Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2394 Abnormal

Not at all... Does it hurt?

It's even better than Hinata's ointment...

Because of the little girl's abrupt tiptoe touching her face, Naruto Uzumaki subconsciously leaned back. His eyes were closed tightly, showing a "so painful" expression, with a little hesitation and a little surprise, he opened his eyes cautiously. Opening his eyes, his blue eyes looked down slightly, but his heart was full of surprise.

Obviously, he did not expect that the wave after wave of burning pain just now would disappear so quickly.

Originally, the girl suddenly walked in front of her and touched her face without saying a word, which would feel more painful than the wave after wave of pain just now. Almost subconsciously, he closed his eyes, and reflexively made movements and expressions of enduring pain.

However, I didn't expect that when the little girl's hand touched her face, what she brought was not pain, but a cool and refreshing feeling, which was a bit like the ointment that Hinata had given her, but it was The effect is much better than Hinata's ointment.

When the almost cool feeling came up, the pain disappeared, not only the pain disappeared, but even the swelling feeling disappeared at a speed that he could clearly feel. ,

Now, I can't feel anything, and the swelling and squeeze of the left eye has disappeared. Not only is there no pain and swelling, but there is even a warm feeling on the left cheek.


Then, such a thought subconsciously flashed through his mind.

"That's all right, blond-haired idiot brother!"

But at this time, a more tired and crisp voice sounded.

I saw that the small palm slowly moved down from his face, and the already pale face seemed to be a little more tired.

However, the smile on the corner of his mouth has not changed at all.

With a bit of purity, a bit of warmth, and a cuteness that even Naruto Uzumaki cannot ignore.

However, at this moment, in the eyes of Uzumaki Naruto, this smile is a bit dazzling.

"Thank... thank you!"

Then, subconsciously, he spoke.

"It doesn't matter."

Regarding this, the little girl in front of Naruto Uzumaki, Haneda Anna, who was almost the focus of everyone's eyes at this time, smiled, shook her head, and then turned around without saying anything.


This year's Caoyin Village is really confusing!

But at this time, looking at the little girl who turned around, and Naruto's intact face, such a somewhat uneasy thought flashed through the heart of Sandai Hokage.

To be honest, Sandai Hokage doesn't have much of an opinion about Haneda Ichiyo's teaching Naruto a lesson. He also didn't intend to change his attitude towards Caoyin Village because of this incident.

From the beginning to the end, he only considered the value of Caoyin Village and the benefits to Konoha. As for the matter of Haneda Ichiyo beating Naruto, even if Naruto is a descendant of Minato, Sandai Hokage did not intend to What favoritism.

To be honest, Naruto’s education, the three generations of Hokage are ashamed. After the Nine-Tails Rebellion, Konoha needs to cope with external pressure and restore his vitality with all his strength. He has so many affairs every day that he has no time to manage Naruto.

It's also thanks to Chiba's decision to conceal the identity of Naruto's Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, otherwise, with the village and his situation, I'm afraid it is really very likely that there is no way to protect Naruto comprehensively.

However, although Naruto is living well now, not to mention how good the living conditions are, but at least he is living safely, thanks to Naruto's optimistic and strong nature, and he has nothing to worry about.

However, after all, he didn't spend too much time taking care of Naruto, for this, he is ashamed of Minato.

It is precisely because of this that Naruto's growth has certain deviations, for example, the deviation of common sense as a ninja.

And what Haneda Ichiyo said was actually not wrong, and this slap was not wrong either.

In the situation just now, when it has been seen that he can't beat him, for the good of Hinata, or in terms of ninja thinking, he should not cheer for Hinata at that time, especially since Hinata's opponents have shown that they want to kill When she is showing signs of growth, she should not blindly support and trust her.

At this time, what should be given to Hinata is recognition, not encouraging her to continue fighting.

One of the most important qualities of a ninja is to recognize the gap between the enemy and the enemy and make the best judgment against the opponent.

Naruto's behavior is the spirit of a teenager, not the behavior that a ninja should have.

Although I don't know why Haneda Kazuyo lost his composure to Naruto, or slapped Naruto angrily, but what is certain is that Haneda Kazuyo was right in this matter.

Leaving aside the so-called villages and villages, if Haneda Kazuyo was not out of malice, then Sandai Hokage felt that this slap should still be deserved.

If the effect is good, it will definitely be beneficial to Naruto's growth.

