Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 242 New Mission


A crisp sound of skin and flesh resounded in Hongyan's intensive care unit.


A scolding sound followed.

Immediately, there was silence in the intensive care unit, and a needle could be heard.

Unconsciously, Qianye covered her face, her teeth bared slightly, with a look of "how much this hurts".

Xue Nai beside him also widened his eyes slightly, completely unable to understand the scene in front of him.

And the female medical ninja who was in charge of taking care of Hirohiko was also completely stunned. She was about to leave after saying "patients need rest" just now. She also didn't rest all night and planned to drink tea, but she didn't expect , just as she touched the doorknob with her own hand, this scene happened. For a while, she couldn't turn the corner.

At this time, on the hospital bed, Hong Yan, who had come to his senses, looked haggard. There is still a little black on the lower eyelid. Although he woke up, he still looks very weak. But at this moment, his entire face was turned to the left, and on the right cheek, a bright red palm print clearly appeared.

Hongyan's eyes also widened slightly, obviously he didn't expect that the little girl with closed eyes and frowning brows in front of him would suddenly slap her up, and then she yelled angrily.

And this angry reprimand seemed to have exhausted all the strength of the little girl, and after the reprimand, she was also panting.

"This...Xue Nai, I feel... Should we go out?" Chiba rubbed her cheeks, coughed lightly, and said to Xue Nai beside her.

Xue Nai looked at the little girl who was propping up on Hirohiko's hospital bed with one hand while maintaining a swinging posture with the other, and nodded in amazement.

"Then... I'll go out too!" The female medical ninja murmured as if she had just woken up from a dream.

After finishing speaking, the female medical ninja seemed to think of something, and added: "Well, there is no problem with hitting the face, but you can't hit other parts randomly."

Saying that, the female medical ninja quickly opened the door and left, and Chiba and Xue Nai also left.

The hospital door closed gently.


When it was closed, Chiba and Xue Nai could vaguely hear it.



"stupid stupid stupid!"

The little girl seemed to lose control of her emotions, and a series of accusations came from the door. After a long time, Hirohiko's voice sounded.


A little guilty, a little overwhelmed apology.

"Cough! Xue Nai, are you hungry? Uncle Yile's store should be open now. I feel a little hungry." Chiba coughed lightly and said at this time, after the female medical ninja heard the movement inside the door, she She already left with interest, leaving Chiba and Xue Nai standing side by side with their backs against the door of the ward.

"Well... But, what should we do with these things?" Xue Nai pointed to the food that occupied two seats. It was bought by the two of them in the snow yesterday, and no one ate a bite in the end.

"These...are left to Hirohiko and...and...his girlfriend?" Chiba thought for a while and said.

Hearing this, Xue Nai was slightly taken aback, then nodded, and said, "Yes."

Then, the two stood up straight at the same time, and then walked away side by side.


Yile Ramen.

Uncle Yile frowned slightly as he watched the snowflakes flying outside.

It seems that the snow will not stop in a short time.

But as soon as this thought changed, Chiba and Xue Nai walked in from the outside, and a little snowflakes accumulated on the heads and shoulders of the two small figures.

Seeing Qianye and Xue Nai, a smile appeared on the corner of Uncle Yile's mouth, and he said, "Are you the only two today?"

Speaking of which, these three little guys haven't eaten noodles together for a long time. After the Chunin exam, have there been more tasks?

"Yeah." Chiba nodded, and then said: "Extra large tonkotsu ramen!"

"Okay! What does Xue Nai want to eat!" Uncle Yile asked.

"Ordinary tonkotsu ramen is fine," Xue Nai said.

"Okay!" Uncle Yile responded.

After ordering the meal, Chiba and Xue Nai also skillfully sat down in the seats where they had been sitting. After sitting down, the two of them noticed something unusual and looked at Uncle Yile at the same time.

But at this moment, Uncle Yile didn't turn around to make ramen, but looked at the two carefully.

"What's wrong? Uncle Yile?" Chiba blinked and asked.

"You two..." Uncle Yile frowned slightly, with a serious expression on his face.

"What's wrong with us?" Chiba was taken aback, this was the first time Uncle Le showed such a serious expression.

But when Qianye asked this question, Uncle Yile's expression became more solemn, he looked at him, then at Xue Nai, and said in his mouth: "Could it be that..."

Did you say something?

Qianye and Xue Nai looked at each other, Uncle Yile was indeed a little abnormal today.

"Are you on a date?" Uncle Yile's serious face suddenly turned into a big smile, and said.

"Huh?" Hearing this, Chiba was startled.

Date... about date?

Although Xue Nai remained silent, the pair of small hands hanging on her belly twisted together, her cheeks flushed, her pair of snow-white eyes widened slightly, vacillating, but she lowered her head and did not dare to look at anyone, feeling quite restless.

Could it be that...in this way, it's just...a date?

"It's just going out for breakfast together, how could it be a date?" After Qianye was stunned, the corner of her mouth twitched.

Uncle Le, he will joke around anytime.

At this time, Uncle Yile heard Qianye's words, scratched his head, smiled, and said: "So we are having breakfast together! Haha! I misunderstood!"

With that said, he turned around and prepared ramen.

Hearing this, Xue Nai's hand slowly loosened, and her face slowly returned to normal.

It turns out that this is not a date!

And soon after this little episode, Uncle Yile's noodles came up. As always, he added extra char siu, and Chiba was also wolfing down as usual, and it seemed that there was no change because of the little episode.

On the other hand, Xue Nai, after learning that "this is not a date, it's just breakfast", she quickly returned to normal, eating noodles silently. After this night, she was also hungry. Although the food was still quiet and elegant, but Obviously, the speed has been accelerated a lot.

This breakfast soon ended in Chiba's gobbling.

After eating, the two were planning to go back to the hospital, but as soon as they walked out of Yile Ramen's store, they were stopped by a silent figure.

"Captain Morino?" Chiba raised her head and looked at this silent figure.

"There's a mission." Morino Shinji still had that silent face, but Chiba could tell that Morino Shinko seemed to have changed a bit, as if he was more silent than before, and he also felt a little vicissitudes.

However, Qianye didn't pay much attention to it. When a war is about to break out, some people will always change, especially this Jonin who knows the situation.

Sure enough, is it time to experience some potential seeds? I was right.

"I know, can you give me a little time to prepare?" Chiba glanced at Xue Nai.

And Xue Nai also looked at him, her eyes were full of worry, but she didn't say anything, it is the bounden duty of a ninja to perform tasks.

"I'll be waiting for you at the gate, and the other two are here, you must come over within ten minutes." Morino nods his head.

"Yes." Chiba replied.

After receiving Chiba's affirmative reply, Morino Shinshu disappeared in a flash.

And Chiba said to Xue Nai: "Let's go back to the hospital first and tell Hirohiko."

"Yeah." Xue Nai responded.

So, the two walked side by side into the wind and snow and walked to the hospital.

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