Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2302 Return


Facing the serious expressions on the faces of the three generations of Hokage, Mitarai Anko, Kamizuki Izumo, and Kokotetsu, without any suspicion on their faces, they all nodded seriously, claiming yes.

There is no doubt in the words and expressions.

"Red bean, it's best not to use too much chakra for at least two hours. Although the curse mark is stable, at this moment, it's better to be on the safe side."

In response, Sandai Hokage nodded, and couldn't help but give another order.


Regarding this, Mitarai Anko's already serious face became even more serious, and she nodded heavily.


Are you ready to fight?

And in her mind, such a thought flashed through.

Mitarai Anko understood the meaning of this sentence very quickly. The occurrence of curse seals has not happened once or twice in the past many years. She's barely getting used to it, but it still happens once a year.

Therefore, she is very clear about what will happen after the curse seal occurs, especially after it is suppressed.

Of course, Sandai Hokage also knew about the issue of the curse seal that had been reported to the village a long time ago and which attracted the attention of the village.

After the curse seal occurs, once it is suppressed, it will be in a kind of absolute dormancy. Unless it is stimulated again, it will be a long period of stability.

But her own chakra will not be a direct stimulating chakra.

In other words, after this suppression, she can completely use her own chakra.

Here, Sandai Hokage does not allow her to use Chakra, which is obviously implied.

Even, this sentence was not addressed to her at all, but to Shenyue Izumo and Gang Zitie behind her.

Among them, a slightly deeper explanation is to let them preserve their strength, or in other words, recharge their batteries, and there will be a tough battle to fight next.

The deeper meaning is to tell them not to act rashly, or not to move, to kill the enemy with one blow, to resolve the battle at the shortest speed, and stabilize the situation.

This coincides with the current situation.

Now, they can't move. After all, there is a Chunin exam. As an international event, it is still the most important thing now. Although the appearance of Orochimaru is also very important, it is more important than Chunin The priority of the exam is still lacking.

If the Chunin exam fails, it will be Konoha's biggest scandal in hundreds of years. Konoha's international influence may plummet, and no one can predict what kind of chemical reaction it will have.

Now, after all, it is not the time when Konoha was first established and had two gods. Besides, after the three ninja world wars, Konoha's outstanding strength is no longer obvious.

Now that there is a Yunyin who can almost equalize with Konoha, at this time, his influence will decline, and I am afraid that Yunyin will come from behind.

At that time, what kind of international and inter-village reactions will the Dainin Village, which is a country established by the military, bring the entire ninja world into the cloud of war? Konoha dare not take this risk.

Of course, it's not that the matter of Orochimaru is not ignored, but it must be handled with caution.

But now, the strategy of the third Hokage is also quite cautious.

If you don't move, you will be dead, if you move, you will thunder, and you will win with one blow.

"Izumo, Zitie, from now on, you will be transferred to the intelligence department to cooperate with all actions of the intelligence department."

In this regard, the third Hokage said again.


Hearing this, Shenyue Izumo and Gang Zitie, standing behind Mitarai Anko, responded at the same time.

While responding, they looked at each other and nodded.

Compared with Mitarai Anko, as a pair of highly valued partners, Shenyue Izumo and Koko Tetsu naturally understand the meaning of Sandai Hokage.

At this time, the appointment of the Third Hokage is to allow them to pass through the intelligence department to spread the idea of ​​recharging their energy, winning in one hit, and solving the undercurrent of the Chunin Exam as quickly as possible.

Spread to the whole village in a way that does not startle the snake.

After all, Orochimaru is one of the Sannin, and there may be more than one of them, so we must be careful when handling information.

And this kind of thinking and political strategy are also important information.

"Go to work, then. I'll be there later."

Hearing the affirmative answer from the three, Sandai Hokage nodded and said so.


And the three of them did not hesitate, and left the room after answering.

"Come out."

Then, watching the three of them leave, and staying until the three of them walked away, the Third Hokage looked at the window and said.

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from the teacher."

And after the sound, a figure slowly walked out from the side at the window, gently opened the window, squatted on the window edge, and there seemed to be a slight wry smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Anything else? Jiraiya."

Hearing this sound, the corners of Sandai Hokage's mouth curled up into a slight smile. Seeing this surprised him the most, and he was also the most accomplished disciple among the three disciples, his voice softened slightly.

The person who comes is just coming.

Did you discover something again?

At this moment, such a thought flashed through the mind of the Third Hokage.

Ten minutes ago, in the underground secret room of the intelligence department, after clearly handing over the task of the wooden sculpture-like corpse and its opponent to Jiraiya, he had already parted from him.

Moreover, all the tasks assigned to Jiraiya have been explained, and even the priorities of the tasks have been confirmed one by one. Both of them already know what they should do and their priorities.

At this time, Zilai also turned back, and there must be some new discoveries, and he must have a dialogue with himself.

After all, the original most stubborn student has undoubtedly grown into the most stable and reassuring one among his three disciples, far exceeding his expectations.

Even, the excess made him feel that his own vision was really not good enough.

Since Jiraiya turned back suddenly, then there must have been some incredible discovery, and he had to find himself and tell himself about it, considering the new mission Jiraiya had accepted.

At this time, the Third Hokage immediately thought of it, and Jilai might have found some important clues, and he wanted to tell himself.

After all, in terms of intelligence, the other two disciples really cannot compare with this Jiraiya.

Even, among the other two disciples, there is also a ninja who is good at collecting information.

This is the skill of an intelligence ninja who has been honed in intelligence work for many years. Even if Orochimaru also has excellent intelligence capabilities, it is still inferior to Jiraiya's professionalism.

"Since the teacher said so, then, I will say it directly, and hope that the teacher can answer me honestly."

And upon hearing the words of the Third Hokage, Jiraiya, who had gone and returned, his face became serious, even slightly heavy, and he opened his mouth and said.

"Say it."

In this regard, the third Hokage frowned slightly.

It seems that Jiraiya really discovered something important.

At the same time, a thought that was similar in content to the previous thought but completely different in emotion appeared in his mind.

Before, there was a trace of hope and delicacy in the calmness.

But now, it is, my heart sank.

"Qianye, are you... still alive?"

And as if to verify his thoughts, Jiraiya, who heard this, showed a more serious and heavy face, and asked.


If so, he asked very solemnly.

In the eyes, there is a kind of reckless firmness.

As if, he must get a clear answer.

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