Chapter 2388 Finally...

Great... Finally... Finally...

Well... well said it!

Looking at the steaming smoke and dust that almost obscured the sight ahead, Hyuga Hinata had a gratified smile on her face.

She is very satisfied.

Although she was defeated, it was still a disastrous defeat, but at this moment, she was satisfied, looking at the face of Hinata Hinata, who was almost a boy who grew up with her and rushed towards her, covered by the sudden transpiration of smoke and dust. , but it is a kind of relief.

She said it.

The words that have been suppressed in the bottom of my heart have been said well.

Yes, in fact, it was my elder brother Ningci who had been suffering all the time.

Compared with being left out because of lack of talent, and suffering some contempt, although my brother is a genius among geniuses, his position in the Hyuga clan is equivalent to the one that Aunt Yumiko once mentioned was called The great genius of Taki Chiba has the same position in Konoha Village. However, because of being in a branch family, the status is very embarrassing, coupled with the dissatisfaction and almost irreversible status gap between the main family and the branch family since the establishment of this family mechanism, and the The pain my elder brother endured after this incident is really not a drop in the bucket.

For so many years, she has been seeing her brother suffering in pain. He obviously hates the clan so much, but he has to accompany his clan, who is far inferior to his clan to train. The enemy's daughter gets along day and night, and she wants to improve her strength, so she doesn't want to show any resentment.

This kind of pain, to be honest, she couldn't imagine.

Even if her brother Ning Ci is by her side.

As for her, she has been looking at her elder brother Neji, from facing the pain directly to attributing the pain to the fact that fate cannot be changed, and avoiding the pain instead of solving it.

She saw it, but became more and more anxious.

Because, if this continues, my elder brother Ning Ci will live under the shadow of this pain forever, and he will always be trapped in the same place.

She was anxious, but she couldn't speak.

She couldn't remind her elder brother Ningci that she couldn't go on like this.

Even though, she knew that she had to remind her elder brother Ning Ci, in fact, he was the one who suffered the most and was most confused now, and had nothing to do with fate at all.

Because she is a member of the clan, the cause of that incident was her.

The person who caused my brother Neci to suffer so much is me!

That day, after witnessing that incident, after witnessing Brother Ningci who was engraved with a bird in a cage, she actually felt very depressed, and she even felt sick.

Why has this kind of unreasonable family mechanism existed for so long?

But what's the use if she feels bad?

How can the system that has lasted for thousands of years be changed by the disgrace of her clan, whose successors are not counted?

What she can do, in fact, is to say this sentence to remind her brother not to live in the past, but to live in the present and the future, and maybe even change the darkness of the Hyuga clan.

However, she couldn't say it.

She has no courage.

After witnessing those situations and deeply knowing the pain of her elder brother Neci, she didn't have the courage to say this.

This sentence has been accumulated in her mind for several years.

Now, at last, it has been said.

Moreover, he also made the greatest effort in front of his sweetheart.

At this moment, Hinata Hinata seemed to feel that even the unbearable pain on her body was not so painful anymore.

That's it!

that's it!

I don't know, Aunt Yumiko, will she be very happy?

And at this moment, such a thought flashed across her mind.

At the same time, in her mind, the vague but still remembered memory of when she was still young flashed across.

The scene where the pale but beautiful, kind, soft-spoken aunt, on her deathbed, asked Neji to leave her to herself.


However, at this moment, in the smoke and dust in front of him, as if pierced by a rotating sharp cone, a hole suddenly opened and twisted outward.

In an instant, a twisted mass was already in front of her eyes.

"Oh... I didn't expect..."

At this very moment, before Hinata Hinata had time to be shocked, a figure suddenly flashed in front of her, and the not-so-broad back blocked her firmly behind her.

At the same time, this sentence of exclamation also sounded in front of him.


And at this moment, Hyuga Hinata seemed to have forgotten the pain, her eyes suddenly opened wide, but she was full of surprise.


And the next moment, the not-so-broad figure suddenly paused back, and a muffled groan sounded in front of him.