And now, Haneda Anna's behavior also made him quite surprised, at least it was unexpected.

As for this Haneda Anna, it was really beyond the expectations of the third Hokage,

Her seemingly instinctive healing behavior has already caused the third Hokage to have considerable doubts about the Haneda family.

Looking at this Anna Haneda, he always felt that the Haneda family was not a pure ninja family.

Leaving aside the power of the ninja, the shadow of the civilian on Haneda Anna's body is too strong. It looks more like a civilian than a ninja, let alone a ninja who can possess such power.

Three generations of Hokage, some are beginning to be unsure about this hidden grass village.

This Anna Haneda, did it on purpose?

Or unintentional?

Are we underestimating her?

Or is she on the wrong track?

At this time, besides the third Hokage, some other thoughtful ninjas from other villages have also begun to speculate.

After all, Anna Haneda's behavior was too abrupt.

It was also completely beyond their expectations, making them almost have the idea of ​​"Is there such a method?"

Undoubtedly, in this case, Haneda Anna's behavior is undoubtedly an behavior that can win people's favor, but, like the previous one, there are two explanations.

Also the same as before, one is a good direction and the other is a bad direction.

If you start from a good direction, then this kind of behavior is entirely Haneda Anna's rescue behavior from the heart, maybe it is to make up for the mistake Haneda Kazuyo made just now or the situation, maybe it is purely to see this blonde The idiot is poor, and treating them with a kind heart is an act of kindness.

And if you start from a bad direction, then this is to cooperate with Haneda Kazuyo and Haneda Tatsuhiko's behavior to further persecute Konoha, or in other words, to nail Konoha to the position of affinity with Caoyin Village.

After all, this kind of treatment behavior that can gain favor is easier to get support, or get a high point of reason. ,

Caoyin Village is apologizing and treating. Not only did it save Konoha's important Hyuga clan clan, but it also treated another ninja in a state of obvious exhaustion, and more or less made up for its own fault.

If this is the case, Konoha still has any inappropriate behavior towards Caoyin Village, coupled with the operations of other Daren Villages, Konoha definitely targets Caoyin Village, and it is all a typo in the end.

Unless Konoha's means can make Caoyin Village disappear or collapse without anyone noticing.

And now, in a short period of time, I'm afraid I really need to consider whether to protect Caoyin Village. After all, in the current situation, sometimes, if Konoha doesn't deal with Caoyin Village, some people will deliberately attack Caoyin Village , or secretly engage in some small tricks to cause an accident in Caoyin Village.

As long as there is an accident in Caoyin Village, then Muye Village will definitely suffer various non-armed attacks.

It would also be a big loss for Konoha.

It can be said that Tatsuhiko Haneda, Ichiyo Haneda, and Anna Haneda, this series of operations, in a sense, has killed Konoha.

The three members of the Haneda family, this wave can be said to be extremely exciting.

Could it be that this Anna Haneda is not as innocent as she appears?

Isn't that kind of ninja-like appearance just her camouflage and protective color?

But at this time, these quick-witted ninjas were hesitating about such a question in their hearts.

After all, they are ninjas from other ninja villages, and they still have to collect the necessary information and intelligence. Looking at the current situation, if you think about it from a good or bad perspective, it is very likely that they all misunderstood this Anna Haneda.

And if the appearance of this ordinary little girl of Haneda Anna is really her disguise, then this little girl can pretend so well at such a young age that almost no one can see it, and I am afraid that the third generation of Hokage is mistaken.

How can such a person be ignored?

Besides, the three of Haneda are able to take the situation to death. No matter how bad the situation is, they have bought time for their village to deal with Konoha. Who can be underestimated?

Grass hidden village...

It's Caoyin Village again!

Damn grass hidden village!

At this time, Ma Ji, who was about to give up thinking, almost had the urge to wipe his forehead.


What a headache!

For Markey, he can naturally think of what the active-minded guys think of now, and because of the plan of Sand Yin and Orochimaru, he knows far more than these people.

Even, it is very clear that the appearance of Caoyin Village has caused them much trouble.

He can almost conclude that Konoha is bound to win over Caoyin Village, and Caoyin Village must readily agree.

Because, no matter the current situation, or the attitudes shown by Caoyin Village and Konoha, they should be completely like bastards against mung beans, and they have completely taken a fancy to them.

