And Konoha is also a Great Ninja Village. Although his attitude towards Xiaoren Village has always been gentle, Konoha is not hypocritical enough to believe in Xiaonin Village.

Haneda Yiye did this to win Konoha's trust.

This is, Nato certificate!

Haneda Yiye's series of behaviors, or a series of behaviors led by him, are all trying to win Konoha's trust.

Apart from being powerful, Konoha couldn't be moved.

And his extraordinary behavior can really make Konoha take a look.

First of all, it is to show all the strength. First, it is to prove to Konoha that he is qualified enough to win this covenant. In Xiaoren Village, Caoyin Village is already the leader.

Secondly, it also expresses one's determination, exposing this kind of strength that should not be exposed, and making all Ninja villages afraid, this is self-defeating and expressing one's sincerity to Konoha.

As for that slap, it is the key of the key.

Just proving one's qualifications and showing one's sincerity may be able to win Konoha's favor for a while, but it is not enough to win Konoha's trust.

This display of strength only proves their qualifications and sincerity, but just having qualifications and sincerity does not mean that Konoha can always trust them.

After all, Xiaonin Village is synonymous with capriciousness. Sincerity may be true, but how long can it last.

Yes, here is the key.

Can only trust for a while, give a written covenant, and directly recognize the political status of Xiaonin Village?


If he admits his political status and turns back in the end, wouldn't Konoha lose his wife and lose his army?

At that time, the loss outweighs the gain!

What Konoha needs is not only qualifications but also sincerity, and also the proof that Caoyin Village will remain loyal to Konoha for a long time.

And the reason is because Xiaonin Village is already synonymous with capriciousness.

The reason why Xiaonin Village is synonymous with capriciousness is nothing more than the reason for the survival criteria that have been swaying in the cracks for a long time.

And the influence of this kind of survival principle sometimes does not only work when the situation is forced, it will also have a long-term and even irreversible change on Xiaoren Village itself.

Sometimes, there is too much grass on the wall, and there is no backbone.

Yes, perhaps, the capriciousness of Xiaoren Village in the past was just forced by the situation, but now the capriciousness of Xiaoren Village is not only forced by the situation, but also that Xiaoren Village has completely lost its backbone and courage. It's just going to be wobbly.

This is a taboo.

For Konoha, this is also the biggest taboo of a written covenant.

Unlike wooing, written covenants are real allies. They are all signed with Daren Village, and they are more or less effective. Not only Caoyin Village, Konoha also has to bear considerable obligations. If you breach the contract, it will damage your reputation. Influential, and Konoha has always been the target of public criticism, let alone stain his reputation.

At least there can be no stain of being found by the four major ninja villages.

And if a written covenant is signed with a wavering little ninja village, what if other big ninja villages use this little ninja village to make a fuss?

At that time, Konoha was really at a disadvantage!

It is also because of this that Haneda Ichiyo did this, and this kind of out-of-the-ordinary behavior will elevate his status in Konoha's mind.

This slap, from Konoha's point of view, was not aimed at her own face.

Instead, it hit the entire ninja world structure, and created a crack.

Haneda Ichiyo's slap is to say that Caoyin Village is not a vacillating grass that has lost its backbone. Caoyin Village has strength, sincerity, and courage!

Even you Konoha, we can offend you when everything is still unclear.

Why are you afraid of other ninja villages?

Moreover, Haneda Ichiyo's slap proved courage, and at the same time, it also expressed another meaning like Konoha.

Caoyin Village will not only be loyal to Konoha, but also have enough courage to break the current ninja world pattern together with Konoha!

It can be said that this slap slapped everything Konoha wanted in front of it!

Indeed, this slap will increase Konoha's favor towards Caoyin Village.

Moreover, it is skyrocketing!

Konoha, just want such a small ninja village!

Kazuyo Haneda, you are right!

"It seems that you have figured it out."

And at this time, seeing Tatsuhiko Haneda's reaction, Kazuyo Haneda's face slowly relaxed, and said lightly.

This kid...

He realized it so quickly, there was a complex meaning hidden in it, and after only one sentence, he figured it out by himself.


Hidden Grass Village should really be Konoha's most wanted ally.

At the same time, such a thought flashed through his mind.

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