It was as if some violent attack had been blocked.

It was as if, the not-so-broad back in front of her, this young man, the Haneda Kazuyo who came to Caoyin Village and got everyone's attention, helped her to block some kind of attack.

That's right, at this moment, at the critical moment, Haneda Kazuyo...

Stand in front of her!


Subconsciously, she spit out this word.

"Ningji, enough is enough."

However, after all, she didn't finish her words. She only uttered one word in her subconscious words, and was interrupted by the voice from ahead, through Haneda Kazuyo's back.

At this time, in front of Haneda Ichiyo, the smoke and dust had dispersed, revealing the scene inside.

At this moment, Neiji Hyuga maintained a posture of striking with one palm. Behind him, the thick-browed watermelon-haired Maitkai clamped his neck, and the right hand he struck was the card held on his right. In Cassie's hand, his left hand, which he could still hit with his stomach closed, was held by Yu Hihong who was squatting on the ground.

In front of him, the referee Moonlight Gale, already had a serious expression on his face, and pointed his right hand on his forehead, looking like he was about to strike ruthlessly.

I'm afraid, if Hyuga Neji doesn't stop attacking, then he will use extraordinary means to subdue Hyuga Neji.

And the one who spoke was Neiji Hinata's teacher, Maitkai with thick eyebrows and watermelon hair.

"Didn't you make an agreement with me not to have any conflicts with other people because of the Zong family?"

Then Matkay said again.

In the words, it is already quite serious.

As a senior elite Jōnin, Matt Kai naturally sensed that his disciple really wanted to kill Hinata Hinata just now.

The killing intent just now has exploded to its peak.

In a sense, it has been counted as a kind of loss of reason.

To be honest, it was the first time he saw his disciple like this.

"Why did the other Jonin also take action? Is this also the preferential treatment of the Zong family?"

But at this time, Neiji Hyuga, who had a tight jaw, seemed to be completely unable to listen to his mentor's words, and said with resentment.

Just that moment?

Could it be possible!

However, at this time, no one paid attention to his words. At the same time, Moonlight Hayate and Kakashi in front of him both looked at the opposite of him, about one meter away, in the direction of Hinata Hinata.

At that moment just now, when they came to stop them, Kakashi and Moonlight Hayate felt at the same time. When Moonlight Hayate walked in front of Hinata Neji to stop him, Hinata Neji, who had already stretched out his palm, felt something from him. The side flew out.

Most likely, it was Neji Hinata's attack.

As for the situation just now, Hinata Hinata was defenseless, and now Hinata Hinata has no spare energy to avoid it.

If it was really an attack, then, I'm afraid, the situation of Hinata Hinata is not good.


And at this moment, they turned their heads, and before their eyes settled down, they coughed, but it felt like a hammer hit their hearts, and their hearts couldn't help beating faster!

They were familiar with this coughing sound.


Everyone present is familiar with it.

This is, coughing up blood, or the sound of coughing up a lot of blood.

Could it be that he was hit!

Oh no!

Now, life is in danger!

But at this time, their faces almost all changed color, and at the same time, such a thought flashed in their hearts.


However, at this moment, behind them, there was a serious sound.

"Yes Yes!"

Almost amidst this serious voice, a familiar and clear voice full of the smell of a little girl rang out.

Then, they heard a series of running sounds.

It seems that there is a little girl who has long been prepared to deal with the current situation.

This is……

Ichiyo Haneda? Grass Hidden Village!

And at this moment, their eyes finally settled on the position of Hinata Hinata.

At this time, Hinata Hinata was already kneeling on the ground, with a mouthful of blood in front of her, and she looked very seriously injured.

However, at this time, beside her, there was another person, a young man with gray and white hair, it was Haneda Kazuyo!

At this time, Haneda Kazuyo was slowly helping her to lie down.

Xing Nai's sound just now obviously came from him.


At this time, other people also noticed Hyuga Hinata's injury for the first time, Uzumaki Naruto and others jumped down from the second floor.