The answer of the third Hokage just now was so ingenious. Not only did it not lose Konoha's prestige, but it also put on a magnanimous posture. However, in the implication, there was room for it. In order to meet the conditions of Caoyin Village at any time, but there are many uses, and monitoring Caoyin is one of them. At the same time, you can also use this attitude to beat Caoyin. Konoha still has the ability to control your Caoyin Village , this ninja is a signal. If you are obedient, then this ninja is the existence that meets your conditions. If there is anything wrong, then this ninja can completely control your every move. Even become your terminator, in short, don't go too far.

And the most important thing is not these two points, but the attitude that cannot be seen in the words of the third Hokage, which is used to deter another group of people.

Yes, this sentence is aimed at another group of people besides Caoyin Village.

For example, they have bad intentions.

Yes, although the third Hokage doesn't know their plan yet, they have taken precautions.

This sentence also deterred them.

It is to use this ambiguity to make them anxious. After all, if Konoha forms an alliance with the current Caoyin Village in the Chunin exam, regardless of the others in Caoyin Village, the current Haneda three will definitely be enough for them. Pot up.

It is also possible that the plan failed because of the three of them.

And with this level, it is impossible to guess whether Konoha will form an alliance with Caoyin Village, whether their plan will become a failure, which is enough to make them anxious.

In addition, although the attitude is unclear, the lines in the words are full of Konoha's Omura demeanor, which can also win over quite a small Ninja Village.

It can be said that the words of the Three Hokages kill three birds with one stone!

Perhaps, in the current situation, if it were him, he would have been eaten to death by the three of Haneda, but would the Third Hokage, who can kill three birds with one sentence, really be eaten to death?

Can such a Hokage who has been in power for the longest time and has the most outstanding political achievements be easily eaten to death like this?

Certainly not possible!

The reason why the Three Hokages were exposed so easily was that they showed favor to Caoyin Village, and it was finally finalized.

The basic meaning is: Since everyone has finished showing their friendship, then, so be it, you go back first, and I will send the alliance letter later.

In other words, the situation he least wanted to see had already happened by default.

How can this not make him lose his composure and curse secretly!

"Let's go back!"

And at this moment, at the moment when Maji lost his composure, Haneda Anna who had turned around suddenly stretched out her hand, and said to the two partners in front of her who were looking at her.

Although her hands had begun to tremble slightly, there was still that cheerful smile on her face.

Although this smile was somewhat dimmed because of his pale and tired face, but that cheerful and carefree expression was more than anything.

The contagious power seems to be doubled.


And looking at the girl with her hands open in front of her, without hesitation, Haneda Kazuyo and Haneda Tatsuhiko held the slightly trembling little hand almost at the same time.

Then, without any hesitation, with Xing Nai holding hands, the three of them walked out slowly.

"Wait a moment!"

However, just as they were about to leave, there was a voice behind them that seemed to have made some decision.


In response to this, Haneda Kazuyo, together with Xing Nai and Long Yan, turned back, with a slightly cold sound in their mouths.

"Responsibility... I will bear it!"

And at this time, behind them, Uzumaki Naruto slowly raised his clenched hand, and between his fingers, blood was flowing.

But under his feet, the pile of blood left by Hinata Hinata was marked by a hand pressing.

"Oh? How are you responsible?"

Regarding this, Haneda Kazuyo smiled coldly.

"What Hinata has not done, I will do it, he... I will defeat him!"

As if knowing that Haneda Kazuyo would ask such a question, Uzumaki Naruto pointed heavily at the white-eyed boy with his bloodstained finger.

Neiji Hinata!


Regarding this, Ningji Hyuga snorted slightly, seeming to be quite disdainful.

"Win or lose?"

But at this time, upon hearing this, Haneda Kazuyo showed an inexplicable expression on his face, and the corners of his mouth curled up, as if showing a particularly stiff smile.

It seemed a little helpless, and also a little inexplicably depressed.

"So, what if Hinata Hinata didn't survive when Anna wasn't there just now?"

Then, he didn't pay much attention to it, and turned around directly, ignoring Long Yan and Xing Nai, and walked towards the exit.

How do you feel, idiot Yiye (brother Yiye)...

But at this moment, watching Haneda Ichiyo turn around, Long Yan and Xing Nai's faces showed a look of astonishment.

Then, there was a faint worry.

At this moment, in their view, the departed young man who grew up with them.

At this moment, the figure from the back seemed a little strange.

also some...


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