Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2357 Shocked

This is……

this is……

In the silence that seemed to freeze the air, even if the audience present had something to say, they swallowed the words into their throats at this moment, and even everyone's figures leaned back slightly, The eyes also opened bit by bit.

Maybe some people's faces didn't change much, but there was an uncontrollable look of horror in their widened eyes bit by bit.


Even some of Konoha's newcomers, such as Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura, Yamanaka Ino, and those who are relatively weaker and lack sufficient calm control, have already taken half a step back. Subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

This... what is this?

This, is this possible?

And in their hearts, such a thought appeared at the same time.

To them, it seems that what is happening before them, let alone seeing it, is something that they can't imagine.

This... this is...

The strength of this little girl?

able to do this...

And at this time, Kakashi's eyes suddenly turned to Haneda Kazuyo over there.

So, does it mean that Haneda Tatsuhiko also has the same strength?

Grass hidden village...

As his gaze settled, such an indescribable thought flashed through Kakashi's mind.

It's amazing!

This is amazing!

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

And at this moment, in the silence, as if everyone was holding their breath, there were subtle cracking sounds, slowly resounding from the field.

open...open what...

Is this really the strength that a ninja from a small ninja village can have?


It is a small ninja village, can it have such a ninja?


Is this really a ninja cultivated by Cao Yin Village?

And at this moment, amidst the shattering sound, Moonlight Gale, who has always abided by his duties, this time, did not quickly leave the central side of the place, which is the battle field, after the announcement, but turned slightly sideways, He looked at the position where Anna Haneda was.

On his face, there was also that look of shock.

Even, in the slightly dilated pupils, there was no calmness and objectivity that a referee should have.

Rather, it is full of subjective unbelievable colors.


At this moment, even Moonlight Gale was stunned on the spot, almost holding his breath.

Although I know that Caoyin Village is one of the ninja villages of all people, the research on ninjutsu is the most active, and I have made a lot of achievements. Even the ninjas in Caoyin Village are recognized as difficult to deal with in wars. .

Although they may not have mastered tyrannical ninjutsu, their understanding of ninjutsu, especially conventional ninjutsu, even surpassed the country where this kind of ninjutsu was originally developed. Every opponent is impressive.

If the same strength or the difference in strength is not at the crushing level, the ninjas in Caoyin Village are recognized by all ninja villages for their difficulty.

However, in any case, no matter how difficult Caoyin Village is and how actively it studies ninjutsu, after all, no strong man has been born, even in the Hanzo era of Yuyin Village, there is no outstanding case.

This is why the Great Ninja Village can let the Little Ninja Village exist in its surroundings.

Little Ninja Village is, after all, Little Ninja Village.

A force, but not a threat!

Now, Caoyin Village has such ninjas, and there are ninjas like Haneda Ichiyo who can already see the powerful ninjas even though they are not visible.

Perhaps, this is no longer a simple Chunin exam.

Caoyin Village is no longer a simple ninja village.

If, there is such a...

Words from Anna Haneda!

"Crack! Crack! Cack!"

And at this moment, just as thoughts flashed through his mind, the sound of cracking slowly became more intense.

And in his eyes, in their eyes, the girl who took a step forward and squatted slightly in a fighting posture seemed to be even lower in stature.

At this moment, in front of their eyes, this girl has a loose and wobbly appearance, and there is no half hole in her body.

Just now, at the moment when the announcement sounded, she only took a light step, and the girl's posture suddenly changed drastically. Although there was only one movement, it was just a step.

However, that shaky figure with loopholes turned into invulnerable in an instant!

Even, that innocent look disappeared at that moment, replaced by a serious look that almost made people feel a little shuddering, even the originally innocent eyes were almost gone now. There is a breathtaking fighting spirit!

If it wasn't for the innocent look of this little girl just now reverberating in her mind, I am afraid that everyone present would not regard the current Haneda Anna as that innocent little girl.

Rather, it is a ferocious beast that chooses people to devour!

Yes, beast!

Now, this Yana Haneda's demeanor and figure made people think of the word fierce beast naturally.

Although, even if she is serious and full of fighting spirit, she still looks like a cute little girl with a round face, but in the eyes of others, she is a murderer at this moment.

It's an almost instinctive feeling.

As if, their instinct said, the little girl in front of them is not a person, but an indescribable dangerous beast!

However, what really shocked them was not the completely different temperament of this little girl.

But her feet.

The sinking and cracking ground under her feet, under the one-footed foot!

At this moment, this Anna Haneda took a step forward, and in between sinking slightly, the ground was already smashed into pieces. A small dent was centered on the foot she stepped out of, following the cracks like a spider web, continuously sunken outward.

Wisps of smoke and dust are constantly bursting out from the cracks due to the huge force of the squeeze and the cracks in the ground!

It turned into small clouds of smoke and dust, spewing out continuously, spreading out.

And in the one-meter-circle area around Haneda Anna, although there is no crack, it tilts down with this small dent as the center.

It seemed that Anna Haneda's kick not only smashed a small part of the ground under her feet, but even the surrounding ground, which was about one meter round, was slightly dented by the subsequent force of this kick!

That is to say...

Anna Haneda, stepped on the ground and dented it with one foot!

This is……

What a terrifying force!

Just this kick is enough to prove whether the sentence "don't use all your strength" is a disdain for Konoha!

This little girl showed no contempt.

Her strength...

It's totally okay to say this!

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