Kureni Yuhi, who was the closest, got up directly, and almost instantly walked to Hinata Hinata's side.

"Don't touch her."

And just when Kurenai Yuhi arrived and was about to touch Hinata Hinata's chest subconsciously, Kazuyo Haneda stretched out her hand and stopped her.

"how's it going?"

At this moment, Kurenai Yuhi couldn't care about why a boy from Caoyin Village would rush to Hinata Hinata's side, why would he intervene in Konoha's internal affairs, but seeing Haneda Kazuyo helping Hinata Hinata lie down for the first time She knew that this Haneda Kazuyo did not have any malicious intentions.

I have no idea about Konoha either.

Maybe it's just out of sympathy or being moved by Hinata or something.

Therefore, she chose to believe in Ichiyo Haneda, and half-kneeled beside Ichiyo Haneda, that is, at the side of Hinata Hinata's feet, and asked.

"Hinata is okay! Hey! Hinata!"

At this time, Uzumaki Naruto and others also ran to Hinata Hinata's side one after another. At this time, Uzumaki Naruto had already knelt down on the other side, lying on the ground, his face was pale, and the blood at the corner of his mouth was still wet Hinata Hinata's face was full of anxiety and concern.

"You... what did you say?"

At the same time, Xu Shi heard the voice of Uzumaki Naruto, and his eyes were already closed uncontrollably in Hinata Hinata, but his mouth was slowly buzzing, as if he wanted to say something.

However, the sound was like a mosquito, but no one could hear it clearly.

At this time, the anxious Uzumaki Naruto couldn't help asking.


Am I, a little bit stronger?

But at this time, Hyuga Hinata's eyes were completely closed, and she passed out.

When her consciousness fell into darkness, there was only one thought in her heart that she wanted to say, but she couldn't express it.

"Hey! The crane tail over there! I want to give you two pieces of advice. If you are a ninja, don't do stupid things like cheering others up. Also, the crane tail is the crane tail after all, and it won't change."

At the same time, Neiji Hyuga, who had calmed down, looked at Naruto Uzumaki and couldn't help but speak.

"Would you like to try?"

And after hearing this sound, looking at Hinata Hinata who had passed out on the ground, and then at the so-called genius who beat Hinata like this, Uzumaki Naruto stood up slowly, with a look of depth in his eyes that he never had before. , no nonsense, straight to the point.

The words were already full of suppressed anger.

It can be seen that as long as Hinata Ningji nods, he will immediately rush forward and fight this so-called genius to the death!


In this regard, facing Naruto Uzumaki's anger, Ningji Hyuga sneered slightly.

In an instant, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

The tense feeling of daggers and swords spread instantly.

"The situation is very bad. It seems that there is a ventricular fibrillation reaction."

But at this time, Haneda Kazuyo didn't care about the tension, just looked at Kurenai Yuhi who was not paying attention to the side, frowned, and said.


But hearing this sound, Yuhihong's complexion changed drastically in an instant, and suddenly, she looked at Hinata Neji, with a serious face that was almost frightening.

Did he want to kill Hinata?

In this regard, such a complicated thought flashed through Yu Hihong's heart.

"If you have time to stare at me, you might as well take a look at her situation."

But noticing the oppressive gaze of Kuroyuki, Jonin, Hinata Neiji said with a sneer.

"Medical class, what are you doing, hurry up!"

And hearing this sound, Yuhihong also knew that the key point now was not Ningji Hinata's thoughts, she immediately turned her head, and looked at the medical class that was about to arrive, who seemed to be on the spot because of the atmosphere.

"Yes... sorry!"

Immediately, the faces of those stunned medical teams started to apologize.

"It's okay, leave this to Xing Nai!"

However, in the next second, they were stopped again.

By another person.

From Caoyin Village, Haneda Ichiyo!

And at this moment, almost at the same time, Haneda Anna's footsteps stopped behind Yuhihong.

"Yes! Just leave it to Xing Nai!"

Then, a clear and confident child's voice sounded behind Yu Hihong.

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